public function generate() { $data = array_merge($this->_data_def, $this->_data); $data['content'] = bu::view($this->_content_view, $data); $data['menu'] = bu::view('menu'); echo bu::view($this->_layout_view, $data); }
public static function DoIt() { self::prepareHttpString(); ob_start(); try { $url = new BuUrl2(self::$httpString); bu::setBuUrlInstance($url); self::runController($url); } catch (Exception $e) { ob_end_clean(); $msg = 'Ошибка на сайте'; if (bu::config('rc/debug')) { $msg = get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(); } $content = $msg; if (bu::config('rc/debug')) { $content .= sprintf('<br><b>%s</b><br>', get_class($e)); $content .= "<pre>"; foreach (array_reverse($e->getTrace()) as $v) { if (isset($v['line'])) { $content .= $v['line'] . ' ' . $v['file'] . "\n"; } } $content .= "</pre>"; } echo bu::view('layout/panic', array('content' => $content)); } }
function is_need_cache($v = null) { if (!bu::config('rc/cache')) { return false; } static $r = false; if (!is_null($v)) { $r = $v; } return $r; }
private static function tryToPreloadConfig($path) { if (bu::config('cache/config') and BuCache::exists('etc/' . md5($path))) { self::$configArray[$path] = BuCache::get('etc/' . md5($path)); } else { self::$configArray[$path] = self::readConfigFromFiles($path); if (bu::config('cache/config')) { BuCache::set('etc/' . md5($path), self::$configArray[$path]); } } }
function example_title($example) { $cats = array(); foreach (bu::path() as $v) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $v)) { break; } $cats[] = Category::get($v)->name(); } return 'Пример: ' . implode('/', $cats) . ' #' . $example->id(); }
public function runController($__url) { bu::timer('Controller start.', 'system'); bu::hook(array('pre_controller', 'blank')); ob_start(); $layout = bu::layout(); if ($__url->getBinUrl()) { $layout->_content_view = $__url->getBinUrl(); } include $__url->getBinFile(); $__content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $layout->content = $__content; $layout->generate(); bu::timer('Controller end.', 'system'); }
private static function getRouteList() { if (!self::$route) { $config = bu::config('route'); $newRoute = array(); if ($config) { foreach ($config as $k => $v) { $newK = str_replace(':any', '.*', $k); $newK = str_replace(':num', '[0-9]+', $newK); $newRoute[$newK] = $v; } } self::$route = $newRoute; } return self::$route; }
<?php bu::lib('php-activerecord/ActiveRecord'); ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) { $dbs = bu::config('db'); $connections = array(); foreach ($dbs as $k => $v) { $connections[$k] = sprintf('%s://%s:%s@%s/%s', $v['driver'], $v['user'], $v['password'], $v['host'], $v['database']); } $cfg->set_connections($connections); $cfg->set_default_connection('default'); });
?> '><br> <?php $bbCodeLink = htmlspecialchars('[url=http://' . HTTP_HOST . '/img' . $name . '][img]http://' . HTTP_HOST . '/small' . $name . '[/img][/url]'); $htmlCodeLink = htmlspecialchars('<a href="http://' . HTTP_HOST . '/img' . $name . '"><img src="http://' . HTTP_HOST . '/small' . $name . '"></a>'); echo bu::lang('BBCodeLegend'); ?> <br> <input type'text' class='link_text_field' onclick='javascript:highlight(this)' value='<?php echo $bbCodeLink; ?> '><br> <?php echo bu::lang('htmlLinkLegend'); ?> <br> <input type'text' class='link_text_field' onclick='javascript:highlight(this)' value='<?php echo $htmlCodeLink; ?> '><br> </td> <tr> </table>
<?php require 'base.php'; $content = bu::view('preview', array('name' => $_GET['img'])); echo bu::view('index', array('title' => bu::lang('linksTitle'), 'content' => $content));
<?php bu::lib('helpers/shortcut'); bu::hook('session/init'); if (bu::isValidRequest()) { bu::hook('session/pages'); bu::hook('session/flash'); bu::hook('session/last_post'); } bu::hook('php_activerecord');
<?php $title = sf('%s %s', bu::lang('framework/name'), ' смотрит на тебя =_+!'); $layout->title = $title; $layout->content = bu::view('index_content');
function activerecord_autoload($class_name) { $inflector = new ActiveRecord\StandardInflector(); bu::lib('models/' . $inflector->uncamelize($class_name)); }
<?php bu::lib('helpers/shortcut'); bu::hook('session/init'); if (bu::isValidRequest()) { bu::hook('session/pages'); bu::hook('session/flash'); bu::hook('session/last_post'); } bu::hook('php_activerecord'); bu::lib('global'); bu::lib('yaml/sfYamlParser');
<?php include 'base.php'; include 'boot/spyc.php'; #библиотека для парсинга конфигов include 'boot/bu_core.php'; include 'boot/bu_cache.php'; include 'boot/bu.php'; #магический класс который управляет всем-всем include 'boot/bu_route.php'; include 'boot/bu_loader.php'; include 'boot/bu_url.php'; include 'boot/bu_statistic.php'; include 'boot/bu_logger.php'; bu::timer('init', 'system'); bu::hook(array('preload', 'blank')); BuLoader::setHttpString(RAW_HTTP_STRING); bu::timer('Aplication start.', 'system'); BuLoader::doIt(); bu::timer('Aplication end.', 'system'); bu::hook(array('postload', 'blank'));
<?php require_once 'lib/prj/cache.php'; include 'base.php'; include 'boot/spyc.php'; #библиотека для парсинга конфигов include 'boot/bu_core.php'; include 'boot/bu_cache.php'; include 'boot/bu.php'; #магический класс который управляет всем-всем include 'boot/bu_route.php'; include 'boot/bu_loader.php'; include 'boot/bu_url.php'; include 'boot/bu_statistic.php'; include 'boot/bu_logger.php'; bu::timer('init', 'system'); bu::hook(array('preload', 'blank'));
public function runController($__url) { bu::timer('Controller start.', 'system'); include $__url->getBinFile(); bu::timer('Controller end.', 'system'); }
public static function log($name = false, $group = false, $data = false) { self::$_log .= bu::view('debug_bar/log_message', array('time' => time(), 'name' => $name, 'group' => $group, 'data' => $data), true); }
<?php $flash = bu::session('flash'); if (!is_array($flash)) { $flash = array(); } foreach ($flash as $k => $v) { if (!$v['valid']) { unset($flash[$k]); } else { $flash[$k]['valid'] = false; } } bu::session('flash', $flash);
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; require_once 'lib/prj/cache.php'; include 'base.php'; include 'boot/spyc.php'; #библиотека для парсинга конфигов include 'boot/bu_core.php'; include 'boot/bu_cache.php'; include 'boot/bu.php'; #магический класс который управляет всем-всем include 'boot/bu_route.php'; include 'boot/bu_loader.php'; include 'boot/bu_url.php'; include 'boot/bu_statistic.php'; include 'boot/bu_logger.php'; bu::timer('init', 'system'); bu::hook(['preload', 'blank']); bu::lib('category'); bu::lib('models/example');
<?php require_once 'lib/bu.defun/load.php'; bu::lib('category');
<?php echo bu::view('path_block'); ?> <? if ($data->getInfo()): ?> <div class='alert alert-info'> <?php echo $data->getInfo(); ?> </div> <?endif?> <? if ($data->categories()): ?> <div id="subdirs"> <? $sub_dirs = $data->categories(); if (count($sub_dirs) > 20) { $groups = group_by(function ($k, $v) {return strtolower(first_letter($v->name()));}, $data->categories()); ksort($groups); $columns = group_by_column($groups, 3); echo '<table><tr>'; foreach ($columns as $groups) { echo "<td width='230px' style='vertical-align: top'>";
public static function layout() { bu::lib('bu/layout'); return buLayout::getInstance(); }
public static function clear($path) { unset($_SESSION[bu::config('session/prefix')][$path]); }
function resizeImage($origName, $destName, $maxWidth = false, $maxHeight = false, $quality = false) { // if (!$maxWidth) { $maxWidth = bu::config('rc/maxWidth'); } if (!$maxHeight) { $maxHeight = bu::config('rc/maxHeight'); } if (!$quality) { $quality = bu::config('rc/quality'); } $width = $maxWidth; $height = $maxHeight; list($width_orig, $height_orig) = getimagesize($origName); $ratio_orig = $width_orig / $height_orig; if ($width_orig < $width and $height_orig < $height) { $width = $width_orig; $height = $height_orig; } elseif ($width / $height > $ratio_orig) { $width = $height * $ratio_orig; } else { $height = $width / $ratio_orig; } bu::lib('opt/smart_resize_image/smart_resize_image.function'); smart_resize_image($origName, $width, $height, false, $destName, false); }
public static function printa() { echo bu::act('debug_bar'); }
<div id="navigation"> <a href='/'>/</a> → <?php $path = bu::path(); $prefix = '/'; $last = $path[count($path) - 1]; $last_i = count($path) - 1; foreach ($path as $k => $v) { $category_path = trim($prefix . $v, '/'); $c = Category::get($category_path); if ($k == $last_i) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $c->getName())) { echo '<b>пример #' . $id . '</b>' . "\n"; } else { echo '<b>' . $c->getName() . '</b>' . "\n"; } } else { echo '<a href="' . $prefix . $v . '">' . $c->getName() . '</a> →' . "\n"; } $prefix = $prefix . $v . '/'; } ?> </div>
function exception_handler($exception) { ob_end_clean(); echo bu::view('error', array('message' => $exception->getMessage())); }
<?php bu::lib('session'); Session::start();
<?php if (bu::config('rc/debugBar')) { BuStatistic::printa(); } $pages = bu::session('pages'); $pages['num_redirects'] = 0; bu::session('pages', $pages);