Example #1
foreach ($SensorsList as $sensorType) {
    $tmpList = $sensors->get_sensor_type($sensorType);
    foreach ($tmpList as $row) {
        $typeName = $row['name'];
        $typeUnit = $row['unit'];
    $rawDisplay = '<tr><th><font size="5">' . $typeName . '</font></th>';
    if (count($displaySensorList[$sensorType]) > 0) {
        for ($iColumn = 0; $iColumn < count($deviceSensorList[sensors]); $iColumn++) {
            if (empty($displaySensorList[$sensorType][$iColumn])) {
                $rawDisplay = $rawDisplay . '<td></td>';
            } else {
                $sensorID = $displaySensorList[$sensorType][$iColumn] . $sensorType;
                $tmpList = $sensors->get_sensor_list($sensorID);
                foreach ($tmpList as $row) {
                    $alarm_MAX = $row['alarm_max'];
                    $alarm_MIN = $row['alarm_min'];
                $tmpList = $sensors->get_sensordata_now($sensorID);
                foreach ($tmpList as $row) {
                    $datetimeSensor = $row['datetime'];
                    $sensorValue = (int) $row['txtdata'];
                    $statusIcon = ($sensorValue <= $alarm_MAX and $sensorValue >= $alarm_MIN) ? "green.png" : "red.png";
                    if ($sensorValue > $alarm_MAX) {
                        $alarm_trigger = true;
                    $email_lasttime = ${"email_last_time_" . $sensorID};
                $fmtDate = date("Y-m-d H:i", $datetimeSensor);
Example #2
			<th scope="col" width="130">&nbsp;</th>
			<th scope="col"><h3>溫度</h3></th>
			<th scope="col"><h3>溼度</h3></th>
			<th scope="col"><h3>煙霧</h3></th>
			<th scope="col"><h3>PM10</h3></th>
			<th scope="col"><h3>PM2.5</h3></th>
                        <th scope="col"><h3>CO2</h3></th>
			<th scope="col"><h2>電腦<br>機房</h1></th>
			<td align="center"><strong><select name="maxA1" id="maxA1" size="1">
$tmpList = $sensors->get_sensor_list("A1");
foreach ($tmpList as $row) {
    $alarm_MAX_A1 = $row['alarm_max'];
$tmpList = $sensors->get_sensor_list("A2");
foreach ($tmpList as $row) {
    $alarm_MAX_A2 = $row['alarm_max'];
$tmpList = $sensors->get_sensor_list("A5");
foreach ($tmpList as $row) {
    $alarm_MAX_A5 = $row['alarm_max'];
for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i += 2) {
Example #3
                            return $v;
                            return 0;
$sensors = new conninfo($pdo);
$data_sensor_name = trim($_GET["sensor"]) . trim($_GET["type"]);
$data_device_name = trim($_GET["sensor"]);
$data_desc = trim($_GET["device"]);
$data_sensor_type = trim($_GET["type"]);
$data_sensor_value = trim($_GET["vdata"]);
$sensorID = 0;
if (strlen($data_sensor_name) > 0 and strlen($data_sensor_value) > 0) {
    //Get this sensor's ID
    $tmpList = $sensors->get_sensor_list($data_sensor_name);
    foreach ($tmpList as $row) {
        $sensorID = $row['id'];
    if (!$sensorID > 0) {
        $nowtime = time();
        $sql = "INSERT INTO sensor_list (idname, name, moredesc, type_id, create_date)\n\t                                VALUES ('{$data_sensor_name}', '{$data_device_name}', '{$data_desc}', '{$data_sensor_type}', '{$nowtime}')";
        // use exec() because no results are returned
        echo $sql;
        echo "New sensor ID created successfully!";
    $nowtime = time();
    $sql = "INSERT INTO data_storage (sensor_id, datetime, txtdata)\n        \t        VALUES ('{$sensorID}', '{$nowtime}', '{$data_sensor_value}')";
    // use exec() because no results are returned
    echo $sql;
Example #4

require "../conn/pdo.php";
require "../conn/conninfo.php";
require "functions.php";
$sensors = new conninfo($pdo);
//$data_sensor_name = trim($_GET["sensor"]);
$lastMinutes = trim($_GET["min"]);
$typeSensor = trim($_GET["type"]);
$numdata = trim($_GET["num"]);
$tmpList = $sensors->get_sensor_list($typeSensor);
foreach ($tmpList as $row) {
    $typeName = $row['name'];
    $typeUnit = $row['unit'];
$arraySensors = array("\"" . $typeSensor . "\"");
$lineTitle = $typeName . "曲線圖";
$y_title = $typeUnit;
$txtUnit = $typeUnit;
$arrayNum = 0;
$sensorName = array();
$jsonCategories = array();
$jsonData = array();
//if(strlen($data_sensor_name)>0) {
foreach ($arraySensors as $data_sensor_name) {
    if (strlen($lastMinutes) > 0) {
        $nowtime = time();
        $startDate = $nowtime - 60 * $lastMinutes;
        $endDate = $nowtime;
        $tmpList = $sensors->get_sensordata_range($data_sensor_name, $startDate, $endDate);