public function convert($filePathIn, $filePathOut) { $replace = []; $replace['js_app'] = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/../../templates/{$this->usedTemplate}/" . "{$this->usedTemplate}.js"); $replace['js_bootstrap'] = file_get_contents(self::PATH_DIST_BOOTSTRAP_JS); $replace['css_app'] = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/../../templates/{$this->usedTemplate}/" . "{$this->usedTemplate}.css"); $replace['css_bootstrap'] = file_get_contents(self::PATH_DIST_BOOTSTRAP_CSS); $replace['content'] = $this->mdParser->parse(file_get_contents($filePathIn)); $output['html'] = $this->latte->renderToString(__DIR__ . "/../../templates/{$this->usedTemplate}/" . "{$this->usedTemplate}.latte", $replace); $output['pdf'] = "@todo :)"; $this->fs->write("{$filePathOut}.html", $output['html']); $this->fs->write("{$filePathOut}.pdf", $output['pdf']); }
/** * 转换 mark 文本 * @param $markdownText * @return string */ public static function MarkDecode($markdownText) { /* $parsedown = new \Outshine\Editor\Parsedown(); return $parsedown->text($markdownText);*/ $parser = new \cebe\markdown\Markdown(); return $parser->parse($markdownText); }
public function save(\Temgen\Document $document, $filename = null) { $parser = new \cebe\markdown\Markdown(); $result = str_replace("{BODY}", $parser->parse($document->getContents()), $this->full); if ($filename) { return file_put_contents($filename, $result); } return $result; }
/** * @return self */ public function convert($filePathIn, $filePathOut, $formats = ['html', 'pdf']) { $output = ['html' => '', 'pdf' => '']; $replace = ['content' => '', 'js' => '', 'css' => '']; try { $tpl = TemplatesRegistry::get($this->usedTemplate); foreach (['js', 'css'] as $type) { foreach ($tpl[$type] as $file) { if (!is_readable($file)) { throw new \Exception("Cannot load file {$file}."); } $file = file_get_contents($file); $replace[$type] .= $file . "\n"; } } if (file_exists("{$filePathOut}.html")) { unlink("{$filePathOut}.html"); } $replace['content'] = $this->mdParser->parse(file_get_contents($filePathIn)); $output['html'] = $this->latte->renderToString($tpl['layout'], $replace); $this->fs->write("{$filePathOut}.html", $output['html']); if (in_array('pdf', $formats)) { try { $html2pdf = new \HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'cs'); $html2pdf->setDefaultFont('dejavusans'); //$html2pdf->addFont('dejavusans'); $html2pdf->pdf->SetDisplayMode('real'); $output['html'] = str_replace('\\xe28087', "  ", $output['html']); $html2pdf->writeHTML($output['html']); $pdf = $html2pdf->Output("{$filePathOut}.pdf", 'S'); $this->fs->write("{$filePathOut}.pdf", $pdf); } catch (Html2PdfException $e) { $formatter = new ExceptionFormatter($e); echo "PDF: " . $formatter->getHtmlMessage(); } } if (!in_array('html', $formats)) { //unlink("{$filePathOut}.html"); } } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } return $this; }
/** * Parse markdown using the standard format * * @param string $markdown The Markdown you want to parse * @return string The resulting HTML */ public function parse($markdown) { $instance = $this->instances['standard']; if (empty($instance)) { $instance = new \cebe\markdown\Markdown(); $instance->html5 =& $this->use_html5; $instance->keepListStartNumber =& $this->keep_list_number; } return $instance->parse($markdown); }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../Parser.php'; require __DIR__ . '/../Markdown.php'; $markdown = ''; $markdown = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/markdown-data/'); //$markdown = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/github-data/'); //ini_set('xhprof.output_dir', __DIR__ . '/xhprof'); // xhprof_enable(XHPROF_FLAGS_CPU + XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY); for ($n = 0; $n < 100; $n++) { $pd = new \cebe\markdown\Markdown(); $pd->parse($markdown); } $xhprof_data = xhprof_disable(); $XHPROF_ROOT = __DIR__ . '/../vendor/facebook/xhprof/'; include_once $XHPROF_ROOT . '/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_lib.php'; include_once $XHPROF_ROOT . '/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_runs.php'; $xhprof_runs = new XHProfRuns_Default(); $run_id = $xhprof_runs->save_run($xhprof_data, "xhprof_testing"); echo "http://localhost/xhprof/xhprof_html/index.php?run={$run_id}&source=xhprof_testing\n";
<?php /** * Configuration for the Markdown Parser twig filter. Markdown Parser from Carsten Brandt * * @author Matthew Seremet * @link */ $twig = $app->view()->getEnvironment(); $twig->addFilter(new \Twig_SimpleFilter('md', function ($input, $type) { if ($type == "git") { $parser = new \cebe\markdown\GithubMarkdown(); } elseif ($type == "extra") { $parser = new \cebe\markdown\MarkdownExtra(); } else { $parser = new \cebe\markdown\Markdown(); } return $parser->parse($input); }));
$flavor = isset($_GET['f']) ? $_GET['f'] : ''; if ($type == 'michelf') { if ($flavor == 'extra') { $html = \Michelf\MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($md); } else { $html = \Michelf\Markdown::defaultTransform($md); } } elseif ($type == 'cebe') { if ($flavor == 'extra') { $parser = new \cebe\markdown\MarkdownExtra(); } elseif ($flavor == 'github') { $parser = new \cebe\markdown\GithubMarkdown(); } else { $parser = new \cebe\markdown\Markdown(); } $html = $parser->parse($md); } elseif ($type == 'parsedown') { $parser = new Parsedown(); $html = $parser->text($md); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Comparison of the Markdown library</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="github-markdown.css"> <style> .markdown-body {overflow: auto; padding: 2em;} .menu a {padding: 4px; background: #fdd;} </style>
/** * parseMarkdown * @return object */ public function parseMarkdown() { $dom = new \DomDocument(); $dom->loadHTML($this->html); $finder = new \DomXPath($dom); $nodes = $finder->query("//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' cacheLogText ')]"); $MdParser = new \cebe\markdown\Markdown(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $raw_log = $node->ownerDocument->saveHTML($node); $raw_log = trim(str_replace(array('<td class="cacheLogText" colspan="2">', '</td>'), '', $raw_log)); $log = preg_replace('/<br>$/', '', $raw_log); $node->nodeValue = $MdParser->parse($log); } $this->html = htmlspecialchars_decode($dom->saveHtml()); return $this; }
/** * @param $filename String * @return string html content of .md file */ public static function getContent($filename) { $markdown = file_get_contents(Yii::getAlias(self::ARTICLES_DIR . '/' . $filename . '.md')); $parser = new \cebe\markdown\Markdown(); return $parser->parse($markdown); }