cwp::add_widget('info 3', 'info-3', 'Display widgets in the third footer box');
cwp::add_widget('info 4', 'info-4', 'Display widgets in the fourth footer box');
cwp::add_widget('info 5', 'info-5', 'Display widgets in the fifth footer box');
cwp::add_widget('Widget Page', 'widget-page', 'Display widgets on the widget-page tpl');
cwp::add_widget('404 Page', '404-page', 'Display widgets on the 404-page tpl');
 * footer
add_action('wp_footer', 'theme_footer');
function theme_footer()
 * add thumbnails to editior list
 * add post style to TinyMCS editor
 * custom post types
//$order = new cwp_orders();
 * Adapt.js/960 grid
 * Tinymce Style Buttons