$PayPal = new angelleye\PayPal\PayPal($PayPalConfig);
 * Now we pass the PayPal token that we saved to a session variable
 * in the SetExpressCheckout.php file into the GetExpressCheckoutDetails
 * request.
$PayPalResult = $PayPal->GetExpressCheckoutDetails($_SESSION['paypal_token']);
 * Now we'll check for any errors returned by PayPal, and if we get an error,
 * we'll save the error details to a session and redirect the user to an
 * error page to display it accordingly.
 * If the call is successful, we'll save some data we might want to use
 * later into session variables.
if ($PayPal->APICallSuccessful($PayPalResult['ACK'])) {
     * Here we'll pull out data from the PayPal response.
     * Refer to the PayPal API Reference for all of the variables available
     * in $PayPalResult['variablename']
     * https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/merchant/GetExpressCheckoutDetails_API_Operation_NVP/
     * Again, Express Checkout allows for parallel payments, so what we're doing here
     * is usually the library to parse out the individual payments using the GetPayments()
     * method so that we can easily access the data.
     * We only have a single payment here, which will be the case with most checkouts,
     * but we will still loop through the $Payments array returned by the library
     * to grab our data accordingly.