/** * Outputs entry data JSON encoded in HTML data attribute. * This is an action called by the `cn_action_entry_after` hook. * * @access public * @since 0.8 * * @param array $atts Shortcode $atts passed by the `cn_action_entry_after` action hook. * @param cnEntry $entry An instance the the cnEntry object. * * @return string */ public static function JSON($atts, $entry) { $defaults = array('tag' => 'div', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'return' => FALSE, 'show_addresses' => TRUE, 'show_phone_numbers' => TRUE, 'show_email' => TRUE, 'show_im' => TRUE, 'show_social_media' => TRUE, 'show_links' => TRUE, 'show_dates' => TRUE, 'show_bio' => TRUE, 'show_notes' => TRUE); $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults); $data = array('type' => $entry->getEntryType(), 'id' => $entry->getId(), 'ruid' => $entry->getRuid(), 'slug' => $entry->getSlug(), 'name' => array('full' => $entry->getName($atts), 'prefix' => $entry->getHonorificPrefix(), 'first' => $entry->getFirstName(), 'middle' => $entry->getMiddleName(), 'last' => $entry->getLastName(), 'suffix' => $entry->getHonorificSuffix()), 'title' => $entry->getTitle(), 'organization' => $entry->getOrganization(), 'department' => $entry->getDepartment(), 'contact_name' => array('full' => $entry->getContactName(), 'first' => $entry->getContactFirstName(), 'last' => $entry->getContactLastName()), 'family_name' => $entry->getFamilyName(), 'family_members' => $entry->getFamilyMembers(), 'categories' => $entry->getCategory(), 'meta' => $entry->getMeta($atts)); if ($atts['show_addresses']) { $data['addresses'] = $entry->getAddresses($atts); } if ($atts['show_phone_numbers']) { $data['phone_numbers'] = $entry->getPhoneNumbers($atts); } if ($atts['show_email']) { $data['email_addresses'] = $entry->getEmailAddresses($atts); } if ($atts['show_im']) { $data['im'] = $entry->getIm($atts); } if ($atts['show_social_media']) { $data['social_media'] = $entry->getSocialMedia($atts); } if ($atts['show_links']) { $data['links'] = $entry->getLinks($atts); } if ($atts['show_dates']) { $data['dates'] = $entry->getDates($atts); } if ($atts['show_bio']) { $data['bio'] = $entry->getBio(); } if ($atts['show_notes']) { $data['notes'] = $entry->getNotes(); } $out = sprintf('<%1$s class="cn-entry-data-json" data-entry-data-json=\'%2$s\'></%1$s>', $atts['tag'], htmlspecialchars(json_encode($data), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $out = (empty($atts['before']) ? '' : $atts['before']) . $out . (empty($atts['after']) ? '' : $atts['after']) . PHP_EOL; return self::echoOrReturn($atts['return'], $out); }
/** * Prepare a single entry output for response. * * @param cnEntry $entry Post object. * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request object. * * @return WP_REST_Response $data */ public function prepare_item_for_response($entry, $request) { $data = array(); //$entry->directoryHome( // array( // 'page_id' => $homeID, // 'force_home' => $forceHome, // ) //); $data['id'] = $entry->getId(); $data['type'] = $entry->getEntryType(); $data['slug'] = $entry->getSlug(); $data['name'] = array('raw' => $entry->getName(array(), 'raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getName()); $data['honorific_prefix'] = array('raw' => $entry->getHonorificPrefix('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getHonorificPrefix()); $data['given_name'] = array('raw' => $entry->getFirstName('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getFirstName()); $data['additional_name'] = array('raw' => $entry->getMiddleName('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getMiddleName()); $data['family_name'] = array('raw' => $entry->getLastName('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getLastName()); $data['honorific_suffix'] = array('raw' => $entry->getHonorificSuffix('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getHonorificSuffix()); $data['job_title'] = array('raw' => $entry->getTitle('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getTitle()); $data['org'] = array('organization_name' => array('raw' => $entry->getDepartment('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getDepartment()), 'organization_unit' => array('raw' => $entry->getOrganization('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getOrganization())); $data['contact'] = array('given_name' => array('raw' => $entry->getContactFirstName('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getContactFirstName()), 'family_name' => array('raw' => $entry->getContactLastName('raw'), 'rendered' => $entry->getContactLastName())); $data = $this->prepare_address_for_response($entry, $request, $data); // Wrap the data in a response object. $response = rest_ensure_response($data); return $response; }
/** * Prepare a single post output for response. * * @param cnEntry $entry Post object. * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request object. * * @return WP_REST_Response $data */ public function prepare_item_for_response($entry, $request) { //$entry->directoryHome( // array( // 'page_id' => $homeID, // 'force_home' => $forceHome, // ) //); $addresses = $entry->getAddresses(); /** * NOTES: * * - The `coordinates` index array value must not have indexes otherwise it'll be converted to an object * which is invalid geoJSON. * - The `coordinates` must but cast as floats otherwise they'll be converted to strings. * - The `coordinates` must be longitude, latitude order per the geoJSON spec. * * @todo Loop thu each address within an entry so a geoJSON `feature` is added for each address the entry may have. * @todo The entry only needs to be added to $entries if it has at least one address and those address has both a latitude and longitude. * * @link http://connections-pro.com/support/topic/map-view/#post-319981 */ if ((!isset($addresses[0]->latitude) || empty($addresses[0]->latitude)) && (!isset($addresses[0]->longitude) || empty($addresses[0]->longitude))) { //return; } switch ($entry->getEntryType()) { case 'individual': $type = 'Person'; break; case 'organization': $type = 'Organization'; break; case 'family': $type = 'Family'; break; default: $type = NULL; } $data = array('type' => 'Feature', 'geometry' => array('type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => array((double) $addresses[0]->longitude, (double) $addresses[0]->latitude)), 'properties' => array('id' => $entry->getId(), 'type' => $type, 'slug' => $entry->getSlug(), 'permalink' => $entry->getPermalink(), 'name' => $entry->getName(), 'title' => $entry->getTitle(), 'department' => $entry->getDepartment() ? array('@type' => 'Organization', 'name' => $entry->getDepartment()) : NULL, 'organization' => $entry->getOrganization() ? array('@type' => 'Organization', 'name' => $entry->getOrganization()) : NULL, 'bio' => $entry->getBio(), 'notes' => $entry->getNotes())); // Wrap the data in a response object. $response = rest_ensure_response($data); return $response; }
/** * Sort the entries by the user set attributes. * * $object -- syntax is field|SORT_ASC(SORT_DESC)|SORT_REGULAR(SORT_NUMERIC)(SORT_STRING) * * example -- 'state|SORT_ASC|SORT_STRING, last_name|SORT_DESC|SORT_REGULAR * * * Available order_by fields: * id * date_added * date_modified * first_name * last_name * organization * department * city * state * zipcode * country * birthday * anniversary * * Order Flags: * SORT_ACS * SORT_DESC * SPECIFIED** * RANDOM** * * Sort Types: * SORT_REGULAR * SORT_NUMERIC * SORT_STRING * * **NOTE: The SPECIFIED and RANDOM Order Flags can only be used * with the id field. The SPECIFIED flag must be used in conjunction * with $suppliedIDs which can be either a comma delimited sting or * an indexed array of entry IDs. If this is set, other sort fields/flags * are ignored. * * @access private * @since unknown * @deprecated since unknown * * @param array $entries A reference to an array of object $entries * @param string $orderBy * @param mixed array|string|NULL [optional] * * @return array of objects */ private function orderBy(&$entries, $orderBy, $suppliedIDs = NULL) { if (empty($entries) || empty($orderBy)) { return $entries; } $orderFields = array('id', 'date_added', 'date_modified', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'title', 'organization', 'department', 'city', 'state', 'zipcode', 'country', 'birthday', 'anniversary'); $sortFlags = array('SPECIFIED' => 'SPECIFIED', 'RANDOM' => 'RANDOM', 'SORT_ASC' => SORT_ASC, 'SORT_DESC' => SORT_DESC, 'SORT_REGULAR' => SORT_REGULAR, 'SORT_NUMERIC' => SORT_NUMERIC, 'SORT_STRING' => SORT_STRING); $specifiedIDOrder = FALSE; // Build an array of each field to sort by and attributes. $sortFields = explode(',', $orderBy); // For each field the sort order can be defined as well as the sort type foreach ($sortFields as $sortField) { $sortAtts[] = explode('|', $sortField); } /* * Dynamically build the variables that will be used for the array_multisort. * * The field type should be the first item in the array if the user * constructed the shortcode attribute correctly. */ foreach ($sortAtts as $field) { // Trim any spaces the user might have added to the shortcode attribute. $field[0] = strtolower(trim($field[0])); // If a user included a sort field that is invalid/mis-spelled it is skipped since it can not be used. if (!in_array($field[0], $orderFields)) { continue; } // The dynamic variable are being created and populated. foreach ($entries as $key => $row) { $entry = new cnEntry($row); switch ($field[0]) { case 'id': ${$field[0]}[$key] = $entry->getId(); break; case 'date_added': ${$field[0]}[$key] = $entry->getDateAdded('U'); break; case 'date_modified': ${$field[0]}[$key] = $entry->getUnixTimeStamp(); break; case 'first_name': ${$field[0]}[$key] = $entry->getFirstName(); break; case 'last_name': ${$field[0]}[$key] = $entry->getLastName(); break; case 'title': ${$field[0]}[$key] = $entry->getTitle(); break; case 'organization': ${$field[0]}[$key] = $entry->getOrganization(); break; case 'department': ${$field[0]}[$key] = $entry->getDepartment(); break; case $field[0] === 'city' || $field[0] === 'state' || $field[0] === 'zipcode' || $field[0] === 'country': if ($entry->getAddresses()) { $addresses = $entry->getAddresses(); foreach ($addresses as $address) { //${$field[0]}[$key] = $address[$field[0]]; ${$field[0]}[$key] = $address->{$field}[0]; // Only set the data from the first address. break; } } else { ${$field[0]}[$key] = NULL; } break; case 'birthday': ${$field[0]}[$key] = strtotime($entry->getBirthday()); break; case 'anniversary': ${$field[0]}[$key] = strtotime($entry->getAnniversary()); break; } } // The sorting order to be determined by a lowercase copy of the original array. ${$field}[0] = array_map('strtolower', ${$field}[0]); // The arrays to be sorted must be passed by reference or it won't work. $sortParams[] =& ${$field}[0]; // Add the flag and sort type to the sort parameters if they were supplied in the shortcode attribute. foreach ($field as $key => $flag) { // Trim any spaces the user might have added and change the string to uppercase.. $flag = strtoupper(trim($flag)); // If a user included a sort tag that is invalid/mis-spelled it is skipped since it can not be used. if (!array_key_exists($flag, $sortFlags)) { continue; } /* * If the order is specified set the variable to true and continue * because SPECIFIED should not be added to the $sortParams array * as that would be an invalid argument for the array multisort. */ if ($flag === 'SPECIFIED' || $flag === 'RANDOM') { $idOrder = $flag; continue; } // Must be pass as reference or the multisort will fail. $sortParams[] =& $sortFlags[$flag]; unset($flag); } } /* * */ if (isset($id) && isset($idOrder)) { switch ($idOrder) { case 'SPECIFIED': $sortedEntries = array(); /* * Convert the supplied IDs value to an array if it is not. */ if (!is_array($suppliedIDs) && !empty($suppliedIDs)) { // Trim the space characters if present. $suppliedIDs = str_replace(' ', '', $suppliedIDs); // Convert to array. $suppliedIDs = explode(',', $suppliedIDs); } foreach ($suppliedIDs as $entryID) { $sortedEntries[] = $entries[array_search($entryID, $id)]; } $entries = $sortedEntries; return $entries; break; case 'RANDOM': shuffle($entries); return $entries; break; } } /*print_r($sortParams); print_r($first_name); print_r($last_name); print_r($state); print_r($zipcode); print_r($organization); print_r($department); print_r($birthday); print_r($anniversary);*/ // Must be pass as reference or the multisort will fail. $sortParams[] =& $entries; //$sortParams = array(&$state, SORT_ASC, SORT_REGULAR, &$zipcode, SORT_DESC, SORT_STRING, &$entries); call_user_func_array('array_multisort', $sortParams); return $entries; }
/** * The core method that processes the content according to the * entry part that the shortcode should add to the content. * * @access private * @since 0.8 * @param array $atts The shortcode attributes array. * @param string $content The content captured between an open/close shortcode. * @param string $tag The shortcode tag. * * @return string The processed content. */ public function shortcode($atts, $content = '', $tag = 'cn_entry') { // Bail if self::$entry is not set because an instance of the cnEntry object is required. if (is_null($this->entry)) { return ''; } $defaults = array('part' => ''); // Normally we'd use shortcode_atts, but that strips keys from $atts that do not exist in $defaults. // Since $atts can contain various option for the different callback methods, we'll use wp_parse_args() // which leaves keys that do not exist in $atts. $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults); // All the core methods in the cnEntry_HTML class echo by default, make sure to return instead. $atts['return'] = TRUE; switch ($atts['part']) { case 'name': $out = $this->entry->getName($atts); break; case 'title': $out = $this->entry->getTitle(); break; case 'organization': $out = $this->entry->getOrganization(); break; case 'department': $out = $this->entry->getDepartment(); break; case 'contact': $out = $this->entry->getContactName($atts); break; case 'family_relationships': $out = $this->entry->getFamilyMembers(); break; case 'addresses': add_shortcode('cn_address', array($this, 'address')); $out = has_shortcode($content, 'cn_address') ? do_shortcode($content) : ''; remove_shortcode('cn_address'); break; case 'phone_numbers': add_shortcode('cn_phone', array($this, 'phone')); $out = has_shortcode($content, 'cn_phone') ? do_shortcode($content) : ''; remove_shortcode('cn_phone'); break; case 'email': add_shortcode('cn_email', array($this, 'email')); $out = has_shortcode($content, 'cn_email') ? do_shortcode($content) : ''; remove_shortcode('cn_email'); break; case 'im': add_shortcode('cn_im', array($this, 'im')); $out = has_shortcode($content, 'cn_im') ? do_shortcode($content) : ''; remove_shortcode('cn_im'); break; case 'social_networks': add_shortcode('cn_social_network', array($this, 'socialNetwork')); $out = has_shortcode($content, 'cn_social_network') ? do_shortcode($content) : ''; remove_shortcode('cn_social_network'); break; case 'links': add_shortcode('cn_link', array($this, 'link')); $out = has_shortcode($content, 'cn_link') ? do_shortcode($content) : ''; remove_shortcode('cn_link'); break; case 'dates': add_shortcode('cn_date', array($this, 'date')); $out = has_shortcode($content, 'cn_date') ? do_shortcode($content) : ''; remove_shortcode('cn_date'); break; case 'bio': $out = $this->entry->getBio(); break; case 'notes': $out = $this->entry->getNotes(); break; default: // Custom shortcodes can be applied to the content using this filter. $out = apply_filters('cn_entry_part-' . $atts['part'], $content, $atts, $this->entry); break; } return $out; }