Example #1
 public function init()
     $catid = intval($_GET['catid']);
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!$catid || !$id) {
         showmessage(L('information_does_not_exist'), 'blank');
     $_userid = $this->_userid;
     $_username = $this->_username;
     $_groupid = $this->_groupid;
     $page = intval($_GET['page']);
     $page = max($page, 1);
     $siteids = getcache('category_content', 'commons');
     $siteid = $siteids[$catid];
     $CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_' . $siteid, 'commons');
     if (!isset($CATEGORYS[$catid]) || $CATEGORYS[$catid]['type'] != 0) {
         showmessage(L('information_does_not_exist'), 'blank');
     $this->category = $CAT = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
     $this->category_setting = $CAT['setting'] = string2array($this->category['setting']);
     $siteid = $GLOBALS['siteid'] = $CAT['siteid'];
     $MODEL = getcache('model', 'commons');
     $modelid = $CAT['modelid'];
     $tablename = $this->db->table_name = $this->db->db_tablepre . $MODEL[$modelid]['tablename'];
     $r = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
     if (!$r || $r['status'] != 99) {
         showmessage(L('info_does_not_exists'), 'blank');
     $this->db->table_name = $tablename . '_data';
     $r2 = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
     $rs = $r2 ? array_merge($r, $r2) : $r;
     $catid = $CATEGORYS[$r['catid']]['catid'];
     $modelid = $CATEGORYS[$catid]['modelid'];
     require_once CACHE_MODEL_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
     $data = $content_output->get($rs);
     $arrparentid = explode(',', $CAT['arrparentid']);
     $top_parentid = $arrparentid[1] ? $arrparentid[1] : $catid;
     $template = 'demo';
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($keywords)) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
     $SEO = seo($siteid, $catid, $title, $description, $seo_keywords);
     include template('content', $template);
  * 帐号管理 
 public function account_manage()
     $userid = (int) AppframeAction::$Cache['uid'];
     $Member = M("Member");
     $data = $Member->where(array("userid" => $userid))->find();
     if (!$data) {
         $this->error("请先登陆!", U("Index/login"));
     require_once RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
     $modelid = AppframeAction::$Cache['User']['modelid'];
     $Model_Member = F("Model_Member");
     $tablename = $Model_Member[$modelid]['tablename'];
     $modeldata = M(ucwords($tablename))->where(array("userid" => $userid))->find();
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($modeldata);
     $Model_field = F("Model_field_" . $modelid);
     $this->assign("output_data", $output_data);
     $this->assign("Model_field", $Model_field);
Example #3
  * 内容页
 public function show()
     $catid = intval($_GET['catid']);
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!$catid || !$id) {
         showmessage(L('information_does_not_exist'), 'blank');
     $_userid = $this->_userid;
     $_username = $this->_username;
     $_groupid = $this->_groupid;
     $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? max(intval($_GET['page']), 1) : 1;
     $CATEGORYS = S('common/category_content');
     if (!isset($CATEGORYS[$catid]) || $CATEGORYS[$catid]['type'] != 0) {
         showmessage(L('information_does_not_exist'), 'blank');
     $this->category = $CAT = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
     $this->category_setting = $CAT['setting'] = string2array($this->category['setting']);
     $MODEL = S('common/model');
     $modelid = $CAT['modelid'];
     $tablename = $this->db->table_name = $this->db->get_prefix() . $MODEL[$modelid]['tablename'];
     $r = $this->db->getby_id($id);
     if (!$r || $r['status'] != 99) {
         showmessage(L('info_does_not_exists'), 'blank');
     $this->db->table_name = $tablename . '_data';
     $r2 = $this->db->getby_id($id);
     $rs = $r2 ? array_merge($r, $r2) : $r;
     // 再次重新赋值,以数据库为准
     $catid = $CATEGORYS[$r['catid']]['catid'];
     $modelid = $CATEGORYS[$catid]['modelid'];
     require_once CACHE_MODEL_PATH . 'content_output.php';
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
     $data = $content_output->get($rs);
     // 检查文章会员组权限
     if ($groupids_view && is_array($groupids_view)) {
         $_groupid = cookie('_groupid');
         $_groupid = intval($_groupid);
         if (!$_groupid) {
             $forward = urlencode(Base_Request::get_url());
             showmessage(L('login_website'), U('member/passport/login', array('forward' => $forward)));
         if (!in_array($_groupid, $groupids_view)) {
     } else {
         // 根据栏目访问权限判断权限
         $_priv_data = $this->_category_priv($catid);
         if ($_priv_data == '-1') {
             $forward = urlencode(Base_Request::get_url());
             showmessage(L('login_website'), U('member/passport/login', array('forward' => $forward)));
         } elseif ($_priv_data == '-2') {
     if (app_exists('comment')) {
         $allow_comment = isset($allow_comment) ? $allow_comment : 1;
     } else {
         $allow_comment = 0;
     // 阅读收费 类型
     $paytype = $rs['paytype'];
     $readpoint = $rs['readpoint'];
     $allow_visitor = 1;
     if ($readpoint || $this->category_setting['defaultchargepoint']) {
         if (!$readpoint) {
             $readpoint = $this->category_setting['defaultchargepoint'];
             $paytype = $this->category_setting['paytype'];
         // 检查是否支付过
         $allow_visitor = self::_check_payment($catid . '_' . $id, $paytype);
         if (!$allow_visitor) {
             $http_referer = urlencode(Base_Request::get_url());
             $allow_visitor = String::authcode($catid . '_' . $id . '|' . $readpoint . '|' . $paytype) . '&http_referer=' . $http_referer;
         } else {
             $allow_visitor = 1;
     // 最顶级栏目ID
     $arrparentid = explode(',', $CAT['arrparentid']);
     $top_parentid = isset($arrparentid[1]) ? $arrparentid[1] : $catid;
     $template = $template ? $template : $CAT['setting']['show_template'];
     if (!$template) {
         $template = 'show';
     // SEO
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($keywords)) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
     $SEO = seo($catid, $title, $description, $seo_keywords);
     define('STYLE', $CAT['setting']['template_list']);
     if (isset($rs['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $rs['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = $rs['maxcharperpage'];
     $pages = $titles = '';
     if ($rs['paginationtype'] == 1) {
         // 自动分页
         if ($maxcharperpage < 10) {
             $maxcharperpage = 500;
         $contentpage = Loader::lib('content:contentpage');
         $content = $contentpage->get_data($content, $maxcharperpage);
     if ($rs['paginationtype'] != 0) {
         // 手动分页
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($content, '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $this->url = Loader::lib('content:url');
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $content));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             if (strpos($content, '[/page]') !== false && $CONTENT_POS < 7) {
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $pageurls[$i] = $this->url->show($id, $i, $catid, $rs['inputtime']);
             $END_POS = strpos($content, '[/page]');
             if ($END_POS !== false) {
                 if ($CONTENT_POS > 7) {
                     $content = '[page]' . $title . '[/page]' . $content;
                 if (preg_match_all("|\\[page\\](.*)\\[/page\\]|U", $content, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                     foreach ($m[1] as $k => $v) {
                         $p = $k + 1;
                         $titles[$p]['title'] = strip_tags($v);
                         $titles[$p]['url'] = $pageurls[$p][0];
             // 当不存在 [/page]时,则使用下面分页
             $pages = content_pages($pagenumber, $page, $pageurls);
             // 判断[page]出现的位置是否在第一位
             if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                 $content = $contents[$page];
             } else {
                 if ($page == 1 && !empty($titles)) {
                     $content = $title . '[/page]' . $contents[$page - 1];
                 } else {
                     $content = $contents[$page - 1];
             if ($titles) {
                 list($title, $content) = explode('[/page]', $content);
                 $content = trim($content);
                 if (strpos($content, '</p>') === 0) {
                     $content = '<p>' . $content;
                 if (stripos($content, '<p>') === 0) {
                     $content = $content . '</p>';
     $this->db->table_name = $tablename;
     // 上一页
     $previous_page = $this->db->where(array('status' => 99, 'catid' => $catid, 'id' => array('lt', $id)))->order('id DESC')->find();
     // 下一页
     $next_page = $this->db->where(array('status' => 99, 'catid' => $catid, 'id' => array('gt', $id)))->find();
     if (empty($previous_page)) {
         $previous_page = array('title' => L('first_page'), 'thumb' => IMG_PATH . 'nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'' . L('first_page') . '\');');
     if (empty($next_page)) {
         $next_page = array('title' => L('last_page'), 'thumb' => IMG_PATH . 'nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'' . L('last_page') . '\');');
     include template('content', $template);
Example #4
  * 生成内容页
  * @param  $file 文件地址
  * @param  $data 数据
  * @param  $array_merge 是否合并
  * @param  $action 方法
  * @param  $upgrade 是否是升级数据
 public function show($file, $data = '', $array_merge = 1, $action = 'add', $upgrade = 0)
     if ($upgrade) {
         $file = '/' . ltrim($file, WEB_PATH);
     $allow_visitor = 1;
     $id = $data['id'];
     if ($array_merge) {
         $data = new_stripslashes($data);
         $data = array_merge($data['system'], $data['model']);
     $rs = $data;
     if (isset($data['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $data['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = $data['maxcharperpage'];
     } else {
         $paginationtype = 0;
     $catid = $data['catid'];
     $CATEGORYS = $this->categorys;
     $CAT = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
     $CAT['setting'] = string2array($CAT['setting']);
     define('STYLE', $CAT['setting']['template_list']);
     $arrparentid = explode(',', $CAT['arrparentid']);
     $top_parentid = $arrparentid[1] ? $arrparentid[1] : $catid;
     //$file = '/'.$file;
     if ($this->siteid != 1) {
         $site_dir = $this->sitelist[$this->siteid]['dirname'];
         $file = $this->html_root . '/' . $site_dir . $file;
     $this->queue->add_queue($action, $file, $this->siteid);
     $modelid = $CAT['modelid'];
     require_once CACHE_MODEL_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($data);
     if (module_exists('comment')) {
         $allow_comment = isset($allow_comment) ? $allow_comment : 1;
     } else {
         $allow_comment = 0;
     $this->db = pc_base::load_model('content_model');
     $previous_page = $this->db->get_one("`catid` = '{$catid}' AND `id`<'{$id}' AND `status`=99", '*', 'id DESC');
     $next_page = $this->db->get_one("`catid`= '{$catid}' AND `id`>'{$id}' AND `status`=99");
     if (empty($previous_page)) {
         $previous_page = array('title' => L('first_page', '', 'content'), 'thumb' => IMG_PATH . 'nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'' . L('first_page', '', 'content') . '\');');
     if (empty($next_page)) {
         $next_page = array('title' => L('last_page', '', 'content'), 'thumb' => IMG_PATH . 'nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'' . L('last_page', '', 'content') . '\');');
     $title = strip_tags($title);
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($keywords)) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
     $siteid = $this->siteid;
     $SEO = seo($siteid, $catid, $title, $description, $seo_keywords);
     $ishtml = 1;
     $template = $template ? $template : $CAT['setting']['show_template'];
     $pages = $titles = '';
     if ($paginationtype == 1) {
         if ($maxcharperpage < 10) {
             $maxcharperpage = 500;
         $contentpage = pc_base::load_app_class('contentpage');
         $content = $contentpage->get_data($content, $maxcharperpage);
     if ($paginationtype != 0) {
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($content, '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $this->url = pc_base::load_app_class('url', 'content');
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $content));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             if (strpos($content, '[/page]') !== false && $CONTENT_POS < 7) {
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $upgrade = $upgrade ? '/' . ltrim($file, WEB_PATH) : '';
                 $pageurls[$i] = $this->url->show($id, $i, $catid, $data['inputtime'], '', '', 'edit', $upgrade);
             $END_POS = strpos($content, '[/page]');
             if ($END_POS !== false) {
                 if ($CONTENT_POS > 7) {
                     $content = '[page]' . $title . '[/page]' . $content;
                 if (preg_match_all("|\\[page\\](.*)\\[/page\\]|U", $content, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                     foreach ($m[1] as $k => $v) {
                         $p = $k + 1;
                         $titles[$p]['title'] = strip_tags($v);
                         $titles[$p]['url'] = $pageurls[$p][0];
             foreach ($pageurls as $page => $urls) {
                 $pages = content_pages($pagenumber, $page, $pageurls);
                 if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                     $content = $contents[$page];
                 } else {
                     if ($page == 1 && !empty($titles)) {
                         $content = $title . '[/page]' . $contents[$page - 1];
                     } else {
                         $content = $contents[$page - 1];
                 if ($titles) {
                     list($title, $content) = explode('[/page]', $content);
                     $content = trim($content);
                     if (strpos($content, '</p>') === 0) {
                         $content = '<p>' . $content;
                     if (stripos($content, '<p>') === 0) {
                         $content = $content . '</p>';
                 $pagefile = $urls[1];
                 if ($this->siteid != 1) {
                     $pagefile = $this->html_root . '/' . $site_dir . $pagefile;
                 $this->queue->add_queue($action, $pagefile, $this->siteid);
                 $pagefile = PHPCMS_PATH . $pagefile;
                 include template('content', $template);
             return true;
     $file = PHPCMS_PATH . $file;
     include template('content', $template);
     return $this->createhtml($file);
Example #5
 public function show()
     $WAP = $this->wap;
     $WAP_SETTING = string2array($WAP['setting']);
     $TYPE = $this->types;
     $GLOBALS['siteid'] = $siteid = max($this->siteid, 1);
     $typeid = $type_tmp = intval($_GET['typeid']);
     $catid = $_GET['catid'];
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!$catid || !$id) {
     $siteids = getcache('category_content', 'commons');
     $siteid = $siteids[$catid];
     $CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_' . $siteid, 'commons');
     $page = intval($_GET['page']);
     $page = max($page, 1);
     if (!isset($CATEGORYS[$catid]) || $CATEGORYS[$catid]['type'] != 0) {
         exit(L('information_does_not_exist', '', 'content'));
     $this->category = $CAT = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
     $this->category_setting = $CAT['setting'] = string2array($this->category['setting']);
     $siteid = $GLOBALS['siteid'] = $CAT['siteid'];
     $MODEL = getcache('model', 'commons');
     $modelid = $CAT['modelid'];
     $tablename = $this->db->table_name = $this->db->db_tablepre . $MODEL[$modelid]['tablename'];
     $r = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
     if (!$r || $r['status'] != 99) {
         showmessage(L('info_does_not_exists'), 'blank');
     $this->db->table_name = $tablename . '_data';
     $r2 = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
     $rs = $r2 ? array_merge($r, $r2) : $r;
     $catid = $CATEGORYS[$r['catid']]['catid'];
     $modelid = $CATEGORYS[$catid]['modelid'];
     require_once CACHE_MODEL_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
     $data = $content_output->get($rs);
     $typeid = $type_tmp;
     if (strpos($content, '[/page]') !== false) {
         $content = preg_replace("|\\[page\\](.*)\\[/page\\]|U", '', $content);
     } elseif (strpos($content, '[page]') !== false) {
         $content = str_replace('[page]', '', $content);
     if ($maxcharperpage < 10) {
         $maxcharperpage = $WAP_SETTING['c_num'];
     $contentpage = pc_base::load_app_class('contentpage', 'content');
     $content = $contentpage->get_data($content, $maxcharperpage);
     $isshow = 1;
     if ($pictureurls) {
         $pictureurl = pic_pages($pictureurls);
         $isshow = 0;
         $PIC_POS = strpos($pictureurl, '[page]');
         if ($PIC_POS !== false) {
             $this->url = pc_base::load_app_class('wap_url', 'wap');
             $pictureurls = array_filter(explode('[page]', $pictureurl));
             $pagenumber = count($pictureurls);
             if (strpos($pictureurl, '[/page]') !== false && $CONTENT_POS < 7) {
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $pageurls[$i] = $this->url->show($id, $i, $catid, $typeid);
             $END_POS = strpos($pictureurl, '[/page]');
             if ($END_POS !== false) {
                 if (preg_match_all("|\\[page\\](.*)\\[/page\\]|U", $pictureurl, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                     foreach ($m[1] as $k => $v) {
                         $p = $k + 1;
                         $titles[$p]['title'] = strip_tags($v);
                         $titles[$p]['url'] = $pageurls[$p][0];
             //当不存在 [/page]时,则使用下面分页
             $pages = content_pages($pagenumber, $page, $pageurls, 0);
             if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                 $pictureurl = $pictureurls[$page];
             } else {
                 if ($page == 1 && !empty($titles)) {
                     $pictureurl = $title . '[/page]' . $pictureurls[$page - 1];
                 } else {
                     $pictureurl = $pictureurls[$page - 1];
     $CONTENT_POS = strpos($content, '[page]');
     if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
         $this->url = pc_base::load_app_class('wap_url', 'wap');
         $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $content));
         $pagenumber = count($contents);
         if (strpos($content, '[/page]') !== false && $CONTENT_POS < 7) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
             $pageurls[$i] = $this->url->show($id, $i, $catid, $typeid);
         $END_POS = strpos($content, '[/page]');
         if ($END_POS !== false) {
             if (preg_match_all("|\\[page\\](.*)\\[/page\\]|U", $content, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                 foreach ($m[1] as $k => $v) {
                     $p = $k + 1;
                     $titles[$p]['title'] = strip_tags($v);
                     $titles[$p]['url'] = $pageurls[$p][0];
         //当不存在 [/page]时,则使用下面分页
         $pages = content_pages($pagenumber, $page, $pageurls);
         if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
             $content = $contents[$page];
         } else {
             if ($page == 1 && !empty($titles)) {
                 $content = $title . '[/page]' . $contents[$page - 1];
             } else {
                 $content = $contents[$page - 1];
         if ($_GET['remains'] == 'true') {
             $content = $pages = '';
             for ($i = $page; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $content .= $contents[$i - 1];
     $content = content_strip(wml_strip($content));
     $template = $WAP_SETTING['show_template'] ? $WAP_SETTING['show_template'] : 'show';
     include template('wap', $template);
Example #6
  * 生成内容页
  * @param  $data 数据
  * @param  $array_merge 是否合并
 public function show($data = '', $array_merge = 1)
     if (empty($data)) {
         if (!empty($this->data)) {
             $data = $this->data;
             // 重置数据
             $this->data = array();
         } else {
             $this->error = '没有数据';
             return false;
     $id = $data['id'];
     $catid = $data['catid'];
     $category = getCategory($catid);
     $setting = $category['setting'];
     if (empty($setting['content_ishtml'])) {
         return false;
     $this->modelid = $category['modelid'];
     if (!$array_merge) {
     $this->assign('_original', $data);
     if (isset($data['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $data['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = (int) $data['maxcharperpage'];
     } else {
         $paginationtype = 0;
     tag('html_shwo_buildhtml', $data);
     $content_output = new \content_output($this->modelid);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($data);
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($output_data['keywords'])) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $output_data['keywords']);
     $seo = seo($catid, $output_data['title'], $output_data['description'], $seo_keywords);
     $template = $output_data['template'] ? $output_data['template'] : $category['setting']['show_template'];
     $newstempid = explode('.', $template);
     $template = "Show/{$newstempid[0]}";
     $templatePath = parseTemplateFile($template);
     $pages = $titles = '';
     $this->assign('SEO', $seo);
     //分页方式 0不分页 1自动分页 2手动分页
     if ($data['paginationtype'] > 0) {
         $content_page_pos = strpos($output_data['content'], '[page]');
         if ($content_page_pos !== false) {
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $output_data['content']));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $urlrules = $this->generateShowUrl($data, $i);
                 if (!isset($pageurl['index'])) {
                     $pageurl['index'] = $urlrules['page']['index'];
                     $pageurl['list'] = $urlrules['page']['list'];
                 $pageurls[$i] = $urlrules;
             $pages = '';
             foreach ($pageurls as $page => $urls) {
                 //$pagenumber 分页总数
                 $_GET[C('VAR_PAGE')] = $page;
                 $pages = page($pagenumber, 1, $page, array('isrule' => true, 'rule' => $pageurl))->show();
                 $content = $contents[$page - 1];
                 $this->assign('pages', $pages);
                 $this->assign('content', $content);
                 $this->buildHtml($urls['path'], SITE_PATH, $templatePath);
             return true;
     $this->assign("pages", null);
     $this->assign("content", $output_data['content']);
     $page = 1;
     $j = 1;
     do {
         $this->assign(C("VAR_PAGE"), $page);
         $category_url = $this->generateShowUrl($data, $page);
         $GLOBALS['URLRULE'] = $category_url['page'];
         $this->buildHtml($category_url["path"], SITE_PATH, $templatePath);
         $total_number = isset($_GET['total_number']) ? (int) $_GET['total_number'] : (int) $GLOBALS["Total_Pages"];
     } while ($j <= $total_number);
     return true;
Example #7
 function info_top()
     $exist_posids = array();
     $memberinfo = $this->memberinfo;
     $_username = $this->memberinfo['username'];
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     $catid = $_GET['catid'];
     $pos_data = pc_base::load_model('position_data_model');
     if (!$id || !$catid) {
         showmessage(L('illegal_parameters'), HTTP_REFERER);
     if (isset($catid) && $catid) {
         $siteids = getcache('category_content', 'commons');
         $siteid = $siteids[$catid];
         $CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_' . $siteid, 'commons');
         $category = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
         if ($category['type'] == 0) {
             $modelid = $category['modelid'];
             $this->model = getcache('model', 'commons');
             $this->content_db = pc_base::load_model('content_model');
             $this->content_db->table_name = $this->content_db->db_tablepre . $this->model[$modelid]['tablename'];
             $r = $this->content_db->get_one(array('id' => $id, 'username' => $_username, 'sysadd' => 0));
             if (!$r) {
             $catid = $CATEGORYS[$r['catid']]['catid'];
             $modelid = $CATEGORYS[$catid]['modelid'];
             require_once CACHE_MODEL_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
             $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
             $data = $content_output->get($r);
     $infos = getcache('info_setting', 'commons');
     $toptype_posid = array('1' => $infos['top_city_posid'], '2' => $infos['top_zone_posid'], '3' => $infos['top_district_posid']);
     foreach ($toptype_posid as $_k => $_v) {
         if ($pos_data->get_one(array('id' => $id, 'catid' => $catid, 'posid' => $_v))) {
             $exist_posids[$_k] = 1;
     include template('member', 'info_top');
Example #8
 public function public_preview()
     $catid = intval($_GET['catid']);
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!$catid || !$id) {
         showmessage(L('missing_part_parameters'), 'blank');
     $page = intval($_GET['page']);
     $page = max($page, 1);
     $CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_' . $this->get_siteid(), 'commons');
     if (!isset($CATEGORYS[$catid]) || $CATEGORYS[$catid]['type'] != 0) {
         showmessage(L('missing_part_parameters'), 'blank');
     define('HTML', true);
     $CAT = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
     $siteid = $CAT['siteid'];
     $MODEL = getcache('model', 'commons');
     $modelid = $CAT['modelid'];
     $this->db->table_name = $this->db->db_tablepre . $MODEL[$modelid]['tablename'];
     $r = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
     if (!$r) {
     $this->db->table_name = $this->db->table_name . '_data';
     $r2 = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
     $rs = $r2 ? array_merge($r, $r2) : $r;
     $catid = $CATEGORYS[$r['catid']]['catid'];
     $modelid = $CATEGORYS[$catid]['modelid'];
     require_once CACHE_MODEL_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
     $data = $content_output->get($rs);
     $CAT['setting'] = string2array($CAT['setting']);
     $template = $template ? $template : $CAT['setting']['show_template'];
     $allow_visitor = 1;
     $SEO = seo($siteid, $catid, $title, $description);
     define('STYLE', $CAT['setting']['template_list']);
     if (isset($rs['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $rs['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = $rs['maxcharperpage'];
     $pages = $titles = '';
     if ($rs['paginationtype'] == 1) {
         if ($maxcharperpage < 10) {
             $maxcharperpage = 500;
         $contentpage = pc_base::load_app_class('contentpage');
         $content = $contentpage->get_data($content, $maxcharperpage);
     if ($rs['paginationtype'] != 0) {
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($content, '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $this->url = pc_base::load_app_class('url', 'content');
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $content));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $pageurls[$i] = $this->url->show($id, $i, $catid, $rs['inputtime']);
             $END_POS = strpos($content, '[/page]');
             if ($END_POS !== false) {
                 if (preg_match_all("|\\[page\\](.*)\\[/page\\]|U", $content, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                     foreach ($m[1] as $k => $v) {
                         $p = $k + 1;
                         $titles[$p]['title'] = strip_tags($v);
                         $titles[$p]['url'] = $pageurls[$p][0];
             } else {
                 //当不存在 [/page]时,则使用下面分页
                 $pages = content_pages($pagenumber, $page, $pageurls);
             if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                 $content = $contents[$page];
             } else {
                 $content = $contents[$page - 1];
             if ($titles) {
                 list($title, $content) = explode('[/page]', $content);
                 $content = trim($content);
                 if (strpos($content, '</p>') === 0) {
                     $content = '<p>' . $content;
                 if (stripos($content, '<p>') === 0) {
                     $content = $content . '</p>';
     include template('content', $template);
     $pc_hash = $_SESSION['pc_hash'];
     $steps = intval($_GET['steps']);
     echo "\n\t\t<link href=\"" . CSS_PATH . "dialog_simp.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\n\t\t<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . JS_PATH . "dialog.js\"></script>\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">art.dialog({lock:false,title:'" . L('operations_manage') . "',mouse:true, id:'content_m', content:'<span id=cloading ><a href=\\'javascript:ajax_manage(1)\\'>" . L('passed_checked') . "</a> | <a href=\\'javascript:ajax_manage(2)\\'>" . L('reject') . "</a> | <a href=\\'javascript:ajax_manage(3)\\'>" . L('delete') . "</a></span>',left:'100%',top:'100%',width:200,height:50,drag:true, fixed:true});\n\t\tfunction ajax_manage(type) {\n\t\t\tif(type==1) {\n\t\t\t\t\$.get('?m=content&c=content&a=pass&ajax_preview=1&catid=" . $catid . "&steps=" . $steps . "&id=" . $id . "&pc_hash=" . $pc_hash . "');\n\t\t\t} else if(type==2) {\n\t\t\t\t\$.get('?m=content&c=content&a=pass&ajax_preview=1&reject=1&catid=" . $catid . "&steps=" . $steps . "&id=" . $id . "&pc_hash=" . $pc_hash . "');\n\t\t\t} else if(type==3) {\n\t\t\t\t\$.get('?m=content&c=content&a=delete&ajax_preview=1&dosubmit=1&catid=" . $catid . "&steps=" . $steps . "&id=" . $id . "&pc_hash=" . $pc_hash . "');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\$('#cloading').html('<font color=red>" . L('operation_success') . "<span id=\"secondid\">2</span>" . L('after_a_few_seconds_left') . "</font>');\n\t\t\tsetInterval('set_time()', 1000);\n\t\t\tsetInterval('window.close()', 2000);\n\t\t}\n\t\tfunction set_time() {\n\t\t\t\$('#secondid').html(1);\n\t\t}\n\t\t</script>";
 public function shows()
     $catid = I('get.catid', 0, 'intval');
     $id = I('get.id', 0, 'intval');
     $page = intval($_GET[C("VAR_PAGE")]);
     $page = max($page, 1);
     $category = getCategory($catid);
     if (empty($category)) {
     $category['setting'] = $category['setting'];
     if ($category['setting']['showoffmoving']) {
     $this->modelid = $category['modelid'];
     $this->db = ContentModel::getInstance($this->modelid);
     $data = $this->db->relation(true)->where(array("id" => $id, 'status' => 99))->find();
     if (empty($data)) {
     if (isset($data['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $data['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = (int) $data['maxcharperpage'];
     } else {
         $paginationtype = 0;
     if (false == require_cache(RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php')) {
         require RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
     $content_output = new content_output($this->modelid);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($data);
     $output_data['id'] = $id;
     $output_data['title'] = strip_tags($output_data['title']);
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($output_data['keywords'])) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $output_data['keywords']);
     $seo = seo($catid, $output_data['title'], $output_data['description'], $seo_keywords);
     $template = $output_data['template'] ? $output_data['template'] : $category['setting']['show_template'];
     $newstempid = explode(".", $template);
     $template = $newstempid[0];
     $pages = $titles = '';
     //分页方式 0不分页 1自动分页 2手动分页
     if ($data['paginationtype'] == 1) {
         if ($maxcharperpage < 10) {
             $maxcharperpage = 500;
         import('Contentpage', APP_PATH . C("APP_GROUP_PATH") . '/Contents/ORG');
         $contentpage = new Contentpage();
         $contentfy = $contentpage->get_data($output_data['content'], $maxcharperpage);
         if (!empty($contentfy)) {
             $output_data['content'] = $contentfy;
     $this->assign("SEO", $seo);
     $this->assign("catid", $catid);
     //分页方式 0不分页 1自动分页 2手动分页
     if ($data['paginationtype'] > 0) {
         $urlrules = $this->url->show($data, $page);
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($output_data['content'], '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $output_data['content']));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             $pages = page($pagenumber, 1, $page, array('isrule' => true, 'rule' => $urlrules['page']))->show("default");
             if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                 $content = $contents[$page];
             } else {
                 $content = $contents[$page - 1];
             $this->assign("pages", $pages);
             $this->assign("content", $content);
     } else {
         $this->assign("content", $output_data['content']);
     $this->display("Show:" . $template);
  * 信息查看
 public function public_view()
     $formid = (int) $this->_get("formid");
     $dataid = (int) $this->_get("dataid");
     if (!$formid || !$dataid) {
     $tablename = M('Model')->where(array("modelid" => $formid))->getField("tablename");
     if (!$tablename) {
     $tablename = ucwords($tablename);
     $data = M($tablename)->where(array("dataid" => $dataid))->find();
     if (!$data) {
     require RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
     $content_form = new content_output($formid);
     $data['modelid'] = $formid;
     $forminfos = $content_form->get($data);
     $fields = $content_form->fields;
     $this->assign("show_header", true);
     $this->assign("forminfos", $forminfos);
     $this->assign("data", $data);
     $this->assign("fields", $fields);
Example #11
  * 生成内容页
  * @param  $data 数据
  * @param  $array_merge 是否合并
  * @param  $action 方法
 public function show($data = '', $array_merge = 1, $action = 'add')
     if (!$data['inputtime'] || !$data['id'] || !$data['catid']) {
         return false;
     $id = $data['id'];
     $catid = $data['catid'];
     $category = getCategory($catid);
     $this->modelid = $category['modelid'];
     if (isset($data['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $data['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = (int) $data['maxcharperpage'];
     } else {
         $paginationtype = 0;
     if (false == require_cache(RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php')) {
         require RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
     $content_output = new content_output($this->modelid);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($data);
     $output_data['id'] = $id;
     $output_data['title'] = strip_tags($output_data['title']);
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($output_data['keywords'])) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $output_data['keywords']);
     $seo = seo($catid, $output_data['title'], $output_data['description'], $seo_keywords);
     $template = $output_data['template'] ? $output_data['template'] : $category['setting']['show_template'];
     $newstempid = explode(".", $template);
     $template = $newstempid[0];
     $tempstatus = parseTemplateFile("Show:" . $template);
     if ($tempstatus == false && $template != "show") {
         $template = "show";
         $tempstatus = parseTemplateFile("Show:" . $template);
         if ($tempstatus == false) {
             return false;
     } else {
         if ($tempstatus == false) {
             return false;
     $pages = $titles = '';
     //分页方式 0不分页 1自动分页 2手动分页
     if ($data['paginationtype'] == 1) {
         if ($maxcharperpage < 10) {
             $maxcharperpage = 500;
         import('Contentpage', APP_PATH . C("APP_GROUP_PATH") . '/Contents/ORG');
         $contentpage = new Contentpage();
         $contentfy = $contentpage->get_data($output_data['content'], $maxcharperpage);
         if (!empty($contentfy)) {
             $output_data['content'] = $contentfy;
     $this->assign("SEO", $seo);
     $this->assign("catid", $catid);
     //分页方式 0不分页 1自动分页 2手动分页
     if ($data['paginationtype'] > 0) {
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($output_data['content'], '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $output_data['content']));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $urlrules = $this->url->show($data, $i);
                 if (!isset($pageurl['index'])) {
                     $pageurl['index'] = $urlrules['page']['index'];
                     $pageurl['list'] = $urlrules['page']['list'];
                 $pageurls[$i] = $urlrules;
             $pages = "";
             foreach ($pageurls as $page => $urls) {
                 //$pagenumber 分页总数
                 $_GET[C("VAR_PAGE")] = $page;
                 $pages = page($pagenumber, 1, $page, array('isrule' => true, 'rule' => $pageurl))->show("default");
                 if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                     $content = $contents[$page];
                 } else {
                     $content = $contents[$page - 1];
                 $this->assign("pages", $pages);
                 $this->assign("content", $content);
                 $this->buildHtml($urls['path'], SITE_PATH . "/", $tempstatus);
             return true;
     $this->assign("pages", null);
     $this->assign("content", $output_data['content']);
     $page = 1;
     $j = 1;
     do {
         $this->assign(C("VAR_PAGE"), $page);
         $category_url = $this->url->show($data, $page);
         $GLOBALS['URLRULE'] = implode("~", $category_url['page']);
         $this->buildHtml($category_url["path"], SITE_PATH . "/", $tempstatus);
         $total_number = isset($_GET['total_number']) ? (int) $_GET['total_number'] : (int) $GLOBALS["Total_Pages"];
     } while ($j <= $total_number);
     return true;
Example #12
function get_pic_content($pics)
    if (!$pics) {
        return '';
    $info = explode('|', $pics);
    $catid = intval($info[1]);
    $id = intval($info[0]);
    $db = pc_base::load_model('content_model');
    if (!$catid || !$id) {
        return false;
    $siteids = getcache('category_content', 'commons');
    $siteid = $siteids[$catid];
    $CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_' . $siteid, 'commons');
    if (!isset($CATEGORYS[$catid]) || $CATEGORYS[$catid]['type'] != 0) {
        return false;
    $category = $CAT = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
    $category_setting = string2array($category['setting']);
    $siteid = $CAT['siteid'];
    $MODEL = getcache('model', 'commons');
    $modelid = $CAT['modelid'];
    $tablename = $db->table_name = $db->db_tablepre . $MODEL[$modelid]['tablename'];
    $r = $db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
    if (!$r || $r['status'] != 99) {
        return false;
    $db->table_name = $tablename . '_data';
    $r2 = $db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
    $rs = array_merge($r, $r2);
    $catid = $CATEGORYS[$r['catid']]['catid'];
    $modelid = $CATEGORYS[$catid]['modelid'];
    require_once CACHE_MODEL_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
    $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
    $data = $content_output->get($rs);
    if (empty($previous_page)) {
        $previous_page = array('title' => L('first_page', '', 'content'), 'thumb' => IMG_PATH . 'nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'' . L('first_page', '', 'content') . '\');');
    if (empty($next_page)) {
        $next_page = array('title' => L('last_page', '', 'content'), 'thumb' => IMG_PATH . 'nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'' . L('last_page', '', 'content') . '\');');
    include template('special', 'api_picture');
    $data = ob_get_contents();
    return $data;
  * 会员资料查看 
 public function memberinfo()
     $this->assign("show_header", true);
     $userid = (int) $this->_get("userid");
     $Member = M("Member");
     $data = $Member->where(array("userid" => $userid))->find();
     if (!$data) {
     $modelid = $data['modelid'];
     $Model_Member = F("Model_Member");
     $tablename = $Model_Member[$modelid]['tablename'];
     $modeldata = M(ucwords($tablename))->where(array("userid" => $userid))->find();
     require_cache(RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php');
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($modeldata);
     $Model_field = F("Model_field_" . $modelid);
     $this->assign("output_data", $output_data);
     $this->assign("Model_field", $Model_field);
Example #14
  * 生成内容页
  * @param  $file 文件地址
  * @param  $data 数据
  * @param  $array_merge 是否合并
  * @param  $action 方法
 public function show($file, $data = '', $array_merge = 1, $action = 'add')
     $id = $data['id'];
     if ($array_merge) {
         $data = new_stripslashes($data);
         $data = array_merge($data['system'], $data['model']);
         $data['id'] = $id;
     $rs = $data;
     $catid = $data['catid'];
     $Category = $this->categorys;
     $CAT = $Category[$catid];
     $CAT['setting'] = unserialize($CAT['setting']);
     $this->modelid = $modelid = $CAT['modelid'];
     $this->table_name = $this->Model[$this->modelid]['tablename'];
     //处理由于通过关联模型获取数据,会把副表字段内容归入下标为 表名_data ,重新组合
     if (isset($data[ucwords($this->table_name) . "_data"])) {
         $data = array_merge($data, $data[ucwords($this->table_name) . "_data"]);
         unset($data[ucwords($this->table_name) . "_data"]);
     if (isset($data['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $data['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = (int) $data['maxcharperpage'];
     } else {
         $paginationtype = 0;
     if (!file_exists(RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php')) {
     require_cache(RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php');
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $Category);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($data);
     $output_data['id'] = $id;
     $this->table_name = $this->Model[$this->modelid]['tablename'];
     $this->db = M(ucwords($this->table_name));
     $where = array();
     $where['catid'] = $catid;
     $where['status'] = array("EQ", "99");
     $where['id'] = array("LT", $id);
     $previous_page = $this->db->where($where)->order(array("id" => "DESC"))->find();
     $where['id'] = array("GT", $id);
     $next_page = $this->db->where($where)->find();
     if (empty($previous_page)) {
         $previous_page = array('title' => "第一页", 'thumb' => CONFIG_SITEURL . 'statics/images/nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'第一页\');');
     if (empty($next_page)) {
         $next_page = array('title' => "最后一页", 'thumb' => CONFIG_SITEURL . 'statics/images/nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'最后一页\');');
     $output_data['title'] = $title = strip_tags($title);
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($keywords)) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
     $SEO = seo($catid, $title, $description, $seo_keywords);
     $template = $template ? $template : $CAT['setting']['show_template'];
     $newstempid = explode(".", $template);
     $template = $newstempid[0];
     $tempstatus = parseTemplateFile("Show:" . $template);
     if ($tempstatus == false) {
         $template = "show";
         $tempstatus = parseTemplateFile("Show:" . $template);
     $pages = $titles = '';
     if ($paginationtype == 1) {
         if ($maxcharperpage < 10) {
             $maxcharperpage = 500;
         import('Contentpage', APP_PATH . C("APP_GROUP_PATH") . '/Contents/ORG');
         $contentpage = new Contentpage();
         $contentfy = $contentpage->get_data($content, $maxcharperpage);
         if (!empty($contentfy)) {
             $content = $contentfy;
     $this->assign("SEO", $SEO);
     //上一篇 下一篇
     $this->assign("previous_page", $previous_page);
     $this->assign("next_page", $next_page);
     $this->assign("catid", $catid);
     $template = $tempstatus;
     if ($paginationtype > 0) {
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($content, '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $content));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             if (strpos($content, '[/page]') !== false && $CONTENT_POS < 7) {
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $pageurls[$i] = $this->url->show($id, $i, $catid, $data['inputtime'], $data['prefix'], '', 'edit');
             $END_POS = strpos($content, '[/page]');
             if ($END_POS !== false) {
                 if ($CONTENT_POS > 7) {
                     $content = '[page]' . $title . '[/page]' . $content;
                 if (preg_match_all("|\\[page\\](.*)\\[/page\\]|U", $content, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                     foreach ($m[1] as $k => $v) {
                         $p = $k + 1;
                         $titles[$p]['title'] = strip_tags($v);
                         $titles[$p]['url'] = $pageurls[$p][0];
             $urlrules = $this->url->show($id, $page, $catid, $data['inputtime'], $data['prefix'], "", "", "URLRULE");
             $urlrules = implode("~", $urlrules);
             define('URLRULE', $urlrules);
             $pages = "";
             foreach ($pageurls as $page => $urls) {
                 //$pagenumber 分页总数
                 $_GET[C("VAR_PAGE")] = $page;
                 $pages = page($pagenumber, 1, $page, 6, C("VAR_PAGE"), '', true)->show("default");
                 if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                     $content = $contents[$page];
                 } else {
                     if ($page == 1 && !empty($titles)) {
                         $content = $title . '[/page]' . $contents[$page - 1];
                     } else {
                         $content = $contents[$page - 1];
                 if ($titles) {
                     list($title, $content) = explode('[/page]', $content);
                     $content = trim($content);
                     if (strpos($content, '</p>') === 0) {
                         $content = '<p>' . $content;
                     if (stripos($content, '<p>') === 0) {
                         $content = $content . '</p>';
                 $this->assign("pages", $pages);
                 $this->assign("content", $content);
                 $pagefile = $urls[1];
                 $this->buildHtml($pagefile, SITE_PATH . "/", $template);
             $this->assign("pages", "");
             return true;
     $this->assign("content", $content);
     $filename = $file;
     $this->buildHtml($filename, SITE_PATH . "/", $template);
     return true;
  * 内容页 
 public function shows()
     $catid = $this->_get("catid");
     $id = $this->_get("id");
     $page = intval($_GET[C("VAR_PAGE")]);
     $page = max($page, 1);
     if (!$id || !$catid) {
     $model = F("Model");
     $this->categorys = F("Category");
     $tableName = ucwords($model[$this->categorys[$catid]['modelid']]['tablename']);
     if (empty($tableName)) {
     $this->db = new ContentModel($tableName);
     $data = $this->db->relation(true)->where(array("id" => $id, 'status' => 99))->find();
     if (empty($data)) {
     $data = array_merge($data, $data[$tableName . "_data"]);
     unset($data[$tableName . "_data"]);
     if (isset($data['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $data['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = $data['maxcharperpage'];
     } else {
         $paginationtype = 0;
     $catid = $data['catid'];
     $CATEGORYS = $this->categorys;
     $CAT = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
     $CAT['setting'] = unserialize($CAT['setting']);
     $this->modelid = $modelid = $CAT['modelid'];
     require_cache(RUNTIME_PATH . 'content_output.class.php');
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($data);
     $output_data['id'] = $id;
     $where = array();
     $where['catid'] = $catid;
     $where['status'] = array("EQ", "99");
     $where['id'] = array("LT", $id);
     $previous_page = $this->db->where($where)->order(array("id" => "DESC"))->find();
     $where['id'] = array("GT", $id);
     $next_page = $this->db->where($where)->find();
     if (empty($previous_page)) {
         $previous_page = array('title' => "第一页", 'thumb' => CONFIG_SITEURL . 'statics/images/nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'第一页\');');
     if (empty($next_page)) {
         $next_page = array('title' => "最后一页", 'thumb' => CONFIG_SITEURL . 'statics/images/nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'最后一页\');');
     $output_data['title'] = $title = strip_tags($title);
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($keywords)) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
     $SEO = seo($catid, $title, $description, $seo_keywords);
     $template = $template ? $template : $CAT['setting']['show_template'];
     $newstempid = explode(".", $template);
     $template = $newstempid[0];
     $tempstatus = parseTemplateFile("Show:" . $template);
     if ($tempstatus == false) {
         $template = "show";
     $pages = $titles = '';
     if ($paginationtype == 1) {
         if ($maxcharperpage < 10) {
             $maxcharperpage = 500;
         $contentpage = new Contentpage();
         $contentfy = $contentpage->get_data($content, $maxcharperpage);
         if (!empty($contentfy)) {
             $content = $contentfy;
     $this->assign("SEO", $SEO);
     //上一篇 下一篇
     $this->assign("previous_page", $previous_page);
     $this->assign("next_page", $next_page);
     $this->assign("catid", $catid);
     $template = $tempstatus;
     if ($paginationtype > 0) {
         $urlrules = $this->url->show($id, $page, $catid, $inputtime, $prefix, "", "", "URLRULE");
         $urlrules = implode("~", $urlrules);
         define('URLRULE', $urlrules);
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($content, '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $content));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             if (strpos($content, '[/page]') !== false && $CONTENT_POS < 7) {
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $pageurls[$i] = $this->url->show($id, $i, $catid, $rs['inputtime']);
             $END_POS = strpos($content, '[/page]');
             if ($END_POS !== false) {
                 if ($CONTENT_POS > 7) {
                     $content = '[page]' . $title . '[/page]' . $content;
                 if (preg_match_all("|\\[page\\](.*)\\[/page\\]|U", $content, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                     foreach ($m[1] as $k => $v) {
                         $p = $k + 1;
                         $titles[$p]['title'] = strip_tags($v);
                         $titles[$p]['url'] = $pageurls[$p][0];
             //当不存在 [/page]时,则使用下面分页
             $pages = page($pagenumber, 1, $page, 6, C("VAR_PAGE"), '', true)->show("default");
             if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                 $content = $contents[$page];
             } else {
                 if ($page == 1 && !empty($titles)) {
                     $content = $title . '[/page]' . $contents[$page - 1];
                 } else {
                     $content = $contents[$page - 1];
             if ($titles) {
                 list($title, $content) = explode('[/page]', $content);
                 $content = trim($content);
                 if (strpos($content, '</p>') === 0) {
                     $content = '<p>' . $content;
                 if (stripos($content, '<p>') === 0) {
                     $content = $content . '</p>';
     $this->assign("pages", $pages);
     $this->assign("content", $content);
Example #16
 public function show()
     $catid = intval($_GET['catid']);
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!$catid || !$id) {
         showmessage(L('information_does_not_exist'), 'blank');
     $page = intval($_GET['page']);
     $page = max($page, 1);
     $siteids = getcache('category_content', 'commons');
     $siteid = $siteids[$catid];
     $CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_' . $siteid, 'commons');
     if (!isset($CATEGORYS[$catid]) || $CATEGORYS[$catid]['type'] != 0) {
         showmessage(L('information_does_not_exist'), 'blank');
     $this->category = $CAT = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
     $this->category_setting = $CAT['setting'] = string2array($this->category['setting']);
     $siteid = $GLOBALS['siteid'] = $CAT['siteid'];
     $MODEL = getcache('model', 'commons');
     $modelid = $CAT['modelid'];
     $tablename = $this->db->table_name = $this->db->db_tablepre . $MODEL[$modelid]['tablename'];
     $r = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
     if (!$r || $r['status'] != 99) {
         showmessage(L('info_does_not_exists'), 'blank');
     $this->db->table_name = $tablename . '_data';
     $r2 = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $id));
     $rs = $r2 ? array_merge($r, $r2) : $r;
     $catid = $CATEGORYS[$r['catid']]['catid'];
     $modelid = $CATEGORYS[$catid]['modelid'];
     require_once CACHE_MODEL_PATH . 'content_output.class.php';
     $content_output = new content_output($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
     $data = $content_output->get($rs);
     if ($groupids_view && is_array($groupids_view)) {
         $_groupid = param::get_cookie('_groupid');
         $_groupid = intval($_groupid);
         if (!$_groupid) {
             $forward = urlencode(get_url());
             showmessage(L('login_website'), APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=index&a=login&forward=' . $forward);
         if (!in_array($_groupid, $groupids_view)) {
     } else {
         $_priv_data = $this->_category_priv($catid);
         if ($_priv_data == '-1') {
             $forward = urlencode(get_url());
             showmessage(L('login_website'), APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=index&a=login&forward=' . $forward);
         } elseif ($_priv_data == '-2') {
     if (module_exists('comment')) {
         $allow_comment = isset($allow_comment) ? $allow_comment : 1;
     } else {
         $allow_comment = 0;
     //阅读收费 类型
     $paytype = $rs['paytype'];
     $readpoint = $rs['readpoint'];
     $allow_visitor = 1;
     if ($readpoint || $this->category_setting['defaultchargepoint']) {
         if (!$readpoint) {
             $readpoint = $this->category_setting['defaultchargepoint'];
             $paytype = $this->category_setting['paytype'];
         $allow_visitor = self::_check_payment($catid . '_' . $id, $paytype);
         if (!$allow_visitor) {
             $http_referer = urlencode(get_url());
             $allow_visitor = sys_auth($catid . '_' . $id . '|' . $readpoint . '|' . $paytype) . '&http_referer=' . $http_referer;
         } else {
             $allow_visitor = 1;
     $arrparentid = explode(',', $CAT['arrparentid']);
     $top_parentid = $arrparentid[1] ? $arrparentid[1] : $catid;
     $brother_cats = subcat($top_parentid);
     $template = $template ? $template : $CAT['setting']['show_template'];
     if (!$template) {
         $template = 'show';
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($keywords)) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
     $_cateinfo = M("category")->get_one("catid=" . $catid);
     $sys_title = M("safe_system")->get_one("id=1");
     $SEO = array('site_title' => $sys_title['attr_value'], 'keyword' => empty($seo_keywords) ? $sys_title['attr_value'] : $seo_keywords, "description" => $sys_title['attr_value'], 'title' => $title . " - " . $_cateinfo['catname'] . " - ");
     define('STYLE', $CAT['setting']['template_list']);
     if (isset($rs['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $rs['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = $rs['maxcharperpage'];
     $pages = $titles = '';
     if ($rs['paginationtype'] == 1) {
         if ($maxcharperpage < 10) {
             $maxcharperpage = 500;
         $contentpage = pc_base::load_app_class('contentpage');
         $content = $contentpage->get_data($content, $maxcharperpage);
     if ($rs['paginationtype'] != 0) {
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($content, '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $this->url = pc_base::load_app_class('url', 'content');
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $content));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             if (strpos($content, '[/page]') !== false && $CONTENT_POS < 7) {
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenumber; $i++) {
                 $pageurls[$i] = $this->url->show($id, $i, $catid, $rs['inputtime']);
             $END_POS = strpos($content, '[/page]');
             if ($END_POS !== false) {
                 if ($CONTENT_POS > 7) {
                     $content = '[page]' . $title . '[/page]' . $content;
                 if (preg_match_all("|\\[page\\](.*)\\[/page\\]|U", $content, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                     foreach ($m[1] as $k => $v) {
                         $p = $k + 1;
                         $titles[$p]['title'] = strip_tags($v);
                         $titles[$p]['url'] = $pageurls[$p][0];
             //当不存在 [/page]时,则使用下面分页
             $pages = content_pages($pagenumber, $page, $pageurls);
             if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                 $content = $contents[$page];
             } else {
                 if ($page == 1 && !empty($titles)) {
                     $content = $title . '[/page]' . $contents[$page - 1];
                 } else {
                     $content = $contents[$page - 1];
             if ($titles) {
                 list($title, $content) = explode('[/page]', $content);
                 $content = trim($content);
                 if (strpos($content, '</p>') === 0) {
                     $content = '<p>' . $content;
                 if (stripos($content, '<p>') === 0) {
                     $content = $content . '</p>';
     $this->db->table_name = $tablename;
     $previous_page = $this->db->get_one("`catid` = '{$catid}' AND `id`<'{$id}' AND `status`=99", '*', 'id DESC');
     $next_page = $this->db->get_one("`catid`= '{$catid}' AND `id`>'{$id}' AND `status`=99");
     if (empty($previous_page)) {
         $previous_page = array('title' => L('first_page'), 'thumb' => IMG_PATH . 'nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'' . L('first_page') . '\');');
     if (empty($next_page)) {
         $next_page = array('title' => L('last_page'), 'thumb' => IMG_PATH . 'nopic_small.gif', 'url' => 'javascript:alert(\'' . L('last_page') . '\');');
     include template('content', $template);
 public function shows()
     $catid = I('get.catid', 0, 'intval');
     $id = I('get.id', 0, 'intval');
     $page = intval($_GET[C("VAR_PAGE")]);
     $page = max($page, 1);
     $category = getCategory($catid);
     if (empty($category)) {
     $category['setting'] = $category['setting'];
     if ($category['setting']['showoffmoving']) {
     $modelid = $category['modelid'];
     $data = ContentModel::getInstance($modelid)->relation(true)->where(array("id" => $id, 'status' => 99))->find();
     if (empty($data)) {
     if (isset($data['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $data['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = (int) $data['maxcharperpage'];
     } else {
         $paginationtype = 0;
     tag('html_shwo_buildhtml', $data);
     $content_output = new \content_output($modelid);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($data);
     $output_data['id'] = $id;
     $output_data['title'] = strip_tags($output_data['title']);
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($output_data['keywords'])) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $output_data['keywords']);
     $seo = seo($catid, $output_data['title'], $output_data['description'], $seo_keywords);
     $template = $output_data['template'] ? $output_data['template'] : $category['setting']['show_template'];
     $newstempid = explode(".", $template);
     $template = $newstempid[0];
     $pages = $titles = '';
     $this->assign("SEO", $seo);
     $this->assign("catid", $catid);
     //分页方式 0不分页 1自动分页 2手动分页
     if ($data['paginationtype'] > 0) {
         $urlrules = $this->Url->show($data, $page);
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($output_data['content'], '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $output_data['content']));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             $pages = page($pagenumber, 1, $page, array('isrule' => true, 'rule' => $urlrules['page']))->show("default");
             if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                 $content = $contents[$page];
             } else {
                 $content = $contents[$page - 1];
             $this->assign("pages", $pages);
             $this->assign("content", $content);
     } else {
         $this->assign("content", $output_data['content']);
 public function public_preview()
     $id = I('get.id', 0, 'intval');
     $catid = I('get.catid', 0, 'intval');
     $page = intval($_GET[C("VAR_PAGE")]);
     $page = max($page, 1);
     $category = getCategory($catid);
     if (empty($category)) {
     $category['setting'] = $category['setting'];
     $modelid = $category['modelid'];
     $data = ContentModel::getInstance($modelid)->relation(true)->where(array("id" => $id))->find();
     if (empty($data)) {
     if (isset($data['paginationtype'])) {
         $paginationtype = $data['paginationtype'];
         $maxcharperpage = (int) $data['maxcharperpage'];
     } else {
         $paginationtype = 0;
     $content_output = new \content_output($modelid);
     $output_data = $content_output->get($data);
     $output_data['id'] = $id;
     $output_data['title'] = strip_tags($output_data['title']);
     $seo_keywords = '';
     if (!empty($output_data['keywords'])) {
         $seo_keywords = implode(',', $output_data['keywords']);
     $seo = seo($catid, $output_data['title'], $output_data['description'], $seo_keywords);
     $template = $output_data['template'] ? $output_data['template'] : $category['setting']['show_template'];
     $newstempid = explode(".", $template);
     $template = $newstempid[0];
     $pages = $titles = '';
     $this->assign("SEO", $seo);
     $this->assign("catid", $catid);
     //分页方式 0不分页 1自动分页 2手动分页
     if ($data['paginationtype'] > 0) {
         $CONTENT_POS = strpos($output_data['content'], '[page]');
         if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
             $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $output_data['content']));
             $pagenumber = count($contents);
             $pages = page($pagenumber, 1, $page, array('isrule' => true, 'rule' => array('index' => 'index.php?m=Content&a=public_preview&catid=' . $catid . '&id=' . $id, 'list' => 'index.php?m=Content&a=public_preview&catid=' . $catid . '&id=' . $id . '&page={$page}')))->show("default");
             if ($CONTENT_POS < 7) {
                 $content = $contents[$page];
             } else {
                 $content = $contents[$page - 1];
             $this->assign("pages", $pages);
             $this->assign("content", $content);
     } else {
         $this->assign("content", $output_data['content']);