Example #1
   Bring a job entry into editable forms.
   Coded Jan. 18th, 2002.
   (c) 2002 Adam Drake
// require_once __DIR__."/lib/KLogger.php";  // Include KLogger first so config sets log dir
// Database connection object (Which auto-loads all the site configuration.)
require_once __DIR__ . "/data/DBConnector.php";
$css = "bio.css";
$p_jobid = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST["p_jobid"]) && $_REQUEST["p_jobid"] != "") {
    $p_jobid = $_REQUEST["p_jobid"];
$job_query = "SELECT ALL a.job_id,a.from_date,a.to_date,a.jobtitle,a.company,\n               a.comp_type,a.street,a.city,a.stprv,a.country,\n               a.postcode,a.notes,a.co_workers,\n               DATE_FORMAT(a.from_date, '%b. %Y') AS fmtfromdt,\n               DATE_FORMAT(a.to_date, '%b. %Y') AS fmttodt\n               FROM my_jobs a\n               WHERE (a.job_id = {$p_jobid})\n               LIMIT 1;";
// connect to the database
$db = dbconnector::connect();
//   print($job_query);
// Prepare
$stmt = $db->prepare($job_query);
// Execute
$retVal = $stmt->execute();
// Row count...
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$rs1 = $db->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
$row_count = (int) $rs1->fetchColumn();
// If row count > 0, do stuff...
$stmt = null;
$ctr = 0;
$pagetitle = "My Job: Edit";
// default html header with comments
include "elements/header.php";