<?php include 'class.php'; $a = new usuario(); $a->sessionstarter1(); $c = new bu_excellence(); if ($a->edbu == 0) { echo "Ud no tiene permiso para estar aca."; } else { $c->arreglo(); $c->the_great_table($a->compid); }
<?php include 'class.php'; $a = new usuario(); $a->sessionstarter1(); $d = new it_assets(); $e = new business_objectives(); $b = new it_excellence(); $c = new bu_excellence(); $m = 1; echo "["; $e->getmenu1($a->compid); while ($bu = mysqli_fetch_object($e->buname)) { $d->getmenu1($a->compid); while ($it = mysqli_fetch_object($d->itname)) { $x = " "; if ($m == 2) { echo ","; } $m = 2; $c->menu($bu->id); while ($bus = mysqli_fetch_object($c->res)) { $b->menu($it->id); while ($its = mysqli_fetch_object($b->res)) { if ($its->operational_excellence_dimensions_id == $bus->operational_excellence_dimensions_id) { $x = "X"; } } } echo '{"equis":"' . $x . '"}'; }
<?php include 'class.php'; $a = new usuario(); $a->sessionstarter(); if ($a->edit == 0) { echo "Ud no tiene permiso para estar aca."; } $c = new bu_excellence(); $c->id = $_REQUEST['id']; $i = 1; while (isset($arr[$i])) { if (isset($_REQUEST["ed'.{$i}.'"]) == 1) { $c->{$arr}[$i] = "X"; } else { $c->{$arr}[$i] = ""; } $i++; } $c->mod(); header("Location:GranBU.php");
<html> <head> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css.css"> </head> <body> <?php include 'class.php'; $a = new usuario(); $a->sessionstarter(); if ($a->edbu == 0) { echo "You can be here"; } $c = new bu_excellence(); $c->arreglo(); $c->arreglo2(); $c->check(); ?> <a href = 'menuuser.php'>Go to Menu</a> </body> </html>