Example #1
function listRequestsByCacheId($cacheid)
    global $tpl, $login;
    // cache exists?
    $cache = new cache($cacheid);
    if ($cache->exist() == false) {
    // is the current user the owner of the cache?
    if ($cache->getUserId() != $login->userid) {
    $rs = sql("SELECT \n             `caches`.`cache_id` AS `id`,\n             `user`.`user_id` AS `userid`,\n             `user`.`username` AS `username`, \n             `cache_adoption`.`date_created`\n\t     FROM `caches`\n\t     INNER JOIN `cache_adoption` \n\t         ON `caches`.`cache_id` = `cache_adoption`.`cache_id`\n\t     INNER JOIN `user` \n\t         ON `cache_adoption`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id`\n\t\t WHERE `caches`.`cache_id`='&1'", $cacheid);
    $tpl->assign_rs('adoptions', $rs);
    $tpl->assign('cachename', $cache->getName());
Example #2
// prepare array to indicate errors in template
$validate = array();
// log and cache type which can be combined with maintenance state flags
$rs = sql("SELECT `id` FROM `log_types` WHERE `maintenance_logs`");
$logtype_allows_nm = sql_fetch_column($rs);
// proceed loggable, if valid cache_id
$validate['logAllowed'] = true;
if ($cacheId != 0) {
    // get cache object
    $cache = new cache($cacheId);
    // check log allowed, depending on cache state and logged in user
    $validate['logAllowed'] = $cache->allowLog();
    // get user object
    $user = new user($login->userid);
    // is user cache owner
    $isOwner = $user->getUserId() == $cache->getUserId();
    // assing ratings to template
    $tpl->assign('ratingallowed', $user->allowRatings());
    $tpl->assign('givenratings', $user->getGivenRatings());
    $tpl->assign('maxratings', $user->getMaxRatings());
    $tpl->assign('israted', $cache->isRecommendedByUser($user->getUserId()));
    $tpl->assign('foundsuntilnextrating', $user->foundsUntilNextRating());
    $tpl->assign('isowner', $isOwner);
    // check and prepare form values
    $datesaved = isset($_COOKIE['oclogdate1']) && isset($_COOKIE['oclogdate2']);
    if ($datesaved) {
        $defaultLogYear = substr($_COOKIE['oclogdate1'], 0, 4);
        $defaultLogMonth = substr($_COOKIE['oclogdate1'], 4, 2);
        $defaultLogDay = substr($_COOKIE['oclogdate1'], 6, 2);
    // check if masslog warning is accepted (in cookie)
Example #3
function addRequest($cacheid, $userid)
    global $tpl;
    // cache exists?
    $cache = new cache($cacheid);
    if ($cache->exist() == false) {
    if ($cache->allowEdit() == false) {
    if ($cache->getUserId() == $userid) {
        $tpl->assign('error', 'sameuser');
    } else {
        if ($cache->addAdoption($userid) == false) {
        $tpl->redirect('adoptcache.php?action=listbycache&cacheid=' . $cacheid);