Example #1
    public function indexAction($params)
        // enter your login, password and id into the variables below to try it out

        $login = GAQ_USERNAME;
        $password = GAQ_PASSWORD;

        // NOTE: the id is in the form ga:12345 and not just 12345
        // if you do e.g. 12345 then no data will be returned
        // read http://www.electrictoolbox.com/get-id-for-google-analytics-api/ for info about how to get this id from the GA web interface
        // or load the accounts (see below) and get it from there
        // if you don't specify an id here, then you'll get the "Badly formatted request to the Google Analytics API..." error message
        $id = GAQ_PROFILE_ID;

        $api = new analytics_api();
        if($api->login($login, $password)) {

                parent::set('visitors', $api->data($id, '', 'ga:bounces,ga:newVisits,ga:visits,ga:pageviews,ga:uniquePageviews'));
                parent::set('visitorsToday', $api->get_summary($id, 'today'));
 // change to if(true) to echo the example
 if (false) {
     $data = $api->data($id, 'ga:browser,ga:browserVersion', 'ga:visits,ga:pageviews', false, false, false, 100);
     // you can then access the metrics for a specific dimension vs metric like e.g.
     echo $data['Internet Explorer']['8.0']['ga:pageviews'], "\n";
     // or loop through the data
     foreach ($data as $dimension1 => $array) {
         foreach ($array as $dimension2 => $metrics) {
             echo "{$dimension1} {$dimension2} visits: {$metrics['ga:visits']} pageviews: {$metrics['ga:pageviews']}\n";
 // get a summary for the selected profile just for yesterday
 if (false) {
     $data = $api->get_summary($id, 'yesterday');
 // get a summary for all profiles just for yesterday
 if (false) {
     $data = $api->get_summaries('yesterday');
 if (false) {
     // get data filtered by canada, using a string as the filters parameter
     $data = $api->data($id, '', 'ga:visits,ga:pageviews', false, false, false, 10, 1, 'ga:country%3d%3dCanada');
     // get data filtered by canada and firefox browser, using a string as the filters parameter
     $data = $api->data($id, '', 'ga:visits,ga:pageviews', false, false, false, 10, 1, 'ga:country%3d%3dCanada;ga:browser%3d@Firefox');
     // same as the second example above but using the filtering class