Example #1
 public function retrieveByIdentifier($value)
     switch ($this->identifier) {
         case CategoryIdentifierField::FULL_NAME:
             return categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($value);
         case CategoryIdentifierField::ID:
             return categoryPeer::retrieveByPK($value);
         case CategoryIdentifierField::REFERENCE_ID:
             $objects = categoryPeer::getByReferenceId($value);
             return $objects[0];
Example #2
  * To validate if user is entitled to the category � all needed is to select from the db.
 public function validateCategories()
     $partnerId = kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id ? kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id : kCurrentContext::$partner_id;
     if (implode(',', kEntitlementUtils::getKsPrivacyContext()) != kEntitlementUtils::DEFAULT_CONTEXT . $partnerId && ($this->categoriesIds != null || $this->categories != null)) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::ENTRY_CATEGORY_FIELD_IS_DEPRECATED);
     if ($this->categoriesIds != null) {
         $catsNames = array();
         $cats = explode(",", $this->categoriesIds);
         foreach ($cats as $cat) {
             $catName = categoryPeer::retrieveByPK($cat);
             if (is_null($catName)) {
                 throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND, $cat);
     if ($this->categories != null) {
         $catsNames = array();
         $cats = explode(",", $this->categories);
         foreach ($cats as $cat) {
             $catName = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
             if (is_null($catName)) {
                 $catName = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
                 if ($catName) {
                     throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::CATEGORY_NOT_PERMITTED, $cat);
  * Convert the categories to categories ids
  * to make search query shorter and to solve search problem when category tree is big.
  *	let's say entry belong to 2 categories with these full_ids
  * 	111>222>333
  *	111>444
  * Old categories fields was: 
  *	333,444
  * New categories filed:
  * pc111,p111,pc222,p222,pc333,c333,pc444,c444
  * so why do we need pc111?
  * If baseEntry->list with filter categoriesMatchOr= "111" you need to search for match pc111
  * so why do we need p111?
  * If baseEntry->list with filter categoriesMatchOr= "111>" you need to search for match p111
  * @param string $cats Categories full names
  * @param string $statuses comma seperated
  * @return string Categogories indexes ids
 public static function categoryFullNamesToIdsParsed($cats, $statuses = null)
     if ($cats === "") {
         $cats = array();
     } else {
         $cats = explode(",", $cats);
     if ($statuses == null || trim($statuses) == '') {
         $statuses = CategoryEntryStatus::ACTIVE;
     $statuses = explode(',', trim($statuses));
     $categoryFullNamesToIds = array();
     foreach ($cats as $cat) {
         if (substr($cat, -1) == '>') {
             //entries that doesn't belog directly to this category - but only to the sub categories.
             $categorySearchPrefix = entry::CATEGORY_PARENT_SEARCH_PERFIX;
             $cat = substr($cat, 0, strlen($cat) - 1);
         } else {
             //entries that belog directly to this category or to a sub categories.
             $categorySearchPrefix = entry::CATEGORY_OR_PARENT_SEARCH_PERFIX;
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         $categoryId = null;
         if (!$category) {
             $categoryId = category::CATEGORY_ID_THAT_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
         } else {
             $categoryId = $category->getId();
         foreach ($statuses as $status) {
             $categoryFullNamesToIds[] = $categorySearchPrefix . $categoryId . entry::CATEGORY_SEARCH_STATUS . $status;
     return implode(",", $categoryFullNamesToIds);
Example #4
  * Throws an error if trying to update admin only properties with normal user session
  * @param KalturaBaseEntry $entry
 protected function checkAdminOnlyInsertProperties(KalturaBaseEntry $entry)
     if ($entry->adminTags !== null) {
     if ($entry->categories !== null) {
         $cats = explode(entry::ENTRY_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR, $entry->categories);
         foreach ($cats as $cat) {
             if (!categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat)) {
     if ($entry->startDate !== null) {
     if ($entry->endDate !== null) {
     if ($entry->accessControlId !== null) {
 public static function syncEntriesCategories(entry $entry, $isCategoriesModified)
     self::$skipEntrySave = true;
     if ($entry->getNewCategories() != null && $entry->getNewCategories() !== "") {
         $newCats = explode(entry::ENTRY_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR, $entry->getNewCategories());
     } else {
         $newCats = array();
     if (!$isCategoriesModified) {
         if ($entry->getNewCategoriesIds() != null && $entry->getNewCategoriesIds() !== "") {
             $newCatsIds = explode(entry::ENTRY_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR, $entry->getNewCategoriesIds());
         } else {
             $newCatsIds = array();
         $dbCategories = categoryPeer::retrieveByPKs($newCatsIds);
         foreach ($dbCategories as $dbCategory) {
             //skip categoy with privacy contexts.
             if ($dbCategory->getPrivacyContexts() != null && $dbCategory->getPrivacyContexts() != '') {
             $newCats[] = $dbCategory->getFullName();
     $newCats = array_unique($newCats);
     $allIds = array();
     $allCats = array();
     $allIdsWithParents = array();
     $addedCats = array();
     $removedCats = array();
     $remainingCats = array();
     $oldCats = array();
     $oldCatsIds = array();
     $dbOldCategoriesEntry = categoryEntryPeer::selectByEntryId($entry->getId());
     foreach ($dbOldCategoriesEntry as $dbOldCategoryEntry) {
         $oldCatsIds[] = $dbOldCategoryEntry->getCategoryId();
     $oldCategoris = categoryPeer::retrieveByPKsNoFilter($oldCatsIds);
     foreach ($oldCategoris as $category) {
         if ($category->getPrivacyContexts() != '' && $category->getPrivacyContexts() != null) {
         $oldCats[] = $category->getFullName();
     foreach ($oldCats as $cat) {
         if (array_search($cat, $newCats) === false) {
             $removedCats[] = $cat;
     foreach ($newCats as $cat) {
         if (array_search($cat, $oldCats) === false) {
             $addedCats[] = $cat;
         } else {
             $remainingCats[] = $cat;
     foreach ($remainingCats as $cat) {
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         if ($category) {
             if ($category->getPrivacyContext() == '' || $category->getPrivacyContext() == null) {
                 $allCats[] = $category->getFullName();
                 $allIds[] = $category->getId();
             $allIdsWithParents[] = $category->getId();
             $allIdsWithParents = array_merge($allIdsWithParents, $category->getAllParentsIds());
     $alreadyAddedCatIds = $allIdsWithParents;
     foreach ($addedCats as $cat) {
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         if (!$category) {
             $unentitedCategory = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
             if (!$unentitedCategory) {
                 $category = category::createByPartnerAndFullName($entry->getPartnerId(), $cat);
                 //it is possible to add on an entry a few new categories on the same new parent -
                 //and we need to sync sphinx once we add so the category will not be duplicated
         } else {
             $categoryKuser = categoryKuserPeer::retrieveByCategoryIdAndActiveKuserId($category->getId(), kCurrentContext::$ks_kuser_id);
             if (kEntitlementUtils::getEntitlementEnforcement() && $category->getContributionPolicy() != ContributionPolicyType::ALL && (!$categoryKuser || $categoryKuser->getPermissionLevel() == CategoryKuserPermissionLevel::MEMBER)) {
                 //user is not entitled to add entry to this category
                 $category = null;
         if (!$category) {
         //when use caetgoryEntry->add categoryEntry object was alreay created - and no need to create it.
         //when using baseEntry->categories = 'my category' will need to add the new category.
         $categoryEntry = categoryEntryPeer::retrieveByCategoryIdAndEntryId($category->getId(), $entry->getId());
         if (!$categoryEntry) {
             $categoryEntry = new categoryEntry();
         if ($category->getPrivacyContext() == '' || $category->getPrivacyContext() == null) {
             // only categories with no context should be set on entry->categories and entry->categoriesIds
             $allCats[] = $category->getFullName();
             $allIds[] = $category->getId();
         $alreadyAddedCatIds[] = $category->getId();
         $alreadyAddedCatIds = array_merge($alreadyAddedCatIds, $category->getAllParentsIds());
     $alreadyRemovedCatIds = $allIdsWithParents;
     foreach ($removedCats as $cat) {
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         if ($category) {
             $categoryEntryToDelete = categoryEntryPeer::retrieveByCategoryIdAndEntryId($category->getId(), $entry->getId());
             if ($categoryEntryToDelete) {
                 $categoryKuser = categoryKuserPeer::retrieveByCategoryIdAndActiveKuserId($categoryEntryToDelete->getCategoryId(), kCurrentContext::$ks_kuser_id);
                 if ($category->getPrivacyContexts() && (!$categoryKuser || $categoryKuser->getPermissionLevel() == CategoryKuserPermissionLevel::MEMBER)) {
                     //not entiteld to delete - should be set back on the entry.
                     $allCats[] = $category->getFullName();
                     $allIds[] = $category->getId();
                 } else {
             $alreadyRemovedCatIds[] = $category->getId();
             $alreadyRemovedCatIds = array_merge($alreadyRemovedCatIds, $category->getAllParentsIds());
         } else {
             //category was not found - it could be that user is not entitled to remove it
             $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
             if ($category) {
                 $allCats[] = $category->getFullName();
                 $allIds[] = $category->getId();
     self::$skipEntrySave = false;
     $entry->parentSetCategories(implode(",", $allCats));
     $entry->parentSetCategoriesIds(implode(',', $allIds));
Example #6
  * Convert the categories to categories ids
  * to make search query shorter and to solve search problem when category tree is big.
  *	let's say entry belong to 2 categories with these full_ids
  * 	111>222>333
  *	111>444
  * Old categories fields was: 
  *	333,444
  * New categories filed:
  * pc111,p111,pc222,p222,pc333,c333,pc444,c444
  * so why do we need pc111?
  * If baseEntry->list with filter categoriesMatchOr= "111" you need to search for match pc111
  * so why do we need p111?
  * If baseEntry->list with filter categoriesMatchOr= "111>" you need to search for match p111
  * @param string $cats Categories full names
  * @param string $statuses comma seperated statuses.null = no status filtering (default criteria still applies)
  * @return string Categogories indexes ids
 public static function categoryFullNamesToIdsParsed($cats, $commaSeparatedStatuses = null)
     if ($cats === "") {
         $cats = array();
     } else {
         $cats = explode(",", $cats);
     $commaSeparatedStatuses = trim($commaSeparatedStatuses);
     if (empty($commaSeparatedStatuses)) {
         $statuses = null;
     } else {
         $statuses = explode(",", $commaSeparatedStatuses);
     $categoryFullNamesToIds = array();
     foreach ($cats as $cat) {
         if (substr($cat, -1) == '>') {
             //entries that doesn't belog directly to this category - but only to the sub categories.
             $categorySearchPrefix = entry::CATEGORY_PARENT_SEARCH_PERFIX;
             $cat = substr($cat, 0, strlen($cat) - 1);
         } else {
             //entries that belog directly to this category or to a sub categories.
             $categorySearchPrefix = entry::CATEGORY_OR_PARENT_SEARCH_PERFIX;
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         $categoryId = null;
         if (!$category) {
             $categoryId = category::CATEGORY_ID_THAT_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
         } else {
             $categoryId = $category->getId();
         if ($statuses) {
             foreach ($statuses as $status) {
                 $categoryFullNamesToIds[] = $categorySearchPrefix . $categoryId . entry::CATEGORY_SEARCH_STATUS . $status;
         } else {
             $categoryFullNamesToIds[] = $categoryId;
             // The cat. id AS-IS, no status filtering applied
     return implode(",", $categoryFullNamesToIds);
  * add KalturaMediaEntry from email ingestion
  * @action addMediaEntry
  * @param KalturaMediaEntry $mediaEntry Media entry metadata
  * @param string $uploadTokenId Upload token id
  * @param int $emailProfId
  * @param string $fromAddress
  * @param string $emailMsgId
  * @return KalturaMediaEntry
  * @throws KalturaErrors::UPLOADED_FILE_NOT_FOUND_BY_TOKEN
 function addMediaEntryAction(KalturaMediaEntry $mediaEntry, $uploadTokenId, $emailProfId, $fromAddress, $emailMsgId)
     try {
         // check that the uploaded file exists
         $entryFullPath = kUploadTokenMgr::getFullPathByUploadTokenId($uploadTokenId);
         if (!file_exists($entryFullPath)) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::UPLOADED_FILE_NOT_FOUND_BY_TOKEN);
         // get the email profile by the given id
         $existingEIP = EmailIngestionProfilePeer::retrieveByPK($emailProfId);
         if (!$existingEIP) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::EMAIL_INGESTION_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND, $emailProfId);
         $emailIP = new KalturaEmailIngestionProfile();
         $emailIP->fromObject($existingEIP, $this->getResponseProfile());
         // handle defaults for media entry metadata
         $this->changeIfNull($mediaEntry->tags, $emailIP->defaultTags);
         $this->changeIfNull($mediaEntry->adminTags, $emailIP->defaultAdminTags);
         $this->changeIfNull($mediaEntry->conversionProfileId, $emailIP->conversionProfile2Id);
         $this->changeIfNull($mediaEntry->userId, $emailIP->defaultUserId);
         if (is_null($mediaEntry->categories) || is_null(categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($mediaEntry->categories))) {
             $mediaEntry->categories = $emailIP->defaultCategory;
         // validate the input object
         //$entry->validatePropertyMinLength("name", 1);
         if (!$mediaEntry->name) {
             $mediaEntry->name = $this->getPartnerId() . '_' . time();
         // first copy all the properties to the db entry, then we'll check for security stuff
         $dbEntry = $mediaEntry->toObject(new entry());
         if ($emailIP->moderationStatus == KalturaEntryModerationStatus::PENDING_MODERATION) {
         $this->checkAndSetValidUserInsert($mediaEntry, $dbEntry);
         $this->validateEntryScheduleDates($mediaEntry, $dbEntry);
         $dbEntry->setSubpId($this->getPartnerId() * 100);
         $te = new TrackEntry();
         $te->setDescription(__METHOD__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "::ENTRY_MEDIA_SOURCE_EMAIL_INGESTION");
         $te->setParam3Str($emailProfId . '::' . $emailIP->emailAddress . '::' . $emailIP->mailboxId);
         $kshow = $this->createDummyKShow();
         $kshowId = $kshow->getId();
         myEntryUtils::setEntryTypeAndMediaTypeFromFile($dbEntry, $entryFullPath);
         // setup the needed params for my insert entry helper
         $paramsArray = array("entry_media_source" => KalturaSourceType::FILE, "entry_media_type" => $dbEntry->getMediaType(), "entry_full_path" => $entryFullPath, "entry_license" => $dbEntry->getLicenseType(), "entry_credit" => $dbEntry->getCredit(), "entry_source_link" => $dbEntry->getSourceLink(), "entry_tags" => $dbEntry->getTags());
         $token = $this->getKsUniqueString();
         $insert_entry_helper = new myInsertEntryHelper(null, $dbEntry->getKuserId(), $kshowId, $paramsArray);
         $insert_entry_helper->setPartnerId($this->getPartnerId(), $this->getPartnerId() * 100);
         $insert_entry_helper->insertEntry($token, $dbEntry->getType(), $dbEntry->getId(), $dbEntry->getName(), $dbEntry->getTags(), $dbEntry);
         $dbEntry = $insert_entry_helper->getEntry();
         myNotificationMgr::createNotification(kNotificationJobData::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ENTRY_ADD, $dbEntry);
         $mediaEntry->fromObject($dbEntry, $this->getResponseProfile());
         return $mediaEntry;
     } catch (kCoreException $ex) {
         if ($ex->getCode() == kUploadTokenException::UPLOAD_TOKEN_INVALID_STATUS) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::UPLOAD_TOKEN_INVALID_STATUS_FOR_ADD_ENTRY);
         throw $ex;
Example #8
  * Initialize new category using patnerId and fullName, this will also create the needed categories for the fullName
  * @param $partnerId
  * @param $fullName
  * @return category
 public static function createByPartnerAndFullName($partnerId, $fullName)
     $fullNameArray = explode(categoryPeer::CATEGORY_SEPARATOR, $fullName);
     $fullNameTemp = "";
     $parentId = 0;
     foreach ($fullNameArray as $name) {
         if ($fullNameTemp === "") {
             $fullNameTemp .= $name;
         } else {
             $fullNameTemp .= categoryPeer::CATEGORY_SEPARATOR . $name;
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($fullNameTemp);
         if (!$category) {
             $category = new category();
         $parentId = $category->getId();
     return $category;
Example #9
 public function syncCategories()
     if (!$this->is_categories_modified) {
     if ($this->categories != null && $this->categories !== "") {
         $newCats = explode(self::ENTRY_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR, $this->categories);
     } else {
         $newCats = array();
     if ($this->old_categories !== null && $this->old_categories !== "") {
         $oldCats = explode(self::ENTRY_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR, $this->old_categories);
     } else {
         $oldCats = array();
     $allIds = array();
     $allIdsWithParents = array();
     $addedCats = array();
     $removedCats = array();
     $remainingCats = array();
     foreach ($oldCats as $cat) {
         if (array_search($cat, $newCats) === false) {
             $removedCats[] = $cat;
     foreach ($newCats as $cat) {
         if (array_search($cat, $oldCats) === false) {
             $addedCats[] = $cat;
         } else {
             $remainingCats[] = $cat;
     foreach ($remainingCats as $cat) {
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         if ($category) {
             $allIds[] = $category->getId();
             $allIdsWithParents[] = $category->getId();
             $allIdsWithParents = array_merge($allIdsWithParents, $category->getAllParentsIds());
     $alreadyAddedCatIds = $allIdsWithParents;
     foreach ($addedCats as $cat) {
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         if (!$category) {
             $category = category::createByPartnerAndFullName($this->getPartnerId(), $cat);
         $category->incrementEntriesCount(1, $alreadyAddedCatIds);
         $allIds[] = $category->getId();
         $alreadyAddedCatIds[] = $category->getId();
         $alreadyAddedCatIds = array_merge($alreadyAddedCatIds, $category->getAllParentsIds());
     $alreadyRemovedCatIds = $allIdsWithParents;
     foreach ($removedCats as $cat) {
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         if ($category) {
             $category->decrementEntriesCount(1, $alreadyRemovedCatIds);
             $alreadyRemovedCatIds[] = $category->getId();
             $alreadyRemovedCatIds = array_merge($alreadyRemovedCatIds, $category->getAllParentsIds());
     $this->setCategoriesIds(implode(",", $allIds));
     $this->is_categories_modified = false;