Example #1
  * Execute the action.
  * @param array $args command line parameters specific for this command
 public function actionGenerate($args)
     //TODO: make available via param --xdebug-trace
     if (!$this->confirm("\nAttention! The command may overwrite exisiting files wihtout further notice.\n\nEnable overwrite all existing files?")) {
         define('GIIC_ALL_CONFIRMED', false);
     } else {
         define('GIIC_ALL_CONFIRMED', true);
     // fake input params
     $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = "console://index.php";
     $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = "index.php";
     $_POST['generate'] = true;
     $_POST['answers'] = true;
     // create gii module for controller
     $module = Yii::createComponent('system.gii.GiiModule', 'gii', null);
     $module->password = false;
     // load config
     $path = Yii::getPathOfAlias($args[0]) . "/giic-config.php";
     if (!is_file($path)) {
         echo $this->_shellAlert->getColoredString("File in {$path} not exist!", "white", "red") . "\n";
     $config = (require $path);
     // execute actions (run gii controller action multiple times)
     foreach ($config['actions'] as $action) {
         // fake input param
         $_POST[$action['codeModel']] = $action['model'];
         // create generator
         $controller = Yii::createComponent($action['generator'], lcfirst($action['codeModel']), $module);
         // assign template
         $controller->templates = $action['templates'];
         // message
         echo $action['codeModel'] . "\n" . substr(CJSON::encode($action['model']), 0, 160);
         echo "\n\n";
         // assign controller to application
         Yii::app()->controller = $controller;
         // capture output from controller
         $html = ob_get_clean();
         // TODO: tidy
         // sanitize, XSLT hotfix
         $html = str_replace(" ", "", $html);
         $html = str_replace('png">', 'png"/>', $html);
         // parse for console output
         $xslt = new XSLTProcessor();
         $xslt->importStylesheet(new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/giic.xsl')));
         file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/giic.html.log', $html);
         echo $xslt->transformToXml(new SimpleXMLElement($html));
         // TODO: add $html output with --verbose