  * The callback ran in the async request to do the face detection.
  * @access private
  * @since  1.0
  * @static
  * @param  array  $atts   The associative array that is passed to an instance of cnImage::get() when processing an immage.
  * @param  string $source The image URL or absolute path. NOTE: The onl valid pathhs will be: WP_CONTENT/UPLOADS or STYLESHEETPATH
  * @param  string $return What to return, @see cnImage::get()
  * @return void
 public static function detect($atts, $source, $return)
     if (!is_wp_error($info = cnImage::info($source))) {
         $name = $info['basename'];
         $cache = cnCache::get('face_detect', 'option-cache', 'cnfc');
         $image = $cache != FALSE ? json_decode($cache, TRUE) : array();
         if ($image == FALSE || (!isset($image[$name]) || $image[$name]['modified'] != $info['modified'])) {
             if (!class_exists('svay\\FaceDetector')) {
                 include_once CNFD_PATH . 'vendor/facedetector/FaceDetector.php';
             $detect = new svay\FaceDetector();
             $coord = $detect->getFace();
             if (!is_null($coord)) {
                 $atts['crop_focus'] = array(($coord['x'] + $coord['w'] / 2) / $info[0], $coord['y'] / $info[1]);
             $image[$name]['path'] = $info['path'];
             $image[$name]['modified'] = $info['modified'];
             $image[$name]['mime'] = $info['mime'];
             $image[$name]['width'] = $info[0];
             $image[$name]['height'] = $info[1];
             $image[$name]['face'] = $coord;
             $image[$name]['crop_focus'] = $atts['crop_focus'];
             if (!is_wp_error($result = cnImage::get($source, $atts))) {
                 cnCache::set('face_detect', json_encode($image), YEAR_IN_SECONDS, 'option-cache', 'cnfc');
Example #2
                return $saved;
            //$image['name'] = ''; Does not change because it is being overwritten.
            $image['path'] = $saved['path'];
            //$image['url'] = ''; @todo This may need updated if the file name has changed.
            $image['width'] = $saved['width'];
            $image['height'] = $saved['height'];
            $image['size'] = "width=\"{$saved['width']}\" height=\"{$saved['height']}\"";
            $image['mime'] = $saved['mime-type'];
            //$image['type'] = 0; @todo This might need to be updated if the image type has changed.
        return $image;
// Init the Image API
/*add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'cn_short_init', 99 );

function cn_short_init() {

	if ( isset( $_GET['src'] ) ) {

		remove_all_actions( 'setup_theme' );
		remove_all_actions( 'after_setup_theme' );
		remove_all_actions( 'set_current_user' );
		// remove_all_actions( 'init' );
		remove_all_actions( 'widgets_init' );
		remove_all_actions( 'register_sidebar' );
		remove_all_actions( 'wp_default_scripts' );
		remove_all_actions( 'wp_default_styles' );
		remove_all_actions( 'admin_bar_init' );
 public static function shortcode($atts, $content = '', $tag = 'cn_thumbr')
     // Grab an instance of the Connections object.
     $instance = Connections_Directory();
     $log = array();
     $srcset = array();
     $permitted = array('attachment', 'featured', 'path', 'url', 'logo', 'photo');
     $defaults = array('type' => 'url', 'source' => NULL, 'negate' => FALSE, 'grayscale' => FALSE, 'brightness' => 0, 'colorize' => NULL, 'contrast' => 0, 'detect_edges' => FALSE, 'emboss' => FALSE, 'gaussian_blur' => FALSE, 'blur' => FALSE, 'sketchy' => FALSE, 'sharpen' => FALSE, 'smooth' => NULL, 'opacity' => 100, 'crop_mode' => 1, 'crop_focus' => array(0.5, 0.5), 'crop_only' => FALSE, 'canvas_color' => '#FFFFFF', 'quality' => 90, 'sizes' => '1024|640|320');
     $defaults = apply_filters('cn_thumbr_shortcode_atts', $defaults);
     $atts = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts, $tag);
     if (!in_array($atts['type'], $permitted)) {
         return __('Valid image source type not supplied.', 'connections');
      * Convert some of the $atts values in the array to boolean because the Shortcode API passes all values as strings.
     // cnFormatting::toBoolean( $atts['crop'] );
     $atts['sizes'] = explode('|', $atts['sizes']);
     array_map('trim', $atts['sizes']);
     array_map('absint', $atts['sizes']);
     if (empty($atts['sizes'])) {
         return __('No image sizes were supplied or supplied values were invalid.', 'connections');
     switch ($atts['type']) {
         case 'attachment':
             $source = wp_get_attachment_url(absint($atts['source']));
         case 'featured':
             $source = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id());
         case 'path':
             $source = $atts['source'];
         case 'url':
             $source = esc_url($atts['source']);
         case 'logo':
             $result = $instance->retrieve->entry(absint($atts['source']));
             $entry = new cnEntry($result);
             $meta = $entry->getImageMeta(array('type' => 'logo'));
             if (is_wp_error($meta)) {
                 // Display the error messages.
                 return implode(PHP_EOL, $meta->get_error_messages());
             $source = $meta['url'];
         case 'photo':
             $result = $instance->retrieve->entry(absint($atts['source']));
             $entry = new cnEntry($result);
             $meta = $entry->getImageMeta(array('type' => 'photo'));
             if (is_wp_error($meta)) {
                 // Display the error messages.
                 return implode(PHP_EOL, $meta->get_error_messages());
             $source = $meta['url'];
     // Unset $atts['source'] because passing that $atts to cnImage::get() extracts and overwrite the $source var.
     foreach ($atts['sizes'] as $width) {
         $atts['width'] = $width;
         $image = cnImage::get($source, $atts, 'data');
         if (is_wp_error($image)) {
             // Display the error messages.
             return implode(PHP_EOL, $image->get_error_messages());
         } elseif ($image === FALSE) {
             return __('An error has occured while creating the thumbnail.', 'connections');
         if (defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG === TRUE) {
             $log[] = '<pre>' . $image['log'] . '</pre>';
         $srcset[] = $image['url'] . ' ' . $width . 'w';
     $out = sprintf('<img class="cn-image" srcset="%1$s" sizes="100vw"%2$s />', implode(',', $srcset), empty($content) ? '' : ' alt="' . esc_attr($content) . '"');
     if (defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG === TRUE) {
         $out .= implode('', $log);
     return $out;
  * Process a logo upload, creating its size variation and caching it for later use.
  * NOTE: The entry slug should be run thru rawurldecode() before being passed to this method.
  * @access private
  * @since  8.1
  * @static
  * @uses   Connections_Directory()
  * @uses   is_wp_error()
  * @uses   cnMessage::set()
  * @uses   cnImage::get()
  * @uses   is_admin()
  * @param  string $entrySlug The entry slug.
  * @return array             An associative array containing the the details about the uploaded logo.
 private static function processLogo($entrySlug)
     if (!isset($_FILES['original_logo'])) {
         return FALSE;
     // Grab an instance of the Connections object.
     $instance = Connections_Directory();
     if (is_wp_error($img = cnImage::upload($_FILES['original_logo'], $entrySlug))) {
         cnMessage::set('error', implode('<br />', $img->get_error_messages()));
         return FALSE;
     $cropMode = array(0 => 'none', 1 => 'crop', 2 => 'fill', 3 => 'fit');
     $logo = cnImage::get($img['url'], array('crop_mode' => ($key = array_search(cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'image_logo', 'ratio'), $cropMode)) || $key === 0 ? $key : 2, 'width' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'image_logo', 'width'), 'height' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'image_logo', 'height'), 'quality' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'image_logo', 'quality'), 'sub_dir' => $entrySlug), 'data');
     if (is_wp_error($logo)) {
         cnMessage::set('error', implode('<br />', $logo->get_error_messages()));
     // Output the debug log.
     if ($instance->options->getDebug() && is_admin()) {
         if (isset($logo['log'])) {
             cnMessage::runtime('notice', 'Logo Image Process Log<br/> <pre>' . $logo['log'] . '</pre>');
     return $img;
  * Return an array of image meta data.
  * Accepted option for the $atts property are:
  * 	type (string) Valid options: logo | photo | custom. Default: photo
  * 	size (string) Valid options depend on `type`.
  * 		If `type` is `logo`: original | scaled. Default: original
  * 		If `type` is `photo`: original | thumbnail | medium | large. Default: original
  * 		If `type` is `custom`: Not used, use the `width` and `height` to set the custom size.
  * 	width (int) The width of the `custom` size.
  * 	height (int) The height of the `custom` size.
  * 	crop_mode (int) Which crop mode to utilize when rescaling the image. Valid range is 0–3. Default: 1
  * 		0 == Resize to Fit specified dimensions with no cropping. Aspect ratio will not be maintained.
  * 		1 == Crop and resize to best fit dimensions maintaining aspect ration. Default.
  * 		2 == Resize proportionally to fit entire image into specified dimensions, and add margins if required.
  * 			Use the canvas_color option to set the color to be used when adding margins.
  * 		3 == Resize proportionally adjusting size of scaled image so there are no margins added.
  * 	quality (int) The image quality to be used when saving the image. Valid range is 1–100. Default: 80
  * The return array will contain the following keys and their value:
  * 	name   => (string) The image name.
  * 	path   => (string) The absolute image path.
  * 	url    => (string) The image URL.
  * 	width  => (int) The image width.
  * 	height => (int) The image height.
  * 	size   => (string) The image size in a string, `height="yyy" width="xxx"`, that can be used directly in an img tag.
  * 	mime   => (string) The image mime type.
  * 	type   => (int) The IMAGETYPE_XXX constants indicating the type of the image.
  * @access public
  * @since  8.1
  * @uses   apply_filters()
  * @uses   wp_parse_args()
  * @uses   self::getOriginalImageURL()
  * @uses   self::getOriginalImagePath()
  * @uses   cnImage::get()
  * @uses   WP_Error
  * @uses   is_wp_error()
  * @param  array  $atts
  * @return mixed array|WP_Error
 public function getImageMeta($atts = array())
     $cropMode = array(0 => 'none', 1 => 'crop', 2 => 'fill', 3 => 'fit');
     $sizes = array('thumbnail', 'medium', 'large');
     $meta = array();
     $defaults = array('type' => 'photo', 'size' => 'original', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'crop_mode' => 1, 'quality' => 80);
     $defaults = apply_filters('cn_default_atts_image_meta', $defaults);
     $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults);
     if (empty($atts['type'])) {
         return $meta;
     // The entry slug is saved in the db URL encoded, so it needs to be decoded.
     $slug = rawurldecode($this->getSlug());
     if ('custom' == $atts['size']) {
         $meta = cnImage::get($this->getOriginalImageURL($atts['type']), array('crop_mode' => empty($atts['crop_mode']) && $atts['crop_mode'] !== 0 ? 1 : $atts['crop_mode'], 'width' => empty($atts['width']) ? NULL : $atts['width'], 'height' => empty($atts['height']) ? NULL : $atts['height'], 'quality' => $atts['quality'], 'sub_dir' => $slug), 'data');
         if (!is_wp_error($meta)) {
             $meta['source'] = 'file';
         return $meta;
     switch ($atts['type']) {
         case 'logo':
             switch ($atts['size']) {
                 case 'original':
                     $meta['path'] = $this->getOriginalImagePath($atts['type']);
                     $meta['url'] = $this->getOriginalImageURL($atts['type']);
                     if (isset($this->options['logo']['meta'])) {
                         $meta = $this->options['logo']['meta'];
                         // This needs to be here to ensure that the path and URL stored is updated
                         // to the current path to account for users moving their site or changing
                         // the site's folder structure.
                         $meta['path'] = $this->getOriginalImagePath($atts['type']);
                         $meta['url'] = $this->getOriginalImageURL($atts['type']);
                         $meta['source'] = 'db';
                     } else {
                         /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */
                         if (is_file($meta['path']) && ($image = @getimagesize($meta['path']))) {
                             $meta['width'] = $image[0];
                             $meta['height'] = $image[1];
                             $meta['size'] = $image[3];
                             $meta['mime'] = $image['mime'];
                             $meta['type'] = $image[2];
                             $meta['source'] = 'file';
                         } else {
                             $meta = new WP_Error('image_not_found', __(sprintf('The file %s is not an image.', basename($meta['path'])), 'connections'), $meta['path']);
                     $meta = cnImage::get($this->getOriginalImageURL($atts['type']), array('crop_mode' => ($key = array_search(cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'image_logo', 'ratio'), $cropMode)) || $key === 0 ? $key : 2, 'width' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'image_logo', 'width'), 'height' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'image_logo', 'height'), 'quality' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'image_logo', 'quality'), 'sub_dir' => $slug), 'data');
                     if (!is_wp_error($meta)) {
                         $meta['source'] = 'file';
         case 'photo':
             switch ($atts['size']) {
                 case 'original':
                     $meta['path'] = $this->getOriginalImagePath($atts['type']);
                     $meta['url'] = $this->getOriginalImageURL($atts['type']);
                     if (isset($this->options['image']['meta']['original'])) {
                         $meta = $this->options['image']['meta']['original'];
                         // This needs to be here to ensure that the path and URL stored is updated
                         // to the current path to account for users moving their site or changing
                         // the site's folder structure.
                         $meta['path'] = $this->getOriginalImagePath($atts['type']);
                         $meta['url'] = $this->getOriginalImageURL($atts['type']);
                         $meta['source'] = 'db';
                     } else {
                         /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */
                         if (is_file($meta['path']) && ($image = @getimagesize($meta['path']))) {
                             $meta['width'] = $image[0];
                             $meta['height'] = $image[1];
                             $meta['size'] = $image[3];
                             $meta['mime'] = $image['mime'];
                             $meta['type'] = $image[2];
                             $meta['source'] = 'file';
                         } else {
                             $meta = new WP_Error('image_not_found', __(sprintf('The file %s is not an image.', basename($meta['path'])), 'connections'), $meta['path']);
                     if (in_array($atts['size'], $sizes)) {
                         $meta = cnImage::get($this->getOriginalImageURL($atts['type']), array('crop_mode' => ($key = array_search(cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', "image_{$atts['size']}", 'ratio'), $cropMode)) || $key === 0 ? $key : 2, 'width' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', "image_{$atts['size']}", 'width'), 'height' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', "image_{$atts['size']}", 'height'), 'quality' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', "image_{$atts['size']}", 'quality'), 'sub_dir' => $slug), 'data');
                         if (!is_wp_error($meta)) {
                             $meta['source'] = 'file';
     return $meta;