Example #1
  * For performance reasons this returns a stripped down info array with
  * just the slug, engine and id guaranteed to be present, NO title
  * @param mixed $url
  * @param mixed $remainder
  * @return mixed
 public static function getMatchingEnginePageInfo($url, &$remainder)
     // The URL should match a_page, which should allow us to break the slug out and learn the
     // user's culture in a way that doesn't hardcode whether cultures are present and how etc.
     $routes = sfContext::getInstance()->getRouting()->getRoutes();
     $culture = aTools::getUserCulture();
     if (isset($routes['a_page'])) {
         $r = $routes['a_page'];
         $parameters = $r->matchesUrl($url);
         if ($parameters) {
             // Since we're not really visiting a_page the culture won't switch
             // if we don't visit some normal page in French before the engine page.
             // We resolve this by implementing the culture switch here
             if (isset($parameters['sf_culture'])) {
                 $culture = $parameters['sf_culture'];
                 $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
                 if ($user) {
     // Engines won't work on sites where the CMS is not mounted at the root of the site
     // unless we examine the a_page route to determine a prefix. Generate the route properly
     // then lop off the controller name, if any
     $prefix = '';
     $culturePrefix = '';
     if (!isset(aPageTable::$dummyUrlCache[$culture])) {
         aPageTable::$dummyUrlCache[$culture] = sfContext::getInstance()->getRouting()->generate('a_page', array('slug' => 'dummy', 'sf_culture' => $culture), false);
     $dummyUrl = aPageTable::$dummyUrlCache[$culture];
     $rr = preg_quote(sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot(), '/');
     // The URL we're being asked to examine has already
     // lost its relative_root_url, so don't include $rr in
     // the prefix we attempt to remove
     // Tolerate and ignore a query string (which will be there if sf_culture is not prettified by the route)
     $re = "/^(\\/\\w+\\.php)?{$rr}(.*)\\/dummy(?:\\?.*)?\$/";
     if (preg_match($re, $dummyUrl, $matches)) {
         $controllerPrefix = $matches[1];
         $culturePrefix = $matches[2];
     aPageTable::$engineCachePagePrefix = $prefix;
     $url = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($prefix, '/') . '/', '', $url);
     // Now remove the culture prefix too so we don't fail to find the page
     $url = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($culturePrefix, '/') . '/', '', $url);
     // Moved caching after the rewrites, otherwise it never works for
     // interesting frontend controller names, URLs with cultures in them, etc.
     if ($url === aPageTable::$engineCacheUrl) {
         $remainder = aPageTable::$engineCacheRemainder;
         return aPageTable::$engineCachePageInfo;
     $urls = array();
     // Remove any query string
     $twig = preg_replace('/\\?.*$/', '', $url);
     while (true) {
         if ($twig === '/' || !strlen($twig)) {
             // Either we've been called for the home page, or we just
             // stripped the first slash and are now considering the home page
             $urls[] = '/';
         $urls[] = $twig;
         if (!preg_match('/^(.*)\\/[^\\/]+$/', $twig, $matches)) {
         $twig = $matches[1];
     $pageInfo = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('p.*, length(p.slug) as len')->from('aPage p')->whereIn('p.slug', $urls)->andWhere('p.engine IS NOT NULL')->orderBy('len desc')->limit(1)->fetchOne(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     aPageTable::$engineCachePageInfo = $pageInfo;
     aPageTable::$engineCacheUrl = $url;
     aPageTable::$engineCacheRemainder = false;
     if ($pageInfo) {
         $remainder = substr($url, strlen($pageInfo['slug']));
         aPageTable::$engineCacheRemainder = $remainder;
         return $pageInfo;
     return false;