* * http://ifsoft.com.ua, http://ifsoft.co.uk * qascript@ifsoft.co.uk * * Copyright 2012-2016 Demyanchuk Dmitry (https://vk.com/dmitry.demyanchuk) */ include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/core/init.inc.php"; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/config/api.inc.php"; if (!empty($_POST)) { $accountId = isset($_POST['accountId']) ? $_POST['accountId'] : 0; $accessToken = isset($_POST['accessToken']) ? $_POST['accessToken'] : ''; $profileId = isset($_POST['profileId']) ? $_POST['profileId'] : 0; $reason = isset($_POST['reason']) ? $_POST['reason'] : ''; $accountId = helper::clearInt($accountId); $profileId = helper::clearInt($profileId); $reason = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", " ", $reason); //replace all new lines to one new line $reason = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $reason); //replace all white spaces to one space $reason = helper::escapeText($reason); $result = array("error" => true, "error_code" => ERROR_UNKNOWN); $auth = new auth($dbo); if (!$auth->authorize($accountId, $accessToken)) { api::printError(ERROR_ACCESS_TOKEN, "Error authorization."); } $blacklist = new blacklist($dbo); $blacklist->setRequestFrom($accountId); $result = $blacklist->add($profileId, $reason); echo json_encode($result); exit; }
} else { $message = $ui[$status]; } } else { $message = $ui['insufficientData']; } } else { $message = $ui['wrongPassword']; } break; case 'blacklist': if (isset($_GET['blacklistAction'], $_POST['type'], $_POST['value'])) { if ($_SESSION[$shortTitle . 'User']['password'] == sha1($_POST['password'])) { switch ($_GET['blacklistAction']) { case 'add': $message = $ui[blacklist::add($_POST['type'], $_POST['value'])]; break; case 'remove': foreach ($_POST['value'] as $value) { $message = $ui[blacklist::remove($_POST['type'], $value)]; } break; } } else { $message = $ui['wrongPassword']; } } else { $message = $ui['insufficientData']; } break; }