commonModel::printBreadMenu($this->moduleName, isset($position) ? $position : ''); ?> </div> <div id="poweredby"> <a href='' target='_blank' class='text-primary'><i class='icon-zentao'></i> <?php echo $lang->zentaoPMS . $config->version; ?> </a> <?php echo $lang->proVersion; ?> <?php commonModel::printNotifyLink(); ?> <?php commonModel::printQRCodeLink(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } js::set('onlybody', $onlybody); // set the onlybody var. if ($this->loadModel('cron')->runable()) { js::execute('startCron()'); } if (isset($pageJS)) { js::execute($pageJS); } // load the js for current page. /* Load hook files for current page. */
echo html::select('lang', $config->langs, $this->app->getClientLang(), 'class=select-2 onchange=selectLang(this.value)'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td id='keeplogin'><?php echo html::checkBox('keepLogin', $lang->user->keepLogin, $keepLogin); ?> </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan='2' class='a-center'> <?php echo html::submitButton($lang->login); if ($app->company->guest) { echo html::linkButton($lang->user->asGuest, $this->createLink($config->default->module)); } commonModel::printQRCodeLink('white'); echo html::hidden('referer', $referer); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php if (isset($demoUsers)) { ?> <div id='demoUsers'> <?php echo "<span>" . $lang->user->loginWithDemoUser . "</span>"; $sign = $config->requestType == 'GET' ? '&' : '?'; if (isset($demoUsers['productManager'])) {