Example #1
$car = new cars();
 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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$req = $_GET['req'];
if (isset($_SESSION['dealer'])) {
    // I'm a dealer
    $request = $user->getRequest($req);
    $request = $request[0];
    $id = $_SESSION['dealerID'];
    $select = "SELECT * FROM offers WHERE dealer_id = {$id} AND request_id = {$req}";
    $results = $user->db->get_results($select);
    $results = $results[0];
    $trim = $car->getNameByTrim($request['car_trim']);
    $price = $amount = "\$" . number_format($results['offered_price'], 2, '.', ',');
    $getCustomer = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM requests WHERE request_id = {$req})";
    $cus = $user->db->get_results($getCustomer);
    $cus = $cus[0];
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Example #2
    $message = $_POST['message'];
    $dealer = $_SESSION['dealerID'];
    $input = array('request_id' => $request, 'offered_price' => $price, 'offer_details' => $message, 'dealer_id' => $dealer);
    if ($user->db->insert('offers', $input)) {
        header('Location: http://onlinelotbuilder.com/controlpanel.php');
if (isset($_SESSION['dealer'])) {
    foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
        $_GET[$key] = $user->db->filter($value);
    $rid = $_GET['r'];
    $id = $_GET['dealer'];
    $offerDeets = $user->getRequest($rid);
    $offerDeets = $offerDeets[0];
    $trimNames = $car->getNameByTrim($offerDeets['car_trim']);
    $hidden = "<input type='hidden' id='request' name='request' value='{$rid}'>";
    $vehicle = <<<CAR
    <h2>Send An Offer</h2>
    <table class="table table-hover">
        $zip = $value['dealer_zip'];
        $state = $value['dealer_state'];
    // Since we're a dealer, we need to get a list of our inventory
    // This will populate the 'My Cars' Section
    $myCars = $user->getInventory($id);
    $check = array();
    foreach ($myCars as $key => $value) {
        $invID = $value['inventory_id'];
        $trim = $value['car_trim'];
        $year = $value['car_year'];
        $make = $value['makeName'];
        $model = $value['name'];
        //We'll use this later...
        array_push($check, $trim);
        $more = $cars->getNameByTrim($trim);
        $longName = $more['long'];
        $carTable .= <<<CARINFO
    <td style='text-align: center;'><a href="utils/delcar.php?req={$invID}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></a></td>
    // Lets find some matches and build out that INFO
    $matchTable = <<<MATCHTABLE
<table class="table table-hover">