function block_group_form($item) { global $DB; global $website; global $layout; global $theme; global $current_version; $navibars = new navibars(); $naviforms = new naviforms(); if (empty($item->id)) { $navibars->title(t(23, 'Blocks') . ' / ' . t(506, 'Groups') . ' / ' . t(38, 'Create')); } else { $navibars->title(t(23, 'Blocks') . ' / ' . t(506, 'Groups') . ' / ' . t(170, 'Edit') . ' [' . $item->id . ']'); } if (empty($item->id)) { $navibars->add_actions(array('<a href="#" onclick="navigate_tabform_submit(0);"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/accept.png"> ' . t(34, 'Save') . '</a>')); } else { $navibars->add_actions(array('<a href="#" onclick="navigate_tabform_submit(0);"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/accept.png"> ' . t(34, 'Save') . '</a>', '<a href="#" onclick="navigate_delete_dialog();"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/cancel.png"> ' . t(35, 'Delete') . '</a>')); $layout->add_script(' function navigate_delete_dialog() { navigate_confirmation_dialog( function() { window.location.href = "?fid=blocks&act=block_group_delete&id=' . $item->id . '"; }, null, null, "' . t(35, 'Delete') . '" ); } '); } $navibars->add_actions(array('<a href="?fid=' . $_REQUEST['fid'] . '&act=0"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/brick.png"> ' . t(23, 'Blocks') . '</a>', '<a href="?fid=' . $_REQUEST['fid'] . '&act=block_types_list"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/brick_edit.png"> ' . t(167, 'Types') . '</a>')); if (!empty($item->id)) { $notes = grid_notes::comments('block_group', $item->id); $navibars->add_actions(array('<a href="#" onclick="javascript: navigate_display_notes_dialog();"><span class="navigate_grid_notes_span" style=" width: 20px; line-height: 16px; ">' . count($notes) . '</span><img src="img/skins/badge.png" width="20px" height="18px" style="margin-top: -2px;" class="grid_note_edit" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(168, 'Notes') . '</a>')); } $navibars->add_actions(array(!empty($item->id) ? '<a href="?fid=' . $_REQUEST['fid'] . '&act=block_group_edit"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/add.png"> ' . t(38, 'Create') . '</a>' : '', '<a href="?fid=' . $_REQUEST['fid'] . '&act=block_groups_list"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/application_view_list.png"> ' . t(39, 'List') . '</a>')); $navibars->form(); if (!empty($item->id)) { $navibars->add_tab(t(23, "Blocks")); $allowed_types = array(); if (!empty($item->code)) { for ($bg = 0; $bg < count($theme->block_groups); $bg++) { if ($theme->block_groups[$bg]->id == $item->code) { if (isset($theme->block_groups[$bg]->allowed_types)) { $allowed_types = $theme->block_groups[$bg]->allowed_types; } break; } } } $blocks_selected = array(); if (!is_array($item->blocks)) { $item->blocks = array(); } $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('blocks_group_selection', json_encode($item->blocks))); $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('blocks-order', "")); $block_types = block::types(); $lang = $website->languages_published[0]; $extensions_blocks = extension::blocks(); for ($p = 0; $p < count($item->blocks); $p++) { unset($block); switch ($item->blocks[$p]['type']) { case "block": $block = new block(); $block->load($item->blocks[$p]['id']); if (empty($block) || empty($block->type)) { continue; } $blocks_selected[] = ' <div class="block_group_block ui-state-default" data-block-id="' . $block->id . '" data-block-type="block" data-block-uid="' . $item->blocks[$p]['uid'] . '"> <div class="actions"> <a href="?fid=blocks&act=edit&id=' . $block->id . '"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/pencil.png" /></a> <a href="#" onclick="navigate_blocks_selection_remove(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></a> </div> <div class="title">' . $block->dictionary[$lang]['title'] . '</div> <div class="subcomment"><span style="float: right;">ID ' . $block->id . '</span><img src="img/icons/silk/brick.png" /> ' . $theme->t($block->type) . '</div> </div> '; break; case "block_type": for ($bt = 0; $bt < count($block_types); $bt++) { if ($block_types[$bt]['id'] == $item->blocks[$p]['id']) { $block = $block_types[$bt]; break; } } $blocks_selected[] = ' <div class="block_group_block ui-state-default" data-block-id="' . $block['code'] . '" data-block-type="block_type" data-block-uid="' . $item->blocks[$p]['uid'] . '"> <div class="actions"> <a href="#" data-block-group="' . $block['block_group'] . '" data-block-type-code="' . $block['code'] . '" data-block-type-title="(span)" onclick="navigate_blocks_block_type_title(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/text_horizontalrule.png" /><span class="hidden">' . $item->blocks[$p]['title'] . '</span></a> <a href="#" onclick="navigate_blocks_selection_remove(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></a> </div> <div class="title" title="' . $block['description'] . '">' . $block['title'] . '</div> <div class="subcomment"> <span style="float: right;">ID ' . $block['code'] . '</span> <img src="img/icons/silk/brick_link.png" /> ' . $block['count'] . ' ' . ($block['count'] == 1 ? t(437, "Block") : t(23, "Blocks")) . ' </div> </div> '; break; case "block_group_block": if (is_array($theme->block_groups)) { foreach ($theme->block_groups as $key => $bg) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($bg->blocks); $i++) { if ($bg->blocks[$i]->id == $item->blocks[$p]['id']) { $block = array('code' => $bg->blocks[$i]->id, 'type' => $bg->blocks[$i]->id, 'title' => $theme->t($bg->blocks[$i]->title), 'description' => $theme->t($bg->blocks[$i]->description), 'properties' => $bg->blocks[$i]->properties, 'block_group' => $bg->id); break; } } } } $blocks_selected[] = ' <div class="block_group_block ui-state-default" data-block-id="' . $block['code'] . '" data-block-type="block_group_block" data-block-uid="' . $item->blocks[$p]['uid'] . '"> <div class="actions"> ' . (empty($block['properties']) ? '' : '<a href="#" data-block-group="' . $block['block_group'] . '" data-block-group-block="' . $block['code'] . '" data-block-group-action="settings" onclick="navigate_blocks_group_block_settings(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cog.png" /></a>') . ' <a href="#" onclick="navigate_blocks_selection_remove(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></a> </div> <div class="title" title="' . $block['description'] . '">' . $block['title'] . '</div> <div class="subcomment"><span style="float: right;">ID ' . $block['type'] . '</span><img src="img/icons/silk/bricks.png" /> ' . $theme->t($block['type']) . '</div> </div> '; break; case "extension": $block = $item->blocks[$p]; for ($be = 0; $be < count($extensions_blocks); $be++) { if ($block['id'] == $extensions_blocks[$be]->id) { $extension = new extension(); $extension->load($block['extension']); $blocks_selected[] = ' <div class="block_group_block ui-state-default" data-block-id="' . $block['id'] . '" data-block-type="extension" data-block-extension="' . $block['extension'] . '" data-block-uid="' . $item->blocks[$p]['uid'] . '"> <div class="actions"> ' . (empty($extensions_blocks[$be]->properties) ? '' : '<a href="#" data-block-group="' . $item->code . '" data-block-id="' . $block['id'] . '" data-block-extension="' . $block['extension'] . '" data-block-group-action="settings" onclick="navigate_block_group_extension_block_settings(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cog.png" /></a>') . ' <a href="#" onclick="navigate_blocks_selection_remove(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></a> </div> <div class="title">' . $extension->t($extensions_blocks[$be]->title) . '</div> <div class="subcomment"><span style="float: right;">ID ' . $block['id'] . '</span><img src="img/icons/silk/plugin.png" /> ' . $extension->title . '</div> </div> '; break; } } break; } } $blocks_selected = implode("\n", $blocks_selected); $navibars->add_tab_content('<div id="block_group_selected_blocks" style="width: 49%; float: left; margin-right: 2%;"> <div class="ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset"> <h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-accordion-icons ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top"> <img src="img/icons/silk/bricks.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> ' . t(405, 'Selection') . ' </h3> <div class="ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-accordion-content-active">' . $blocks_selected . '</div> </div> <div class="subcomment"> <img src="img/icons/silk/information.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(72, "Drag any row to assign priorities") . ' </div> </div>'); // **** ADD specific BLOCKS **** $sql = ' SELECT b.type,, d.text as title FROM nv_blocks b LEFT JOIN nv_webdictionary d ON = d.node_id AND d.node_type = "block" AND d.subtype = "title" AND d.lang = "' . $website->languages_list[0] . '" AND = ' . $website->id . ' WHERE = ' . $website->id . ' ORDER BY DESC'; $DB->query($sql); $block_elements = $DB->result(); $block_group_blocks = array(); for ($bg = 0; $bg < count($theme->block_groups); $bg++) { if ($theme->block_groups[$bg]->id == $item->code) { $block_group_blocks = $theme->block_groups[$bg]->blocks; } } // blocks available in the accordion $navibars->add_tab_content('<div id="blocks_available_wrapper" style="float: left; width: 49%; "> <div id="blocks_available_accordion"> <h3><i class="fa fa-fw fa-cube"></i> ' . t(437, 'Block') . '</h3> <div> ' . implode("\n", array_map(function ($b) use($allowed_types) { global $theme; $classes = 'block_group_block ui-state-default'; if (!empty($allowed_types) && !in_array($b->type, $allowed_types)) { $classes .= ' ui-state-disabled hidden'; } $html = '<div class="' . $classes . '" data-block-id="' . $b->id . '" data-block-type="block">' . '<div class="actions"> <a href="?fid=blocks&act=edit&id=' . $b->id . '"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/pencil.png" /></a> <a href="#" onclick="navigate_blocks_selection_remove(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></a> </div>' . '<div class="title">' . $b->title . '</div>' . '<div class="subcomment"><span style="float: right;">ID ' . $b->id . '</span><img src="img/icons/silk/brick.png" /> ' . $theme->t($b->type) . '</div>' . '</div>'; return $html; }, $block_elements)) . ' <div class="navigate-block_group-accordion-info-link hidden"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <a href="#">' . t(646, "Show all unselectable blocks") . '</a></div> </div> <h3><i class="fa fa-fw fa-cubes"></i> ' . t(543, 'Block type') . '</h3> <div> ' . implode("\n", array_map(function ($b) use($allowed_types) { $classes = 'block_group_block ui-state-default'; if (!empty($allowed_types) && !in_array($b['id'], $allowed_types)) { $classes .= ' ui-state-disabled'; } $html = '<div class="' . $classes . '" data-block-id="' . $b['id'] . '" data-block-type="block_type">' . '<div class="actions"> <a href="#" data-block-group="' . $b['block_group'] . '" data-block-type-code="' . $b['code'] . '" data-block-type-title="(span)" onclick="navigate_blocks_block_type_title(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/text_horizontalrule.png" /><span class="hidden">' . $b['block_type_title'] . '</span></a> <a href="#" onclick="navigate_blocks_selection_remove(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></a> </div>' . '<div class="title">' . $b['title'] . '</div>' . '<div class="subcomment"> <span style="float: right;">' . $b['count'] . ' ' . ($b['count'] == 1 ? t(437, "Block") : t(23, "Blocks")) . '</span> <img src="img/icons/silk/brick_link.png" /> ID ' . $b['id'] . '</div>' . '</div>'; return $html; }, $block_types)) . ' </div> <h3><i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus-square-o"></i> ' . t(556, 'Block from group') . ' [' . $theme->t($item->code) . ']</h3> <div> ' . implode("\n", array_map(function ($b) use($item) { global $theme; $html = '<div class="block_group_block ui-state-default" data-block-id="' . $b->id . '" data-block-type="block_group_block" title="' . $theme->t(@$b->description) . '">' . '<div class="actions"> ' . (empty($b->properties) ? '' : '<a href="#" data-block-group="' . $item->code . '" data-block-group-block="' . $b->id . '" data-block-group-action="settings" onclick="navigate_blocks_group_block_settings(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cog.png" /></a>') . ' <a href="#" onclick="navigate_blocks_selection_remove(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></a> </div>' . '<div class="title">' . $theme->t($b->title) . '</div>' . '<div class="subcomment"> <span style="float: right;">ID ' . $b->id . '</span> <img src="img/icons/silk/bricks.png" />' . '</div>' . '</div>'; return $html; }, $block_group_blocks)) . ' </div> <h3><i class="fa fa-fw fa-puzzle-piece"></i> ' . t(327, 'Extensions') . '</h3> <div> ' . implode("\n", array_map(function ($b) use($allowed_types, $item) { $classes = 'block_group_block ui-state-default'; $extension = new extension(); $extension->load($b->_extension); $html = '<div class="' . $classes . '" data-block-id="' . $b->id . '" data-block-type="extension" data-block-extension="' . $b->_extension . '">' . '<div class="actions"> ' . (empty($b->properties) ? '' : '<a href="#" data-block-group="' . $item->code . '" data-block-group-block="' . $b->id . '" data-block-group-action="settings" onclick="navigate_block_group_extension_block_settings(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cog.png" /></a>') . ' <a href="#" onclick="navigate_blocks_selection_remove(this);"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></a> </div>' . '<div class="title">' . $extension->t($b->title) . '</div>' . '<div class="subcomment"><span style="float: right;">ID ' . $b->id . '</span><img src="img/icons/silk/plugin.png" /> ' . $extension->title . '</div>' . '</div>'; return $html; }, $extensions_blocks)) . ' </div> </div> <div class="subcomment"> <img src="img/icons/silk/information.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(638, "Disabled blocks are not compatible with the current block group type") . ' </div> </div>'); $block_group_block_types_form = ""; foreach ($website->languages_list as $lang) { $block_group_block_types_form .= ' <div data-lang="' . $lang . '" class="navigate-form-row"> <label style="width: 48px; "><span title="' . language::name_by_code($lang) . '" class="navigate-form-row-language-info"><img align="absmiddle" src="img/icons/silk/comment.png">' . $lang . '</span></label> <input type="text" style=" width: 340px;" name="block_type_title_value[' . $lang . ']" value=""> </div> '; } $navibars->add_tab_content(' <div id="navigate-block-groups-block-type-title" class="hidden"> ' . $block_group_block_types_form . ' <div class="subcomment" style="margin-left: 0;"><img src="img/icons/silk/information.png" /> ' . t(641, "It will only be shown if the template supports it") . '</div> </div> '); $layout->add_script(' function navigate_blocks_block_type_title(el) { var title = $(el).find("span").text(); try { title = jQuery.parseJSON(title); } catch(e) { // not json; do nothing } $("#navigate-block-groups-block-type-title").find("input[type=text]").each(function() { if(typeof(title)=="object") $(this).val(title[$(this).parent().data("lang")]); else $(this).val(title); }); $("#navigate-block-groups-block-type-title").removeClass("hidden"); $("#navigate-block-groups-block-type-title").dialog({ title: navigate_t(67, "Title"), modal: true, width: 428, buttons: [ { text: navigate_t(190, "Ok"), icons: { primary: "ui-icon-check" }, click: function() { var new_value = {}; $("#navigate-block-groups-block-type-title") .find(\'input[type="text"]\').each( function() { new_value[$(this).parent().data("lang")] = $(this).val(); } ); $(el).find("span").text(JSON.stringify(new_value)); blocks_selection_update(); $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { text: navigate_t(58, "Cancel"), icons: { primary: "ui-icon-close" }, click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } } ] }); } '); } $navibars->add_tab(t(457, "Information")); $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('form-sent', 'true')); $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('id', $item->id)); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>ID</label>', '<span>' . (!empty($item->id) ? $item->id : t(52, '(new)')) . '</span>')); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(67, 'Title') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('title', $item->title))); $blgroups = array(); for ($blg = 0; $blg < count($theme->block_groups); $blg++) { $blgroups[$theme->block_groups[$blg]->id] = ''; if (!empty($theme->block_groups[$blg]->description)) { $blgroups[$theme->block_groups[$blg]->id] = $theme->t($theme->block_groups[$blg]->description); } } if (!in_array($item->code, $blgroups)) { $blgroups[$item->code] = $item->code; } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(237, 'Code') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('code', array_keys($blgroups), array_keys($blgroups), $item->code, NULL, NULL, array_values($blgroups), "", true, true))); // DEPRECATED field, will be removed. Please use the Notes feature if (!empty($item->notes)) { $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(168, 'Notes') . '</label>', $naviforms->textarea('notes', $item->notes))); } if (!empty($item->id)) { $layout->navigate_notes_dialog('block_group', $item->id); } $layout->add_script(' $.getScript("lib/packages/blocks/blocks.js?r=' . $current_version->revision . '", function() { block_groups_onload(); }); '); return $navibars->generate(); }
function nvweb_blocks($vars = array()) { global $website; global $DB; global $current; global $webgets; global $webuser; global $theme; $webget = 'blocks'; nvweb_blocks_init(); $out = ''; $access = array(); $access[] = 0; if (empty($current['webuser'])) { // 1: only signed in users, 2: only NON signed in users, 3: selected web user groups only $access[] = 2; } else { $access[] = 1; $access[] = 3; } // blocks type cache if (empty($webgets[$webget]['block_types'])) { $webgets[$webget]['block_types'] = block::types(); } $block_types = $webgets[$webget]['block_types']; if ($vars['mode'] == 'single') { $order_mode = 'single'; } else { // get the index for the block type requested $bti = array_multidimensional_search($block_types, array('code' => $vars['type'])); // how must we process this block type $order_mode = @$block_types[$bti]['order']; if (empty($order_mode) || $order_mode == 'theme') { $order_mode = @$vars['mode']; } } // how many blocks of this type we have to show $howmany = @intval($block_types[$bti]['maximum']); if (empty($howmany) || $howmany > intval(@$vars['number']) && !empty($vars['number'])) { $howmany = intval(@$vars['number']) + 0; } // which zone of the block we have to return if (empty($vars['zone'])) { $vars['zone'] = 'block'; } $categories = array(); if (!empty($vars['categories'])) { $categories = explode(',', $vars['categories']); $categories = array_filter($categories); } if (isset($current['object']->category)) { $categories[] = $current['object']->category; } else { $categories[] = $current['category']; } $blocks = array(); $categories_query = ''; $exclusions_query = ''; if (is_array($categories) && !empty($categories[0])) { foreach ($categories as $cq) { $categories_query .= " OR INSTR(CONCAT(',', categories, ','), '," . intval($cq) . ",') > 0 "; $exclusions_query .= " AND INSTR(CONCAT(',', exclusions, ','), '," . intval($cq) . ",') = 0 "; } $categories_query = ' AND (categories = "" ' . $categories_query . ') '; } switch ($order_mode) { case 'single': $query_type = ''; if (!empty($vars['type'])) { $query_type = ' AND type = ' . protect($vars['type']); } $DB->query(' SELECT id, type FROM nv_blocks WHERE enabled = 1 ' . $query_type . ' AND website = ' . $website->id . ' AND (date_published = 0 OR date_published < ' . core_time() . ') AND (date_unpublish = 0 OR date_unpublish > ' . core_time() . ') AND access IN(' . implode(',', $access) . ') ' . $categories_query . ' ' . $exclusions_query . ' AND id = ' . protect($vars['id'])); $row = $DB->first(); if (!empty($row)) { $blocks[] = $row->id; $vars['type'] = $row->type; } break; case 'priority': case 'ordered': $DB->query(' SELECT * FROM nv_blocks WHERE type = ' . protect($vars['type']) . ' AND enabled = 1 AND website = ' . $website->id . ' AND (date_published = 0 OR date_published < ' . core_time() . ') AND (date_unpublish = 0 OR date_unpublish > ' . core_time() . ') AND access IN(' . implode(',', $access) . ') ' . $categories_query . ' ' . $exclusions_query . ' ORDER BY position ASC '); $rows = $DB->result(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!nvweb_block_enabled($row)) { continue; } $row = (array) $row; $blocks[] = $row['id']; } break; default: case 'random': // "random" gets priority blocks first // retrieve fixed blocks $DB->query(' SELECT * FROM nv_blocks WHERE type = ' . protect($vars['type']) . ' AND enabled = 1 AND website = ' . $website->id . ' AND (date_published = 0 OR date_published < ' . core_time() . ') AND (date_unpublish = 0 OR date_unpublish > ' . core_time() . ') AND access IN(' . implode(',', $access) . ') AND fixed = 1 ' . $categories_query . ' ' . $exclusions_query . ' ORDER BY position ASC '); $fixed_rows = $DB->result(); $fixed_rows_ids = $DB->result('id'); if (empty($fixed_rows_ids)) { $fixed_rows_ids = array(0); } // now retrieve the other blocks in random order $DB->query(' SELECT * FROM nv_blocks WHERE type = ' . protect($vars['type']) . ' AND enabled = 1 AND website = ' . $website->id . ' AND (date_published = 0 OR date_published < ' . core_time() . ') AND (date_unpublish = 0 OR date_unpublish > ' . core_time() . ') AND access IN(' . implode(',', $access) . ') AND id NOT IN(' . implode(",", $fixed_rows_ids) . ') ' . $categories_query . ' ' . $exclusions_query . ' ORDER BY RAND() '); $random_rows = $DB->result(); // mix rows (fixed and random) // fixed position rows foreach ($fixed_rows as $fr) { if (!nvweb_block_enabled($fr)) { continue; } $blocks[$fr->position] = $fr->id; } // random position rows $pos = 0; foreach ($random_rows as $rr) { if (!nvweb_block_enabled($rr)) { continue; } // find next free position $free = false; while (!$free) { $free = empty($blocks[$pos]); if (!$free) { $pos++; } } $blocks[$pos] = $rr->id; } // sort array by key ksort($blocks); break; } // render the blocks found $shown = 0; $position = 1; $block_objects = array(); foreach ($blocks as $id) { if ($howmany > 0 && $shown >= $howmany) { break; } $block = new block(); $block->load($id); $bt = 'block'; for ($bti = 0; $bti < count($block_types); $bti++) { if ($block->type == $block_types[$bti]['code']) { $bt = $block_types[$bti]['type']; break; } } // SKIP all blocks until a certain position if (isset($vars['position']) && $vars['position'] != $position) { $position++; continue; } // RENDER block zone switch ($vars['zone']) { case 'object': $block_objects[] = clone $block; break; case 'title': $out .= '<span class="block-' . $vars['type'] . '-title" zone="title" ng-block-id="' . $block->id . '">' . $block->dictionary[$current['lang']]['title'] . '</span>'; break; case 'content': case 'block': default: if ($bt == 'theme') { $fn = 'nvweb_' . $website->theme . '_blocks_render'; $out .= '<div class="block-' . $vars['type'] . '" ng-block-id="' . $block->id . '">'; $out .= $fn($block, $vars); $out .= '</div>' . "\n"; } else { $out .= '<div class="block-' . $vars['type'] . '" ng-block-id="' . $block->id . '">'; $out .= nvweb_blocks_render($vars['type'], $block->trigger, $block->action, $vars['zone'], $block, $vars); $out .= '</div>' . "\n"; } break; } // the block requested at a CERTAIN POSITION was this, we've finished if (isset($vars['position']) && $vars['position'] == $position) { break; } $shown++; $position++; } if ($vars['zone'] == 'object') { $out = array($block_objects, count($block_objects)); } return $out; }
public function load_from_resultset($rs) { $main = $rs[0]; $this->id = $main->id; $this->website = $main->website; $this->type = $main->type; $this->date_published = empty($main->date_published) ? '' : $main->date_published; $this->date_unpublish = empty($main->date_unpublish) ? '' : $main->date_unpublish; $this->date_modified = empty($main->date_modified) ? '' : $main->date_modified; $this->access = $main->access; $this->enabled = $main->enabled; $this->trigger = mb_unserialize($main->trigger); if (is_array($this->trigger['trigger-html'])) { foreach ($this->trigger['trigger-html'] as $language => $code) { $this->trigger['trigger-html'][$language] = htmlspecialchars_decode($code); } } if (is_array($this->trigger['trigger-content'])) { foreach ($this->trigger['trigger-content'] as $language => $code) { $this->trigger['trigger-content'][$language] = stripslashes($code); } } $this->action = mb_unserialize($main->action); $this->notes = $main->notes; $this->dictionary = webdictionary::load_element_strings('block', $this->id); // title $this->position = $main->position; $this->fixed = $main->fixed; $this->categories = array_filter(explode(',', $main->categories)); $this->exclusions = array_filter(explode(',', $main->exclusions)); $this->elements = json_decode($main->elements, true); // to get the array of groups first we remove the "g" character $groups = str_replace('g', '', $main->groups); $this->groups = explode(',', $groups); if (!is_array($this->groups)) { $this->groups = array($groups); } $block_classes = block::types(); foreach ($block_classes as $bc) { if ($bc['code'] == $this->type) { $this->class = $bc['type']; } } }
function nvweb_properties($vars = array()) { global $website; global $DB; global $current; global $cache; global $properties; global $webuser; $out = ''; switch (@$vars['mode']) { case 'website': $wproperty = new property(); $wproperty->load_from_theme($vars['property']); if (!empty($wproperty)) { $out = nvweb_properties_render($wproperty, $vars); } break; case 'webuser': $wuproperty = new property(); $wuproperty->load_from_webuser($vars['property']); if (!empty($wuproperty)) { $out = nvweb_properties_render($wuproperty, $vars); } break; case 'element': case 'item': // deprecated, may be removed in a future version // if item ID is not given and the current object an element or a structure category? if (empty($vars['id']) && $current['type'] == 'structure') { // find the first embedded element for the current category // (because the template code has requested specifically to return the property from an element!) $itm = nvweb_content_items($current['object']->id, true, 1, true, 'priority'); if (!empty($itm) && isset($itm[0])) { $vars['id'] = $itm[0]->id; } else { $vars['id'] = 0; } } if (!isset($properties['item-' . $vars['id']]) && !empty($vars['id'])) { // load item template if (empty($vars['template'])) { $vars['template'] = $DB->query_single('template', 'nv_items', ' id = ' . protect($vars['id'])); } // if template is not defined (embedded element), take its category template if (empty($vars['template'])) { $vars['template'] = $DB->query_single('template', 'nv_structure', ' id = ( SELECT category FROM nv_items WHERE id = ' . intval($vars['id']) . ' )'); } $properties['item-' . $vars['id']] = property::load_properties("item", $vars['template'], 'item', $vars['id']); } else { if (empty($vars['id'])) { $vars['type'] = $current['object']->template; if ($current['type'] == "item") { $vars['id'] = $current['object']->id; } else { if ($current['type'] == "structure") { // find the first embedded content associated with this structure entry // (because the template code has requested specifically to return the property from an element!) $itm = nvweb_content_items($current['object']->id, true, 1, true, 'priority'); if (!empty($itm) && isset($itm[0])) { $vars['id'] = $itm[0]->id; } else { $vars['id'] = 0; } } } if (!isset($properties['item-' . $vars['id']])) { $properties['item-' . $current['object']->id] = property::load_properties("item", $vars['type'], 'item', $vars['id']); } } } $current_properties = $properties['item-' . $vars['id']]; // now we find the property requested if (!is_array($current_properties)) { $current_properties = array(); } foreach ($current_properties as $property) { if ($property->id == $vars['property'] || $property->name == $vars['property']) { $out = nvweb_properties_render($property, $vars); break; } } break; case 'block': if (!isset($properties['block-' . $vars['id']])) { // load item type if (empty($vars['type'])) { $vars['type'] = $DB->query_single('type', 'nv_blocks', ' id = ' . protect($vars['id'])); if (empty($cache['block_types'])) { $cache['block_types'] = block::types(); } // we need to know if the block is defined in the active theme or in the database (numeric ID) foreach ($cache['block_types'] as $bt) { if ($bt['code'] == $vars['type']) { $vars['type'] = $bt['id']; break; } } } $properties['block-' . $vars['id']] = property::load_properties("block", $vars['type'], 'block', $vars['id']); } $current_properties = $properties['block-' . $vars['id']]; // now we find the property requested if (!is_array($current_properties)) { $current_properties = array(); } foreach ($current_properties as $property) { if ($property->id == $vars['property'] || $property->name == $vars['property']) { $out = nvweb_properties_render($property, $vars); break; } } break; case 'block_group_block': // find block_group block definition $block_group = null; // unknown $block_code = $vars['id']; $block_uid = $vars['uid']; if (empty($block_code)) { $block = block::block_group_block_by_property($vars['property']); $block_code = $block->type; } else { // find the block group block by its type $block = block::block_group_block($block_group, $block_code); } $properties = $block->properties; $current_properties = property::load_properties($block_code, $block->_block_group_id, 'block_group_block', $block_code, $block_uid); // now we find the property requested if (!is_array($current_properties)) { $current_properties = array(); } foreach ($current_properties as $property) { if ($property->id == $vars['property'] || $property->name == $vars['property']) { $out = nvweb_properties_render($property, $vars); break; } } break; case 'structure': if (empty($vars['id'])) { if ($current['type'] == 'structure') { $vars['id'] = $current['id']; } else { $vars['id'] = $current['object']->category; } } if (!isset($properties['structure-' . $vars['id']])) { // load category template $category_template = $DB->query_single('template', 'nv_structure', ' id = ' . protect($vars['id'])); if (!empty($category_template)) { $properties['structure-' . $vars['id']] = property::load_properties("structure", $category_template, 'structure', $vars['id']); } } $current_properties = $properties['structure-' . $vars['id']]; // now we find the property requested if (!is_array($current_properties)) { $current_properties = array(); } foreach ($current_properties as $property) { if ($property->id == $vars['property'] || $property->name == $vars['property']) { if ($vars['return'] == 'object') { $out = $property; } else { $out = nvweb_properties_render($property, $vars); } break; } } break; case 'comment': if (!isset($properties['comment-' . $vars['id']])) { $properties['comment-' . $vars['id']] = property::load_properties("comment", $vars['template'], 'comment', $vars['id']); } $current_properties = $properties['comment-' . $vars['id']]; // now we find the property requested if (!is_array($current_properties)) { $current_properties = array(); } foreach ($current_properties as $property) { if ($property->id == $vars['property'] || $property->name == $vars['property']) { if ($vars['return'] == 'object') { $out = $property; } else { $out = nvweb_properties_render($property, $vars); } break; } } break; default: // find the property source by its name $current_properties = array(); // get website theme property $current_properties[] = new property(); $current_properties[0]->load_from_theme($vars['property']); if ($current['type'] == 'item') { if (!isset($properties['item-' . $current['object']->id])) { $properties['item-' . $current['object']->id] = property::load_properties("item", $current['object']->template, 'item', $current['object']->id); } $current_properties = array_merge($current_properties, $properties['item-' . $current['object']->id]); } else { if ($current['type'] == 'structure') { if (!isset($properties['structure-' . $current['object']->id])) { $properties['structure-' . $current['object']->id] = property::load_properties("structure", $current['object']->template, 'structure', $current['object']->id); } $current_properties = array_merge($current_properties, $properties['structure-' . $current['object']->id]); // the property could also be in the first item associated to this structure element $structure_items = nvweb_content_items($current['object']->id, true, 1); if (!empty($structure_items)) { if (empty($structure_items[0]->template)) { $structure_items[0]->template = $current['template']; } $properties['item-' . $structure_items[0]->id] = property::load_properties("item", $structure_items[0]->template, 'item', $structure_items[0]->id); } if (!empty($properties['item-' . $structure_items[0]->id])) { $current_properties = array_merge($current_properties, $properties['item-' . $structure_items[0]->id]); } } else { if ($current['type'] == 'article') { // TO DO } else { // unknown object type, maybe is an object managed by an extension? if (!isset($properties[$current['type'] . '-' . $current['object']->id])) { $properties[$current['type'] . '-' . $current['object']->id] = property::load_properties($current['type'], $current['object']->template, $current['type'], $current['object']->id); } $current_properties = array_merge($current_properties, $properties[$current['type'] . '-' . $current['object']->id]); } } } // now we find the property requested if (!is_array($current_properties)) { $current_properties = array(); } foreach ($current_properties as $property) { if ($property->id == $vars['property'] || $property->name == $vars['property']) { $out = nvweb_properties_render($property, $vars); break; } } break; } return $out; }