function subvalue() { /** * Do action before optimizing the subvalue * * @since ? * @module Custom_CSS * @param safecss $obj **/ do_action('csstidy_optimize_subvalue', $this); return parent::subvalue(); }
function subvalue() { $this->sub_value = trim($this->sub_value); // Send any urls through our filter if (preg_match('!^\\s*url\\s*(?:\\(|\\\\0028)(.*)(?:\\)|\\\\0029).*$!Dis', $this->sub_value, $matches)) { $this->sub_value = $this->safe_clean_url($matches[1]); } // Strip any expressions if (preg_match('!^\\s*expression!Dis', $this->sub_value)) { $this->sub_value = ''; } return parent::subvalue(); }
function subvalue() { /** * Fires before optimizing the Custom CSS subvalue. * * @module custom-css * * @since 1.8.0 * * @param obj $this CSSTidy object. **/ do_action('csstidy_optimize_subvalue', $this); return parent::subvalue(); }
function subvalue() { do_action('csstidy_optimize_subvalue', $this); return parent::subvalue(); }
/** * Merges all background properties * @param array $input_css * @return array * @version 1.0 * @see dissolve_short_bg() * @todo full CSS 3 compliance */ function merge_bg($input_css) { $background_prop_default =& $GLOBALS['csstidy']['background_prop_default']; // Max number of background images. CSS3 not yet fully implemented $number_of_values = @max(count(csstidy_optimise::explode_ws(',', $input_css['background-image'])), count(csstidy_optimise::explode_ws(',', $input_css['background-color'])), 1); // Array with background images to check if BG image exists $bg_img_array = @csstidy_optimise::explode_ws(',', $this->parser->gvw_important($input_css['background-image'])); $new_bg_value = ''; $important = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_values; $i++) { foreach ($background_prop_default as $bg_property => $default_value) { // Skip if property does not exist if (!isset($input_css[$bg_property])) { continue; } $cur_value = $input_css[$bg_property]; // Skip some properties if there is no background image if ((!isset($bg_img_array[$i]) || $bg_img_array[$i] === 'none') && ($bg_property === 'background-size' || $bg_property === 'background-position' || $bg_property === 'background-attachment' || $bg_property === 'background-repeat')) { continue; } // Remove !important if ($this->parser->is_important($cur_value)) { $important = ' !important'; $cur_value = $this->parser->gvw_important($cur_value); } // Do not add default values if ($cur_value === $default_value) { continue; } $temp = csstidy_optimise::explode_ws(',', $cur_value); if (isset($temp[$i])) { if ($bg_property == 'background-size') { $new_bg_value .= '(' . $temp[$i] . ') '; } else { $new_bg_value .= $temp[$i] . ' '; } } } $new_bg_value = trim($new_bg_value); if ($i != $number_of_values - 1) { $new_bg_value .= ','; } } // Delete all background-properties foreach ($background_prop_default as $bg_property => $default_value) { unset($input_css[$bg_property]); } // Add new background property if ($new_bg_value !== '') { $input_css['background'] = $new_bg_value . $important; } return $input_css; }
/** * Dissolve font property * @param string $str_value * @return array * @version 1.3 * @see merge_font() */ function dissolve_short_font($str_value) { $font_prop_default =& $GLOBALS['csstidy']['font_prop_default']; $font_weight = array('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900); $font_variant = array('normal', 'small-caps'); $font_style = array('normal', 'italic', 'oblique'); $important = ''; $return = array('font-style' => null, 'font-variant' => null, 'font-weight' => null, 'font-size' => null, 'line-height' => null, 'font-family' => null); if (csstidy::is_important($str_value)) { $important = '!important'; $str_value = csstidy::gvw_important($str_value); } $have['style'] = false; $have['variant'] = false; $have['weight'] = false; $have['size'] = false; // Detects if font-family consists of several words w/o quotes $multiwords = false; // Workaround with multiple font-family $str_value = csstidy_optimise::explode_ws(',', trim($str_value)); $str_value[0] = csstidy_optimise::explode_ws(' ', trim($str_value[0])); for ($j = 0; $j < count($str_value[0]); $j++) { if ($have['weight'] === false && in_array($str_value[0][$j], $font_weight)) { $return['font-weight'] = $str_value[0][$j]; $have['weight'] = true; } elseif ($have['variant'] === false && in_array($str_value[0][$j], $font_variant)) { $return['font-variant'] = $str_value[0][$j]; $have['variant'] = true; } elseif ($have['style'] === false && in_array($str_value[0][$j], $font_style)) { $return['font-style'] = $str_value[0][$j]; $have['style'] = true; } elseif ($have['size'] === false && (is_numeric($str_value[0][$j][0]) || $str_value[0][$j][0] === null || $str_value[0][$j][0] === '.')) { $size = csstidy_optimise::explode_ws('/', trim($str_value[0][$j])); $return['font-size'] = $size[0]; if (isset($size[1])) { $return['line-height'] = $size[1]; } else { $return['line-height'] = ''; // don't add 'normal' ! } $have['size'] = true; } else { if (isset($return['font-family'])) { $return['font-family'] .= ' ' . $str_value[0][$j]; $multiwords = true; } else { $return['font-family'] = $str_value[0][$j]; } } } // add quotes if we have several qords in font-family if ($multiwords !== false) { $return['font-family'] = '"' . $return['font-family'] . '"'; } $i = 1; while (isset($str_value[$i])) { $return['font-family'] .= ',' . trim($str_value[$i]); $i++; } // Fix for 100 and more font-size if ($have['size'] === false && isset($return['font-weight']) && is_numeric($return['font-weight'][0])) { $return['font-size'] = $return['font-weight']; unset($return['font-weight']); } foreach ($font_prop_default as $font_prop => $default_value) { if ($return[$font_prop] !== null) { $return[$font_prop] = $return[$font_prop] . $important; } else { $return[$font_prop] = $default_value . $important; } } return $return; }
/** * Optimises shorthands * @access private * @version 1.0 */ private function shorthands() { $shorthands =& $this->meta_css['shorthands']; if (!$this->get_cfg('optimise_shorthands') || $this->get_cfg('preserve_css')) { return; } if ($this->property === 'font' && $this->get_cfg('optimise_shorthands') > 0) { unset($this->css[$this->at][$this->selector]['font']); $this->merge_css_blocks($this->at, $this->selector, csstidy_optimise::dissolve_short_font($this->value)); } if ($this->property === 'background' && $this->get_cfg('optimise_shorthands') > 1) { unset($this->css[$this->at][$this->selector]['background']); $this->merge_css_blocks($this->at, $this->selector, csstidy_optimise::dissolve_short_bg($this->value)); } if (isset($shorthands[$this->property])) { $this->merge_css_blocks($this->at, $this->selector, csstidy_optimise::dissolve_4value_shorthands($this->property, $this->value)); if (is_array($shorthands[$this->property])) { unset($this->css[$this->at][$this->selector][$this->property]); } } }
/** * Optimises a sub-value. */ function subvalue() { /** This action is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */ do_action('csstidy_optimize_subvalue', $this); return parent::subvalue(); }