function cUsDF_menu_render() { $cUsDF_api = new cUsComAPI_DF(); //CONTACTUS.COM API $aryUserCredentials = get_option('cUsDF_settings_userCredentials'); //get the values, wont work the first time $options = get_option('cUsDF_settings_userData'); //get the values, wont work the first time $old_options = get_option('contactus_donations_settings'); //GET THE OLD OPTIONS $default_deep_link = get_option('cUsDF_default_deep_link_view'); $formOptions = get_option('cUsDF_FORM_settings'); //GET THE NEW FORM OPTIONS //print_r($formOptions); $form_key = get_option('cUsDF_settings_form_key'); $form_id = get_option('cUsDF_settings_form_id'); $cus_donation_version = $formOptions['cus_donation_version']; $boolTab = $formOptions['tab_user']; $cUs_API_Account = $aryUserCredentials['API_Account']; $cUs_API_Key = $aryUserCredentials['API_Key']; $cus_version = $formOptions['cus_donation_version']; $boolTab = $formOptions['tab_user']; if (!strlen($form_key)) { $form_key = $old_options['form_key']; } if (!strlen($cus_donation_version)) { $cus_donation_version = $old_options['cus_donation_version']; } if (!strlen($boolTab)) { $boolTab = $old_options['tab_user']; } if (!is_array($options)) { settings_fields('cUsDF_settings_userData'); $options = get_option('cUsDF_settings'); //get the values, wont work the first time settings_fields('cUsDF_FORM_settings'); settings_fields('cUsDF_settings_form_key'); do_settings_sections(__FILE__); } // create the AB link $ablink = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=90&do=view&formID=' . $form_id; $reports = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=12'; $upgrade = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=82'; $createdonationform = $default_deep_link . '?' . 'pageID=81&id=0&do=addnew&formType=donation'; $third_party = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=81&do=view&id=' . $form_id; $configure_tab = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=81&do=view&id=' . $form_id; $configure_form = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=81&do=view&id=' . $form_id; $createform = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=81&id=0&do=addnew&formType='; ?> <script> var posturl = '<?php echo plugins_url('ajx-request.php', __FILE__); ?> '; </script> <div id="dialog-message"> <p>Seems like you don't have a Default Donation Form created in your account.</p> <p>To create a new Donation Form in your account <a href="<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo $cUs_API_Key; ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode($createdonationform); ?> " target="_blank" title="NOTE: You will be redirected to your admin panel to edit your form configurations.">Click Here</a></p> <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> You will be redirected to your admin panel to edit your form configurations.</p> <!--<p>If you need help setting up your Default Form <a href="" target="_blank"> click here</a></p>--> </div> <div class="plugin_wrap"> <div class="cUsDF_header"> <h2>Donation Form <span> by</span><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/header-logo.png', __FILE__); ?> "/></a> </h2> <div class="social_shares"> <a class="setLabels" href="" target="_blank" title="Follow Us on Facebook for new product updates"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/cu-facebook-m.png', __FILE__); ?> " alt="Follow Us on Facebook for new product updates"/></a> <a class="setLabels" href="" target="_blank" title="Follow Us on Google+"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/cu-googleplus-m.png', __FILE__); ?> " /></a> <a class="setLabels" href="" target="_blank" title="Follow Us on LinkedIn"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/cu-linkedin-m.png', __FILE__); ?> " /></a> <a class="setLabels" href="" target="_blank" title="Follow Us on Twitter"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/cu-twitter-m.png', __FILE__); ?> " /></a> <a class="setLabels" href="" target="_blank" title="Find tutorials on our Youtube channel"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/cu-youtube-m.png', __FILE__); ?> " alt="Find tutorials on our Youtube channel" /></a> </div> </div> <div class="cUsDF_formset"> <div class="cUsDF_preloadbox"><div class="cUsDF_loadmessage"><span class="loading"></span></div></div> <div id="cUsDF_tabs"> <ul> <?php if (!strlen($form_key)) { ?> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Donation Form Plugin</a></li><?php } ?> <?php if (strlen($form_key) && strlen($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Form Placement</a></li><?php } ?> <?php if (strlen($form_key) && strlen($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <li><a href="#tabs-2">Form Settings</a></li><?php } ?> <?php if (strlen($form_key) && strlen($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <li><a href="#tabs-3">Shortcodes</a></li><?php } ?> <?php if (strlen($form_key) && strlen($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <li class="gotohelp"><a href="" target="_blank">Documentation</a></li><?php } ?> <?php if (strlen($form_key) && strlen($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <li><a href="#tabs-4">Account</a></li><?php } ?> <?php if (strlen($form_key) && strlen($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <li class="gotohelp"><a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo $cUs_API_Key; ?> &confirmed=1" target="_blank" rel="toDash" class="goToDashTab">Form Control Panel</a></li><?php } ?> </ul> <?php //NOT LOGGED if (!strlen($form_key)) { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); ?> <div id="tabs-1"> <div class="left-content"> <div class="first_step"> <h2>Are You Already a User?</h2> <button id="cUsDF_yes" class="btn" type="button" ><span>Yes</span> Set Up My Form</button> <button id="cUsDF_no" class="btn mc_lnk"><span>No</span>Signup Free Now</button> <p>The Donation Form by is designed for existing users. If you are not yet a Donation Form user, click on the "No, Signup Free Now" button above.</p> </div> <div id="cUsDF_settings"> <div class="loadingMessage"></div><div class="advice_notice">Advices....</div><div class="notice">Ok....</div> <form method="post" action="admin.php?page=cUs_donation_form_plugin" id="cUsDF_loginform" name="cUsDF_loginform" class="steps login_form" onsubmit="return false;"> <h3> Login</h3> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th><label class="labelform" for="login_email">Email</label><br> <td><input class="inputform" name="cUsDF_settings[login_email]" id="login_email" type="text"></td> </tr> <tr> <th><label class="labelform" for="user_pass">Password</label></th> <td><input class="inputform" name="cUsDF_settings[user_pass]" id="user_pass" type="password"></td> </tr> <tr><th></th> <td> <input id="loginbtn" class="btn lightblue cUsDF_LoginUser" value="Login" type="submit"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="advice"> If you created an account by signing up with Facebook, you probably don’t know your password. Please click here to request a new one. <br/> <a href="" target="_blank">I forgot my password</a> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <form method="post" action="admin.php?page=cUs_donation_form_plugin" id="cUsDF_userdata" name="cUsDF_userdata" class="steps step1" onsubmit="return false;"> <h3 class="step_title">Register for your Account</h3> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th><label class="labelform" for="cUsDF_first_name">First Name</label></th> <td><input type="text" class="inputform text" placeholder="First Name" name="cUsDF_first_name" id="cUsDF_first_name" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['cUsDF_first_name']) && strlen($_POST['cUsDF_first_name']) ? $_POST['cUsDF_first_name'] : $current_user->user_firstname; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr> <th><label class="labelform" for="cUsDF_last_name">Last Name</label></th> <td><input type="text" class="inputform text" placeholder="Last Name" name="cUsDF_last_name" id="cUsDF_last_name" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['cUsDF_last_name']) && strlen($_POST['cUsDF_last_name']) ? $_POST['cUsDF_last_name'] : $current_user->user_lastname; ?> "/></td> </tr> <tr> <th><label class="labelform" for="cUsDF_email">Email</label></th> <td><input type="text" class="inputform text" placeholder="Email" name="cUsDF_email" id="cUsDF_email" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['cUsDF_email']) && strlen($_POST['cUsDF_email']) ? $_POST['cUsDF_email'] : $current_user->user_email; ?> "/></td> </tr> <tr> <th><label class="labelform" for="cUsDF_phone">Phone</label></th> <td><input type="text" class="inputform text" placeholder="Phone (optional)" name="cUsDF_phone" id="cUsDF_phone" value=""/></td> </tr> <tr> <th><label class="labelform" for="cUsDF_password">Password</label></th> <td><input type="password" class="inputform text" name="cUsDF_password" id="cUsDF_password" value=""/></td> </tr> <tr> <th><label class="labelform" for="cUsDF_password_r">Confirm Password</label></th> <td><input type="password" class="inputform text" name="cUsDF_password_r" id="cUsDF_password_r" value=""/></td> </tr> <tr> <th><label class="labelform" for="cUsDF_web">Website</label></th> <td><input type="text" class="inputform text" placeholder="Website (" name="cUsDF_web" id="cUsDF_web" value="http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?> "/></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th><td><input id="cUsDF_CreateCustomer" class="btn orange" value="Signup Now" type="submit" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th><td>By creating a account, you agree that: <b>a)</b> You have read and accepted our <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank">Terms</a> and our <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> and <b>b)</b> You may receive communications from <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank"></a></td> </tr> </table> </form> <form method="post" action="admin.php?page=cUs_donation_form_plugin" id="cUsDF_templates" name="cUsDF_templates" class="steps step2" onsubmit="return false;"> <h3 class="step_title">Let's create your first Form</h3> <div class="signup_templates"> <h4>Select your Form Template</h4> <div> <div class="terminology_c Template_Contact_Form form_templates"> <div class="template_slider slider_forms template_slider_def"> <?php $contacFormTemplates = $cUsDF_api->getTemplatesAndTabsAll('donation', 'Template_Desktop_Form'); $contacFormTemplates = json_decode($contacFormTemplates); $contacFormTemplates = $contacFormTemplates->data; if (is_array($contacFormTemplates)) { foreach ($contacFormTemplates as $formTpl) { if ($formTpl->free) { ?> <span class="tpl item template-form" rel="<?php echo $formTpl->id; ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $formTpl->thumbnail; ?> " alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $formTpl->name; ?> " /> <span class="captions"> <p> Form Name:<?php echo $formTpl->name; ?> </p> </span> <span class="def_bak"></span> </span> <?php } } } ?> </div> </div> <script> jQuery('.template-form').click(function() { jQuery('#Template_Desktop_Form').val(jQuery(this).attr('rel')); jQuery('.slider_forms .item').removeClass('default'); jQuery(this).addClass('default'); }); </script> </div> <h4>Select your Tab Template</h4> <div> <div class="terminology_c Template_Contact_Form form_templates"> <div class="template_slider slider_tabs template_slider_def"> <?php $contacFormTabTemplates = $cUsDF_api->getTemplatesAndTabsAll('donation', 'Template_Desktop_Tab'); $contacFormTabTemplates = json_decode($contacFormTabTemplates); $contacFormTabTemplates = $contacFormTabTemplates->data; if (is_array($contacFormTabTemplates)) { foreach ($contacFormTabTemplates as $formTpl) { if ($formTpl->free) { ?> <span class="tpl item template-tab" rel="<?php echo $formTpl->id; ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $formTpl->thumbnail; ?> " alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $formTpl->name; ?> " /> <span class="captions"> <p> Tab Name:<?php echo $formTpl->name; ?> </p> </span> <span class="def_bak"></span> </span> <?php } //endif } //endforeach } ?> </div> </div> <script> jQuery('.template-tab').click(function() { jQuery('#Template_Desktop_Tab').val(jQuery(this).attr('rel')); jQuery('.slider_tabs .item').removeClass('default'); jQuery(this).addClass('default'); }); </script> </div> </div> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th></th><td><input id="cUsDF_SendTemplates" href="#cats_selection" class="btn orange" value="Create my account" type="submit" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th><td>By creating a account, you agree that: <b>a)</b> You have read and accepted our <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank">Terms</a> and our <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> and <b>b)</b> You may receive communications from <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank"></a></td> </tr> <input type="hidden" value="" name="Template_Desktop_Form" id="Template_Desktop_Form" /> <input type="hidden" value="" name="Template_Desktop_Tab" id="Template_Desktop_Tab" /> </table> </form> <?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); ?> <!-- CATS SUBCATS AND GOALS --> <div id="cats_container" style="display:none;"> <div id="cats_selection"> <div class="loadingMessage"></div><div class="advice_notice">Advices....</div><div class="notice">Ok....</div> <form action="/"> <div id="customer-categories-box" class="questions-box"> <div class="cc-headline">Hi <?php echo $current_user->user_login; ?> </div> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/contactus-users.png', __FILE__); ?> " class="user-graphic"> <div class="cc-message">We’re working on new ways to personalize your account</div> <div class="cc-message-small">Please take 7 seconds to tell us about your website, which helps us identify the best tools for your needs:</div> <h4 class="cc-title" id="category-message">Select the Category of Your Website:</h4> <?php /* * GET CATEGORIES AND SUBCATEGORIES */ $aryCategoriesAndSub = $cUsDF_api->get_categories(); if (is_array($aryCategoriesAndSub)) { ?> <ul id="customer-categories"> <?php foreach ($aryCategoriesAndSub as $category => $arySubs) { ?> <li class="parent-category"><span data-maincat="<?php echo $category; ?> " id="<?php echo str_replace(' ', '-', $category); ?> " class="parent-title"><?php echo trim($category); ?> </span> <?php if (is_array($arySubs)) { ?> <ul class="sub-category"> <?php foreach ($arySubs as $Sub) { ?> <li data-subcat="<?php echo $Sub; ?> "><span><?php echo trim($Sub); ?> </span></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="int-navigation"> <div id="skip-button" class="next btn btn-skip skip-button">Skip</div> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/ajax-loader.gif', __FILE__); ?> " width="16" height="16" alt="Loading . . ." style="display:none; vertical-align:middle;" class="img_loader" /> <div class="next btn unactive" id="open-intestes">Next Question</div> </div> </div> <div id="user-interests-box" class="questions-box"> <div class="cc-headline">Hi <?php echo $current_user->user_login; ?> </div> <div class="cc-message">What are your goals for your form?</div> <?php /* * GET GOALS */ $aryGoals = $cUsDF_api->get_goals(); if (is_array($aryGoals)) { ?> <ul id="user-interests"> <?php foreach ($aryGoals as $Goal) { ?> <li data-goals="<?php echo trim($Goal); ?> " <?php if ($Goal === 'Other') { ?> id="other"<?php } ?> ><span <?php if (strpos($Goal, 'to my email') !== false) { ?> class="grey" <?php } ?> ><?php echo trim($Goal); ?> </span></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <div id="other-interest">Please tell us <input type="text" name="other" id="other_goal" value="" /></div> <div class="int-navigation"> <div class="next btn btn-skip skip-button">Skip</div> <div class="next btn unactive btn-skip" id="save">Save Preferences</div> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/ajax-loader.gif', __FILE__); ?> " width="16" height="16" alt="Loading . . ." style="display:none; vertical-align:middle;" class="img_loader" /> </div> </div> <!-- input the category and subcategory data --> <input type="hidden" value="" name="CU_category" id="CU_category" /> <input type="hidden" value="" name="CU_subcategory" id="CU_subcategory" /> <!-- <input type="hidden" value="" name="CU_goals" id="CU_goals" /> --> <div id="goals_added"> </div> </form> <br /><br /><br /> </div> </div> <!-- / CATS SUBCATS AND GOALS --> </div> <div class="contaus_features"> <div class="col-md-12 why-contactuscom"> <h3 class="lb_title feat_box">What do you get with a account?</h3> <div class="row"><div class="col-md-6 "><div class="panel"><div class="text-center"><img alt="" src="" /></div><h4 class="heading">Create beautiful, conversion-optimized forms to engage your users and customers.</h4><p>Choose from one of our standard, conversion-optimized design templates for Donation forms and signup forms. Premium users of can unlock customized, premium form designs.</p></div></div><div class="col-md-6"><div class="panel"><div class="text-center"><img alt="" src="" /></div><h4 class="heading">Easily set-up and customize your forms.</h4><p>All tabs and forms start with simple and effective designs. You can also customize your call-to-actions, button text, confirmation page messaging, add your business information (for Donation forms), social media links and even business hours!</p></div></div></div><div class="row"><div class="col-md-6"><div class="panel"><div class="text-center"><img alt="" src="" /></div><h4 class="heading">Gain actionable intelligence on your online marketing with integrated web analytics.</h4><p>Track how leads got to your site, and what information they read or viewed before contacting you. Where your leads have been will give you actionable intelligence on where they are going.</p></div></div><div class="col-md-6 "><div class="panel"><div class="text-center"><img alt="" src="" /></div><h4 class="heading">Seamless integration with 3rd-party software.</h4><p>Use as your gateway to other great CRM and marketing tools. Automatically deliver your form submissions for MailChimp, Constant Contact, iContact, Zendesk, Zoho CRM, Google Docs and many other web services. Use extensions such as WordPress plugins to easily install on your site!</p></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div><!-- // TAB LEFT --> <div class="right-content"> <?php if (!empty($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <div class="premium_chat"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/upgrade-banner-admin.png', __FILE__); ?> " width="100%" height="auto" alt="Upgrade for Awesome Chat Features" /> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="plugin-banner"> <h2 class="plugin-banner-title"></h2> <h3 class="plugin-banner-subtitle"> offers so much more than what we could fit into this plugin. </h3> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btnpb-green btnpb">Tour Our Product</a> <p class="plugin-banner-content"> builds customer acquisition software to make your website work better for your business. We provide lots of free tools, and valuable premium tools, to help you grow and manage online customers.</p> </div> <div class="video"> <h2 class="plugin-banner-title">Plugin Overview</h2> <iframe src="//" width="100%" height="auto" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div><!-- // TAB RIGHT --> </div> <!-- // TAB 1 --> <?php } else { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $cUsDF_API_getFormKeys = $cUsDF_api->getFormKeysAPI($cUs_API_Account, $cUs_API_Key); //api hook; ?> <?php if (strlen($cUs_API_Account)) { //UPDATE OLD USERS ?> <div id="tabs-1"> <div class="left-content"> <h2>Forms Placement & Position</h2> <div class="versions_options"> <div class="button_set_tabs_fp"> <button class="form_version btn_tab tab_button setlabel_all <?php echo $cus_version == 'tab' ? 'green' : 'gray'; ?> " value="tab_version" <?php echo $cus_version == 'tab' ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ''; ?> title="Places Default Form on all pages">Place Across Your Site</button> <button class="form_version btn_tab custom setLabel_Custom <?php echo $cus_version == 'selectable' ? 'green' : 'gray'; ?> " value="select_version" <?php echo $cus_version == 'selectable' ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ''; ?> title="Lets You Choose Different Forms for Each Page">Choose Pages</button> <span class="sc_message">Do you want use Shortcodes? <br/>Go to <a href="#tabs-3" class="goto_shortcodes">Shortcode Instructions</a></span> </div> </div> <div id="message" class="updated fade notice_success"></div><div class="advice_notice"></div><div class="loadingMessage"></div> <div> <p>If you just want a simple form on all pages, use the default form.</p> <p>When you activate custom form Settings, your default form is deactivated automatically. Select the pages you want the form to be shown in, and customize the form for every page. If you already clicked on custom, click the default form button to reinstate default settings.</p> <p>View a quick tutorial here <a class="setLabels tooltip_formsett media_link" href="" title="Click to watch the video"> Link</a></p> </div> <form method="post" action="admin.php?page=cUs_form_plugin" id="cUsDF_selectable" class="cus_versionform tab_version <?php echo strlen($cus_version) && $cus_version != 'tab' ? 'hidden' : ''; ?> " name="cUsDF_defaultformkey"> <h3 class="form_title">Donation Forms in Your Account</h3> <div class="pageselect_cont"> <p>If you want use one of your default forms in all WordPress environment just select as "Default" and will appear in you site.</p> <p>If you want to change the default form for each form type, go to the form settings page in your admin panel, by clicking <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo $default_deep_link . '?pageID=81'; ?> " target="_blank" class="blue_link">here</a> , and follow these instructions. <a href="" target="_blank" class="blue_link"></a> </p> <div class="loadingMessage def"></div><div class="advice_notice">Advice ....</div><div class="notice">Messages....</div> <ul class="selectable_pages defaultF"> <?php /* * DEFAULT FORM TYPES * Render Forms Data */ if ($cUsDF_API_getFormKeys) { $cUs_json = json_decode($cUsDF_API_getFormKeys); switch ($cUs_json->status) { case 'success': foreach ($cUs_json->data as $oForms => $oForm) { if (cUsDF_allowedFormType($oForm->form_type)) { ?> <li class="ui-widget-content <?php echo $oForm->form_type; ?> "> <div class="page_title"> <span class="name">Name: <strong><?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> </strong></span> | <span class="key">Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> </span> </div> <div class="options"> <input type="radio" name="defaultformkey[]" value="<?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> " id="formkeyradio-<?php echo $oForm->form_id; ?> -1" class="setDefaulFormKey" <?php echo $oForm->form_key == $form_key ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /> <label class="setLabel label-<?php echo $oForm->form_id; ?> " for="formkeyradio-<?php echo $oForm->form_id; ?> -1" title="Set as Default, click to save"><?php echo $oForm->form_key == $form_key ? 'Default' : 'Set as Default'; ?> </label> </div> </li> <?php } } break; } //endswitch; } ?> </ul> </div> </form> <form method="post" action="admin.php?page=cUs_donation_form_plugin" id="cUsDF_button" class="cus_versionform tab_version <?php echo strlen($cus_donation_version) && $cus_donation_version != 'tab' ? 'hidden' : ''; ?> " name="cUsDF_button"> <input type="hidden" class="tab_user" name="tab_user" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="cus_version" value="tab" /> <input type="hidden" value="settings" name="option" /> </form> <form method="post" action="admin.php?page=cUs_donation_form_plugin" id="cUsDF_selectable" class="cus_versionform select_version <?php echo !strlen($cus_donation_version) || $cus_donation_version == 'tab' ? 'hidden' : ''; ?> " name="cUsDF_selectable"> <h3 class="form_title">Page Selection <a href="post-new.php?post_type=page">Create a new page <span>+</span></a></h3> <div class="pageselect_cont"> <?php $mypages = get_pages(array('parent' => 0, 'sort_column' => 'post_date', 'sort_order' => 'desc')); if (is_array($mypages)) { $getTabPages = get_option('cUsDF_settings_tabpages'); $getInlinePages = get_option('cUsDF_settings_inlinepages'); if (!empty($getTabPages) && in_array('home', $getTabPages)) { $getHomePage = get_option('cUsDF_HOME_settings'); $home_boolTab = $getHomePage['tab_user']; $home_cus_version = $getHomePage['cus_version']; $home_form_key = $getHomePage['form_key']; } ?> <ul class="selectable_pages"> <li class="ui-widget-content"> <div class="page_title"> <span class="title">Home Page</span> <span class="bullet ui-icon ui-icon-circle-zoomin"> <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?> " title="Home Preview" class="setLabels"> </a> </span> </div> <div class="options home"> <input type="radio" name="pages[home]" class="home-page" id="pageradio-home" value="tab" <?php echo is_array($getTabPages) && in_array('home', $getTabPages) || $home_cus_version == 'tab' ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /> <label class="label-home setLabels" for="pageradio-home" title="Will show up as a floating tab">Tab</label> <?php if (is_array($getInlinePages) && in_array('home', $getInlinePages) || $home_cus_version == 'inline') { ?> <input type="radio" name="pages[home]" value="inline" id="pageradio-home-2" class="home-page" <?php echo is_array($getInlinePages) && in_array('home', $getInlinePages) || $home_cus_version == 'inline' ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /> <label class="label-home setLabels" for="pageradio-home-2" title="Inline Form appear in your website layout and posts">Inline</label> <?php } ?> <a class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all pageclear-home setLabels" href="javascript:;" title="Clear Home page settings"><label class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-close"> </label></a> </div> <div class="form_template form-templates-home"> <h4>Pick which form you would like on this page</h4> <div class="template_slider slider-home"> <?php if ($cUsDF_API_getFormKeys) { $cUs_json = json_decode($cUsDF_API_getFormKeys); //var_dump($cUs_json); switch ($cUs_json->status) { case 'success': foreach ($cUs_json->data as $oForms => $oForm) { if ($oForm->form_type == 'donation') { //GET DEFAULT Donation Form KEY if ($oForm->default == 1) { DF_updateDefaultFormKey($oForm->form_key); } ?> <span class="<?php echo strlen($home_form_key) && $home_form_key == $oForm->form_key || $form_key == $oForm->form_key ? 'default' : 'tpl'; ?> item template-home" rel="<?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> "> <img class="tab tab-home" src="<?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_tab_thumbnail; ?> " alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> - Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> " /> <img src="<?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_form_thumbnail; ?> " alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> - Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> " /> <span class="captions"> <p> Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> <br> Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> </p> </span> <span class="def_bak"></span> </span> <?php } } break; } //endswitch; } ?> </div> <div class="save-options"> <input type="button" class="btn lightblue small save-page save-page-home" value="Save" /> </div> <div class="save_message save_message_home"> <p>Sending . . .</p> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" class="cus_version_home" value="<?php echo $cus_donation_version; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" class="form_key_home" value="<?php echo strlen($form_page_key) ? $form_page_key : $form_key; ?> " /> </li> <script> jQuery('.pageclear-home').click(function() { jQuery("#dialog-message").html('Do you want to delete your settings in this page?'); jQuery("#dialog-message").dialog({ resizable: false, width: 430, title: 'Delete page settings?', height: 130, modal: true, buttons: { "Yes": function() { jQuery('.home-page').removeAttr('checked'); jQuery('.label-home').removeClass('ui-state-active'); jQuery('.template-home').removeClass('default'); jQuery.deletePageSettings('home'); jQuery(this).dialog("close"); }, Cancel: function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); } } }); }); jQuery('.home-page').click(function() { jQuery('.form_template').fadeOut(); jQuery('.form-templates-home').slideDown(); jQuery('.cus_version_home').val(jQuery(this).val()); }); jQuery('.template-home').click(function() { jQuery('.form_key_home').val(jQuery(this).attr('rel')); jQuery('.slider-home .item').removeClass('default'); jQuery(this).addClass('default'); }); jQuery('.save-page-home').click(function() { var cus_version_home = jQuery('.cus_version_home').val(); var form_key_home = jQuery('.form_key_home').val(); var changePage = jQuery.changePageSettings('home', cus_version_home, form_key_home); }); </script> <?php foreach ($mypages as $page) { $pageSettings = get_post_meta($page->ID, 'cUsDF_FormByPage_settings', false); // print_r( $pageSettings ); exit; if (is_array($pageSettings) && !empty($pageSettings)) { //NEW VERSION 3.0 $cus_donation_version = $pageSettings[0]['cus_version']; $form_page_key = $pageSettings[0]['form_key']; } //endif; ?> <li class="ui-widget-content"> <div class="page_title"> <span class="title"><?php echo $page->post_title; ?> </span> <span class="bullet ui-icon ui-icon-circle-zoomin"> <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo get_permalink($page->ID); ?> " title="Preview <?php echo $page->post_title; ?> page" class="setLabels"> </a> </span> </div> <div class="options"> <input type="radio" name="pages[<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ]" value="tab" id="pageradio-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> -1" class="<?php echo $page->ID; ?> -page" <?php echo is_array($getTabPages) && in_array($page->ID, $getTabPages) || $cus_donation_version == 'tab' ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /> <label class="setLabels label-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> " for="pageradio-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> -1" title="Will show up as a floating tab">Tab</label> <input type="radio" name="pages[<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ]" value="inline" id="pageradio-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> -2" class="<?php echo $page->ID; ?> -page" <?php echo is_array($getInlinePages) && in_array($page->ID, $getInlinePages) || $cus_donation_version == 'inline' ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /> <label class="setLabels label-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> " for="pageradio-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> -2" title="The form was added by inserting a short code in your page. You can change its location by moving the short code within the page content">Inline</label> <a class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all pageclear-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> setLabels" href="javascript:;" title="Clear <?php echo $page->post_title; ?> page settings"><label class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-close"> </label></a> </div> <div class="form_template form-templates-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> "> <h4>Pick which Form/Tab combination you would like on <?php echo $page->post_title; ?> page</h4> <div class="template_slider slider-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> "> <?php if ($cUsDF_API_getFormKeys) { $cUs_json = json_decode($cUsDF_API_getFormKeys); switch ($cUs_json->status) { case 'success': foreach ($cUs_json->data as $oForms => $oForm) { if ($oForm->form_type == 'donation') { //GET DEFAULT Donation Form KEY ?> <span class="<?php echo strlen($form_page_key) && $form_page_key == $oForm->form_key || $form_key == $oForm->form_key ? 'default' : 'tpl'; ?> item template-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> " rel="<?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> "> <img class="tab tab-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> " src="<?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_tab_thumbnail; ?> " alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> - Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> " /> <img src="<?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_form_thumbnail; ?> " alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> - Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> " /> <span class="captions"> <p> Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> <br> Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> </p> </span> <span class="def_bak"></span> </span> <?php } } break; } //endswitch; } ?> </div> <div class="save-options"> <input type="button" class="btn lightblue small save-page save-page-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> " value="Save" /> </div> <div class="save_message save_message_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> "> <p>Sending . . .</p> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" class="cus_version_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> " value="<?php echo $cus_donation_version; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" class="form_key_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> " value="<?php echo strlen($form_page_key) ? $form_page_key : $form_key; ?> " /> </li> <script> jQuery('.pageclear-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').click(function() { jQuery("#dialog-message").html('Do you want to delete your settings in this page?'); jQuery("#dialog-message").dialog({ resizable: false, width: 430, title: 'Delete page settings?', height: 130, modal: true, buttons: { "Yes": function() { jQuery('.<?php echo $page->ID; ?> -page').removeAttr('checked'); jQuery('.label-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').removeClass('ui-state-active'); jQuery('.template-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').removeClass('default'); jQuery.deletePageSettings(<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ); jQuery(this).dialog("close"); }, Cancel: function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); } } }); }); jQuery('.<?php echo $page->ID; ?> -page').click(function() { jQuery('.form_template').fadeOut(); jQuery('.form-templates-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').slideDown(); jQuery('.cus_version_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').val(jQuery(this).val()); var version = jQuery(this).val(); if (version == 'tab') { jQuery('<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').show(); } else { jQuery('<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').hide(); } }); jQuery('.template-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').click(function() { jQuery('.form_key_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').val(jQuery(this).attr('rel')); jQuery('.slider-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> .item').removeClass('default'); jQuery(this).addClass('default'); }); jQuery('.save-page-<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').click(function() { var cus_version_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> = jQuery('.cus_version_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').val(); var form_key_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> = jQuery('.form_key_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ').val(); var changePage = jQuery.changePageSettings(<?php echo $page->ID; ?> , cus_version_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> , form_key_<?php echo $page->ID; ?> ); }); </script> <?php $cus_donation_version = ''; $form_page_key = ''; } //endforeach; ?> </ul> <?php } //endif; ?> </div> <input type="hidden" name="cus_version" value="selectable" /> <input type="hidden" value="settings" name="option" /> </form> </div><!-- // TAB LEFT --> <div class="right-content"> <?php if (!empty($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <div class="premium_chat"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/upgrade-banner-admin.png', __FILE__); ?> " width="100%" height="auto" alt="Upgrade for Awesome Chat Features" /> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="plugin-banner"> <h2 class="plugin-banner-title"></h2> <h3 class="plugin-banner-subtitle"> offers so much more than what we could fit into this plugin. </h3> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btnpb-green btnpb">Tour Our Product</a> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> " target="_blank" class="btnpb-orange btnpb">Visit Your Admin Panel</a> <p class="plugin-banner-content"> builds customer acquisition software to make your website work better for your business. We provide lots of free tools, and valuable premium tools, to help you grow and manage online customers.</p> </div> <div class="video"> <h2>Plugin Overview</h2> <iframe src="//" width="100%" height="auto" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div><!-- // TAB RIGHT --> </div> <div id="tabs-2"> <div class="left-content"> <h2>Configure Your Form Settings</h2> <div class="versions_options versions_options_fs"> <p>Manage your forms here. You have a default form, also You can create more Donation Forms.</p> <div class="advice_notice">Advices....</div> <!-- DONATION FORMS--> <div class="gray_box"> <h3 class="form_title">Donation Forms <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($createform)); ?> donation" target="_blank">Add a New Donation Form <span>+</span></a></h3> <?php /* * USER FORMS * Render All user Forms & Data */ /* * Get Forms Data // donation FORM TYPES */ $form_Type = 'donation'; if ($cUsDF_API_getFormKeys) { $cUs_json = json_decode($cUsDF_API_getFormKeys); switch ($cUs_json->status) { case 'success': ?> <div class="user_form_templates"> <?php $nCF = 1; foreach ($cUs_json->data as $oForms => $oForm) { if (cUsDF_allowedFormType($oForm->form_type) && $oForm->form_type == $form_Type) { $formID = $oForms; $default_deep_link = $oForm->deep_link_view; $ablink = $cUsDF_api->parse_deeplink($default_deep_link); $ablink = $ablink . '?pageID=90&do=view&formID=' . $oForm->form_id; ?> <div class="form_templates_box"> <h3><?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> </h3> <div class="template-thumb"> <span class="thumb"><img src="<?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_form_thumbnail; ?> " class="form_thumb_<?php echo $formID; ?> " alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> - Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> " width="130" /></span> <span class="tab_thumb"><img src="<?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_tab_thumbnail; ?> " class="tab_thumb_<?php echo $formID; ?> " alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> - Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> " /></span> </div> <div class="form_key"><b>FORM KEY:</b> <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> </div> <div class="form_zoom setLabels" data-id="<?php echo $oForm->form_id; ?> " title="View form settings"><div class="fs">Form Settings</div><div class="zoom"></div></div> </div> <div class="form_description hidden" id="form_description_<?php echo $oForm->form_id; ?> "> <h2>Form Name: <?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> %26expand=1" target="_blank" class="btn lightblue">Change Form Name</a></h2> <?php if (strlen($oForm->website_url)) { ?> <p><b>Website URL:</b> <?php echo $oForm->website_url; ?> </p> <?php } ?> <div class="form-template"> <span class="thumb"><img src="<?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_form_thumbnail; ?> " class="form_thumb_<?php echo $formID; ?> " alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> - Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> " /></span> <p><b>Form Template:</b> <?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_form; ?> </p> </div> <div class="form-template"> <span class="thumb"><img src="<?php echo $oForm->template_mobile_form_thumbnail; ?> " /></span> <p><b>Mobile Form Template:</b> <?php echo $oForm->template_mobile_form; ?> </p> </div> <div class="form-template"> <span class="thumb"><img src="<?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_tab_thumbnail; ?> " class="tab_thumb" alt="<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> " title="Form Name:<?php echo $oForm->form_name; ?> - Form Key: <?php echo $oForm->form_key; ?> " /></span> <p><b>Tab Template:</b> <?php echo $oForm->template_desktop_tab; ?> </p> </div> <div class="form_templates_tools"> <h4>Find instructions on how to build short codes and theme snippets <a href="javascript:;" class="blue_link" onclick="jQuery('#cUsDF_tabs').tabs({active: 2}); jQuery.colorbox.close();"> Here. </a></h4> <h3>Form Tools</h3> <div> <div class="Template_Contact_Form"> <div class="button_set"> <?php if ($form_Type == 'contact_us') { ?> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> %26expand=14%26newTemplate=genericTemplate2" target="_blank" class="btn lightblue abutton cf setLabels" title="Add Custom Form Fields on a Custom Form to Make It Your Own">Custom Fields</a> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> %26expand=1" target="_blank" class="btn lightblue abutton confF setLabels" title="For the use your own hyperlink/event. You can create your own link to open the form instead. Automatically open form or on Exit Intent">Events & Triggers</a> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> %26expand=4" target="_blank" class="btn lightblue abutton confF setLabels" title="Our beautiful form templates are built by designers who have extensive experience in generating online web leads for websites. Change It From Here.">Configure Form</a> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> %26expand=5" target="_blank" class="btn lightblue abutton ct setLabels" title="They’re designed by our web conversion rate experts to catch the attention of those looking to take the next step in contacting you. Change It From Here.">Configure Tab</a> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($ablink)); ?> " target="_blank" class="btn lightblue abutton AbTest setLabels" title=" lets websites simply set-up and run A/B experiments with the sole purpose of increase your website’s engagements.">A/B Test</a> </div> <h4>Instructions on how to use Delayed Pop-up & Exit Intent Triggers</h4> <ul class="hints" style="margin-left:50px;"> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> Delayed Pop-up Triggers </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> Exit Intent Triggers </a></li> </ul> <hr /> <hr /> <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> You will be redirected to your admin panel to edit your form configurations.</p> </div> </div> <h3>Delivery Options / 3rd Party Services</h3> <div> <div class="delivery_options"> <div class="button_set"> <?php $default_deep_link = $oForm->deep_link_view; ?> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo $cUs_API_Key; ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> %26expand=103" target="_blank" rel="toDash" class="btn lightblue abutton setLabels" title="Integration with popular CRM and email marketing software services">3rd Party Integrations</a> </div> <p>Do you need to learn how to manage or configure software integrations on <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank">Click here</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php $nDF++; //END IF ALLOWED TYPES } } ?> </div> <?php break; } //endswitch; if ($nDF <= 1) { ?> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($createform)); ?> donation" target="_blank" class="deep_link_action">Add Donation Form <span>+</span></a> <?php } } ?> </div> <!-- DONATION FORMS--> <script> //PLUGIN cUsNL_myjq ENVIROMENT (cUsNL_myjq) var $cUsDF_myjq = jQuery.noConflict(); //ON READY DOM LOADED $cUsDF_myjq(document).ready(function($) { try { $('.form_zoom').click(function() { var form_id = $(this).attr('data-id'); var el_id = "#form_description_" + form_id; $.colorbox({inline: true, width: "65%", open: true, href: el_id, transition: 'fade', className: 'forms_box', onClosed: function() { $(el_id).hide(); }, onOpen: function() { $(el_id).show(); } }); }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } });//ready </script> </div> </div> <div class="right-content"> <?php if (!empty($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <div class="premium_chat"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/upgrade-banner-admin.png', __FILE__); ?> " width="100%" height="auto" alt="Upgrade for Awesome Chat Features" /> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="plugin-banner"> <h2 class="plugin-banner-title"></h2> <h3 class="plugin-banner-subtitle"> offers so much more than what we could fit into this plugin. </h3> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btnpb-green btnpb">Tour Our Product</a> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> " target="_blank" class="btnpb-orange btnpb">Visit Your Admin Panel</a> <p class="plugin-banner-content"> builds customer acquisition software to make your website work better for your business. We provide lots of free tools, and valuable premium tools, to help you grow and manage online customers.</p> </div> <div class="video"> <h2>Plugin Overview</h2> <iframe src="//" width="100%" height="auto" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div><!-- // TAB RIGHT --> </div> <div id="tabs-3"> <div class="left-content"> <h2>WordPress Shortcodes and Snippets</h2> <div> <div class="terminology_c"> <h4>Copy this code into your template, post, page to place the form wherever you want it. If you use this advanced method, do not select any pages from the page section on the form settings or you may end up with the form displayed on your page twice. <p>Note: You can find the Form Key alongside form thumbnails in the form settings tab.</p> </h4> <hr/> <ul class="hints"> <li><b>Inline</b> <br/>WP Shortcode: <code> [ formkey="FORM KEY HERE" version="inline"] </code> <br/>Php Snippet:<code><?php echo do_shortcode("[ formkey="FORM KEY HERE" version="inline"]"); ?></code> </li> <li><b>Tab</b> <br/>WP Shortcode:<code> [ formkey="FORM KEY HERE" version="tab"] </code> <br/>Php Snippet:<code><?php echo do_shortcode("[ formkey="FORM KEY HERE" version="tab"]"); ?></code> </li> <li><b>Widget Tool</b><br/><p>Go to <a href="widgets.php"><b>Widgets here </b></a> and drag the Donation widget into one of your widget areas</p></li> </ul> <h4>Important recommendation:</h4> <p> Your default theme must have the <b>"wp_footer()"</b> function added.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="right-content"> <?php if (!empty($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <div class="premium_chat"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/upgrade-banner-admin.png', __FILE__); ?> " width="100%" height="auto" alt="Upgrade for Awesome Chat Features" /> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="plugin-banner"> <h2 class="plugin-banner-title"></h2> <h3 class="plugin-banner-subtitle"> offers so much more than what we could fit into this plugin. </h3> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btnpb-green btnpb">Tour Our Product</a> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> " target="_blank" class="btnpb-orange btnpb">Visit Your Admin Panel</a> <p class="plugin-banner-content"> builds customer acquisition software to make your website work better for your business. We provide lots of free tools, and valuable premium tools, to help you grow and manage online customers.</p> </div> <div class="video"> <h2>Plugin Overview</h2> <iframe src="//" width="100%" height="auto" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div><!-- // TAB RIGHT --> </div> <div id="tabs-4"> <div class="left-content"> <h2>Your Account</h2> <div class="button_set_tabs"> <?php /* * DEEP LINKS */ $default_deep_link = $cUsDF_api->parse_deeplink($default_deep_link); $reports = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=12'; $upgrade = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=82'; $acount = $default_deep_link . '?pageID=7'; ?> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($reports)); ?> " target="_blank" class="deep_link_action_tab rep">Contact Management</a> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($acount)); ?> " target="_blank" class="deep_link_action_tab ac">Account Information</a> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($upgrade)); ?> " target="_blank" class="deep_link_action_tab ac">Upgrade Account</a> </div> <div class="iRecomend"> <form method="post" action="admin.php?page=cUs_malchimp_plugin" id="cUsMC_data" name="cUsMC_sendkey" class="steps" onsubmit="return false;"> <table class="form-table"> <?php if (strlen($options['fname']) || strlen($options['lname']) || strlen($current_user->first_name)) { ?> <tr> <th><label class="labelform">Name</label><br> <td> <span class="cus_names"> <?php echo strlen($options['fname']) || strlen($options['lname']) ? $options['fname'] . " " . $options['lname'] : $current_user->first_name . " " . $current_user->last_name; ?> </span> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <th><label class="labelform">Email</label><br> <td><span class="cus_email"><?php echo $options['email']; ?> </span></td> </tr> <tr><th></th> <td> <hr/> <input id="logoutbtn" class="btn orange cUsDF_LogoutUser" value="Unlink Account" type="button"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </div> <div class="right-content"> <?php if (!empty($cUs_API_Account)) { ?> <div class="premium_chat"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('style/images/upgrade-banner-admin.png', __FILE__); ?> " width="100%" height="auto" alt="Upgrade for Awesome Chat Features" /> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="plugin-banner"> <h2 class="plugin-banner-title"></h2> <h3 class="plugin-banner-subtitle"> offers so much more than what we could fit into this plugin. </h3> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btnpb-green btnpb">Tour Our Product</a> <a href="<?php echo cUsDF_PARTNER_URL; ?> /index.php?loginName=<?php echo $cUs_API_Account; ?> &userPsswd=<?php echo urlencode($cUs_API_Key); ?> &confirmed=1&redir_url=<?php echo urlencode(trim($default_deep_link)); ?> " target="_blank" class="btnpb-orange btnpb">Visit Your Admin Panel</a> <p class="plugin-banner-content"> builds customer acquisition software to make your website work better for your business. We provide lots of free tools, and valuable premium tools, to help you grow and manage online customers.</p> </div> <div class="video"> <h2>Plugin Overview</h2> <iframe src="//" width="100%" height="auto" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div><!-- // TAB RIGHT --> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php }
function cUsDF_logoutUser_callback() { $cUsDF_api = new cUsComAPI_DF(); $cUsDF_api->DF_resetData(); //RESET DATA delete_option('cUsDF_settings_api_key'); delete_option('cUsDF_settings_form_key'); delete_option('cUsDF_settings_list_Name'); delete_option('cUsDF_settings_list_ID'); delete_option('cUsDF_default_deep_link_view'); echo 'Deleted.... User data'; //none list die; }
function cUsDF_plugin_db_uninstall() { $cUsDF_api = new cUsComAPI_DF(); $cUsDF_api->DF_resetData(); //RESET DATA cUsDF_page_settings_cleaner(); }