public function run($arguments) { $arguments = Ithemes_Sync_Functions::merge_defaults($arguments, $this->default_arguments); $results = backupbuddy_api::runBackup($arguments['profile'], 'iThemes Sync', $backupMode = '2'); if (true !== $results) { return array('api' => '0', 'status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Error running backup. Details: ' . $results); } else { return array('api' => '0', 'status' => 'ok', 'message' => 'Backup initiated successfully.', 'serial' => $serial); } }
/** * Run a BackupBuddy backup. * * ## OPTIONS * * <profile> * : Profile may either specify the profile ID number, "full" to run the first defined Full backup profile, or "db" to run the first defined Database-only backup profile. The first Full and Database-only profiles are always available as they are not user-deletable. To find the profile number, run a backup inside BackupBuddy in WordPress and note the number at the end of the URL (3 in this case): http://...&backupbuddy_backup=3 * * [--quiet] * : Suppresses display of status log information from being output to the screen. * * ## EXAMPLES * * RUN FULL BACKUP: wp backupbuddy backup full * RUN PROFILE #3: wp backupbuddy backup 3 * * ## USAGE * * wp backupbuddy backup <profile> [--quiet] * * @synopsis <profile> [--quiet] */ public function backup($args, $assoc_args) { if (!isset($assoc_args['quiet'])) { define('BACKUPBUDDY_WP_CLI', true); } $profile = $args[0]; $results = backupbuddy_api::runBackup($profile, $friendlyTrigger = 'wp-cli', $backupMode = '1'); if (true === $results) { // success WP_CLI::success('Backup completed successfully.'); return; } else { // fail WP_CLI::error('Error initiating backup. Details: ' . $results); } }
private static function _verb_runBackup() { $backupSerial = pb_backupbuddy::random_string(10); $profileArray = pb_backupbuddy::_POST('profile'); if (false === ($profileArray = base64_decode($profileArray))) { $message = 'Error #8343728: Unable to base64 decode profile data.'; pb_backupbuddy::status('error', $message, $backupSerial); die(json_encode(array('success' => false, 'error' => $message))); } if (NULL === ($profileArray = json_decode($profileArray, true))) { $message = 'Error #3272383: Unable to json decode profile data.'; pb_backupbuddy::status('error', $message, $backupSerial); die(json_encode(array('success' => false, 'error' => $message))); } // Appends session tokens from the pulling site so they wont get logged out when this database is restored there. if (isset($profileArray['sessionTokens']) && is_array($profileArray['sessionTokens'])) { pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Remote session tokens need updated.', $backupSerial); //error_log( 'needtoken' ); if (!is_numeric($profileArray['sessionID'])) { $message = 'Error #328989893. Invalid session ID. Must be numeric.'; pb_backupbuddy::status('error', $message); die(json_encode(array('success' => false, 'error' => $message))); } // Get current session tokens. global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT meta_value FROM `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . $wpdb->prefix . "usermeta` WHERE `user_id` = '" . $profileArray['sessionID'] . "' AND `meta_key` = 'session_tokens';"; $results = $wpdb->get_var($sql); $oldSessionTokens = @unserialize($results); // Add remote tokens. if (!is_array($oldSessionTokens)) { $oldSessionTokens = array(); } $newSessionTokens = array_merge($oldSessionTokens, $profileArray['sessionTokens']); // Re-serialize. $newSessionTokens = serialize($newSessionTokens); // Save merged tokens here. $sql = "UPDATE `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . $wpdb->prefix . "usermeta` SET meta_value= %s WHERE `user_id` = '" . $profileArray['sessionID'] . "' AND `meta_key` = 'session_tokens';"; $stringedSessionTokens = serialize($profileArray['sessionTokens']); if (false === $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($sql, $stringedSessionTokens))) { $message = 'Error #43734784: Unable to update remote session token.'; pb_backupbuddy::status('error', $message, $backupSerial); die(json_encode(array('success' => false, 'error' => $message))); } pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Updated remote session tokens.', $backupSerial); } if (true !== ($maybeMessage = backupbuddy_api::runBackup($profileArray, $triggerTitle = 'deployment_pulling', $backupMode = '', $backupSerial))) { $message = 'Error #48394873: Unable to launch backup at source. Details: `' . $maybeMessage . '`.'; pb_backupbuddy::status('error', $message, $backupSerial); die(json_encode(array('success' => false, 'error' => $message))); } else { $archiveFilename = basename(backupbuddy_core::calculateArchiveFilename($backupSerial, $profileArray['type'])); die(json_encode(array('success' => true, 'backupSerial' => $backupSerial, 'backupFile' => $archiveFilename))); } }
private static function _verb_runBackup() { $backupSerial = pb_backupbuddy::random_string(10); backupbuddy_api::runBackup($profileArray, $triggerTitle = 'deployment', $backupMode = '', $backupSerial); }
<?php print_r($_POST); echo '<hr>'; defined('ABSPATH') or die('404 Not Found'); if (!isset(pb_backupbuddy::$options['remote_destinations'][pb_backupbuddy::_POST('destination')])) { die('Error #8457474: Invalid destination ID `' . htmlentities(pb_backupbuddy::_POST('destination')) . '`.'); } $deployment =& pb_backupbuddy::$options['deployments'][pb_backupbuddy::_GET('deployment')]; $profileID = pb_backupbuddy::_POST('backup_profile'); $backupSerial = pb_backupbuddy::random_string(10); // Manually define serial so we can track this specific backup. $backup_result = backupbuddy_api::runBackup($profileID, $triggerTitle = 'Deployment', $backupMode = '', $backupSerial); if (true !== $backup_result) { die('Error #85487755: Unable to start backup. Details: `' . $backup_result . '`.'); } print_r(backupbuddy_api::getLatestBackupStats()); ?> <script> function checkDeployStatus( step ) { jQuery('#pb_backupbuddy_loading').show(); if ( '' == step ) { step = '0'; } stepCounter = 0; // How many status checks of this step have been done. jQuery.ajax({ url: '<?php echo pb_backupbuddy::ajax_url('deploy_status');