Example #1
 function send_comment($commentID, $emailRecipients, $email_receive = false, $files = array())
     $comment = new comment();
     $token = new token();
     if ($comment->get_value("commentType") == "comment" && $comment->get_value("commentLinkID")) {
         $c = new comment();
         $is_a_reply_comment = true;
         if ($token->select_token_by_entity_and_action("comment", $c->get_id(), "add_comment_from_email")) {
             $hash = $token->get_value("tokenHash");
     if (!$hash) {
         if ($token->select_token_by_entity_and_action("comment", $comment->get_id(), "add_comment_from_email")) {
             $hash = $token->get_value("tokenHash");
         } else {
             $hash = $comment->make_token_add_comment_from_email();
     $rtn = $comment->send_emails($emailRecipients, $email_receive, $hash, $is_a_reply_comment, $files);
     if (is_array($rtn)) {
         $email_sent = true;
         list($successful_recipients, $messageid) = $rtn;
     // Append success to end of the comment
     if ($successful_recipients) {
         $append_comment_text = "Email sent to: " . $successful_recipients;
         $message_good .= $append_comment_text;
         //$comment->set_value("commentEmailMessageID",$messageid); that's the outbound message-id :-(
         $comment->set_value("commentEmailRecipients", $successful_recipients);
     $comment->skip_modified_fields = true;
     $comment->updateSearchIndexLater = true;
     return $email_sent;
Example #2
 function adjust_by_email_subject($email_receive, $e)
     $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
     $entity = $e->classname;
     $entityID = $e->get_id();
     $subject = trim($email_receive->mail_headers["subject"]);
     $body = $email_receive->get_converted_encoding();
     $msg_uid = $email_receive->msg_uid;
     list($emailAddress, $fullName) = parse_email_address($email_receive->mail_headers["from"]);
     list($personID, $clientContactID, $fullName) = comment::get_person_and_client($emailAddress, $fullName, $e->get_project_id());
     // Load up the parent object that this comment refers to, be it task or timeSheet etc
     if ($entity == "comment" && $entityID) {
         $c = new comment();
         $object = $c->get_parent_object();
     } else {
         if (class_exists($entity) && $entityID) {
             $object = new $entity();
     // If we're doing subject line magic, then we're only going to do it with
     // subject lines that have a {Key:fdsFFeSD} in them.
     preg_match("/\\{Key:[A-Za-z0-9]{8}\\}(.*)\\s*\$/i", $subject, $m);
     $commands = explode(" ", trim($m[1]));
     foreach ((array) $commands as $command) {
         $command = strtolower($command);
         list($command, $command2) = explode(":", $command);
         // for eg: duplicate:1234
         // If "quiet" in the subject line, then the email/comment won't be re-emailed out again
         if ($command == "quiet") {
             $quiet = true;
             // To unsubscribe from this conversation
         } else {
             if ($command == "unsub" || $command == "unsubscribe") {
                 if (interestedParty::active($entity, $entityID, $emailAddress)) {
                     interestedParty::delete_interested_party($entity, $entityID, $emailAddress);
                 // To subscribe to this conversation
             } else {
                 if ($command == "sub" || $command == "subscribe") {
                     $ip = interestedParty::exists($entity, $entityID, $emailAddress);
                     if (!$ip) {
                         $data = array("entity" => $entity, "entityID" => $entityID, "fullName" => $fullName, "emailAddress" => $emailAddress, "personID" => $personID, "clientContactID" => $clientContactID);
                         // Else reactivate existing IP
                     } else {
                         if (!interestedParty::active($entity, $entityID, $emailAddress)) {
                             $interestedParty = new interestedParty();
                             $interestedParty->set_value("interestedPartyActive", 1);
                     // If there's a number/duration then add some time to a time sheet
                 } else {
                     if (is_object($current_user) && $current_user->get_id() && preg_match("/([\\.\\d]+)/i", $command, $m)) {
                         $duration = $m[1];
                         if (is_numeric($duration)) {
                             if (is_object($object) && $object->classname == "task" && $object->get_id() && $current_user->get_id()) {
                                 $timeSheet = new timeSheet();
                                 $tsi_row = $timeSheet->add_timeSheetItem(array("taskID" => $object->get_id(), "duration" => $duration, "comment" => $body, "msg_uid" => $msg_uid, "msg_id" => $email_receive->mail_headers["message-id"], "multiplier" => 1));
                                 $timeUnit = new timeUnit();
                                 $units = $timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelA");
                                 $unitLabel = $units[$tsi_row["timeSheetItemDurationUnitID"]];
                         // Otherwise assume it's a status change
                     } else {
                         if (is_object($current_user) && $current_user->get_id() && $command) {
                             if (is_object($object) && $object->get_id()) {
                                 $object->set_value("taskStatus", $command);
                                 if ($command2 && preg_match("/dup/i", $command)) {
                                     $object->set_value("duplicateTaskID", $command2);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($command2 && preg_match("/tasks/i", $command)) {
     return $quiet;
Example #3
    if ($uid) {
//$lockfile = ATTACHMENTS_DIR."mail.lock.person_".$current_user->get_id();
$info["host"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailHost");
$info["port"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailPort");
$info["username"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailUsername");
$info["password"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailPassword");
$info["protocol"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailProtocol");
if (!$info["host"]) {
    alloc_error("Email mailbox host not defined, assuming email fetch function is inactive.", true);
if ($_REQUEST["commentID"]) {
    $c = new comment();
    $entity = $c->get_value("commentMaster");
    $entityID = $c->get_value("commentMasterID");
    $mail = new email_receive($info);
    $mail->open_mailbox(config::get_config_item("allocEmailFolder") . "/" . $entity . $entityID);
    if ($_REQUEST["uid"]) {
        header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
        list($h, $b) = $mail->get_raw_email_by_msg_uid($_REQUEST["uid"]);
        echo $h . $b;
    //$uids = $mail->get_all_email_msg_uids();
    $t = new token();
    $t->select_token_by_entity_and_action($c->get_value("commentType"), $c->get_value("commentLinkID"), "add_comment_from_email");
Example #4
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
 * your option) any later version.
 * allocPSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with allocPSA. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// For use like get_attachment.php?entity=project&id=5&file=foo.bar
require_once "../alloc.php";
if (isset($_GET["id"]) && $_GET["part"]) {
    $comment = new comment();
    $comment->select() or die("Bad _GET[id]");
    list($mail, $text, $mimebits) = $comment->find_email(false, true);
    if (!$mail) {
        list($mail, $text, $mimebits) = $comment->find_email(false, true, true);
    if ($comment->has_attachment_permission($current_user)) {
        foreach ((array) $mimebits as $bit) {
            if ($bit["part"] == $_GET["part"]) {
                $thing = $bit["blob"];
                $filename = $bit["name"];
        header('Content-Type: ' . $mimetype);
        header("Content-Length: " . strlen($thing));
Example #5
ini_set('max_execution_time', 180000);
ini_set('memory_limit', "256M");
$db = new db_alloc();
// Loop through attachments directory
if (is_dir($dir)) {
    $handle = opendir($dir);
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($file == "." || $file == ".." || !is_numeric($file) || dir_is_empty($dir . $file) || !is_numeric($file)) {
        // Figure out which email created the comment
        $comment = new comment();
        echo "<br><br><hr>Examining comment " . $file;
        // Figure out what the mime parts are for the attachments and update comment.commentMimeParts
        list($email, $text, $mimebits) = $comment->find_email(true);
        if (!$email) {
            echo "<br>Couldn't find email for commentID: " . $file . "<br>";
            rename($dir . $file, $dir . "fail_" . $file);
        if ($mimebits) {
            echo "<br>Setting commentMimeParts for comment: " . $comment->get_id();
            $comment->set_value("commentMimeParts", serialize($mimebits));
            $comment->skip_modified_fields = true;
            rename($dir . $file, $dir . "done_" . $file);