private function _processWebhook()
     $webhook = new \beGateway\Webhook();
     if ($webhook->isAuthorized() && ($webhook->isSuccess() || $webhook->isFailed())) {
         $Status = $webhook->getStatus();
         $Currency = $webhook->getResponse()->transaction->currency;
         $Amount = new \beGateway\Money();
         $TransId = $webhook->getUid();
         $orderno = $webhook->getTrackingId();
         $cart = new Cart((int) $orderno);
         if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($cart)) {
             Logger::addLog($this->l('Webhook: error to load cart'), 4);
             die($this->l('Critical error to load order cart'));
         $customer = new Customer((int) $cart->id_customer);
         if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer)) {
             Logger::addLog($this->l('Webhook: error to load customer details'), 4);
             die($this->l('Critical error to load customer'));
         $shop_ptype = trim(Configuration::get('BEGATEWAY_SHOP_PAYTYPE'));
         $payment_status = $webhook->isSuccess() ? Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT') : Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR');
         $this->be_gateway->validateOrder((int) $orderno, $payment_status, $Amount->getAmount(), $this->be_gateway->displayName, $webhook->getMessage(), array('transaction_id' => $TransId), NULL, false, $customer->secure_key);
         $order_new = empty($this->be_gateway->currentOrder) ? $orderno : $this->be_gateway->currentOrder;
     INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'begateway_transaction (type, id_begateway_customer, id_cart, id_order,
       uid, amount, status, currency, date_add)
       VALUES ("' . $shop_ptype . '", ' . $cart->id_customer . ', ' . $orderno . ', ' . $order_new . ', "' . $TransId . '", ' . $Amount->getAmount() . ', "' . $Status . '", "' . $Currency . '", NOW())');