Example #1
    $idedificio = required_param('edificio', PARAM_INT);
    // si el eficio tiene salas asociadas a el, se buscan y borran
    if ($salas = $DB->get_records('reservasalas_salas', array('edificios_id' => $idedificio))) {
        foreach ($salas as $sala) {
            $DB->delete_records('reservasalas_reservas', array('salas_id' => $sala->id));
        $DB->delete_records('reservasalas_salas', array('edificios_id' => $idedificio));
    $DB->delete_records('reservasalas_edificios', array('id' => $idedificio));
    $action = "ver";
// Se crea un edificio nuevo
if ($action == 'crear') {
    // Formulario de creción
    $crearedificio = new createBuildingTwoAdminRoom();
    if ($crearedificio->is_cancelled()) {
        $action = 'ver';
        // si el formulario de creacion no se cancelo y tiene los datos validados se crea el edificio
    } else {
        if ($fromform = $crearedificio->get_data()) {
            $record = new stdClass();
            $record->nombre = $fromform->edificio;
            $record->sedes_id = $fromform->sede;
            $explode = $fromform->modules;
            // se crea el edificio y su sede asosiada
            if ($DB->insert_record('reservasalas_edificios', $record)) {
                $recordtwo = new stdClass();
                $buildingid = $DB->get_record('reservasalas_edificios', array('nombre' => $fromform->edificio, 'sedes_id' => $fromform->sede));
                $modulesArray = array();
                $modulesArray = explode('#', $explode);
                $steps = array();
Example #2
    $idbuilding = required_param('building', PARAM_INT);
    // If the building is associated with the rooms , are searched and deleted
    if ($rooms = $DB->get_records('bookingrooms_rooms', array('buildings_id' => $idbuilding))) {
        foreach ($rooms as $room) {
            $DB->delete_records('bookingrooms_reserves', array('rooms_id' => $room->id));
        $DB->delete_records('bookingrooms_rooms', array('buildings_id' => $idbuilding));
    $DB->delete_records('bookingrooms_buildings', array('id' => $idbuilding));
    $action = "view";
// A new building was created
if ($action == 'create') {
    // Form creation
    $createbuilding = new createBuildingTwoAdminRoom();
    if ($createbuilding->is_cancelled()) {
        $action = 'view';
        // If the form of creation and has not canceled the building validated data is created
    } else {
        if ($fromform = $createbuilding->get_data()) {
            $record = new stdClass();
            $record->name = $fromform->building;
            $record->campus_id = $fromform->campus;
            $explode = $fromform->modules;
            // It creates the building and its campus asociate
            if ($DB->insert_record('bookingrooms_buildings', $record)) {
                $recordtwo = new stdClass();
                $buildingid = $DB->get_record('bookingrooms_buildings', array('name' => $fromform->building, 'campus_id' => $fromform->campus));
                $modulesArray = array();
                $modulesArray = explode('#', $explode);
                $steps = array();