  * Creates a new instance. Called on 'after_setup_theme'.
  * May be used to access class methods from outside.
  * @see    __construct()
  * @static
  * @return \wp_less
 public static function init()
     global $cc2_color_schemes;
     null === self::$instance and self::$instance = new self();
     $cc2_color_schemes = self::$instance;
     return self::$instance;
 function cc2_init_scheme_helper()
     global $cc2_color_schemes;
     //$cc2_color_schemes = $GLOBALS['cc2_color_schemes'];
     if (empty($cc2_color_schemes) || !is_object($cc2_color_schemes)) {
         //new __debug( array( 'cc2_color_schemes' => $cc2_color_schemes ), 'init_scheme_helper starts' );
         //new __debug( defined( 'CC2_COLOR_SCHEMES_CLASS' ) ? 'color_scheme_class is defined' : 'something went HAGGARDLY wrong!' , 'init_scheme_helper starts' );
         // should be unset-table / replaceable via plugin / filter hooks
         if (class_exists('cc2_ColorSchemes')) {
             $cc2_color_schemes = cc2_ColorSchemes::init();
     //new __debug( $cc2_color_schemes, 'init_scheme_helper ends' );
     return $cc2_color_schemes;