Example #1
 * Prepare list of roles for display, apply aliases and localise default role names.
 * @param array $roleoptions array roleid => roleobject (with optional coursealias), strings are accepted for backwards compatibility only
 * @param context $context the context, null means system context
 * @param int $rolenamedisplay
 * @param bool $returnmenu null means keep the same format as $roleoptions, true means id=>localname, false means id=>rolerecord
 * @return array Array of context-specific role names, or role objects with a ->localname field added.
function role_fix_names($roleoptions, context $context = null, $rolenamedisplay = ROLENAME_ALIAS, $returnmenu = null) {
    global $DB;

    if (empty($roleoptions)) {
        return array();

    if (!$context or !$coursecontext = $context->get_course_context(false)) {
        $coursecontext = null;

    // We usually need all role columns...
    $first = reset($roleoptions);
    if ($returnmenu === null) {
        $returnmenu = !is_object($first);

    if (!is_object($first) or !property_exists($first, 'shortname')) {
        $allroles = get_all_roles($context);
        foreach ($roleoptions as $rid => $unused) {
            $roleoptions[$rid] = $allroles[$rid];

    // Inject coursealias if necessary.
    if ($coursecontext and ($rolenamedisplay == ROLENAME_ALIAS_RAW or $rolenamedisplay == ROLENAME_ALIAS or $rolenamedisplay == ROLENAME_BOTH)) {
        $first = reset($roleoptions);
        if (!property_exists($first, 'coursealias')) {
            $aliasnames = $DB->get_records('role_names', array('contextid'=>$coursecontext->id));
            foreach ($aliasnames as $alias) {
                if (isset($roleoptions[$alias->roleid])) {
                    $roleoptions[$alias->roleid]->coursealias = $alias->name;

    // Add localname property.
    foreach ($roleoptions as $rid => $role) {
        $roleoptions[$rid]->localname = role_get_name($role, $coursecontext, $rolenamedisplay);

    if (!$returnmenu) {
        return $roleoptions;

    $menu = array();
    foreach ($roleoptions as $rid => $role) {
        $menu[$rid] = $role->localname;

    return $menu;
Example #2
 * Returns current course id or null if outside of course based on context parameter.
 * @deprecated since 2.2, use  $context->get_course_context instead
 * @param context $context
 * @return int|bool related course id or false
function get_courseid_from_context(context $context)
    if ($coursecontext = $context->get_course_context(false)) {
        return $coursecontext->instanceid;
    } else {
        return false;
Example #3
 * Return a list of page types
 * @param string $pagetype current page type
 * @param context $parentcontext Block's parent context
 * @param context $currentcontext Current context of block
 * @return array array of page types
function course_page_type_list($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext)
    if ($pagetype === 'course-index' || $pagetype === 'course-index-category') {
        // For courses and categories browsing pages (/course/index.php) add option to show on ANY category page
        $pagetypes = array('*' => get_string('page-x', 'pagetype'), 'course-index-*' => get_string('page-course-index-x', 'pagetype'));
    } else {
        if ($currentcontext && (!($coursecontext = $currentcontext->get_course_context(false)) || $coursecontext->instanceid == SITEID)) {
            // We know for sure that despite pagetype starts with 'course-' this is not a page in course context (i.e. /course/search.php, etc.)
            $pagetypes = array('*' => get_string('page-x', 'pagetype'));
        } else {
            // Otherwise consider it a page inside a course even if $currentcontext is null
            $pagetypes = array('*' => get_string('page-x', 'pagetype'), 'course-*' => get_string('page-course-x', 'pagetype'), 'course-view-*' => get_string('page-course-view-x', 'pagetype'));
    return $pagetypes;
Example #4
 * Returns current course id or false if outside of course based on context parameter.
 * @see context::get_course_context()
 * @deprecated since 2.2
 * @param context $context
 * @return int|bool related course id or false
function get_courseid_from_context(context $context)
    debugging('get_courseid_from_context() is deprecated, please use $context->get_course_context(false) instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
    if ($coursecontext = $context->get_course_context(false)) {
        return $coursecontext->instanceid;
    } else {
        return false;
Example #5
 * Given context and array of users, returns array of user ids whose enrolment status is suspended,
 * or enrolment has expired or not started.
 * @param context $context context in which user enrolment is checked.
 * @param bool $usecache Enable or disable (default) the request cache
 * @return array list of suspended user id's.
function get_suspended_userids(context $context, $usecache = false)
    global $DB;
    if ($usecache) {
        $cache = cache::make('core', 'suspended_userids');
        $susers = $cache->get($context->id);
        if ($susers !== false) {
            return $susers;
    $coursecontext = $context->get_course_context();
    $susers = array();
    // Front page users are always enrolled, so suspended list is empty.
    if ($coursecontext->instanceid != SITEID) {
        list($sql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, null, null, false, true);
        $susers = $DB->get_fieldset_sql($sql, $params);
        $susers = array_combine($susers, $susers);
    // Cache results for the remainder of this request.
    if ($usecache) {
        $cache->set($context->id, $susers);
    return $susers;
Example #6
 * Returns array with sql joins and parameters returning all ids
 * of users enrolled into course.
 * This function is using 'ej[0-9]+_' prefix for table names and parameters.
 * @throws coding_exception
 * @param context $context
 * @param string $useridcolumn User id column used the calling query, e.g. u.id
 * @param bool $onlyactive consider only active enrolments in enabled plugins and time restrictions
 * @param bool $onlysuspended inverse of onlyactive, consider only suspended enrolments
 * @return \core\dml\sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params
function get_enrolled_join(context $context, $useridcolumn, $onlyactive = false, $onlysuspended = false)
    // Use unique prefix just in case somebody makes some SQL magic with the result.
    static $i = 0;
    $prefix = 'ej' . $i . '_';
    // First find the course context.
    $coursecontext = $context->get_course_context();
    $isfrontpage = $coursecontext->instanceid == SITEID;
    if ($onlyactive && $onlysuspended) {
        throw new coding_exception("Both onlyactive and onlysuspended are set, this is probably not what you want!");
    if ($isfrontpage && $onlysuspended) {
        throw new coding_exception("onlysuspended is not supported on frontpage; please add your own early-exit!");
    $joins = array();
    $wheres = array();
    $params = array();
    $wheres[] = "1 = 1";
    // Prevent broken where clauses later on.
    // Note all users are "enrolled" on the frontpage, but for others...
    if (!$isfrontpage) {
        $where1 = "{$prefix}ue.status = :{$prefix}active AND {$prefix}e.status = :{$prefix}enabled";
        $where2 = "{$prefix}ue.timestart < :{$prefix}now1 AND ({$prefix}ue.timeend = 0 OR {$prefix}ue.timeend > :{$prefix}now2)";
        $ejoin = "JOIN {enrol} {$prefix}e ON ({$prefix}e.id = {$prefix}ue.enrolid AND {$prefix}e.courseid = :{$prefix}courseid)";
        $params[$prefix . 'courseid'] = $coursecontext->instanceid;
        if (!$onlysuspended) {
            $joins[] = "JOIN {user_enrolments} {$prefix}ue ON {$prefix}ue.userid = {$useridcolumn}";
            $joins[] = $ejoin;
            if ($onlyactive) {
                $wheres[] = "{$where1} AND {$where2}";
        } else {
            // Suspended only where there is enrolment but ALL are suspended.
            // Consider multiple enrols where one is not suspended or plain role_assign.
            $enrolselect = "SELECT DISTINCT {$prefix}ue.userid FROM {user_enrolments} {$prefix}ue {$ejoin} WHERE {$where1} AND {$where2}";
            $joins[] = "JOIN {user_enrolments} {$prefix}ue1 ON {$prefix}ue1.userid = {$useridcolumn}";
            $joins[] = "JOIN {enrol} {$prefix}e1 ON ({$prefix}e1.id = {$prefix}ue1.enrolid\n                    AND {$prefix}e1.courseid = :{$prefix}_e1_courseid)";
            $params["{$prefix}_e1_courseid"] = $coursecontext->instanceid;
            $wheres[] = "{$useridcolumn} NOT IN ({$enrolselect})";
        if ($onlyactive || $onlysuspended) {
            $now = round(time(), -2);
            // Rounding helps caching in DB.
            $params = array_merge($params, array($prefix . 'enabled' => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED, $prefix . 'active' => ENROL_USER_ACTIVE, $prefix . 'now1' => $now, $prefix . 'now2' => $now));
    $joins = implode("\n", $joins);
    $wheres = implode(" AND ", $wheres);
    return new \core\dml\sql_join($joins, $wheres, $params);
Example #7
 * Gets sql joins for finding users with a capability in the given context
 * @param context $context
 * @param string $capability
 * @param string $useridcolumn e.g. u.id
 * @return \core\dml\sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params
function get_with_capability_join(context $context, $capability, $useridcolumn)
    global $DB, $CFG;
    // Use unique prefix just in case somebody makes some SQL magic with the result.
    static $i = 0;
    $prefix = 'eu' . $i . '_';
    // First find the course context.
    $coursecontext = $context->get_course_context();
    $isfrontpage = $coursecontext->instanceid == SITEID;
    $joins = array();
    $wheres = array();
    $params = array();
    list($contextids, $contextpaths) = get_context_info_list($context);
    list($incontexts, $cparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($contextids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'ctx');
    $cparams['cap'] = $capability;
    $defs = array();
    $sql = "SELECT rc.id, rc.roleid, rc.permission, ctx.path\n              FROM {role_capabilities} rc\n              JOIN {context} ctx on rc.contextid = ctx.id\n             WHERE rc.contextid {$incontexts} AND rc.capability = :cap";
    $rcs = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $cparams);
    foreach ($rcs as $rc) {
        $defs[$rc->path][$rc->roleid] = $rc->permission;
    $access = array();
    if (!empty($defs)) {
        foreach ($contextpaths as $path) {
            if (empty($defs[$path])) {
            foreach ($defs[$path] as $roleid => $perm) {
                if ($perm == CAP_PROHIBIT) {
                    $access[$roleid] = CAP_PROHIBIT;
                if (!isset($access[$roleid])) {
                    $access[$roleid] = (int) $perm;
    // Make lists of roles that are needed and prohibited.
    $needed = array();
    // One of these is enough.
    $prohibited = array();
    // Must not have any of these.
    foreach ($access as $roleid => $perm) {
        if ($perm == CAP_PROHIBIT) {
            $prohibited[$roleid] = true;
        } else {
            if ($perm == CAP_ALLOW and empty($prohibited[$roleid])) {
                $needed[$roleid] = true;
    $defaultuserroleid = isset($CFG->defaultuserroleid) ? $CFG->defaultuserroleid : 0;
    $defaultfrontpageroleid = isset($CFG->defaultfrontpageroleid) ? $CFG->defaultfrontpageroleid : 0;
    $nobody = false;
    if ($isfrontpage) {
        if (!empty($prohibited[$defaultuserroleid]) or !empty($prohibited[$defaultfrontpageroleid])) {
            $nobody = true;
        } else {
            if (!empty($needed[$defaultuserroleid]) or !empty($needed[$defaultfrontpageroleid])) {
                // Everybody not having prohibit has the capability.
                $needed = array();
            } else {
                if (empty($needed)) {
                    $nobody = true;
    } else {
        if (!empty($prohibited[$defaultuserroleid])) {
            $nobody = true;
        } else {
            if (!empty($needed[$defaultuserroleid])) {
                // Everybody not having prohibit has the capability.
                $needed = array();
            } else {
                if (empty($needed)) {
                    $nobody = true;
    if ($nobody) {
        // Nobody can match so return some SQL that does not return any results.
        $wheres[] = "1 = 2";
    } else {
        if ($needed) {
            $ctxids = implode(',', $contextids);
            $roleids = implode(',', array_keys($needed));
            $joins[] = "JOIN {role_assignments} {$prefix}ra3\n                    ON ({$prefix}ra3.userid = {$useridcolumn}\n                    AND {$prefix}ra3.roleid IN ({$roleids})\n                    AND {$prefix}ra3.contextid IN ({$ctxids}))";
        if ($prohibited) {
            $ctxids = implode(',', $contextids);
            $roleids = implode(',', array_keys($prohibited));
            $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {role_assignments} {$prefix}ra4\n                    ON ({$prefix}ra4.userid = {$useridcolumn}\n                    AND {$prefix}ra4.roleid IN ({$roleids})\n                    AND {$prefix}ra4.contextid IN ({$ctxids}))";
            $wheres[] = "{$prefix}ra4.id IS NULL";
    $wheres[] = "{$useridcolumn} <> :{$prefix}guestid";
    $params["{$prefix}guestid"] = $CFG->siteguest;
    $joins = implode("\n", $joins);
    $wheres = "(" . implode(" AND ", $wheres) . ")";
    return new \core\dml\sql_join($joins, $wheres, $params);