public function generate(\blaze\lang\StringBuffer $buffer) { if ($this->package != null) { $packageName = $this->package; $className = $this->name; } else { $idx = $this->name->lastIndexOf('\\'); $packageName = $this->name->substring(0, $idx)->toNative(); $className = $this->name->substring($idx + 1)->toNative(); } $buffer->append('<?php ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append('namespace '); $buffer->append($packageName); $buffer->append(';' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append('class '); $buffer->append($className); $buffer->append(' extends \\blaze\\lang\\Object {' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); foreach ($this->identifiers as $member) { $member->generate($buffer); } foreach ($this->singleFields as $member) { $member->generate($buffer); } foreach ($this->collectionFields as $member) { $member->generate($buffer); } $buffer->append('}'); }
/** * * @param blaze\lang\String|string $value * @return string */ public static function asNative($value) { if ($value instanceof String) { return $value->toNative(); } else { if (is_string($value)) { return $value; } else { return (string) $value; } } }
public function equals(\blaze\lang\Reflectable $obj) { if ($obj === $this) { return true; } if ($obj == null || !$obj instanceof URI) { return false; } if ($this->url != null && $obj->url != null) { return $this->url->equals($obj); } $fragmetOk = true; if ($this->fragment != null xor $obj->fragment != null) { $fragmetOk = false; } if ($fragmetOk && $this->fragment != null && $obj->fragment != null) { $fragmetOk = $this->fragment->equals($obj->fragment); } return $this->scheme->equalsIgnoreCase($obj->scheme) && $this->schemeSpecificPart->equals($obj->schemeSpecificPart) && $fragmetOk; }
public function generate(\blaze\lang\StringBuffer $buffer) { $buffer->append("\t" . '/**' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . ' * @var ' . $this->type . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . ' */' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . 'private $'); $buffer->append($this->name); $buffer->append(';' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . '/**' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . ' * @return ' . $this->type . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . ' */' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . 'public function get' . $this->name->toUpperCase(true)->toNative() . '(){' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . "\t" . ' return $this->' . $this->name . ';' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . '/**' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . ' * @param ' . $this->type . ' $' . $this->name . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . ' */' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . 'public function set' . $this->name->toUpperCase(true)->toNative() . '($' . $this->name . '){' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . "\t" . ' $this->' . $this->name . ' = $' . $this->name . ';' . PHP_EOL); $buffer->append("\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); }
/** * * @param string|blaze\lang\String $value */ public static function toBoolean($value) { if ($value instanceof String) { return $value != null && $value->equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } else { return $value != null && $value === "true"; } }
/** * Handle <code>beforePhase</code> <code>PhaseListener</code> events. * @param blaze\web\application\BlazeContext $context the FacesContext for the current request * @param array[blaze\web\event\PhaseListener] $listenersIterator a ListIterator for the PhaseListeners that need * to be invoked * @param blaze\web\event\PhaseEvent $event the event to pass to each of the invoked listeners */ protected function handleBeforePhase(BlazeContext $context, \blaze\collections\Map $listeners, PhaseEvent $event) { //try { //Flash flash = context.getExternalContext().getFlash(); //flash.doPrePhaseActions(context); //} catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { //if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { //LOGGER.fine("ExternalContext.getFlash() throw UnsupportedOperationException -> Flash unavailable"); //} //} //RequestStateManager.clearAttributesForPhase(context, // context.getCurrentPhaseId()); $requestUri = $context->getRequest()->getRequestURI()->getPath(); // remove the prefix of the url e.g. BlazeFrameworkServer/ if (!$requestUri->endsWith('/')) { $requestUri = $requestUri->concat('/'); } $requestUri = $requestUri->substring($context->getApplication()->getUrlPrefix()->replace('*', '')->length()); // Requesturl has always to start with a '/' if ($requestUri->length() == 0 || $requestUri->charAt(0) != '/') { $requestUri = new \blaze\lang\String('/' . $requestUri->toNative()); } foreach ($listeners as $pattern => $listener) { if (($this->getId() == $listener->getPhaseId() || \blaze\web\event\PhaseId::ANY_PHASE == $listener->getPhaseId()) && $this->matchesPattern($requestUri, $pattern)) { try { $listener->beforePhase($event); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->queueException($context, $e); //, ExceptionQueuedEventContext.IN_BEFORE_PHASE_KEY); // move the iterator pointer back one //if (listenersIterator.hasPrevious()) { //listenersIterator.previous(); //} return; } } } }