Example #1
function parent_link($categ_id, $categ_see)
    global $charset;
    global $base_path;
    global $thesaurus_categories_show_empty_categ;
    if ($categ_see) {
        $categ = $categ_see;
    } else {
        $categ = $categ_id;
    $tcateg = new category($categ);
    if ($thesaurus_categories_show_empty_categ) {
        $visible = true;
    } else {
        $visible = false;
    if ($_SESSION["session_history"][$_SESSION["CURRENT"]]["QUERY"]["SEARCH_TYPE"] != "term_search" && $_SESSION["CURRENT"]) {
        $no_rec_history = 1;
    } else {
        $no_rec_history = 0;
    if ($tcateg->has_notices()) {
        $link = "<a href='" . $base_path . "/catalog.php?categ=search&mode=1&aut_id={$categ}&etat=aut_search&aut_type=categ&no_rec_history={$no_rec_history}' target=_top><img src='{$base_path}/images/search.gif' border=0 align='absmiddle'></a>";
        $visible = true;
    $r = array("VISIBLE" => $visible, "LINK" => $link);
    return $r;
Example #2
function parent_link($categ_id, $categ_see)
    global $charset;
    global $base_path;
    global $opac_show_empty_categ;
    global $css;
    global $msg;
    if ($categ_see) {
        $categ = $categ_see;
    } else {
        $categ = $categ_id;
    //$tcateg =  new category($categ);
    if ($opac_show_empty_categ) {
        $visible = true;
    } else {
        $visible = false;
    if (category::has_notices($categ)) {
        $link = "<a href='#' onClick=\"parent.parent.document.term_search_form.action='" . $base_path . "/index.php?lvl=categ_see&id={$categ}&rec_history=1'; parent.parent.document.term_search_form.submit(); return false;\" title='" . $msg["categ_see_alt"] . "'><img src='./images/search.gif' border=0 align='absmiddle'></a>";
        $visible = true;
    $r = array("VISIBLE" => $visible, "LINK" => $link);
    return $r;
Example #3
function parent_link($categ_id, $categ_see)
    global $charset;
    global $base_path;
    global $thesaurus_categories_show_empty_categ;
    global $id_empr, $groupID, $unq;
    if ($categ_see) {
        $categ = $categ_see;
    } else {
        $categ = $categ_id;
    $tcateg = new category($categ);
    if ($thesaurus_categories_show_empty_categ) {
        $visible = true;
    } else {
        $visible = false;
    if ($tcateg->has_notices()) {
        $link = "<a href='" . $base_path . "/circ.php?categ=resa_planning&resa_action=search_resa&mode=1&aut_id={$categ}&etat=aut_search&aut_type=categ&id_empr={$id_empr}&groupID={$groupID}&mode=1&unq={$unq}' target=_top><img src='{$base_path}/images/search.gif' border=0 align='absmiddle'></a>";
        $visible = true;
    $r = array("VISIBLE" => $visible, "LINK" => $link);
    return $r;
Example #4
            $bar = categories::listAncestors($mesCategories->num_noeud, $lang);
            $bar = array_reverse($bar);
            if ($bar[3]) {
                print pmb_bidi("<a href=./index.php?lvl=categ_see&id=" . $bar[3]['num_noeud'] . "><img src='./images/folder.gif' border='0' align='middle'>...</a> > ");
            if ($bar[2]) {
                print pmb_bidi("<a href=./index.php?lvl=categ_see&id=" . $bar[2]['num_noeud'] . "><img src='./images/folder.gif' border='0' align='middle'>" . $bar[2]['libelle_categorie'] . '</a> > ');
            if ($bar[1]) {
                print pmb_bidi("<a href=./index.php?lvl=categ_see&id=" . $bar[1]['num_noeud'] . "><img src='./images/folder.gif' border='0' align='middle'>" . $bar[1]['libelle_categorie'] . '</a> > ');
        print "<a href=./index.php?lvl=categ_see&id=" . $mesCategories->num_noeud . ">";
        // Si il y a présence d'un commentaire affichage du layer
        $result_com = categorie::zoom_categ($mesCategories_trouvees->num_noeud, $mesCategories_trouvees->note_application);
        if (category::has_notices($mesCategories_trouvees->num_noeud)) {
            print " <img src='{$base_path}/images/folder_search.gif' border=0 align='middle' />";
        } else {
            print "<img src='./images/folder.gif' border='0' align='middle'>";
        print pmb_bidi("</a><a href=./index.php?lvl=categ_see&id=" . $mesCategories->num_noeud . $result_com['java_com'] . ">" . $mesCategories->libelle_categorie . '</a>' . $result_com['zoom']);
        print "</li>";
    print "</ul>";
    print "\n\t</div></div>";
    if ($opac_allow_affiliate_search) {
        print $catal_navbar;
    } else {
        print "</div>";
} else {
Example #5
 function aut_list()
     global $search_subject;
     global $search_indexint, $search_indexint_id;
     global $msg;
     global $charset;
     global $show_empty;
     $pair_impair = "";
     $parity = 0;
     if ($search_subject) {
         $human[] = "<b>" . $msg["histo_subject"] . "</b> " . htmlentities(stripslashes($search_subject), ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
     if ($search_indexint) {
         $human[] = "<b>" . $msg["histo_indexint"] . "</b> " . htmlentities(stripslashes($search_indexint), ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
     $this->human_query = implode(", ", $human);
     $this->human_aut_query = implode(", ", $human);
     if ($this->nb_s) {
         $empty = false;
         print "<strong>{$msg[23]} : " . sprintf($msg["searcher_results"], $this->nb_s) . "</strong><hr /><table>";
         while ($categ = @pmb_mysql_fetch_object($this->s_query)) {
             $pair_impair = $parity % 2 ? "even" : "odd";
             $temp = new category($categ->categ_id);
             if ($temp->voir_id) {
                 $cr = $temp->catalog_form;
                 $temp = new category($temp->voir_id);
                 $display = htmlentities($cr, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . " -> <i>" . htmlentities($temp->catalog_form, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "@</i>";
             } else {
                 $display = htmlentities($temp->catalog_form, ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
             if ($temp->has_notices()) {
                 $notice_count = $temp->notice_count(false);
                 $link_categ = "<td><a href='" . $this->base_url . "&aut_id=" . $temp->id . "&aut_type=categ&etat=aut_search'>{$display}</a></td><td>{$notice_count}</td>";
             } else {
                 $empty = true;
                 if ($show_empty) {
                     $link_categ = "<td>{$display}</td><td></td>";
                 } else {
                     $link_categ = "";
             if ($link_categ) {
                 print "<tr class=\"{$pair_impair}\">{$link_categ}</tr>";
         print "</table>";
         if ($empty && !$show_empty) {
             print "<a href='#' onClick=\"document.store_search.show_empty.value=1; document.store_search.page.value=0; document.store_search.submit(); return false;\">" . $msg["searcher_categ_empty_results"] . "</a>";
     if ($this->nb_i || $this->nb_id) {
         if ($this->nb_id) {
             print "<br /><strong>{$msg[indexint_catal_title]} " . $msg["searcher_exact_indexint"] . ": " . sprintf($msg["searcher_results"], $this->nb_id) . "</strong><hr /><table>";
             $id_ = array();
             $empty = false;
             while ($indexint = @pmb_mysql_fetch_object($this->id_query)) {
                 $pair_impair = $parity % 2 ? "even" : "odd";
                 $id_[$indexint->indexint_id] = 1;
                 $temp = new indexint($indexint->indexint_id);
                 $display = htmlentities($temp->name . " - " . $temp->comment, ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
                 if ($temp->has_notices()) {
                     $notice_count_sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM notices WHERE indexint = " . $temp->indexint_id;
                     $notice_count = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($notice_count_sql), 0, 0);
                     $link = "<td><a href='" . $this->base_url . "&aut_id=" . $temp->indexint_id . "&aut_type=indexint&etat=aut_search'>{$display}</a></td><td>" . $notice_count . "</td>";
                 } else {
                     $empty = true;
                     if ($show_empty) {
                         $link = "<td>{$display}</td><td></td>";
                     } else {
                         $link = "";
                 if ($link) {
                     print "<tr class=\"{$pair_impair}\">{$link}</tr>";
                     $parity += 1;
             print "</table>";
             if ($empty && !$show_empty) {
                 print "<a href='#' onClick=\"document.store_search.show_empty.value=1; document.store_search.page.value=0; document.store_search.submit(); return false;\">" . $msg["searcher_indexint_empty_results"] . "</a><br /><br />";
         $i_ = "";
         if ($this->nb_i) {
             $empty = false;
             while ($indexint = @pmb_mysql_fetch_object($this->i_query)) {
                 $pair_impair = $parity % 2 ? "even" : "odd";
                 if (!$id_[$indexint->indexint_id]) {
                     $temp = new indexint($indexint->indexint_id);
                     $display = htmlentities($temp->name . " - " . $temp->comment, ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
                     if ($temp->has_notices()) {
                         $notice_count_sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM notices WHERE indexint = " . $temp->indexint_id;
                         $notice_count = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($notice_count_sql), 0, 0);
                         $link = "<td><a href='" . $this->base_url . "&aut_id=" . $temp->indexint_id . "&aut_type=indexint&etat=aut_search'>{$display}</a></td><td>" . $notice_count . "</td>";
                     } else {
                         $empty = true;
                         if ($show_empty) {
                             $link = "<td>{$display}</td><td></td>";
                         } else {
                             $link = "";
                     if ($link) {
                         $i_ .= "<tr class=\"{$pair_impair}\">{$link}</tr>";
                         $parity += 1;
                 } else {
             $i_ = "<br /><strong>{$msg[indexint_catal_title]} " . $msg["searcher_descr_indexint"] . " : " . sprintf($msg["searcher_results"], $this->nb_i) . "</strong><hr /><table>" . $i_;
             $i_ .= "</table>";
             if ($empty && !$show_empty) {
                 $i_ .= "<a href='#' onClick=\"document.store_search.show_empty.value=1; document.store_search.page.value=0; document.store_search.submit(); return false;\">" . $msg["searcher_indexint_empty_results"] . "</a>";
             print $i_;
 function child_list($image = './images/folder.gif', $css)
     global $css;
     global $dbh;
     global $opac_categories_nb_col_subcat, $opac_categories_sub_mode;
     global $main;
     global $lang;
     global $charset;
     global $base_path;
     $current_col = 0;
     // récupération des enfants
     if ($this->id == $this->thes->num_noeud_racine) {
         $result = categories::listChilds($this->id, $lang, 0, $opac_categories_sub_mode);
     } else {
         $result = categories::listChilds($this->id, $lang, 1, $opac_categories_sub_mode);
     if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result) < $opac_categories_nb_col_subcat) {
         // nombre de sous-catégories réduit
         while ($child = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
             $libelle = $child->libelle_categorie;
             $note = $child->comment_public;
             $id = $child->num_noeud;
             //$c2_categ = new category($id);
             if ($child->num_renvoi_voir) {
                 $libelle = "<i>{$libelle}</i>@";
                 $id = $child->num_renvoi_voir;
             // Si il y a présence d'un commentaire affichage du layer
             $result_com = self::zoom_categ($id, $note);
             $l .= "<a href='./index.php?lvl=categ_see&id={$id}&main={$main}' class='small'>";
             if (category::has_notices($id)) {
                 $l .= " <img src='{$base_path}/images/folder_search.gif' border=0 align='absmiddle' />";
             } else {
                 $l .= "<img src='{$image}' border='0' align='top' />";
             $l .= "<a/>" . $result_com['zoom'];
             $l .= "<a href='./index.php?lvl=categ_see&id={$id}&main={$main}' class='small' " . $result_com['java_com'] . ">" . $libelle . "</a><br />";
         $l = "<br /><div style='margin-left:48px'>{$l}</div>";
     } else {
         $l = "<table border='0' style='margin-left:48px' cellpadding='3'>";
         while ($child = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
             $libelle = $child->libelle_categorie;
             $note = $child->comment_public;
             $id = $child->num_noeud;
             //$c_categ =  new category($id);
             if ($child->num_renvoi_voir) {
                 $libelle = "<i>{$libelle}</i>@";
                 $id = $child->num_renvoi_voir;
             // Si il y a présence d'un commentaire affichage du layer
             $result_com = self::zoom_categ($id, $note);
             if ($current_col == 0) {
                 $l .= "\n<tr>";
             $l .= "<td align='top'><a href='./index.php?lvl=categ_see&id={$id}&main={$main}' class='small'>";
             if (category::has_notices($id)) {
                 $l .= " <img src='{$base_path}/images/folder_search.gif' border=0 align='absmiddle' />";
             } else {
                 $l .= "<img src='{$image}' border='0' align='top' />";
             $l .= "</a>" . $result_com['zoom'];
             $l .= "<a href='./index.php?lvl=categ_see&id={$id}&main={$main}' class='small' " . $result_com['java_com'] . ">" . $libelle . "</a></td>";
             if ($current_col == $opac_categories_nb_col_subcat - 1) {
                 $l .= '</tr>';
                 $current_col = 0;
             } else {
         $l .= '</table>';
     return $l;
Example #7
 $q = "select ";
 $q .= "distinct catdef.num_noeud,catdef.note_application, catdef.comment_public,";
 $q .= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.libelle_categorie, catlg.libelle_categorie) as libelle_categorie ";
 $q .= "from voir_aussi left join noeuds on noeuds.id_noeud=voir_aussi.num_noeud_dest ";
 $q .= "left join categories as catdef on noeuds.id_noeud=catdef.num_noeud and catdef.langue = '" . $thes->langue_defaut . "' ";
 $q .= "left join categories as catlg on catdef.num_noeud = catlg.num_noeud and catlg.langue = '" . $lang . "' ";
 $q .= "where ";
 $q .= "voir_aussi.num_noeud_orig = '" . $id . "' ";
 $q .= "order by libelle_categorie limit " . $opac_categories_max_display;
 $found_see_too = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh);
 $see_also = "";
 if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($found_see_too)) {
     $deb = 0;
     while ($mesCategories_see_too = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($found_see_too)) {
         $mesCategories_see_too->zoom = categorie::zoom_categ($mesCategories_see_too->num_noeud, $mesCategories_see_too->comment_public);
         $mesCategories_see_too->has_notice = category::has_notices($mesCategories_see_too->num_noeud);
         $context['authority']['see_also'][] = $mesCategories_see_too;
 //Lire le champ path du noeud pour étendre la recherche éventuellement au fils et aux père de la catégorie
 // lien Etendre auto_postage
 if (!isset($nb_level_enfants)) {
     // non defini, prise des valeurs par défaut
     if (isset($_SESSION["nb_level_enfants"]) && $opac_auto_postage_etendre_recherche) {
         $nb_level_descendant = $_SESSION["nb_level_enfants"];
     } else {
         $nb_level_descendant = $opac_auto_postage_nb_descendant;
 } else {
     $nb_level_descendant = $nb_level_enfants;