public static function returnState($_options) { $cmd = cmd::byId($_options['cmd_id']); if (is_object($cmd)) { $cmd->returnState(); } }
public function execute($_options = array()) { switch ($this->getConfiguration('mode')) { case 'fixe': return $this->getConfiguration('coordinate'); break; case 'dynamic': break; case 'distance': $from = cmd::byId($this->getConfiguration('from')); $to = cmd::byId($this->getConfiguration('to')); if (!is_object($from)) { throw new Exception('Commande point de départ introuvable : ' . $this->getConfiguration('from')); } if (!is_object($to)) { throw new Exception('Commande point d\'arrivé introuvable : ' . $this->getConfiguration('to')); } $to = explode(',', $to->execCmd()); $from = explode(',', $from->execCmd()); if (count($to) == 2 && count($from) == 2) { return self::distance($from[0], $from[1], $to[0], $to[1]); } return -1; break; default: break; } }
public function execute($_options = array()) { switch ($this->getConfiguration('mode')) { case 'fixe': $result = $this->getConfiguration('coordinate'); return $result; case 'distance': $from = cmd::byId($this->getConfiguration('from')); $to = cmd::byId($this->getConfiguration('to')); if (!is_object($from)) { throw new Exception(__('Commande point de départ introuvable : ', __FILE__) . $this->getConfiguration('from')); } if (!is_object($to)) { throw new Exception(__('Commande point d\'arrivé introuvable : ', __FILE__) . $this->getConfiguration('to')); } $to = explode(',', $to->execCmd(null, 0)); $from = explode(',', $from->execCmd(null, 0)); if (count($to) > 2) { $to[2] = implode(',', array_slice($to, 1)); } if (count($from) > 2) { $from[2] = implode(',', array_slice($from, 1)); } if (count($to) == 2 && count($from) == 2) { return self::distance($from[0], $from[1], $to[0], $to[1]); } return 0; case 'travelTime': $from = cmd::byId($this->getConfiguration('from')); $to = cmd::byId($this->getConfiguration('to')); try { $highways = true; if ($this->getConfiguration('noHighways', 0) == 1) { $highways = false; } $result = self::get_driving_information($from->execCmd(null, 0), $to->execCmd(null, 0), $highways); return $result['time']; } catch (Exception $e) { return 0; } case 'travelDistance': $from = cmd::byId($this->getConfiguration('from')); $to = cmd::byId($this->getConfiguration('to')); try { $highways = true; if ($this->getConfiguration('noHighways', 0) == 1) { $highways = false; } $result = self::get_driving_information($from->execCmd(null, 0), $to->execCmd(null, 0), $highways); return $result['distance']; } catch (Exception $e) { return 0; } } }
if (init('action') == 'forgotPassword') { log::add('user', 'info', __('Demande de récupération de mot de passe pour : ', __FILE__) . init('login')); $user = user::byLogin(init('login')); if (!is_object($user)) { connection::failed(); throw new Exception('Utilisateur introuvable'); } $newPassword = config::genKey(); $oldPassword = $user->getPassword(); $user->setPassword(sha1($newPassword)); $cmds = explode('&&', config::byKey('emailAdmin')); $found = false; try { if (count($cmds) > 0) { foreach ($cmds as $id) { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $id)); if (is_object($cmd)) { $found = true; $cmd->execCmd(array('title' => __('[JEEDOM] Récuperation de mot de passe', __FILE__), 'message' => 'Voici votre nouveau mot de passe pour votre installation jeedom : ' . $newPassword)); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(__('Aucune commande trouvé pour envoyé le nouveau mot de passe, la demande de récupération a echouée', __FILE__)); } if (!$found) { throw new Exception(__('Aucune commande trouvé pour envoyé le nouveau mot de passe, la demande de récupération a echouée, vous pouvez trouver une procedure <a href="" target="_blank">ici</a>', __FILE__)); } $user->save(); ajax::success(); }
public function execute($_trigger = '', $_message = '') { if ($this->getIsActive() != 1) { $this->setLog(__('Impossible d\'exécuter le scénario : ', __FILE__) . $this->getHumanName() . __(' sur : ', __FILE__) . $_message . __(' car il est désactivé', __FILE__)); $this->persistLog(); return; } if ($this->getConfiguration('timeDependency', 0) == 1 && !jeedom::isDateOk()) { $this->setLog(__('Lancement du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $this->getHumanName() . __(' annulé car il utilise une condition de type temporelle et que la date système n\'est pas OK', __FILE__)); $this->persistLog(); return; } $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $_trigger)); if (is_object($cmd)) { log::add('event', 'event', __('Exécution du scénario ', __FILE__) . $this->getHumanName() . __(' déclenché par : ', __FILE__) . $cmd->getHumanName()); } else { log::add('event', 'event', __('Exécution du scénario ', __FILE__) . $this->getHumanName() . __(' déclenché par : ', __FILE__) . $_trigger); } $this->setLog(__('Début d\'exécution du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $this->getHumanName() . '. ' . $_message); $this->setLastLaunch(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); if ($this->getConfiguration('speedPriority', 0) == 0) { $this->setDisplay('icon', ''); $this->setState('in progress'); $this->setPID(getmypid()); $this->save(); } $this->setRealTrigger($_trigger); foreach ($this->getElement() as $element) { $element->execute($this); } if ($this->getConfiguration('speedPriority', 0) == 0) { $this->setState('stop'); $this->setPID(''); } $this->setLog(__('Fin correcte du scénario', __FILE__)); $this->persistLog(); $this->save(); if ($this->getReturn() != '') { return $this->getReturn(); } return true; }
public function execute(&$scenario = null) { if ($this->getOptions('enable', 1) == 0) { return; } $message = ''; try { if ($this->getType() == 'element') { $element = scenarioElement::byId($this->getExpression()); if (is_object($element)) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Exécution d\'un bloc élément : ', __FILE__) . $this->getExpression()); return $element->execute($scenario); } return; } $options = $this->getOptions(); if (isset($options['enable'])) { unset($options['enable']); } if (is_array($options) && $this->getExpression() != 'wait') { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $options[$key] = str_replace('"', '', self::setTags($value, $scenario)); } } if ($this->getType() == 'action') { if ($this->getExpression() == 'icon') { if ($scenario != null) { $options = $this->getOptions(); $this->setLog($scenario, __('Changement de l\'icone du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $options['icon']); $scenario->setDisplay('icon', $options['icon']); $scenario->save(); } return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'wait') { if (!isset($options['condition'])) { return; } $result = false; $occurence = 0; $limit = isset($options['timeout']) && is_numeric($options['timeout']) ? $options['timeout'] : 7200; while ($result !== true) { $expression = self::setTags($options['condition'], $scenario); $result = evaluate($expression); if ($occurence > $limit) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('[Wait] Condition valide par dépassement de temps', __FILE__)); return; } $occurence++; sleep(1); } $this->setLog($scenario, __('[Wait] Condition valide : ', __FILE__) . $expression); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'sleep') { if (isset($options['duration'])) { try { $options['duration'] = evaluate($options['duration']); } catch (Exception $e) { } if (is_numeric($options['duration']) && $options['duration'] > 0) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Pause de ', __FILE__) . $options['duration'] . __(' seconde(s)', __FILE__)); if ($options['duration'] < 1) { return usleep($options['duration'] * 1000); } else { return sleep($options['duration']); } } } $this->setLog($scenario, __('Aucune durée trouvée pour l\'action sleep ou la durée n\'est pas valide : ', __FILE__) . $options['duration']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'stop') { if ($scenario != null) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Arret du scénario', __FILE__)); $scenario->setState('stop'); $scenario->setPID(''); $scenario->persistLog(); $scenario->save(); } die; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'log') { if ($scenario != null) { $scenario->setLog('Log : ' . $options['message']); if ($scenario->getConfiguration('speedPriority', 0) == 1) { $scenario->persistLog(); } } return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'message') { message::add('scenario', $options['message']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'equipement') { $eqLogic = eqLogic::byId(str_replace(array('#eqLogic', '#'), '', $this->getOptions('eqLogic'))); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { throw new Exception(__('Action sur l\'équipement impossible. Equipement introuvable - Vérifiez l\'id : ', __FILE__) . $this->getOptions('eqLogic')); } switch ($this->getOptions('action')) { case 'show': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Equipement visible : ', __FILE__) . $eqLogic->getHumanName()); $eqLogic->setIsVisible(1); $eqLogic->save(); break; case 'hide': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Equipement masqué : ', __FILE__) . $eqLogic->getHumanName()); $eqLogic->setIsVisible(0); $eqLogic->save(); break; case 'deactivate': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Equipement désactivé : ', __FILE__) . $eqLogic->getHumanName()); $eqLogic->setIsEnable(0); $eqLogic->save(); break; case 'activate': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Equipement activé : ', __FILE__) . $eqLogic->getHumanName()); $eqLogic->setIsEnable(1); $eqLogic->save(); break; } return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'say') { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Je dis : ', __FILE__) . $options['message']); nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::say', $options['message']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'gotodesign') { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Changement design : ', __FILE__) . $options['plan_id']); nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::gotoplan', $options['plan_id']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'return') { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Je vais retourner : ', __FILE__) . $options['message']); $scenario->setReturn($scenario->getReturn() . $options['message']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'scenario') { if ($scenario != null && $this->getOptions('scenario_id') == $scenario->getId()) { $actionScenario =& $scenario; } else { $actionScenario = scenario::byId($this->getOptions('scenario_id')); } if (!is_object($actionScenario)) { throw new Exception($scenario, __('Action sur scénario impossible. Scénario introuvable - Vérifiez l\'id : ', __FILE__) . $this->getOptions('scenario_id')); } switch ($this->getOptions('action')) { case 'start': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Lancement du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $actionScenario->getName()); if ($scenario != null) { $actionScenario->launch(false, __('Lancement provoqué par le scénario : ', __FILE__) . $scenario->getHumanName()); } else { $actionScenario->launch(false, __('Lancement provoqué', __FILE__)); } break; case 'stop': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Arrêt forcé du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $actionScenario->getName()); $actionScenario->stop(); break; case 'deactivate': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Désactivation du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $actionScenario->getName()); $actionScenario->setIsActive(0); $actionScenario->save(); break; case 'activate': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Activation du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $actionScenario->getName()); $actionScenario->setIsActive(1); $actionScenario->save(); break; } return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'variable') { $options['value'] = self::setTags($options['value']); try { $result = evaluate($options['value']); if (!is_numeric($result)) { $result = $options['value']; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $result = $options['value']; } $message = __('Affectation de la variable ', __FILE__) . $this->getOptions('name') . __(' => ', __FILE__) . $options['value'] . ' = ' . $result; $this->setLog($scenario, $message); $dataStore = new dataStore(); $dataStore->setType('scenario'); $dataStore->setKey($this->getOptions('name')); $dataStore->setValue($result); $dataStore->setLink_id(-1); $dataStore->save(); return; } else { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $this->getExpression())); if (is_object($cmd)) { if ($cmd->getSubtype() == 'slider' && isset($options['slider'])) { $options['slider'] = evaluate($options['slider']); } if (is_array($options) && count($options) != 0) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Exécution de la commande ', __FILE__) . $cmd->getHumanName() . __(" avec comme option(s) : \n", __FILE__) . print_r($options, true)); } else { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Exécution de la commande ', __FILE__) . $cmd->getHumanName()); } if (is_object($scenario) && $scenario->getConfiguration('cmdNoWait', 0) == 1) { $options['speedAndNoErrorReport'] = true; } return $cmd->execCmd($options); } $this->setLog($scenario, __('[Erreur] Aucune commande trouvée pour ', __FILE__) . $this->getExpression()); return; } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if ($this->getType() == 'condition') { $expression = self::setTags($this->getExpression(), $scenario, true); $message = __('Evaluation de la condition : [', __FILE__) . $expression . '] = '; $result = evaluate($expression); if (is_bool($result)) { if ($result) { $message .= __('Vrai', __FILE__); } else { $message .= __('Faux', __FILE__); } } else { $message .= $result; } $this->setLog($scenario, $message); return $result; } else { if ($this->getType() == 'code') { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Exécution d\'un bloc code', __FILE__)); return eval($this->getExpression()); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->setLog($scenario, $message . $e->getMessage()); } }
public function executeAndReply($_parameters) { $interactDef = interactDef::byId($this->getInteractDef_id()); if (!is_object($interactDef)) { return __('Inconsistance de la base de données', __FILE__); } if (isset($_parameters['profile']) && trim($interactDef->getPerson()) != '') { $person = strtolower($interactDef->getPerson()); $person = explode('|', $person); if (!in_array($_parameters['profile'], $person)) { return __('Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à exécuter cette action', __FILE__); } } $reply = $interactDef->selectReply(); $replace = array(); $tags = interactDef::getTagFromQuery($this->getQuery(), $_parameters['dictation']); $tags_replace = array(); foreach ($tags as $key => $value) { $tags_replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } $executeDate = null; $dateConvert = array('heure' => 'hour', 'mois' => 'month', 'semaine' => 'week', 'année' => 'year'); if (isset($tags_replace['#duration#'])) { $tags_replace['#duration#'] = str_replace(array_keys($dateConvert), $dateConvert, $tags_replace['#duration#']); $executeDate = strtotime('+' . $tags_replace['#duration#']); } if (isset($tags_replace['#time#'])) { $time = str_replace(array('h'), array(':'), $tags_replace['#time#']); if (strlen($time) == 2) { $time .= ':00'; } else { if (strlen($time) == 3) { $time .= '00'; } } $executeDate = strtotime($time); if ($executeDate < strtotime('now')) { $executeDate += 3600; } } if ($executeDate !== null && !isset($_parameters['execNow'])) { if (date('Y', $executeDate) < 2000) { return __('Erreur impossible de calculer la date de programmation', __FILE__); } if ($executeDate < strtotime('now') + 60) { $executeDate = strtotime('now') + 60; } $crons = cron::searchClassAndFunction('interactQuery', 'doIn', '"interactQuery_id":' . $this->getId()); if (is_array($crons)) { foreach ($crons as $cron) { if ($cron->getState() != 'run') { $cron->remove(); } } } $cron = new cron(); $cron->setClass('interactQuery'); $cron->setFunction('doIn'); $cron->setOption(array_merge(array('interactQuery_id' => intval($this->getId())), $_parameters)); $cron->setLastRun(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $cron->setOnce(1); $cron->setSchedule(date('i', $executeDate) . ' ' . date('H', $executeDate) . ' ' . date('d', $executeDate) . ' ' . date('m', $executeDate) . ' * ' . date('Y', $executeDate)); $cron->save(); $replace['#value#'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $executeDate); $result = scenarioExpression::setTags(str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $reply)); return $result; } $colors = config::byKey('convertColor'); foreach ($this->getActions('cmd') as $action) { try { $options = array(); if (isset($action['options'])) { $options = $action['options']; } if ($tags != null) { foreach ($options as &$option) { $option = str_replace(array_keys($tags_replace), $tags_replace, $option); } if (isset($options['color']) && isset($colors[strtolower($options['color'])])) { $options['color'] = $colors[strtolower($options['color'])]; } } $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $action['cmd'])); if (is_object($cmd) && $cmd->getType() == 'info') { $replace['#unite#'] = $cmd->getUnite(); $replace['#commande#'] = $cmd->getName(); $replace['#objet#'] = ''; $replace['#equipement#'] = ''; $eqLogic = $cmd->getEqLogic(); if (is_object($eqLogic)) { $replace['#equipement#'] = $eqLogic->getName(); $object = $eqLogic->getObject(); if (is_object($object)) { $replace['#objet#'] = $object->getName(); } } } $options['tags'] = $tags_replace; $return = scenarioExpression::createAndExec('action', $action['cmd'], $options); if (trim($return) != '') { $replace['#valeur#'] = $return; } } catch (Exception $e) { log::add('interact', 'error', __('Erreur lors de l\'éxecution de ', __FILE__) . $action['cmd'] . __('. Détails : ', __FILE__) . $e->getMessage()); } } $replace['#profile#'] = isset($_parameters['profile']) ? $_parameters['profile'] : ''; if ($interactDef->getOptions('convertBinary') != '') { $convertBinary = $interactDef->getOptions('convertBinary'); $convertBinary = explode('|', $convertBinary); $replace['1'] = $convertBinary[1]; $replace['0'] = $convertBinary[0]; } $result = scenarioExpression::setTags(str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $reply)); return $result; }
public function execute($_options = array()) { $eqLogic = $this->getEqLogic(); if ($this->getConfiguration('armed') == '1') { if ($eqLogic->getConfiguration('cmd_armed_id') != '') { $cmd_armed = cmd::byId($eqLogic->getConfiguration('cmd_armed_id')); $cmd_state = cmd::byId($eqLogic->getConfiguration('cmd_state_id')); $cmd_immediateState = cmd::byId($eqLogic->getConfiguration('cmd_immediatState_id')); if ($this->getConfiguration('state') == 0) { $cmd_armed->event($this->getConfiguration('state')); /* RaZ */ if ($cmd_state->execCmd() == 1) { log::add('alarm', 'debug', 'Remise à zero de l\'alarme'); foreach ($eqLogic->getConfiguration('raz') as $raz) { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $raz['cmd'])); $option = array(); if (isset($raz['options'])) { $option = $raz['options']; } log::add('alarm', 'debug', 'Exécution de ' . $cmd->getHumanName() . ' avec les options : ' . print_r($option, true)); if (is_object($cmd)) { try { $cmd->execCmd($option); } catch (Exception $e) { log::add('alarm', 'error', 'Erreur lors de l\'éxecution de ' . $cmd->getHumanName() . '. Détails : ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } } /* RaZ immediate */ if ($cmd_immediateState->execCmd() == 1) { log::add('alarm', 'debug', 'Remise à zero immédiate de l\'alarme'); foreach ($eqLogic->getConfiguration('razImmediate') as $razImmediate) { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $razImmediate['cmd'])); $option = array(); if (isset($razImmediate['options'])) { $option = $razImmediate['options']; } log::add('alarm', 'debug', 'Exécution de ' . $cmd->getHumanName() . ' avec les options : ' . print_r($option, true)); if (is_object($cmd)) { try { $cmd->execCmd($option); } catch (Exception $e) { log::add('alarm', 'error', 'Erreur lors de l\'éxecution de ' . $cmd->getHumanName() . '. Détails : ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } } $cmd_state->event(0); $cmd_immediateState->event(0); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('pingState', 1); $eqLogic->save(); } else { $cmd_armed->event($this->getConfiguration('state')); $cmd_mode = cmd::byId($eqLogic->getConfiguration('cmd_mode_id')); $select_mode = $cmd_mode->execCmd(); $modes = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('modes'); $zones = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('zones'); foreach ($modes as $mode) { if ($mode['name'] == $select_mode) { foreach ($zones as $zone) { if (!is_array($mode['zone']) && $zone['name'] == $mode['zone'] || is_array($mode['zone']) && in_array($zone['name'], $mode['zone'])) { log::add('alarm', 'debug', 'Vérification de la zone : ' . $zone['name']); foreach ($zone['triggers'] as $trigger) { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $trigger['cmd'])); if (is_object($cmd)) { log::add('alarm', 'debug', 'Vérification de la commande : ' . $cmd->getHumanName()); $result = $cmd->execCmd(); if ($result == 1) { $eqLogic->launch($cmd->getId(), $result); return; } } } } } } } /* * *****************Activation reussi***************** */ log::add('alarm', 'debug', 'Activation de l\'alarme réussie'); foreach ($eqLogic->getConfiguration('activationOk') as $activationOk) { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $activationOk['cmd'])); $option = array(); if (isset($activationOk['options'])) { $option = $activationOk['options']; } log::add('alarm', 'debug', 'Exécution de ' . $cmd->getHumanName() . ' avec les options : ' . print_r($option, true)); if (is_object($cmd)) { try { $cmd->execCmd($option); } catch (Exception $e) { log::add('alarm', 'error', 'Erreur lors de l\'éxecution de ' . $cmd->getHumanName() . '. Détails : ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } } } } if ($this->getConfiguration('mode') == '1') { if ($eqLogic->getConfiguration('cmd_mode_id') != '') { $cmd_zone = cmd::byId($eqLogic->getConfiguration('cmd_mode_id')); $cmd_zone->event($this->getConfiguration('state')); } } }
public function save() { if ($this->getMessage() == '') { return; } if ($this->getLogicalId() == '') { $this->setLogicalId($this->getPlugin() . '::' . config::genKey()); } $values = array('message' => $this->getMessage(), 'logicalId' => $this->getLogicalId(), 'plugin' => $this->getPlugin()); $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM message WHERE plugin=:plugin AND ( logicalId=:logicalId OR message=:message ) '; $result = DB::Prepare($sql, $values, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); if ($result['count(*)'] == 0) { DB::save($this); @nodejs::pushNotification(__('Message de ', __FILE__) . $this->getPlugin(), $this->getMessage(), 'message'); $cmds = explode('&&', config::byKey('emailAdmin')); if (count($cmds) > 0) { foreach ($cmds as $id) { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $id)); if (is_object($cmd)) { $cmd->execCmd(array('title' => __('[JEEDOM] Message de ', __FILE__) . $this->getPlugin(), 'message' => $this->getMessage())); } else { log::add('message', 'info', __('Impossible de trouver la commande correspondant à :', __FILE__) . $id); } } } } @nodejs::pushUpdate('message::refreshMessageNumber'); }
if ($jsonrpc->getMethod() == 'cmd::getStatistique') { $cmd = cmd::byId($params['id']); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception('Cmd introuvable : ' . $params['id'], -32702); } $jsonrpc->makeSuccess($cmd->getStatistique($params['startTime'], $params['endTime'])); } if ($jsonrpc->getMethod() == 'cmd::getTendance') { $cmd = cmd::byId($params['id']); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception('Cmd introuvable : ' . $params['id'], -32702); } $jsonrpc->makeSuccess($cmd->getTendance($params['startTime'], $params['endTime'])); } if ($jsonrpc->getMethod() == 'cmd::getHistory') { $cmd = cmd::byId($params['id']); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception('Cmd introuvable : ' . $params['id'], -32702); } $jsonrpc->makeSuccess(utils::o2a($cmd->getHistory($params['startTime'], $params['endTime']))); } /* * ************************Scénario*************************** */ if ($jsonrpc->getMethod() == 'scenario::all') { $jsonrpc->makeSuccess(utils::o2a(scenario::all())); } if ($jsonrpc->getMethod() == 'scenario::byId') { $scenario = scenario::byId($params['id']); if (!is_object($scenario)) { throw new Exception('Scenario introuvable : ' . $params['id'], -32703); } $jsonrpc->makeSuccess(utils::o2a($scenario));
public static function clean() { $sql = "DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`datetime`) + lifetime) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AND lifetime > 0"; DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `cache` WHERE `key` LIKE 'cmd%' AND lifetime = 0"; $results = DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ALL); foreach ($results as $result) { $id = str_replace('cmd', '', $result['key']); if (is_numeric($id)) { $cmd = cmd::byId($id); if (!is_object($cmd)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `key`=:key"; $value = array('key' => $result['key']); DB::Prepare($sql, $value, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); } } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `cache` WHERE `key` LIKE 'core::eqLogic%::lastCommunication'"; $results = DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ALL); foreach ($results as $result) { $id = str_replace(array('core::eqLogic', '::lastCommunication'), '', $result['key']); if (is_numeric($id)) { $eqLogic = eqLogic::byId($id); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `key`=:key"; $value = array('key' => $result['key']); DB::Prepare($sql, $value, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); } } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `cache` WHERE `key` LIKE 'core::eqLogic%::numberTryWithoutSuccess'"; $results = DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ALL); foreach ($results as $result) { $id = str_replace(array('core::eqLogic', '::numberTryWithoutSuccess'), '', $result['key']); if (is_numeric($id)) { $eqLogic = eqLogic::byId($id); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `key`=:key"; $value = array('key' => $result['key']); DB::Prepare($sql, $value, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); } } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `cache` WHERE `key` LIKE 'core::eqLogic%::numberTryWithoutSuccess'"; $results = DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ALL); foreach ($results as $result) { $id = str_replace(array('core::eqLogic', '::numberTryWithoutSuccess'), '', $result['key']); if (is_numeric($id)) { $eqLogic = eqLogic::byId($id); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `key`=:key"; $value = array('key' => $result['key']); DB::Prepare($sql, $value, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); } } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `cache` WHERE `key` LIKE 'widgetHtmldashboard%'"; $results = DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ALL); foreach ($results as $result) { $id = str_replace(array('widgetHtmldashboard'), '', $result['key']); if (is_numeric($id)) { $eqLogic = eqLogic::byId($id); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `key`=:key"; $value = array('key' => $result['key']); DB::Prepare($sql, $value, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); } } } }
public function getCmd() { return cmd::byId($this->cmd_id); }
public function applyModuleConfiguration($_light = false) { $this->setConfiguration('applyDevice', $this->getConfiguration('device')); if ($this->getConfiguration('device') == '') { $this->save(); return true; } $device = self::devicesParameters($this->getConfiguration('device')); if (!is_array($device) || !isset($device['commands'])) { return true; } if (isset($device['configuration'])) { foreach ($device['configuration'] as $key => $value) { try { $this->setConfiguration($key, $value); } catch (Exception $e) { } } } $cmd_order = 0; $link_cmds = array(); $razberry_id = zwave::getZwaveInfo('controller::data::nodeId::value', $this->getConfiguration('serverID', 1)); nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::alert', array('level' => 'warning', 'message' => __('Mise en place des groupes par défaut', __FILE__))); if (isset($device['groups']) && isset($device['groups']['associate'])) { foreach ($this->getAssociation() as $group_id => $associate) { foreach ($associate['nodes']['value'] as $node) { if ($node['id'] == $razberry_id && !isset($device['groups']['associate'][$group_id])) { $this->changeAssociation('remove', $group_id, $razberry_id); } } } foreach ($device['groups']['associate'] as $group) { try { $this->changeAssociation('add', $group, $razberry_id); } catch (Exception $e) { } } } nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::alert', array('level' => 'warning', 'message' => __('Création des commandes', __FILE__))); if (self::$_listZwaveServer == null) { self::listServerZway(); } if (isset($device['commands_openzwave']) && self::$_listZwaveServer[$this->getConfiguration('serverID', 1)]['isOpenZwave'] == 1) { $commands = $device['commands_openzwave']; } else { $commands = $device['commands']; } foreach ($commands as &$command) { if (!isset($command['configuration']['instanceId'])) { $command['configuration']['instanceId'] = 0; } if (!isset($command['configuration']['class'])) { $command['configuration']['class'] = ''; } $cmd = null; foreach ($this->getCmd() as $liste_cmd) { if ($liste_cmd->getConfiguration('instanceId', 0) == $command['configuration']['instanceId'] && $liste_cmd->getConfiguration('class') == $command['configuration']['class'] && $liste_cmd->getConfiguration('value') == $command['configuration']['value']) { $cmd = $liste_cmd; break; } } try { if ($cmd == null || !is_object($cmd)) { $cmd = new zwaveCmd(); $cmd->setOrder($cmd_order); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); } else { $command['name'] = $cmd->getName(); if (isset($command['display'])) { unset($command['display']); } } utils::a2o($cmd, $command); if (isset($command['value'])) { $cmd->setValue(null); } $cmd->save(); if (isset($command['value'])) { $link_cmds[$cmd->getId()] = $command['value']; } $cmd_order++; } catch (Exception $exc) { } } if (count($link_cmds) > 0) { foreach ($this->getCmd() as $eqLogic_cmd) { foreach ($link_cmds as $cmd_id => $link_cmd) { if ($link_cmd == $eqLogic_cmd->getName()) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (is_object($cmd)) { $cmd->setValue($eqLogic_cmd->getId()); $cmd->save(); } } } } } if (isset($device['wakeup']) && is_numeric($device['wakeup']) && $device['wakeup'] > 1) { try { $this->setWakeUp($device['wakeup']); } catch (Exception $ex) { } } if (!$_light) { try { nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::alert', array('level' => 'warning', 'message' => __('Récupération de la configuration d\'origine du module', __FILE__))); $configuration = $this->getDeviceConfiguration(true); $optimiseConfigFound = false; foreach ($configuration as $id => &$parameter) { if (isset($device['parameters'][$id]['set'])) { $optimiseConfigFound = true; $configuration[$id]['value'] = $device['parameters'][$id]['set']; } } if ($optimiseConfigFound) { nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::alert', array('level' => 'warning', 'message' => __('Envoi de la configuration optimisée Jeedom', __FILE__))); $this->setDeviceConfiguration($configuration); } } catch (Exception $ex) { } if (isset($device['configure']) && is_array($device['configure'])) { try { nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::alert', array('level' => 'warning', 'message' => __('Execution des commandes post-configuration', __FILE__))); $this->applyDeviceConfigurationCommand(); } catch (Exception $ex) { } } } $this->save(); nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::alert', array('level' => 'warning', 'message' => '')); }
$return['data'] = $data; ajax::success($return); } if (init('action') == 'emptyHistory') { if (!isConnect('admin')) { throw new Exception(__('401 - Accès non autorisé', __FILE__), -1234); } $cmd = cmd::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception(__('Cmd ID inconnu : ', __FILE__) . init('id')); } $cmd->emptyHistory(init('date')); ajax::success(); } if (init('action') == 'setOrder') { $cmds = json_decode(init('cmds'), true); foreach ($cmds as $cmd_json) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_json['id']); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception(__('Commande inconnu verifié l\'id :', __FILE__) . ' ' . $cmd_json['id']); } $cmd->setOrder($cmd_json['order']); $cmd->save(); } ajax::success(); } throw new Exception(__('Aucune méthode correspondante à : ', __FILE__) . init('action')); /* * *********Catch exeption*************** */ } catch (Exception $e) { ajax::error(displayExeption($e), $e->getCode()); }
public function applyModuleConfiguration() { if ($this->getConfiguration('device') == '') { return true; } $device = self::devicesParameters($this->getConfiguration('device')); if (!is_array($device) || !isset($device['commands'])) { return true; } if (isset($device['configuration'])) { foreach ($device['configuration'] as $key => $value) { $this->setConfiguration($key, $value); } } $this->setConfiguration('applyDevice', $this->getConfiguration('device')); $cmd_order = 0; $link_cmds = array(); foreach ($device['commands'] as $command) { if (!isset($command['configuration']['instanceId'])) { $command['configuration']['instanceId'] = 0; } $cmd = null; foreach ($this->getCmd() as $liste_cmd) { if ($liste_cmd->getConfiguration('instanceId', 0) == $command['configuration']['instanceId'] && $liste_cmd->getConfiguration('class') == $command['configuration']['class'] && $liste_cmd->getConfiguration('value') == $command['configuration']['value']) { $cmd = $liste_cmd; break; } } try { if ($cmd == null || !is_object($cmd)) { $cmd = new zwaveCmd(); $cmd->setOrder($cmd_order); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); } else { $command['name'] = $cmd->getName(); } utils::a2o($cmd, $command); if (isset($command['value'])) { $cmd->setValue(null); } $cmd->save(); if (isset($command['value'])) { $link_cmds[$cmd->getId()] = $command['value']; } $cmd_order++; } catch (Exception $exc) { error_log($exc->getMessage()); } } if (count($link_cmds) > 0) { foreach ($this->getCmd() as $eqLogic_cmd) { foreach ($link_cmds as $cmd_id => $link_cmd) { if ($link_cmd == $eqLogic_cmd->getName()) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (is_object($cmd)) { $cmd->setValue($eqLogic_cmd->getId()); $cmd->save(); } } } } } $this->save(); }
if (!is_object($widget)) { throw new Exception('Widget non trouvé : ' . init('path')); } $widget->remove(); ajax::success(); } if (init('action') == 'applyWidget') { if (init('path') != 'default') { $widget = widget::byPath(init('path')); if (!is_object($widget)) { throw new Exception('Widget non trouvé : ' . init('path')); } } $cmds = json_decode(init('cmds'), true); foreach ($cmds as $cmd_id) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception('Commande introuvable : ' . $cmd_id); } if (init('path') != 'default') { $cmd->setTemplate($widget->getVersion(), $widget->getName()); } else { $cmd->setTemplate(init('version'), 'default'); } $cmd->save(); } ajax::success(); } throw new Exception('Aucune methode correspondante à : ' . init('action')); } catch (Exception $e) { ajax::error(displayExeption($e), $e->getCode());
<?php if (!isConnect('admin')) { throw new Exception('{{401 - Accès non autorisé}}'); } $cmd = cmd::byId(init('cmd_id')); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception('Commande non trouvé : ' . init('cmd_id')); } sendVarToJS('cmdInfo', jeedom::toHumanReadable(utils::o2a($cmd))); $cmd_widgetDashboard = cmd::availableWidget('dashboard'); $cmd_widgetMobile = cmd::availableWidget('mobile'); ?> <div style="display: none;" id="md_displayCmdConfigure"></div> <a class="btn btn-success btn-sm pull-right" id="bt_cmdConfigureSave"><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> {{Enregistrer}}</a> <a class="btn btn-default pull-right btn-sm" id="bt_cmdConfigureSaveOn"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i> {{Appliquer à}}</a> <div role="tabpanel"> <!-- Nav tabs --> <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> <li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#information" aria-controls="home" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> {{Informations}}</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a href="#configuration" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-wrench"></i> {{Configuration avancée}}</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a href="#display" aria-controls="messages" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-desktop"></i> {{Affichage avancé}}</a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="div_displayCmdConfigure"> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="information"> <br/>
public function executeAlertCmdAction() { if ($this->getConfiguration('jeedomCheckCmdActionType') == 'cmd') { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $this->getConfiguration('jeedomCheckCmdCmdActionId'))); if (!is_object($cmd)) { return; } $cmd->execCmd($this->getConfiguration('jeedomCheckCmdCmdActionOption')); return; } if ($this->getConfiguration('jeedomCheckCmdActionType') == 'scenario') { $scenario = scenario::byId($this->getConfiguration('jeedomCheckCmdScenarioActionId')); if (!is_object($scenario)) { return; } switch ($this->getConfiguration('jeedomCheckCmdScenarioActionMode')) { case 'start': $scenario->launch(false, __('Lancement direct provoqué par le scénario : ', __FILE__) . $this->getHumanName()); break; case 'stop': $scenario->stop(); break; case 'deactivate': $scenario->setIsActive(0); $scenario->save(); break; case 'activate': $scenario->setIsActive(1); $scenario->save(); break; } } }
public function executeAndReply($_parameters) { $interactDef = interactDef::byId($this->getInteractDef_id()); if (!is_object($interactDef)) { return __('Inconsistance de la base de données', __FILE__); } if (isset($_parameters['profile']) && trim($interactDef->getPerson()) != '') { $person = strtolower($interactDef->getPerson()); $person = explode('|', $person); if (!in_array($_parameters['profile'], $person)) { return __('Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à exécuter cette action', __FILE__); } } if ($this->getLink_type() == 'whatDoYouKnow') { $object = object::byId($this->getLink_id()); if (is_object($object)) { $reply = self::whatDoYouKnow($object); if (trim($reply) == '') { return __('Je ne sais rien sur ', __FILE__) . $object->getName(); } return $reply; } return self::whatDoYouKnow(); } if ($this->getLink_type() == 'scenario') { $scenario = scenario::byId($this->getLink_id()); if (!is_object($scenario)) { return __('Impossible de trouver le scénario correspondant', __FILE__); } log::add('interact', 'debug', 'Execution du scénario : ' . $scenario->getHumanName() . ' => ' . $interactDef->getOptions('scenario_action')); $interactDef = $this->getInteractDef(); if (!is_object($interactDef)) { return __('Impossible de trouver la définition de l\'interaction', __FILE__); } $reply = $interactDef->selectReply(); if (trim($reply) == '') { $reply = self::replyOk(); } $replace = array(); $replace['#profile#'] = isset($_parameters['profile']) ? $_parameters['profile'] : ''; $reply = scenarioExpression::setTags(str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $reply)); switch ($interactDef->getOptions('scenario_action')) { case 'start': $scenario->setTags(array('#query#' => $this->getQuery(), '#profile#' => $replace['#profile#'])); $return = $scenario->launch(false, 'interact', __('Scénario exécuté sur interaction (S.A.R.A.H, SMS...)', __FILE__), 1); if (is_string($return) && $return != '') { $return = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $return); return $return; } return $reply; case 'stop': $scenario->stop(); return $reply; case 'activate': $scenario->setIsActive(1); $scenario->save(); return $reply; case 'deactivate': $scenario->setIsActive(0); $scenario->save(); return $reply; default: return __('Aucune action n\'est définie dans l\'interaction sur le scénario : ', __FILE__) . $scenario->getHumanName(); } } $reply = $interactDef->selectReply(); $synonymes = array(); if ($interactDef->getOptions('synonymes') != '') { foreach (explode('|', $interactDef->getOptions('synonymes')) as $value) { $values = explode('=', $value); $synonymes[strtolower($values[0])] = explode(',', $values[1]); } } $replace = array(); $replace['#profile#'] = isset($_parameters['profile']) ? $_parameters['profile'] : ''; if ($this->getLink_type() == 'cmd') { foreach (explode('&&', $this->getLink_id()) as $cmd_id) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (!is_object($cmd)) { continue; } $replace['#commande#'] = $cmd->getName(); if (isset($synonymes[strtolower($cmd->getName())])) { $replace['#commande#'] = $synonymes[strtolower($cmd->getName())][rand(0, count($synonymes[strtolower($cmd->getName())]) - 1)]; } $replace['#objet#'] = ''; $replace['#equipement#'] = ''; $eqLogic = $cmd->getEqLogic(); if (is_object($eqLogic)) { $replace['#equipement#'] = $eqLogic->getName(); $object = $eqLogic->getObject(); if (is_object($object)) { $replace['#objet#'] = $object->getName(); } } $replace['#unite#'] = $cmd->getUnite(); if ($cmd->getType() == 'action') { $options = null; if ($cmd->getSubType() == 'slider') { preg_match_all("/([0-9]*)/", $_parameters['dictation'], $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $number) { if (is_numeric($number)) { $options['slider'] = $number; } } } if ($cmd->getSubType() == 'color') { $colors = config::byKey('convertColor'); foreach (explode(' ', $_parameters['dictation']) as $word) { if (isset($colors[strtolower($word)])) { $options['color'] = $colors[strtolower($word)]; } } } try { log::add('interact', 'debug', 'Execution de la commande : ' . $cmd->getHumanName() . ' => ' . print_r($options, true)); if ($cmd->execCmd($options) === false) { return __('Impossible d\'exécuter la commande', __FILE__); } } catch (Exception $exc) { return $exc->getMessage(); } if ($options != null) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } } } if ($cmd->getType() == 'info') { $value = $cmd->execCmd(); if ($value === null) { return __('Impossible de récupérer la valeur de la commande', __FILE__); } else { $replace['#valeur#'] = $value; if ($cmd->getSubType() == 'binary' && $interactDef->getOptions('convertBinary') != '') { $convertBinary = $interactDef->getOptions('convertBinary'); $convertBinary = explode('|', $convertBinary); $replace['#valeur#'] = $convertBinary[$replace['#valeur#']]; } } } } } return scenarioExpression::setTags(str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $reply)); }
public function loadCmdFromConf($_update = false) { if (!is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices/' . $this->getConfFilePath())) { return; } $content = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices/' . $this->getConfFilePath()); if (!is_json($content)) { return; } $device = json_decode($content, true); if (!is_array($device) || !isset($device['commands'])) { return true; } $cmd_order = 0; $link_cmds = array(); if (isset($device['name']) && !$_update) { $this->setName('[' . $this->getLogicalId() . ']' . $device['name']); } if (isset($device['configuration'])) { foreach ($device['configuration'] as $key => $value) { try { $this->setConfiguration($key, $value); } catch (Exception $e) { } } } nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::alert', array('level' => 'warning', 'message' => __('Création des commandes à partir d\'une configuration', __FILE__))); $commands = $device['commands']; foreach ($commands as &$command) { if (!isset($command['configuration']['instanceId'])) { $command['configuration']['instanceId'] = 0; } if (!isset($command['configuration']['class'])) { $command['configuration']['class'] = ''; } try { $cmd = new openzwaveCmd(); $cmd->setOrder($cmd_order); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); utils::a2o($cmd, $command); if (isset($command['value'])) { $cmd->setValue(null); } $cmd->save(); if (isset($command['value'])) { $link_cmds[$cmd->getId()] = $command['value']; } $cmd_order++; } catch (Exception $exc) { } } if (count($link_cmds) > 0) { foreach ($this->getCmd() as $eqLogic_cmd) { foreach ($link_cmds as $cmd_id => $link_cmd) { if ($link_cmd == $eqLogic_cmd->getName()) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (is_object($cmd)) { $cmd->setValue($eqLogic_cmd->getId()); $cmd->save(); } } } } } $this->save(); nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::alert', array('level' => 'warning', 'message' => '')); }
public function getData($_startDate = null, $_endDate = null) { $nowtime = floatval(strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " UTC")); $now = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $archiveTime = (config::byKey('historyArchiveTime') + 1) * 3600; $packetTime = config::byKey('historyArchivePackage') * 3600; $return = array('history' => array('power' => array(), 'consumption' => null), 'stats' => array('minPower' => null, 'maxPower' => null), 'real' => array('power' => 0, 'consumption' => 0)); $cmd_histories = array(); preg_match_all("/#([0-9]*)#/", $this->getPower(), $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $cmd_id) { if (is_numeric($cmd_id)) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (is_object($cmd) && $cmd->getIsHistorized() == 1) { $prevDatetime = null; $prevValue = 0; foreach ($cmd->getHistory($_startDate, $_endDate) as $history) { if (!isset($cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()])) { $cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()] = array(); } if (!isset($cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'])) { if ($prevDatetime != null) { $datetime = strtotime($history->getDatetime()); while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) > $archiveTime && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + $packetTime); $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = 0; } while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) > 300 && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + 300); $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $prevValue; } } if (strtotime($history->getDatetime()) <= $now) { $cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $history->getValue(); } } $prevDatetime = $history->getDatetime(); $prevValue = $history->getValue(); } } } } foreach ($cmd_histories as $datetime => $cmd_history) { $datetime = floatval(strtotime($datetime . " UTC")); $calcul = template_replace($cmd_history, $this->getPower()); try { if ($datetime <= $nowtime) { $test = new evaluate(); $result = floatval($test->Evaluer($calcul)); if ($this->getConsumption() == '' && count($return['history']['power']) > 0) { $last_datetime = end(array_keys($return['history']['power'])); if ($datetime - $last_datetime > 0) { $last_value = end($return['history']['power']); $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime] = array($datetime, $last_value[1] * (($datetime - $last_datetime) / 1000) / 3600); $return['real']['consumption'] += $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime][1]; } } $return['history']['power'][$datetime] = array($datetime * 1000, $result); if ($return['stats']['minPower'] === null || $return['stats']['minPower'] > $result) { $return['stats']['minPower'] = $result; } if ($return['stats']['maxPower'] === null || $return['stats']['maxPower'] < $result) { $return['stats']['maxPower'] = $result; } } } catch (Exception $e) { } } if ($this->getConsumption() == '' && count($return['history']['power']) > 0) { $last_datetime = end(array_keys($return['history']['power'])); $last_value = end($return['history']['power']); if ($datetime - $last_datetime > 0) { $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime] = array($datetime * 1000, $last_value[1] * (($nowtime - $last_datetime) / 1000) / 3600); $return['real']['consumption'] += $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime][1]; } } $calcul = cmd::cmdToValue($this->getPower()); try { $test = new evaluate(); $result = floatval($test->Evaluer($calcul)); $return['real']['power'] = $result; $return['history']['power'][$nowtime] = array($nowtime * 1000, $result); } catch (Exception $e) { } if ($this->getConsumption() != '') { $cmd_histories = array(); preg_match_all("/#([0-9]*)#/", $this->getConsumption(), $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $cmd_id) { if (is_numeric($cmd_id)) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (is_object($cmd) && $cmd->getIsHistorized() == 1) { $prevDatetime = null; foreach ($cmd->getHistory($_startDate, $_endDate) as $history) { if (!isset($cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()])) { $cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()] = array(); } if (!isset($cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'])) { if ($prevDatetime != null) { $datetime = strtotime($history->getDatetime()); while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) > $archiveTime && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + $packetTime); $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = 0; } while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) < 300 && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + 300); $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $prevValue; } } if (strtotime($history->getDatetime()) <= $now) { $cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $history->getValue(); } } $prevDatetime = $history->getDatetime(); $prevValue = $history->getValue(); } } } } foreach ($cmd_histories as $datetime => $cmd_history) { $datetime = floatval(strtotime($datetime . " UTC")); $calcul = template_replace($cmd_history, $this->getConsumption()); try { if ($datetime <= $nowtime) { $test = new evaluate(); $result = floatval($test->Evaluer($calcul)); $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime] = array($datetime * 1000, $result); } } catch (Exception $e) { } } $calcul = cmd::cmdToValue($this->getConsumption()); try { $test = new evaluate(); $result = floatval($test->Evaluer($calcul)); $return['real']['consumption'] = $result; $return['history']['consumption'][$nowtime] = array($nowtime * 1000, $result); } catch (Exception $e) { } } if (is_array($return['history']['consumption'])) { ksort($return['history']['consumption']); } if (is_array($return['history']['power'])) { ksort($return['history']['power']); } return $return; }
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jeedom. If not, see <>. */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../core/php/'; include_file('core', 'authentification', 'php'); if (!isConnect()) { throw new Exception(__('401 - Accès non autorisé', __FILE__)); } $type = init('type'); switch ($type) { case 'cmdHistory': $cmd = cmd::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception(__('Commande introuvable : ', __FILE__) . init('id')); } header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . str_replace(' ', '_', $cmd->getHumanName()) . '.csv'); $histories = $cmd->getHistory(); foreach ($histories as $history) { echo $history->getDatetime(); echo ';'; echo str_replace('.', ',', $history->getValue()); echo "\n"; } break; case 'eqLogic': $eqLogic = eqLogic::byId(init('id'));
public function execute($_options = null) { switch ($this->getType()) { case 'info': if ($this->getConfiguration('virtualAction', 0) == '0') { try { $result = jeedom::evaluateExpression($this->getConfiguration('calcul')); if ($this->getSubType() == 'numeric') { if (is_numeric($result)) { $result = number_format($result, 2); } else { $result = str_replace('"', '', $result); } if (strpos($result, '.') !== false) { $result = str_replace(',', '', $result); } else { $result = str_replace(',', '.', $result); } } return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { log::add('virtual', 'info', $e->getMessage()); return jeedom::evaluateExpression(str_replace('"', '', cmd::cmdToValue($this->getConfiguration('calcul')))); } } break; case 'action': $virtualCmd = virtualCmd::byId($this->getConfiguration('infoId')); if (!is_object($virtualCmd)) { $cmds = explode('&&', $this->getConfiguration('infoName')); if (is_array($cmds)) { foreach ($cmds as $cmd_id) { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $cmd_id)); $cmd->execCmd($_options); } return; } else { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $this->getConfiguration('infoName'))); return $cmd->execCmd($_options); } } else { if ($virtualCmd->getEqType() != 'virtual') { throw new Exception(__('La cible de la commande virtuel n\'est pas un équipement de type virtuel', __FILE__)); } if ($this->getSubType() == 'slider') { $value = $_options['slider']; } else { if ($this->getSubType() == 'color') { $value = $_options['color']; } else { $value = $this->getConfiguration('value'); } } $result = jeedom::evaluateExpression($value); if ($this->getSubtype() == 'message') { $result = $_options['title'] . ' ' . $_options['message']; } $virtualCmd->event($result); } break; } }