Example #1
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn)
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/version.inc.php';
$version = $config['version'];
$system = new celive();
if ($GLOBALS['auth']->admin()) {
    $GLOBALS['template']->assign('ifadmin', 1);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('username', $_SESSION['cel_username']);
if (!$GLOBALS['auth']->admin()) {
    $GLOBALS['template']->assign('createcode', true);
    $GLOBALS['template']->assign('cel_departments', $GLOBALS['department']->listall('', 'all'));
    if (isset($_POST['departmentid'])) {
        $GLOBALS['template']->assign('departmentid', $_POST['departmentid']);
    } else {
Example #2
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  		      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/version.inc.php';
$version = $config['version'];
$right = new celive();
if ($GLOBALS['auth']->admin()) {
    $GLOBALS['template']->assign('ifadmin', 1);
$phpv = PHP_VERSION;
$zendv = zend_version();
$ifmysql = function_exists(mysql_close) ? "Yes" : "No";
$mysqlallowp = @get_cfg_var("mysql.allow_persistent") ? "Yes" : "No";
$mysqlmaxlink = @get_cfg_var("mysql.max_links") == -1 ? "不限" : @get_cfg_var("mysql.max_links");
$sysos = PHP_OS;
$upmax = get_cfg_var("upload_max_filesize") ? get_cfg_var("upload_max_filesize") : "不允许上传附件";
$maxetime = get_cfg_var("max_execution_time") . "秒";
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('poweredby', '<a href="http://www.cmseasy.cn" target="_blank">Powered by CmsEasy</a>');
Example #3

* CmsEasy Live http://www.cmseasy.cn 				  			 
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  		      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/version.inc.php';
$version = $config['version'];
$left = new celive();
if ($GLOBALS['auth']->admin()) {
    $GLOBALS['template']->assign('ifadmin', 1);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('poweredby', 'Powered by CElive');
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('gotocmseasy', '../../index.php?case=guestbook&act=index');
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('version', $version);
Example #4
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				        
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            

$send = new celive();

$name = $_SESSION['name'];
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('name', $name);
$chatid = $_SESSION['chatid'];
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('chatid', $chatid);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('ctrlenter', '<script type="text/javascript">
							 function isKeyTrigger(e,keyCode){
    var argv = isKeyTrigger.arguments;
    var argc = isKeyTrigger.arguments.length;
    var bCtrl = false;
    if(argc > 2){
        bCtrl = argv[2];
Example #5
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  	      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/version.inc.php';
$version = $config['version'];
$chatlist = new celive();
$cel_operatorid = $_SESSION['cel_operatorid'];
$operatorid = addslashes($_REQUEST['operatorid']);
$action = addslashes($_REQUEST['action']);
if ($action == 'delete') {
    if ($GLOBALS['auth']->admin()) {
        $chatid = addslashes($_REQUEST['chatid']);
        $sql = "DELETE FROM `chat` WHERE `id`='" . $chatid . "'";
        $sql = "DELETE FROM `detail` WHERE `chatid`='" . $chatid . "'";
    } else {
        echo "<script>alert('不能删除自己')</script>";
Example #6
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  	      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
$admin = new celive();
if ($_GET['action'] == 'clearcache') {
    $GLOBALS['template']->assign('clear_cache', '<font color=red>更新成功</font>');
if ($GLOBALS['auth']->admin()) {
    $GLOBALS['template']->assign('ifadmin', 1);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('username', $_SESSION['cel_username']);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('header', 'admin/header.htm');
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('gotocmseasy', '../../index.php?case=guestbook&act=index');
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('main', 'admin/main.htm');
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('footer', 'admin/footer.htm');
Example #7
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  	      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
$adminlive = new celive();
$sessionid = addslashes($_GET['sessionid']);
$adminthislive = addslashes($_GET['thislive']);
if ($_SESSION['adminthislivetmp'] == $adminthislive) {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `sessions` WHERE `id`='" . $sessionid . "'";
    @($result = $db->query($sql));
    $name = $result[0]['name'];
    $email = $result[0]['email'];
    $phone = $result[0]['phone'];
    $departmentid = $result[0]['departmentid'];
    $operatorid = $_SESSION['cel_operatorid'];
    $timestamp = $result[0]['timestamp'];
    $ip = $result[0]['ip'];
    $status = 1;
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `chat` (`sessionid`,`name`,`email`,`phone`,`timestamp`,`ip`,`departmentid`,`operatorid`,`status`) VALUES('" . $sessionid . "','" . $name . "','" . $email . "','" . $phone . "','" . $timestamp . "','" . $ip . "','" . $departmentid . "','" . $operatorid . "','" . $status . "')";
Example #8
* CmsEasy Live http://www.cmseasy.cn 				  			 
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  		      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            

$mainbox = new celive();

$operatorname = $_SESSION['operatorname'];
$dname = $_SESSION['dname'];
$chatid = $_SESSION['chatid'];
Example #9
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  		      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/version.inc.php';
$version = $config['version'];
$response = new celive();
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('poweredby', 'Powered by CElive');
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('version', $version);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('admin_response', '<script type="text/javascript">
								 var CEL = function(){
									 setTimeout(CEL, ' . $config['tracker_refresh'] . ');
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('version', $version);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('xajax_live', $admin_xajax_live->getJavascript(''));
Example #10

* CmsEasy Live http://www.cmseasy.cn 				  			 
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  	      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/version.inc.php';
$version = $config['version'];
$status = new celive();
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('poweredby', 'Powered by CElive');
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('version', $version);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('xajax_live', $admin_xajax_live->getJavascript(''));
Example #11
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  	      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
$admin_send = new celive();
$chatid = addslashes($_GET['chatid']);
$name = $_SESSION['cel_username'];
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('name', $name);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('chatid', $chatid);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('ctrlenter', '<script type="text/javascript">
							 function isKeyTrigger(e,keyCode){
    var argv = isKeyTrigger.arguments;
    var argc = isKeyTrigger.arguments.length;
    var bCtrl = false;
    if(argc > 2){
        bCtrl = argv[2];
    var bAlt = false;
    if(argc > 3){
Example #12
* CmsEasy Live http://www.cmseasy.cn 				  			 
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  		      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
$login = new celive();
if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
    $GLOBALS['auth']->login(addslashes($_POST['username']), addslashes($_POST['password']));
if ($GLOBALS['auth']->check_login()) {
    header('Location: ' . CE_ROOT . '/admin/index.php');
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
        $GLOBALS['template']->assign('login_text', $GLOBALS['lang']['login_failure']);
    $GLOBALS['template']->assign('action', 'login.php');
Example #13
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				        
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            

$header = new celive();

$GLOBALS['template']->assign('ifexit','<script type="text/javascript">
							 function chat_unload()
Example #14

	global $inc;
	$inc = new celive();




	global $clive;
	$clive = new celive();

	$sessionid = $_SESSION['sessionid'];
	$timestamp = $_SESSION['timestamp'];

	$sql = "SELECT `id`,`operatorid` FROM `chat` WHERE `sessionid`='".$sessionid."' AND `timestamp`='".$timestamp."'";
	@$result = $db->query($sql);

	$chatid = $result[0]['id'];
	$_SESSION['chatid'] = $chatid;

	$operatorid = $result[0]['operatorid'];
	$sql = "SELECT departmentid,`username` FROM `operators` WHERE `id`='".$operatorid."'";
	@$result = $db->query($sql);
	$operatorname = $result[0]['username'];
	$sql = "SELECT name as dname FROM `departments` WHERE `id`='".$result[0]['departmentid']."'";
Example #15

* CmsEasy Live http://www.cmseasy.cn 				  			 
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  	      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/version.inc.php';
$version = $config['version'];
$monitor = new celive();
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('poweredby', 'Powered by CElive');
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('version', $version);
Example #16
* CmsEasy Live http://www.cmseasy.cn
* by CmsEasy Live Team
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn)
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that
include '../../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
$admin_mainbox = new celive();
$chatid = addslashes($_GET['chatid']);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `chat` WHERE `id`='" . $chatid . "'";
@($result = $db->query($sql));
$name = addslashes($_GET['name']);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('email', $result[0]['email']);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('ip', $result[0]['ip']);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('phone', $result[0]['phone']);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('chatid', $chatid);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('name', $name);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('area', convertip($result[0]['ip']));
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('xajax_live', $admin_xajax_live->getJavascript('../'));
Example #17
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  		      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
include '../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
$details = new celive();
$action = addslashes($_POST['action']);
$operatorid = $_SESSION['cel_operatorid'];
if ($operatorid == '1') {
    $GLOBALS['template']->assign('ifadmin', 1);
if ($action == '1') {
    $old_password = addslashes($_POST['old_password']);
    $new_password = addslashes($_POST['new_password']);
    $new_password_again = addslashes($_POST['new_password_again']);
    $realname = addslashes($_POST['realname']);
    if ($operatorid == '1') {
        if ($realname != '') {
            $sql = "UPDATE `operators` SET `firstname`='" . $realname . "' WHERE `id`='" . $operatorid . "'";
            echo "<script>alert('修改成功');</script>";
Example #18
* by CmsEasy Live Team 							  						
* Software Version: CmsEasy Live v 1.2.0 					  				  		      
* Copyright 2009 by: CmsEasy, (http://www.cmseasy.cn) 	  
* Support, News, Updates at: http://www.cmseasy.cn 			  			  
* This program is not free software; you can't may redistribute it and modify it under	  
* This file contains configuration settings that need to altered                  
* in order for CE Live to work, and other settings that            
include '../../include/config.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/admin/check.inc.php';
include CE_ROOT . '/include/celive.class.php';
$admin_header = new celive();
$chatid = addslashes($_GET['chatid']);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `chat` WHERE `id`='" . $chatid . "'";
@($result = $db->query($sql));
$ip = $result[0]['ip'];
$ip = convertip($ip);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('chatid', $chatid);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('name', $result[0]['name']);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('email', $result[0]['email']);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('phone', $result[0]['phone']);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('ip', $result[0]['ip']);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('area', $ip);
$GLOBALS['template']->assign('ifexit', '<script type="text/javascript">
							 function chat_unload()