  * Validates the current form.
  * @throws class_exception
  * @return bool
 public function validateForm()
     $objLang = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang();
     //1. Validate fields
     foreach ($this->arrFields as $objOneField) {
         $bitFieldIsEmpty = !is_array($objOneField->getStrValue()) && trim($objOneField->getStrValue()) === "" || is_null($objOneField->getStrValue()) || is_array($objOneField->getStrValue()) && count($objOneField->getStrValue()) == 0;
         //if it is an array with no entries
         //mandatory field
         if ($objOneField->getBitMandatory()) {
             //if field is mandatory and empty -> validation error
             if ($bitFieldIsEmpty) {
                 $this->addValidationError($objOneField->getStrEntryName(), $objLang->getLang("commons_validator_field_empty", "system", array($objOneField->getStrLabel())));
         //if field is not empty -> validate
         if (!$bitFieldIsEmpty) {
             if (!$objOneField->validateValue()) {
                 $this->addValidationError($objOneField->getStrEntryName(), $objOneField->getStrValidationErrorMsg());
     //2. Validate complete object
     if ($this->getObjSourceobject() != null) {
         $objReflection = new class_reflection($this->getObjSourceobject());
         $arrObjectValidator = $objReflection->getAnnotationValuesFromClass(self::STR_OBJECTVALIDATOR_ANNOTATION);
         if (count($arrObjectValidator) == 1) {
             $strObjectValidator = $arrObjectValidator[0];
             if (!class_exists($strObjectValidator)) {
                 throw new class_exception("object validator " . $strObjectValidator . " not existing", class_exception::$level_ERROR);
             /** @var class_objectvalidator_base $objValidator */
             $objValidator = new $strObjectValidator();
             //Keep the reference of the current object
             $objSourceObjectTemp = $this->getObjSourceobject();
             //Create a new instance of the source object and set it as source object in the formgenerator
             //Each existing field will also reference the new created source object
             $strClassName = get_class($this->objSourceobject);
             $this->objSourceobject = new $strClassName($this->objSourceobject->getStrSystemid());
             foreach ($this->arrFields as $objOneField) {
                 if ($objOneField->getObjSourceObject() != null) {
             //if we are in new-mode, we should fix the prev-id to the lateron matching one
             if ($this->getField("mode") != null && $this->getField("mode")->getStrValue() == "new" || class_carrier::getInstance()->getParam("mode") == "new") {
             //Update the new source object values from the fields and validate the object
             foreach ($objValidator->getArrValidationMessages() as $strKey => $arrMessages) {
                 if (!is_array($arrMessages)) {
                     throw new class_exception("method validateObject must return an array of format array(\"<messageKey>\" => array())", class_exception::$level_ERROR);
                 foreach ($arrMessages as $strMessage) {
                     $this->addValidationError($strKey, $strMessage);
             //Set back kept reference to the formgenerator and all it's fields
             $this->objSourceobject = $objSourceObjectTemp;
             foreach ($this->arrFields as $objOneField) {
                 if ($objOneField->getObjSourceObject() != null) {
     return count($this->arrValidationErrors) == 0;