function AutogetFileimg_id($scatid, $id)
     //global "";
     global $g_propic;
     $dbfile = new db_test();
     $query = "select * from tb_upload_category_list where fd_cat_scatid='{$scatid}' and fd_cat_id = '{$id}'";
     if ($dbfile->nf()) {
         $catid = $dbfile->f(fd_cat_id);
         $filename = $dbfile->f(fd_cat_name);
         $picname = $dbfile->f(fd_cat_url);
         $thumrul = $dbfile->f(fd_cat_thumurl);
         $display = $dbfile->f(fd_cat_display);
         $thumrul = str_replace("../", "", $thumrul);
         $vpic = "" . $thumrul;
         $returnarray = $vpic . "@@" . $catid;
     } else {
         $thisclass = new oldimgfile();
         $returnarray = $thisclass->readoldfiles($scatid, $dateid);
     if ($returnarray == "" and ($scatid == 5 or $scatid == 35)) {
         $returnarray = $g_propic . "images/null.jpg@@";
     return $returnarray;

header('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=gb2312');
require "../include/";
require_once '../include/json.php';
require "../function/changekg.php";
$db = new db_test();
$query = "select * from web_orderdetail \n        left join  web_order on fd_order_id                = fd_orderdetail_orderid\n        where fd_orderdetail_id='{$id}'";
if ($db->nf()) {
    $state = $db->f(fd_order_state);
if ($state > 1) {
    echo "0@@" . $query;
$query = "update web_orderdetail set fd_orderdetail_quantity = '{$value}'  where fd_orderdetail_id = '{$id}'";
echo "1@@" . $value . $query;
if ($gotype == "sp") {
    $gourl = "tb_creditcard_sp_b.php";
    $titlename = "信用卡还款支付异常";
$gotourl = $gourl . $tempurl;
require "../include/alledit.1.php";
switch ($action) {
    case "pass":
        $query = "update tb_creditcardglist set\n\t\tfd_ccglist_state='{$isok}',fd_ccglist_qrdatetime=now(), fd_ccglist_qrman='{$loginstaname}' \n\t\twhere fd_ccglist_id={$listid}";
        $query1 = "select * from tb_creditcardglist \n\t\t   left join tb_paycard on fd_ccglist_paycardid = fd_paycard_id\n\t\t   where fd_ccglist_id={$listid} ";
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $paycardid = $db->f(fd_paycard_no);
            $memo = $db->f(fd_ccglist_memo);
            $paymode = $db->f(fd_ccglist_arrivemode);
            $payfee = $db->f(fd_ccglist_payfee);
        changeaccountno('in', $payfee, $paycardid, $memo, $paymode, 'tb_creditcardglist', $listid);
        echo "<script>alert('已成功确定转账!');location.href='{$gotourl}'</script>";
$t = new Template(".", "keep");
$t->set_file("creditcard_sp", "creditcard_sp.html");
if (!empty($listid)) {
    $where = "fd_ccglist_id ='{$listid}'";
function getnewssaler($value)
    $db = new db_test();
    $query = "select fd_saler_truename from web_saler where fd_saler_id='{$value}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $salername = $db->f(fd_saler_truename);
        return $salername;
$db1 = new db_test();
$flagcomm = 0;
$query = "select * from tb_salelistdetail where fd_stdetail_seltid = '{$listid}'";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $paycardid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_paycardid);
        $productid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_productid);
        $saleprice = $db->f(fd_stdetail_price);
        $salequantity = $db->f(fd_stdetail_quantity);
        $query = "select * from tb_paycardstockquantity \n\t\t          where fd_skqy_commid = '{$productid}'";
        if ($db1->nf()) {
            $storagequantity = $db1->f(fd_skqy_quantity) + 0;
            if ($storagequantity < $salequantity) {
                //$tmpquantity = $salequantity - $storagequantity;
                $returnquantitypaycardid = $returnquantitypaycardid . "“" . $productid . "”当库存数量为:" . $storagequantity . "\n";
                $flagcomm = 1;
        $query = "select * from tb_storagecost \n\t\t          where fd_sect_commid = '{$productid}'";
        if ($db1->nf()) {
            $storagecost = $db1->f(fd_sect_cost) + 0;
            if ($storagecost >= $saleprice) {
                //$tmpcost = $storagecost - $saleprice;
Example #6
function getallpaymoney()
    $db = new db_test();
    $query = "select sum(fd_agpm_paymoney) as paymoney\n\t\tfrom tb_agentpaymoneylist \n\t\twhere fd_agpm_payrq='00'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $allpaymoney = $db->f(paymoney);
    return $allpaymoney;
Example #7
function checkdeptid($fid)
    $db1 = new db_test();
    $query = "select * from tb_dept where fd_dept_id != '{$fid}'";
    if ($db1->nf()) {
        $check_id = $db1->f(fd_dept_fid);
    return $check_id;
Example #8
function getauthormeal($type)
    $db = new db_test();
    $query = 'select fd_author_' . $type . ',count(fd_author_' . $type . ') as authornum from tb_author group by  fd_author_' . $type . '';
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $id = $db->f('fd_author_' . $type . '');
            $returnvalue[$id] = $db->f(authornum);
    return $returnvalue;
function getusemoney($authorid)
    $db = new db_test();
    $data = date("Y-m-d", time());
    $query = "select * from tb_slotcardmoneyreq\n\t\t\tleft join tb_slotcardmoneyset on fd_scdmset_id = fd_pmreq_paymsetid \n\t\t\twhere fd_pmreq_authorid='{$authorid}' and fd_pmreq_state='9' and fd_pmreq_reqdatetime like '{$data}%'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $allreqmoney += $db->f(fd_pmreq_reqmoney);
        return $allreqmoney;
    } else {
        return "0.00";