public function test() { $strTo = "postmaster@localhost"; $intSentMails = 0; echo "\tsend a test email to " . $strTo . "...\n"; $objMail = new class_mail(); $objMail->setSender("*****@*****.**"); $objMail->setSenderName("Kajona System a ö ü "); $objMail->addTo($strTo); $objMail->setSubject("Kajona test mail ä ö ü Kajona test mail ä ö ü Kajona test mail ä ö ü Kajona test mail ä ö ü Kajona test mail ä ö ü "); $objMail->setText("This is the plain text ä ö ü"); $objMail->setHtml("This is<br />the <b>html-content ä ö ü</b><br /><img src=\"cid:IMG_3000.jpg\" />"); $objMail->addAttachement("/files/images/samples/IMG_3000.jpg"); $objMail->addAttachement("/files/images/samples/P3197800.jpg", "", true); if ($objMail->sendMail() === true) { $intSentMails++; } $this->assertEquals($intSentMails, 1, __FILE__ . " checkNrOfMails"); }
/** * @return string * @permissions edit */ protected function actionSendPasswordFinal() { $strReturn = ""; $objUser = new class_module_user_user($this->getSystemid()); //add a one-time token and reset the password $strToken = generateSystemid(); $objUser->setStrAuthcode($strToken); $objUser->updateObjectToDb(); $strActivationLink = class_link::getLinkAdminHref("login", "pwdReset", "&systemid=" . $objUser->getSystemid() . "&authcode=" . $strToken, false); class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->setStrTextLanguage($objUser->getStrAdminlanguage()); $objMail = new class_mail(); $objMail->addTo($objUser->getStrEmail()); $objMail->setSubject($this->getLang("user_password_resend_subj")); $objMail->setText($this->getLang("user_password_resend_body", array($strActivationLink))); if ($this->getParam("form_user_sendusername") != "") { $objMail->setText($this->getLang("user_password_resend_body_username", array($objUser->getStrUsername(), $strActivationLink))); } $objMail->sendMail(); $this->adminReload(class_link::getLinkAdminHref($this->getArrModule("modul"))); return $strReturn; }
/** * Finally sends the mail * * @return string Error or success-message */ protected function actionSendForm() { if (!$this->validate()) { return $this->actionList(); } //Mail-Object $objEmail = new class_mail(); //Template $strMailTemplateID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/element_form/" . $this->arrElementData["formular_template"], "email"); $this->objTemplate->setTemplate($this->fillTemplate($this->getAllParams(), $strMailTemplateID)); $this->objTemplate->deletePlaceholder(); $objScriptlets = new class_scriptlet_helper(); $strText = $objScriptlets->processString($this->objTemplate->getTemplate()); $objEmail->setText($strText); $objEmail->addTo($this->arrElementData["formular_email"]); $objEmail->setSender($this->getParam("absender_email")); $objEmail->setSubject($this->getLang("formContact_mail_subject")); if ($objEmail->sendMail()) { if ($this->arrElementData["formular_success"] != "") { $strReturn = $this->arrElementData["formular_success"]; } else { $strReturn = $this->objTemplate->fillTemplate(array(), $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/element_form/" . $this->arrElementData["formular_template"], "message_success")); } } else { if ($this->arrElementData["formular_error"] != "") { $strReturn = $this->arrElementData["formular_error"]; } else { $strReturn = $this->objTemplate->fillTemplate(array(), $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/element_form/" . $this->arrElementData["formular_template"], "message_error")); } } return $strReturn; }
/** * Sends a copy of the message to the user by mail * * @param class_module_messaging_message $objMessage * @param class_module_user_user $objUser * @return bool */ private function sendMessageByMail(class_module_messaging_message $objMessage, class_module_user_user $objUser) { $strOriginalLang = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getStrTextLanguage(); class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->setStrTextLanguage($objUser->getStrAdminlanguage()); $strSubject = $objMessage->getStrTitle() != "" ? $objMessage->getStrTitle() : class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("message_notification_subject", "messaging"); $strBody = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("message_prolog", "messaging"); $strBody .= "\n\n" . class_link::getLinkAdminHref("messaging", "view", "&systemid=" . $objMessage->getSystemid(), false) . "\n\n"; $strBody .= $objMessage->getStrBody(); $objMail = new class_mail(); //try to get a matching sender and place it into the mail if (validateSystemid($objMessage->getStrSenderId())) { $objSenderUser = new class_module_user_user($objMessage->getStrSenderId()); $objValidator = new class_email_validator(); if ($objValidator->validate($objSenderUser->getStrEmail())) { $objMail->setSender($objSenderUser->getStrEmail()); } } $objMail->setSubject($strSubject); $objMail->setText($strBody); $objMail->addTo($objUser->getStrEmail()); class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->setStrTextLanguage($strOriginalLang); return $objMail->sendMail(); }
/** * Sends an email. In most cases this mail was generated using the form * provided by actionMailForm * * @return string * @since 3.4 * @permissions view */ protected function actionSendMail() { $objForm = $this->getMailForm(); if (!$objForm->validateForm()) { return $this->actionMailForm($objForm); } $this->setArrModuleEntry("template", "/folderview.tpl"); $objUser = new class_module_user_user($this->objSession->getUserID()); //mail or internal message? $objMailValidator = new class_email_validator(); $objEmail = new class_mail(); $objEmail->setSender($objUser->getStrEmail()); $arrRecipients = explode(",", $this->getParam("mail_recipient")); foreach ($arrRecipients as $strOneRecipient) { if ($objMailValidator->validate($strOneRecipient)) { $objEmail->addTo($strOneRecipient); } } if ($objForm->getField("mail_cc")->getStrValue() != "") { $objUser = new class_module_user_user($objForm->getField("mail_cc")->getStrValue()); $objEmail->addCc($objUser->getStrEmail()); } $objEmail->setSubject($objForm->getField("mail_subject")->getStrValue()); $objEmail->setText($objForm->getField("mail_body")->getStrValue()); if ($objEmail->sendMail()) { return $this->getLang("mail_send_success"); } else { return $this->getLang("mail_send_error"); } }
/** * Used to handle the current exception. * Decides, if the execution should be stopped, or continued. * Therefore the errorlevel defines the "weight" of the exception * * @return void */ public function processException() { //set which POST parameters should read out $arrPostParams = array("module", "action", "page", "systemid"); $objHistory = new class_history(); //send an email to the admin? $strAdminMail = ""; try { if (class_db::getInstance()->getBitConnected()) { $strAdminMail = class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_admin_email_"); } } catch (Exception $objEx) { } if ($strAdminMail != "") { $strMailtext = ""; $strMailtext .= "The system installed at " . _webpath_ . " registered an error!\n\n"; $strMailtext .= "The error message was:\n"; $strMailtext .= "\t" . $this->getMessage() . "\n\n"; $strMailtext .= "The level of this error was:\n"; $strMailtext .= "\t"; if ($this->getErrorlevel() == self::$level_FATALERROR) { $strMailtext .= "FATAL ERROR"; } if ($this->getErrorlevel() == self::$level_ERROR) { $strMailtext .= "REGULAR ERROR"; } $strMailtext .= "\n\n"; $strMailtext .= "File and line number the error was thrown:\n"; $strMailtext .= "\t" . basename($this->getFile()) . " in line " . $this->getLine() . "\n\n"; $strMailtext .= "Callstack / Backtrace:\n\n"; $strMailtext .= $this->getTraceAsString(); $strMailtext .= "\n\n"; $strMailtext .= "User: "******" (" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjSession()->getUsername() . ")\n"; $strMailtext .= "Source host: " . getServer("REMOTE_ADDR") . " (" . @gethostbyaddr(getServer("REMOTE_ADDR")) . ")\n"; $strMailtext .= "Query string: " . getServer("REQUEST_URI") . "\n"; $strMailtext .= "POST data (selective):\n"; foreach ($arrPostParams as $strParam) { if (getPost($strParam) != "") { $strMailtext .= "\t" . $strParam . ": " . getPost($strParam) . "\n"; } } $strMailtext .= "\n\n"; $strMailtext .= "Last actions called:\n"; $strMailtext .= "Admin:\n"; $arrHistory = $objHistory->getArrAdminHistory(); if (is_array($arrHistory)) { foreach ($arrHistory as $intIndex => $strOneUrl) { $strMailtext .= " #" . $intIndex . ": " . $strOneUrl . "\n"; } } $strMailtext .= "Portal:\n"; $arrHistory = $objHistory->getArrPortalHistory(); if (is_array($arrHistory)) { foreach ($arrHistory as $intIndex => $strOneUrl) { $strMailtext .= " #" . $intIndex . ": " . $strOneUrl . "\n"; } } $strMailtext .= "\n\n"; $strMailtext .= "If you don't know what to do, feel free to open a ticket.\n\n"; $strMailtext .= "For more help visit\n\n"; $objMail = new class_mail(); $objMail->setSubject("Error on website " . _webpath_ . " occured!"); $objMail->setSender($strAdminMail); $objMail->setText($strMailtext); $objMail->addTo($strAdminMail); $objMail->sendMail(); $objMessageHandler = new class_module_messaging_messagehandler(); $objMessage = new class_module_messaging_message(); $objMessage->setStrBody($strMailtext); $objMessage->setObjMessageProvider(new class_messageprovider_exceptions()); $objMessageHandler->sendMessageObject($objMessage, new class_module_user_group(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_admins_group_id_"))); } if ($this->intErrorlevel == class_exception::$level_FATALERROR) { //Handle fatal errors. $strLogMessage = basename($this->getFile()) . ":" . $this->getLine() . " -- " . $this->getMessage(); class_logger::getInstance()->addLogRow($strLogMessage, class_logger::$levelError); //fatal errors are displayed in every case if (_xmlLoader_ === true) { $strErrormessage = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; $strErrormessage .= "<error>" . xmlSafeString($this->getMessage()) . "</error>"; } else { $strErrormessage = "<html><head></head><body><div style=\"border: 1px solid red; padding: 5px; margin: 20px; font-family: arial,verdana,sans-serif; font-size: 12px; \">\n"; $strErrormessage .= "<div style=\"background-color: #cccccc; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; \">A fatal error occurred:</div>\n"; $strErrormessage .= "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($this->getMessage(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . "</pre><br />"; $strErrormessage .= "Please inform the administration about the error above."; $strErrormessage .= "</div></body></html>"; } print $strErrormessage; //Execution has to be stopped here! if (class_response_object::getInstance()->getStrStatusCode() == "" || class_response_object::getInstance()->getStrStatusCode() == class_http_statuscodes::SC_OK) { class_response_object::getInstance()->setStrStatusCode(class_http_statuscodes::SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } class_response_object::getInstance()->sendHeaders(); die; } elseif ($this->intErrorlevel == class_exception::$level_ERROR) { //handle regular errors $strLogMessage = basename($this->getFile()) . ":" . $this->getLine() . " -- " . $this->getMessage(); class_logger::getInstance()->addLogRow($strLogMessage, class_logger::$levelWarning); //check, if regular errors should be displayed: if ($this->intDebuglevel >= 1) { if (_xmlLoader_ === true) { $strErrormessage = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; $strErrormessage .= "<error>" . xmlSafeString($this->getMessage()) . "</error>"; } else { $strErrormessage = "<html><head></head><body><div style=\"border: 1px solid red; padding: 5px; margin: 20px; font-family: arial,verdana,sans-serif; font-size: 12px; \">\n"; $strErrormessage .= "<div style=\"background-color: #cccccc; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; \">An error occurred:</div>\n"; $strErrormessage .= "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($this->getMessage(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . "</pre><br />"; //$strErrormessage .= basename($this->getFile()) ." in Line ".$this->getLine(); $strErrormessage .= "Please inform the administration about the error above."; $strErrormessage .= "</div></body></html>"; } print $strErrormessage; //if error was displayed, stop execution //die(); } } }