/** * send * 必有方法,发送时调用. * * config参数为getOptions取得的所有项的配置结果 * * @param mixed $target ['email'] * @param mixed $title * @param mixed $config */ public function send($target, $title, $content, $config) { logger::debug(__CLASS__ . var_export(func_get_args(), 1)); $new_msg = array('member_id' => $target['member_id'], 'target' => $target['email'], 'subject' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'createtime' => time(), 'msg_type' => 'email', 'status' => 'sent'); app::get('b2c')->model('member_msg')->save($new_msg); if (!($email_to = $target['email'])) { return false; } if ($config['sendway'] == 'mail') { $this->email = vmc::singleton('desktop_email_email'); } $this->email->Sender = $this->Sender = $config['usermail']; $this->email->Subject = $this->Subject = $this->email->inlineCode($title); $From = $this->email->inlineCode(app::get('site')->getConf('site_name')) . '<' . $config['usermail'] . '>'; $header = array('Return-path' => '<' . $config['usermail'] . '>', 'Date' => date('r'), 'From' => $From, 'MIME-Version' => '1.0', 'Subject' => $this->Subject, 'To' => $email_to, 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'base64'); $body = chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); $header = $this->email->buildHeader($header); $config['sendway'] = $config['sendway'] ? $config['sendway'] : 'smtp'; switch ($config['sendway']) { case 'sendmail': $result = $this->email->SendmailSend($email_to, $header, $body); break; case 'mail': $result = $this->email->MailSend($email_to, $header, $body); break; case 'smtp': $result = $this->email->SmtpSend($email_to, $header, $body, $config); break; default: $result = false; break; } return $result; }
function tujuanDes($destkota, $stat = 'provinsi', $tambah) { global $app; $dbu = new db(); $appx = new app(); $urlx = new url(); if ($stat == "destinasi") { while ($desty = $dbu->fetch($destkota)) { $destinasi = $desty[nama]; $desty[thumb] = $appx->cekFile("/destinasi/thumb/", $desty[thumb], 'default.jpg'); $desty[thumb] = $app[data_www] . "/destinasi/thumb/" . $desty[thumb]; $outnya .= '<li> <div class="img_box"> <img src="' . $desty[thumb] . '"> </div> <div class="text"> <h1>' . $destinasi . '</h1> <p>' . $dbu->lookup('deskripsi', $app[table][destinasi_bahasa], "id_reff ='" . $desty[id_reff] . "' AND id_bahasa='" . $_SESSION[bhs] . "'") . '</p> </div> <a href="' . $app[www] . "/" . $dbu->lookup('nama', 'action', "action='21' and id_bahasa='" . $_SESSION[bhs] . "'") . "/" . $urlx->shortLink($destinasi) . "/" . '"><div class="explore">EXPLORE MORE</div></a> </li>'; } } elseif ($stat == "provinsi") { while ($desty = $dbu->fetch($destkota)) { $destinasi = $desty[nama]; $desty[thumb] = $appx->cekFile("/destinasi/thumb/", $desty[thumb], 'default.jpg'); $desty[thumb] = $app[data_www] . "/destinasi/thumb/" . $desty[thumb]; $outnya .= '<li> <div class="img_box"> <img src="' . $desty[thumb] . '"> </div> <div class="text"> <h1>' . $destinasi . '</h1> <p>' . $dbu->lookup('deskripsi', $app[table][destinasi_bahasa], "id_reff ='" . $desty[id_reff] . "' AND id_bahasa='" . $_SESSION[bhs] . "'") . '</p> </div> <a href="' . $app[www] . "/" . $dbu->lookup('nama', 'action', "action='21' and id_bahasa='" . $_SESSION[bhs] . "'") . "/" . $urlx->shortLink($destinasi) . "/" . '"><div class="explore">EXPLORE MORE</div></a> </li>'; } } else { //echo "sedel";exit; while ($dkota = $dbu->fetch($destkota)) { $dkota[thumb] = $appx->cekFile("/kota/thumb/", $dkota[thumb], 'default.jpg'); $dkota[thumb] = $app[data_www] . "/kota/thumb/" . $dkota[thumb]; //echo "asdasdas".$dkota[thumb]; $outnya .= '<li> <div class="img_box"> <img src="' . $dkota[thumb] . '"> </div> <div class="text"> <h1>' . $dkota[nama] . '</h1> <p>' . $dbu->lookup('deskripsi', $app[table][kota_bahasa], "id_kota ='" . $dkota[id] . "' AND id_bahasa='" . $_SESSION[bhs] . "'") . '</p> </div> <a href="' . $app[www] . "/" . $dbu->lookup('nama', 'action', "action='2' and id_bahasa='" . $_SESSION[bhs] . "'") . "/id_" . $urlx->shortLink($dkota[nama]) . "_" . $urlx->shortLink($tambah) . "/" . '"><div class="explore">EXPLORE MORE</div></a> </li>'; } } return $outnya; }
/** * Return Model by each class * * @return Model */ private function makeModel() { $this->model = $this->app->make($this->model()); if (!$this->model instanceof Model) { throw new Exception("Class " . $this->model . " must be an instance of Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model"); } return $this->model; }
function feedCheckIn($dfeed, $sBahasa, $member) { global $app; $appx = new app(); $dbu = new db(); $urlx = new url(); $fcek_in = ""; $icon = $app[css_www] . "/images/ic_cat_2.png"; $avatar = $appx->cekFile('/pengguna/avatar/', $member[avatar], 'default.jpg'); $avatar = $app[data_www] . '/pengguna/avatar/' . $avatar; $linkAva = $app["www"] . "/" . $dbu->lookup('nama', 'action', "action='8' and id_bahasa ='" . $sBahasa . "'") . "/" . $urlx->shortLink($member[username]) . "/"; $fcek_in = '<div class="con_newsfeed add_fix"> <div class="line_newsfeed"> <div class="circle_pict circle_pict_nf"><a href="' . $linkAva . '"><img src="' . $avatar . '"></a></div> <div class="bar"></div> <div class="ic_cat"><a href="#"><img src="' . $icon . '"></a></div> </div>'; $dipost = $appx->time_delta('now', $dfeed[tgl_post], 0, 2, true); if ($_SESSION[member][id] != "") { $bolehKomen = '<li> <div class="circle_pict circle_pict_nf"><a href="' . $linkAva . '"><img src="' . $avatar . '"></a></div> <textarea id="cekin" placeholder="Write your comment..."></textarea> </li>'; } $sql = "SELECT a.nama , b.nama as kota , c.nama as provinsi, d.nama as negara FROM " . $app[table][destinasi_bahasa] . " as a LEFT JOIN " . $app[table][destinasi] . " as e ON (a.id_reff = e.id_reff) LEFT JOIN " . $app[table][kota] . " as b ON(e.id_kota = b.id) LEFT JOIN " . $app[table][provinsi] . " as c ON(b.id_provinsi = c.id) LEFT JOIN " . $app[table][negara] . " as d ON(c.id_negara = d.id) LEFT JOIN " . $app[table][cekin] . " as f ON(e.id = f.id_destinasi ) LEFT JOIN " . $app[table][pengguna_feed] . " as g ON(f.id = g.id_tabel) WHERE g.id ='" . $dfeed[id] . "' AND a.id_bahasa ='" . $sBahasa . "'"; $lokasi = $dbu->get_recordmix($sql); $cekin_di = '<span>Check in at <a href="#"><i>' . $lokasi[nama] . '(' . $lokasi[kota] . '), ' . $lokasi[provinsi] . ', ' . $lokasi[negara] . '</i></a></span>'; $fcek_in .= '<div class="box_con_newsfeed"> <h1>' . $member[nama] . '</h1> <span>' . $dipost . '</span> <div class="frame_post"> ' . $cekin_di . ' <div class="box_comment"> <ul class="add_fix" id="list_cekin" rel="cekin_' . $dfeed[id_tabel] . '"> ' . $bolehKomen; #komen cekin--------------------------- $sql = "SELECT a.nama , a.avatar, a.username, b.id, b.komen, b.tgl_post as tgl_komen FROM " . $app[table][pengguna] . " as a LEFT JOIN " . $app[table][cekin_komen] . " as b ON(b.id_user = a.id) WHERE b.id_cekin = '" . $dfeed[id_tabel] . "'"; $dbu->query($sql, $rkomen, $nkomen); if ($nkomen > 0) { while ($dkomen = $dbu->fetch($rkomen)) { $dkomen[avatar] = $appx->cekFile("/pengguna/avatar/", $dkomen[avatar]); $other_avatar = $app[data_www] . '/pengguna/avatar/' . $dkomen[avatar]; $other_linkAva = $app["www"] . "/" . $dbu->lookup('nama', 'action', "action='8' and id_bahasa ='" . $sBahasa . "'") . "/" . $urlx->shortLink($dkomen[username]) . "/"; $fcek_in .= '<li> <div class="circle_pict circle_pict_nf"><a href="' . $other_linkAva . '"><img src="' . $other_avatar . '"></a></div> <div class="text_box_c"> <h1>' . $dkomen[nama] . '</h1> <p>' . $dkomen[komen] . '</p> </div> </li>'; } } $fcek_in .= '</ul></div></div></div></div>'; return $fcek_in; }
function setupAppFramework() { /* initialize the SMT Facebook appliation class, NO Facebook library */ require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/app.class.php"; global $app, $db, $session; $app = new app(NULL, true); $app->loadFacebookLibrary(); // caution: do not assign globals by reference $db = $app->db; $session = $app->session; return $app; }
public function run() { $ev = $this->make('ev'); include '../lib/config.inc.php'; header('P3P: CP=CAO PSA OUR'); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . HE); ini_set('date.timezone', 'Asia/Shanghai'); date_default_timezone_set("Etc/GMT-8"); error_reporting(0); $app = new app($this); $app->run(); }
public function deliver_featured() { // send feature notifications global $init; require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/app.class.php"; $app = new app(NULL, true); $facebook =& $app->loadFacebookLibrary(); require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/subscriptions.class.php'; $subObj = new SubscriptionsManager($db); $subObj->loadFacebook($facebook); $subObj->deliverFeatures(); set_flash(array('notice' => "Feature notifications sent.")); redirect(url_for($this->name, 'index')); }
function AppCentre_GetCheckQueryString(){ global $zbp; $check= ''; $app=new app; if($app->LoadInfoByXml('theme', $zbp->theme)==true){ $check.=$app->id . ':' .$app->modified . ';'; } foreach (explode('|',$zbp->option['ZC_USING_PLUGIN_LIST']) as $id) { $app=new app; if($app->LoadInfoByXml('plugin', $id)==true){ $check.=$app->id . ':' .$app->modified . ';'; } } return $check; }
public function column_tag(&$colList, $list) { //todo 如果list为空则 retunn if (!$list) { return; } $idColumnKey = $list[0]['idColumn']; $appId = $list[0]['app_id']; $tagType = $list[0]['tag_type']; $list = utils::array_change_key($list, $idColumnKey); // 获取所有当前finder主键列表 $relatedIds = array_keys(utils::array_change_key($list, $idColumnKey)); $filter = array('rel_id' => $relatedIds, 'tag_type' => $tagType, 'app_id' => $appId); // 获取tag列表 $tagRows = app::get('desktop')->model('tag_rel')->getList('tag_id, rel_id', $filter); /*-----start------>*/ $tagIds = array_keys(utils::array_change_key($tagRows, 'tag_id')); if ($tagIds) { $tagList = app::get('desktop')->model('tag')->getList('*', array('tag_id' => $tagIds)); $tagList = utils::array_change_key($tagList, 'tag_id'); } /*<----end-------->*/ foreach ($tagRows as $row) { $relatedRows[$row['rel_id']][] = $tagList[$row['tag_id']]; } $i = 0; foreach ($relatedIds as $id) { $colList[$i] = $this->getColumnTagHtml($relatedRows[$id]); $i++; } }
/** * 结算明细 * @return */ public function detail() { $this->contentHeaderTitle = app::get('topshop')->_('企业结算明细'); $filter['shop_id'] = $this->shopId; $postSend = input::get(); if ($postSend['timearea']) { $pagedata['timearea'] = $postSend['timearea']; $timeArray = explode('-', $postSend['timearea']); $filter['settlement_time|than'] = strtotime($timeArray[0]); $filter['settlement_time|lthan'] = strtotime($timeArray[1]); } else { $filter['settlement_time|than'] = time() - 3600 * 24 * 7; $filter['settlement_time|lthan'] = time(); $pagedata['timearea'] = date('Y/m/d', time() - 3600 * 24 * 7) . '-' . date('Y/m/d', time()); } if ($postSend['settlement_type']) { $filter['settlement_type'] = $postSend['settlement_type']; $pagedata['settlement_type'] = $postSend['settlement_type']; } //处理翻页数据 $pagedata['page'] = $page = $postSend['page'] ? $postSend['page'] : 1; $pagedata['limits'] = $pageLimit = 10; $objMdlSettleDetail = app::get('sysclearing')->model('settlement_detail'); $pagedata['settlement_detail_list'] = $objMdlSettleDetail->getList('*', $filter, ($page - 1) * $pageLimit, $pageLimit, 'settlement_time desc'); $count = $objMdlSettleDetail->count($filter); $postSend['token'] = time(); if ($count > 0) { $total = ceil($count / $pageLimit); } $pagedata['pagers'] = array('link' => url::action('topshop_ctl_clearing_settlement@detail', $postSend), 'current' => $page, 'total' => $total, 'token' => $postSend['token']); return $this->page('topshop/clearing/settlement_detail.html', $pagedata); }
public function getPaymentId($filter) { $tids = $filter['tid']; if ($filter['tid'] && is_array($filter['tid'])) { $tids = implode(',', $filter['tid']); } $tradeParams = array('user_id' => $filter['user_id'], 'tid' => $tids, 'fields' => 'tid,payment,user_id,status'); //获取需要支付的订单并检测其有效性 $tradeList = app::get('topc')->rpcCall('trade.get.list', $tradeParams); $count = $tradeList['count']; $tradeList = $tradeList['list']; $countid = count($filter['tid']); if ($countid != $count) { throw new \LogicException(app::get('topc')->_("支付失败,提交的订单数据有误")); return false; } foreach ($tradeList as $key => $value) { if ($value['status'] != "WAIT_BUYER_PAY") { throw new \LogicException(app::get('topc')->_($value['tid'] . " 订单已被支付,请重新选择要支付订单")); return false; } $payment['money'] += $value['payment']; $payment['user_id'] = $value['user_id']; } $payment['tids'] = $tids; try { $paymentId = app::get('topc')->rpcCall('payment.bill.create', $payment); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } return $paymentId; }
function clear_by_app($app_id) { if (!$app_id) { return false; } app::get('desktop')->model('menus')->delete(array('app_id' => $app_id, 'menu_type' => $this->content_typename())); }
/** * 获取加密类型后的密文 * @param string $source_str 加密明文 * @return string 返回加密密文 */ public function get_encrypted($source_str, $account_type, $userdata = null) { if (!$userdata) { return md5($source_str); } if ($userdata['createtime']) { return $this->extends_md5($source_str, $userdata['login_name'], $userdata['createtime']); } else { if ($account_type == 'member') { $pam_members_model = app::get('pam')->model('members'); $pam_filter = array('login_account' => $userdata['login_name']); $rows = $pam_members_model->getList('*', $pam_filter, 0, 1); // 商家 2015/8/31 } else { if ($account_type == 'seller') { $pam_model = app::get('pam')->model('seller'); $pam_filter = array('login_account' => $userdata['login_name']); $rows = $pam_model->getList('*', $pam_filter, 0, 1); } else { $pam_account_model = app::get('pam')->model('account'); $pam_filter = array('login_name' => $userdata['login_name'], 'account_type' => $account_type, 'disabled' => 'false'); $rows = $pam_account_model->getList('*', $pam_filter, 0, 1); } } if ($rows[0]) { if (substr($rows[0]['login_password'], 0, 1) !== 's') { return md5($source_str); } else { return $this->extends_md5($source_str, $userdata['login_name'], $rows[0]['createtime']); } } else { return false; } } }
public function update($params) { $db = app::get('sysaftersales')->database(); $db->beginTransaction(); try { $data['money'] = $params['money']; $data['cur_money'] = $params['cur_money']; $filter['payment_id'] = $params['payment_id']; $objMdlPayment = app::get('ectools')->model('payments'); $objMdlPayBill = app::get('ectools')->model('trade_paybill'); $result = $objMdlPayment->update($data, $filter); if (!$result) { throw new Exception('更新支付单失败'); } $trade_own_money = json_decode($params['trade_own_money'], true); foreach ($trade_own_money as $key => $val) { $billdata['payment'] = $val; $billdata['modified_time'] = time(); $billfilter['tid'] = $key; $billfilter['payment_id'] = $params['payment_id']; $result = $objMdlPayBill->update($billdata, $billfilter); if (!$result) { throw new Exception('更新支付单失败'); } } $db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); throw $e; } return true; }
/** * ShopEx licence * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2010 ShopEx Technologies Inc. (http://www.shopex.cn) * @license http://ecos.shopex.cn/ ShopEx License */ function theme_widget_main_slide(&$setting,&$render){ $setting['allimg']=""; $setting['allurl']=""; if($system->theme){ $theme_dir = kernel::get_themes_host_url().'/'.$smarty->theme; }else{ $theme_dir = kernel::get_themes_host_url().'/'.app::get('site')->getConf('current_theme'); } if(!$setting['pic']){ foreach($setting['img'] as $value){ $setting['allimg'].=$rvalue."|"; $setting['allurl'].=urlencode($value["url"])."|"; } }else{ foreach($setting['pic'] as $key=>$value){ if($value['link']){ if($value["url"]){ $value["linktarget"]=$value["url"]; } $setting['allimg'].=$rvalue."|"; $setting['allurl'].=urlencode($value["linktarget"])."|"; $setting['pic'][$key]['link'] = str_replace('%THEME%',$theme_dir,$value['link']); } } } return $setting; }
public function getList($params) { $catIds = explode(',', $params['cat_id']); $row = "cat_id,parent_id,cat_path,level,cat_name,child_count"; if ($params['fields']) { $row = $params['fields']; $row = str_append($row, 'level,parent_id'); } $db = app::get('syscategory')->database(); $data = array(); foreach ($catIds as $catId) { $cat = $db->executeQuery('SELECT ' . $row . ' FROM syscategory_cat WHERE cat_id=' . $catId . ' or cat_path LIKE "%,' . $catId . ',%"'); foreach ($cat as $value) { if ($value['level'] == '1') { $data[$value['cat_id']] = $value; } elseif ($value['level'] == '2') { $lv2[$value['parent_id']][$value['cat_id']] = $value; } elseif ($value['level'] == '3') { $lv3[$value['parent_id']][$value['cat_id']] = $value; } } } if (!$data) { throw new \LogicException('参数cat_id必须为一级类目id'); } foreach ($data as $catId => $val) { foreach ($lv2[$catId] as $k => $v) { $lv2[$catId][$k]['lv3'] = $lv3[$k]; } $data[$catId]['lv2'] = $lv2[$catId]; } return $data; }
public function getCouponCode($coupon_id, $user_id) { $objMdlUserCoupon = app::get('sysuser')->model('user_coupon'); $couponNum = $objMdlUserCoupon->count(array('coupon_id' => $coupon_id, 'user_id' => $user_id)); $oldQuantity = $couponNum ? $couponNum : 0; $userInfo = kernel::single('sysuser_passport')->memInfo($user_id); $apiData = array('gen_quantity' => 1, 'old_quantity' => $oldQuantity, 'coupon_id' => $coupon_id, 'grade_id' => $userInfo['grade_id']); $db = app::get('sysuser')->database(); $transaction_status = $db->beginTransaction(); try { if ($couponInfo = app::get('sysuser')->rpcCall('promotion.coupon.gencode', $apiData)) { $userCoupon['coupon_id'] = $coupon_id; $userCoupon['coupon_code'] = $couponInfo['coupon_code']; $userCoupon['user_id'] = $user_id; $userCoupon['obtain_desc'] = '免费领取'; $userCoupon['shop_id'] = $couponInfo['shop_id']; $userCoupon['obtain_time'] = time(); $userCoupon['used_platform'] = $couponInfo['used_platform']; if (!app::get('sysuser')->model('user_coupon')->save($userCoupon)) { throw new \LogicException('优惠券保存失败'); } $db->commit($transaction_status); return $couponInfo; } else { throw new \LogicException('生成优惠券号码失败'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); throw $e; } return true; }
private function __run($shopItemData, $shopId, $itemId) { pamAccount::setAuthType('sysshop'); pamAccount::setSession($shopId, 'test'); $objMdlItemDesc = app::get('sysitem')->model('item_desc'); $itemInfoDesc = $objMdlItemDesc->getRow("*", array('item_id' => $itemId)); $update = []; if ($itemInfoDesc['pc_desc']) { $pcDesc = $this->__replaceHost($itemInfoDesc['pc_desc']); //$pcDesc = $this->__replaceHref($this->__replaceImage($itemInfoDesc['pc_desc'])); if ($pcDesc != stripslashes($itemInfoDesc['pc_desc'])) { $update['pc_desc'] = $pcDesc; } } if ($itemInfoDesc['wap_desc']) { $wapDesc = $this->__replaceHost($itemInfoDesc['wap_desc']); //$wapDesc = $this->__replaceHref($this->__replaceImage($itemInfoDesc['wap_desc'])); if ($wapDesc != stripslashes($itemInfoDesc['wap_desc'])) { $update['wap_desc'] = $wapDesc; } } if ($update) { $objMdlItemDesc->update($update, array('item_id' => $itemId)); } return true; }
public function command_sync_user() { //kernel::console_output = false; $http = kernel::single('base_httpclient'); $response = $http->get(app::get('suitclient')->getConf('syncuser')); if ($response) { $server_users = json_decode($response); $model = app::get('pam')->model('account'); $result = $model->getList('login_name', array('account_type' => 'shopadmin')); $client_user = array(); foreach ($result as $value) { $client_user[] = $value['login_name']; } $model2 = app::get('desktop')->model('users'); foreach ($server_users as $server_user) { if (!in_array($server_user, $client_user)) { $user = array('name' => $server_user, 'status' => 1, 'super' => 0, 'disabled' => false, 'pam_account' => array('login_name' => $server_user, 'login_password' => md5(time() . rand()), 'account_type' => 'shopadmin'), 'roles' => array(array('role_id' => 1))); $model2->save($user); } } kernel::log('同步成功'); kernel::log('ok.'); //不加 "ok."则会弹提示信息并不能自动关闭@lujy } else { kernel::log('同步失败或套件里没有用户'); kernel::log('ok.'); } exit; }
/** * 资讯保存 **/ public function saveInfo() { $userId = userAuth::id(); //$postData =utils::_filter_input(input::get()); $postData = input::get(); $postData['user_id'] = $userId; $postData['modified'] = time(); $postData['pubtime'] = time(); $postData['ifpub'] = 0; $postData["platform"] = 'pc'; $userName = app::get('sysuser')->model('account'); $infoName = $userName->getList(login_account, array('user_id' => $userId)); $postData['source'] = $infoName[0]['login_account']; $postData["article_logo"] = $postData["article_logo"][0]; try { $userMdlAddr = app::get('sysinfo')->model('article'); $userMdlAddr->save($postData); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); return $this->splash('error', null, $msg); } catch (\LogicException $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); return $this->splash('error', null, $msg); } $url = url::action('topc_ctl_member_info@publishInfo'); $msg = app::get('topc')->_('添加成功'); return $this->splash('success', $url, $msg); }
public function create($aData, $object = '') { // todo 2010-04-13 14:35 wubin // 通过$aStandard['default'] $aStandard['attribute'] 取出存在值 // 要和dialog返回来的值做好对接 返回的数据加在原有数据后面 // 过滤掉已存在的数.... //$url = app::get('desktop')->router()->gen_url(array('app'=>'b2c', 'ctl'=>'admin_sales_goods', 'act'=>'goods_dialog', 'arg0'=>urlencode(serialize($table_info)))); /** ob_start(); app::get('b2c')->controller('admin_sales_goods')->get_defaine_dialog($aData, $table_info); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); //*/ /**/ print_r($table_info); ob_start(); app::get('b2c')->controller('admin_sales_goods')->pagedata['object'] = $object; app::get('b2c')->controller('admin_sales_goods')->pagedata['value'] = $aData['default']; app::get('b2c')->controller('admin_sales_goods')->pagedata['name'] = $aData['name']; app::get('b2c')->controller('admin_sales_goods')->display("admin/sales/dialog/index.html"); $html = ob_get_clean(); return $html; //*/ return <<<EOF <a href="{$url}" onclick="return doTemplate(this, '{$aData['name']}[]');" >筛选</a> <div class="gridlist rows-body" id="div-dialog-data" >{$html}</div> EOF; }
/** * 需要同步的数据 */ public function sync($request, $rpcService) { // $cnt = kernel::single('b2c_shop')->getShopBindStatus(); // if ( $cnt > 0 ) { if ($request['region_id']) { $obj_regions_op = kernel::service('ectools_regions_apps', array('content_path' => 'ectools_regions_operation')); if ($request['sync_type'] == 'del') { if ($request['region_id']) { $obj_regions_op->toRemoveArea($request['region_id']); } } else { $ordernum = isset($request['ordernum']) ? $request['ordernum'] : 50; $package = $request['package'] ? $request['package'] : 'mainland'; $data = array('region_id' => $request['region_id'], 'local_name' => $request['local_name'], 'ordernum' => $ordernum, 'package' => $package); if ($request['p_region_id']) { $data['p_region_id'] = $request['p_region_id']; } $obj_regions_op->replaceDlArea($data, $msg); } $ret = array('code' => 1, 'msg' => app::get('ectools')->_('同步成功')); } else { $ret = array('code' => -1, 'msg' => app::get('ectools')->_('请确保地区ID')); } // } else { // $ret = array ( // 'code' => -2, // 'msg' => app::get('ectools')->_('店铺未绑定无需同步'), // ); // } if ($ret['code'] < 0) { $rpcService->send_user_error($ret['code'], $ret['msg']); } return $ret; }
public function getInfo($params) { $filter = array(); $paymenList = array(); $objPayment = kernel::single('ectools_data_payment'); $row = $params['fields']; if ($params['payment_id']) { $filterBill['payment_id'] = $filter['payment_id'] = $params['payment_id']; } if ($params['tids']) { $filterBill['tid'] = explode(',', $params['tids']); } if ($params['status']) { $filter['status|in'] = explode(',', $params['status']); } if ($filter) { $objMdlPayment = app::get('ectools')->model('payments'); $paymentBill = $objMdlPayment->getRow($row, $filter); } if ($filterBill) { $objMdlTradePaybill = app::get('ectools')->model('trade_paybill'); $billList = $objMdlTradePaybill->getList('payment_id,tid,payment,status', $filterBill); } if ($paymentBill && $billList) { foreach ($billList as $val) { $paymentBill['trade'][$val['tid']] = $val; } } return $paymentBill; }
function show($gid, $item = 'ask', $limit) { $objComment = kernel::single('b2c_message_disask'); $aComment = $objComment->good_all_disask($gid, $item, 1, null, $limit); $memberInfo = kernel::single('b2c_frontpage')->get_current_member(); $params['member_id'] = $memberInfo['member_id']; if (!$params['member_id']) { $aComment['setting']['login'] = '******'; } $validate_type = $item == 'discuss' ? 'discussReply' : $item; // 评论回复/咨询/咨询回复的权限 $aComment['setting']['power_status'] = kernel::single('b2c_message_disask')->toValidate($validate_type, $params, $message); $aComment['setting']['power_message'] = $message; if ($item == 'ask') { $aComment['gask_type'] = $objComment->gask_type($gid); } else { $point_status = app::get('b2c')->getConf('goods.point.status') ? app::get('b2c')->getConf('goods.point.status') : 'on'; if ($point_status == 'on') { $objPoint = $this->app->model('comment_goods_point'); $aComment['goods_point'] = $objPoint->get_single_point($gid); $aComment['total_point_nums'] = $objPoint->get_point_nums($gid); $aComment['_all_point'] = $objPoint->get_goods_point($gid); } $aComment['point_status'] = $point_status; } return $aComment; }
public function index() { $desktop_user = vmc::singleton('desktop_user'); $menus = $desktop_user->get_work_menu(); $user_id = $this->user->get_id(); foreach ((array) $menus['workground'] as $key => $value) { //if($i++>$workground_count) break; $fav_menus[] = $key; } $this->pagedata['title'] = $title; $this->pagedata['title_desc'] = $title_desc; $this->pagedata['session_id'] = vmc::singleton('base_session')->sess_id(); $this->pagedata['uname'] = $this->user->get_login_name(); $this->pagedata['avatar'] = $this->user->get_avatar(); $this->pagedata['is_super'] = $this->user->is_super(); $this->pagedata['param_id'] = $user_id; $this->pagedata['menus'] = $menus; $this->pagedata['fav_menus'] = (array) $fav_menus; $this->pagedata['shop_base'] = vmc::base_url(1); $this->pagedata['shopadmin_dir'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // 桌面内容替换埋点 foreach (vmc::servicelist('desktop_content') as $services) { if (is_object($services)) { if (method_exists($services, 'changeContent')) { $services->changeContent(app::get('desktop')); $services->changeContent($desktop_menu); } } } $this->display('index.html'); }
public function add($id = '/') { $page = $this->page($id); $blueprint = blueprint::find($page); $templates = $blueprint->pages()->template(); $options = array(); $back = array('subpages' => purl('subpages/index/' . $page->id()), 'page' => purl($page, 'show')); $form = app::form('pages.add'); $form->save = l('add'); $form->back = a::get($back, get('to')); foreach ($templates as $template) { $options[$template->name()] = $template->title(); } $select = form::field('select', array('name' => 'template', 'label' => l('pages.add.template.label'), 'options' => $options, 'required' => true)); if ($templates->count() == 1) { $select->readonly = true; $select->value = $templates->first()->name(); } $form->fields()->append('template', $select); if (api::maxPages($page, $blueprint->pages()->max())) { $form->fields = array('info' => form::field('info', array('label' => 'pages.add.error.max.headline', 'text' => 'pages.add.error.max.text'))); $form->save = false; $form->centered = true; } return view('pages/add', array('page' => $page, 'form' => $form)); }
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) { app::setPageTitle('Gantt Chart', $this->getResponse()); if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) { $this->forward404Unless($this->projects = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Projects')->createQuery()->addWhere('id=?', $request->getParameter('projects_id'))->fetchOne(), sprintf('Object projects does not exist (%s).', $request->getParameter('projects_id'))); $this->checkProjectsAccess($this->projects); $this->checkTasksAccess('view', false, $this->projects); } else { $this->checkTasksAccess('view'); } if (!$this->getUser()->hasAttribute('gantt_filter' . $this->get_pid($request))) { $this->getUser()->setAttribute('gantt_filter' . $this->get_pid($request), Tasks::getDefaultFilter($request, $this->getUser(), 'ganttChart')); } $this->filter_by = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('gantt_filter' . $this->get_pid($request)); if ($fb = $request->getParameter('filter_by')) { $this->filter_by[key($fb)] = current($fb); $this->getUser()->setAttribute('gantt_filter' . $this->get_pid($request), $this->filter_by); $this->redirect('ganttChart/index' . $this->add_pid($request)); } if ($request->hasParameter('remove_filter')) { unset($this->filter_by[$request->getParameter('remove_filter')]); $this->getUser()->setAttribute('gantt_filter' . $this->get_pid($request), $this->filter_by); $this->redirect('ganttChart/index' . $this->add_pid($request)); } $this->tasks_tree = array(); $this->tasks_list = $this->getTasks($request, $this->tasks_tree); }
public function save() { $this->begin(); if (empty($_POST['content'])) { $this->end(false, app::get('weixin')->_('操作失败!内容不能为空')); } if (empty($_POST['name'])) { $this->end(false, app::get('weixin')->_('操作失败!消息名称不能为空')); } $_POST['content'] = trim($_POST['content']); if (strlen($_POST['content']) > 1200) { $this->end(false, app::get('weixin')->_('操作失败!内容不能超出1200字符')); } if ($row = app::get('weixin')->model('message_text')->getList('id', array('name' => $_POST['name']))) { if (!$_POST['id'] || $row[0]['id'] != intval($_POST['id'])) { $this->end(false, app::get('weixin')->_('操作失败!消息名称已存在')); } } $data = array('content' => trim(str_replace(' ', ' ', $_POST['content'])), 'name' => trim($_POST['name']), 'is_check_bind' => $_POST['is_check_bind']); if (isset($_POST['id']) && intval($_POST['id'])) { $data['id'] = intval($_POST['id']); } if (app::get('weixin')->model('message_text')->save($data)) { $this->end(true, app::get('weixin')->_('添加成功!')); } else { $this->end(true, app::get('weixin')->_('添加失败!')); } }
static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance === null) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
public function login($userData, $vcode = false, &$msg) { $userData = utils::_filter_input($userData); //过滤xss攻击 if ($vcode && !$this->vcode_verify($vcode)) { $msg = app::get('pam')->_('验证码错误'); return false; } //如果指定了登录类型,则不再进行获取(邮箱登录,手机号登录,用户名登录) if (!$userData['login_type']) { $userPassport = kernel::single('b2c_user_passport'); $userData['login_type'] = $userPassport->get_login_account_type($userData['login_account']); } $filter = array('login_type' => $userData['login_type'], 'login_account' => $userData['login_account']); $account = app::get('pam')->model('members')->getList('member_id,password_account,login_password,createtime', $filter); if (!$account) { $msg = app::get('pam')->_('用户名或密码错误'); return false; } $login_password = pam_encrypt::get_encrypted_password($userData['login_password'], 'member', array('createtime' => $account[0]['createtime'], 'login_name' => $account[0]['password_account'])); if ($account[0]['login_password'] != $login_password) { $msg = app::get('pam')->_('用户名或密码错误'); return false; } return $account[0]['member_id']; }