function run() { $db = new dataBase(); $db->switchDebug(false); $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM user where user_id >= 0 "; $params = array(); if (isset($_GET['user_id'])) { $sql .= ' and user_id=:user_id'; $params['user_id']['value'] = intval($_GET['user_id']); $params['user_id']['data_type'] = 'integer'; } $db->paramQuery($sql, $params); $users = $db->dbResultFetchAll(); set_time_limit(3600); $total_touched = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { $user_id = $user['user_id']; // repair founds $founds_count = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(id) FROM cache_logs WHERE deleted=0 AND user_id = :1 AND type=1", 0, $user_id); $notfounds_count = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(id) FROM cache_logs WHERE deleted=0 AND user_id = :1 AND type=2", 0, $user_id); $log_notes_count = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(id) FROM cache_logs WHERE deleted=0 AND user_id = :1 AND type=3", 0, $user_id); $cache_watches = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(id) FROM cache_watches WHERE user_id = :1", 0, $user_id); $cache_ignores = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(id) FROM cache_ignore WHERE user_id = :1", 0, $user_id); $hidden_count = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("select count(cache_id) from caches where status in (1,2,3) and user_id = :1", 0, $user_id); $sql = "\n UPDATE user\n SET\n hidden_count=:new_hidden_count,\n cache_ignores=:new_cache_ignores,\n log_notes_count=:new_log_notes_count,\n founds_count=:new_founds_count,\n notfounds_count=:new_notfounds_count,\n cache_watches=:new_cache_watches\n WHERE\n user_id=:user_id\n AND (\n hidden_count is null\n OR cache_ignores is null\n OR log_notes_count is null\n OR founds_count is null\n OR notfounds_count is null\n OR cache_watches is null\n OR hidden_count!=:new_hidden_count\n OR cache_ignores!=:new_cache_ignores\n OR log_notes_count!=:new_log_notes_count\n OR founds_count!=:new_founds_count\n OR notfounds_count!=:new_notfounds_count\n OR cache_watches!=:new_cache_watches\n )\n "; $params = array(); $params['new_hidden_count']['value'] = intval($hidden_count); $params['new_hidden_count']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_cache_ignores']['value'] = intval($cache_ignores); $params['new_cache_ignores']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_log_notes_count']['value'] = intval($log_notes_count); $params['new_log_notes_count']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_founds_count']['value'] = intval($founds_count); $params['new_founds_count']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_notfounds_count']['value'] = intval($notfounds_count); $params['new_notfounds_count']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_cache_watches']['value'] = intval($cache_watches); $params['new_cache_watches']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['user_id']['value'] = intval($user_id); $params['user_id']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $db->paramQuery($sql, $params); if ($db->rowCount() > 0) { echo "<b>user_id={$user_id}</b><br>"; echo "hidden_count={$hidden_count}<br>cache_ignores={$cache_ignores}<br>"; echo "log_notes_count={$log_notes_count}<br>founds_count={$founds_count}<br>"; echo "notfounds_count={$notfounds_count}<br>cache_watches={$cache_watches}<br>"; $total_touched++; } $db->closeCursor(); } set_time_limit(60); unset($db); echo "-----------------------------------<br>total_touched={$total_touched}<br>"; }
$rscc2 = sql("SELECT cache_id, wp_oc, DATE_FORMAT(date_created,'%d-%m-%Y') data FROM caches WHERE status <> 4 AND status <> 5 AND status <> 6 AND user_id=&1 GROUP BY YEAR(`date_created`), MONTH(`date_created`), DAY(`date_created`) ORDER BY YEAR(`date_created`) DESC, MONTH(`date_created`) DESC, DAY(`date_created`) DESC, HOUR(`date_created`) DESC LIMIT 1", $user_id); $rcc2 = mysql_fetch_array($rscc2); $rsc = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) number FROM caches WHERE status <> 4 AND status <> 5 AND user_id=&1 GROUP BY YEAR(`date_created`), MONTH(`date_created`), DAY(`date_created`) ORDER BY number DESC LIMIT 1", $user_id); $rc = sql_fetch_array($rsc); $rsncd = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM caches WHERE status <> 5 AND status <> 4 AND user_id=&1 GROUP BY YEAR(`date_created`), MONTH(`date_created`), DAY(`date_created`)", $user_id); $rsnca = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM caches WHERE status <> 2 AND status <> 3 AND status <> 5 AND status <> 4 AND user_id=&1 GROUP BY YEAR(`date_created`), MONTH(`date_created`), DAY(`date_created`)", $user_id); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($rsnca); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($rsncd); if ($ddays['diff'] != 0) { $aver1 = round($user_record['hidden_count'] / $ddays['diff'], 2); } else { $aver1 = 0; } $aver2 = round($user_record['hidden_count'] / $num_rows, 2); // total owned $total_owned_caches = $database->multiVariableQueryValue("select count(cache_id) from caches where user_id = :1 and status in (1,2,3) and type not in (6)", 0, $user_id); // total adopted $total_owned_caches_adopted = $database->multiVariableQueryValue("select count(cache_id) from caches where user_id = :1 and org_user_id <> user_id and status in (1,2,3) and type not in (6)", 0, $user_id); // created and owned $total_created_and_owned_caches = $database->multiVariableQueryValue("select count(cache_id) from caches where user_id = :1 and (org_user_id = user_id or org_user_id is null) and status in (1,2,3) and type not in (6)", 0, $user_id); // created, but given to adoption $total_created_caches_adopted = $database->multiVariableQueryValue("select count(cache_id) from caches where org_user_id = :1 and org_user_id <> user_id and status in (1,2,3) and type not in (6)", 0, $user_id); $total_created_caches = $total_created_and_owned_caches + $total_created_caches_adopted; $content .= '<p><span class="content-title-noshade txt-blue08">' . tr('total_owned_caches') . ': </span><strong>' . $total_owned_caches . '</strong>'; if ($total_owned_caches == 0) { $content .= '</p>'; } else { $content .= ' <img src="tpl/stdstyle/images/blue/arrow.png" alt="" /> [<a class="links" href="search.php?showresult=1&expert=0&output=HTML&sort=bycreated&ownerid=' . $user_id . '&cachetype=1111101111&searchbyowner=&f_inactive=0&f_ignored=0&f_userfound=0&f_userowner=0">' . tr('show') . '</a>]</p>'; if ($total_owned_caches_adopted > 0) { $content .= '<p><span class="content-title-noshade txt-blue08">' . tr('total_owned_caches_adopted') . ': </span><strong>' . $total_owned_caches_adopted . '</strong></p>'; }
function run() { $db = new dataBase(); $db->switchDebug(false); $sql = "SELECT cache_id, status FROM caches"; $params = array(); if (isset($_GET['cache_id'])) { $sql .= ' where cache_id=:cache_id'; $params['cache_id']['value'] = intval($_GET['cache_id']); $params['cache_id']['data_type'] = 'integer'; } $db->paramQuery($sql, $params); $caches = $db->dbResultFetchAll(); set_time_limit(3600); $total_touched = 0; foreach ($caches as $cache) { $cache_id = $cache['cache_id']; // usuniecie falszywych ocen //echo "cache_logs.cache_id=".sql_escape($rs['cache_id']).", user.username="******"<br />"; //$sql = "DELETE FROM scores WHERE cache_id = '".sql_escape($rs['cache_id'])."' AND user_id = '".sql_escape($rs['user_id'])."'"; //mysql_query($sql); $db->multiVariableQuery("delete from scores where cache_id = :1 and user_id not in (\n select user_id from cache_logs where deleted=0 and cache_id = :2\n )", $cache_id, $cache_id); // zliczenie ocen po usunieciu $db->multiVariableQuery("SELECT avg(score) as avg_score, count(score) as votes FROM scores WHERE cache_id = :1", $cache_id); $row = $db->dbResultFetch(); if ($row == false) { $liczba = 0; $srednia = 0; } else { $liczba = $row['votes']; if ($liczba > 0) { $srednia = round($row['avg_score'], 4); } else { $srednia = 0; } } unset($row); $db->closeCursor(); // repair founds $founds = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_logs WHERE deleted=0 AND cache_id = :1 AND (type=1 OR type=7)", 0, $cache_id); $notfounds = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_logs WHERE deleted=0 AND cache_id = :1 AND (type=2 OR type=8)", 0, $cache_id); $notes = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_logs WHERE deleted=0 AND cache_id = :1 AND type=3", 0, $cache_id); $watchers = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_watches WHERE cache_id = :1", 0, $cache_id); $ignorers = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_ignore WHERE cache_id = :1", 0, $cache_id); $sql = "\n UPDATE caches\n SET\n votes=:new_votes,\n score=:new_score,\n founds=:new_founds,\n notfounds=:new_notfounds,\n notes=:new_notes,\n watcher=:new_watchers,\n ignorer_count=:new_ignorers\n WHERE\n cache_id=:cache_id\n AND (\n votes is null\n OR score is null\n OR founds is null\n OR notfounds is null\n OR notes is null\n OR watcher is null\n OR ignorer_count is null\n OR votes!=:new_votes\n OR abs(score-:new_score)>0.0001\n OR founds!=:new_founds\n OR notfounds!=:new_notfounds\n OR notes!=:new_notes\n OR watcher!=:new_watchers\n OR ignorer_count!=:new_ignorers\n )\n "; $params = array(); $params['new_votes']['value'] = intval($liczba); $params['new_votes']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_score']['value'] = strval($srednia); $params['new_score']['data_type'] = 'string'; $params['new_founds']['value'] = intval($founds); $params['new_founds']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_notfounds']['value'] = intval($notfounds); $params['new_notfounds']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_notes']['value'] = intval($notes); $params['new_notes']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_watchers']['value'] = intval($watchers); $params['new_watchers']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_ignorers']['value'] = intval($ignorers); $params['new_ignorers']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['cache_id']['value'] = intval($cache_id); $params['cache_id']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $db->paramQuery($sql, $params); if ($db->rowCount() > 0) { echo "<b>cache_id={$cache_id}</b><br>"; echo "ratings={$liczba}<br>rating={$srednia}<br>"; echo "founds={$founds}<br>notfounds={$notfounds}<br>"; echo "notes={$notes}<br>watchers={$watchers}<br>"; echo "ignorers={$ignorers}<br>"; $total_touched++; } $db->closeCursor(); } set_time_limit(60); unset($db); echo "-----------------------------------<br>total_touched={$total_touched}<br>"; }
if ($error == false && isset($usr['userid'])) { tpl_set_var('error_msg', ""); tpl_set_var('info_msg', ""); tpl_set_var('start_przejmij', "<!--"); tpl_set_var('end_przejmij', "-->"); tpl_set_var('acceptList', ""); tpl_set_var('cacheList', ""); // wybor wlasciciela - mozna zmieniac tylko swoje skrzynki... chyba, ze jest sie czlonkiem oc team if (isset($_GET['cacheid']) && (isUserOwner($usr['userid'], $_GET['cacheid']) && !isset($_GET['abort']) && !isset($_GET['accept']))) { tpl_set_var('cachename', getCacheName($_GET['cacheid'])); tpl_set_var('cacheid', $_GET['cacheid']); $tplname = "chowner_chooseuser"; } else { if (isset($_GET['accept']) && $_GET['accept'] == 1) { $sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM chowner WHERE cache_id = :1 AND user_id = :2"; $potwierdzenie = $db->multiVariableQueryValue($sql, 0, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']); if ($potwierdzenie > 0) { // zmiana wlasciciela tpl_set_var("error_msg", tr('adopt_30')); tpl_set_var("info_msg", ""); $db->beginTransaction(); require_once $rootpath . 'lib/'; $pco = new OrgCacheOwners($db); $pco->populateForCache($_GET['cacheid']); $oldOwnerId = getCacheOwner($_GET['cacheid']); $isCachePublished = isCachePublished($_GET['cacheid']); $sql = "DELETE FROM chowner WHERE cache_id = :1 AND user_id = :2"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']); if ($isCachePublished) { $sql = "UPDATE caches SET user_id = :2, org_user_id = IF(org_user_id IS NULL, :3, org_user_id) WHERE cache_id= :1"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid'], $oldOwnerId);
$db->multiVariableQuery($sql, (int) $usr['userid']); $userinfo = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly(); $description = $userinfo['description']; $bulletin = $userinfo['get_bulletin']; tpl_set_var('bulletin_label', $bulletin == 1 ? tr('bulletin_label_yes') : tr('bulletin_label_no')); tpl_set_var('bulletin_value', $bulletin); tpl_set_var('is_checked', $bulletin == 1 ? "checked" : ""); tpl_set_var('description', $description); $tplname = 'myprofile'; $using_permantent_login_message = tr('no_auto_logout'); $no_htmledit_message = tr('hide_html_editor'); $notify_radius_message = tr('notify_new_caches_radius') . ' {radius} km'; $no_notify_message = tr('no_new_caches_notification'); // check user can set as Geocaching guide // Number of recommendations $nrecom = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT SUM(topratings) as nrecom FROM caches WHERE `caches`.`user_id`= :1", 0, $usr['userid']); if ($nrecom >= 20) { tpl_set_var('guide_start', ''); tpl_set_var('guide_end', ''); } else { tpl_set_var('guide_start', '<!--'); tpl_set_var('guide_end', '-->'); } $sql = "SELECT `guru`,`username`, `email`, `country`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `date_created`, `permanent_login_flag`, `power_trail_email`, `notify_radius`, `ozi_filips` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`=:1 "; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, (int) $usr['userid']); $record = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly(); if ($record['guru'] == 1) { tpl_set_var('guides_start', ''); tpl_set_var('guides_end', ''); } else { tpl_set_var('guides_start', '<!--');