/** * DOCUMENT ME */ public function configure() { // This call was missing, preventing easy extension of all media item edit forms at the project level parent::configure(); unset($this['id']); unset($this['type']); unset($this['service_url']); unset($this['slug']); unset($this['width']); unset($this['height']); unset($this['format']); if ($this->getObject()) { $id = $this->getObject()->getId(); } else { $id = false; } $this->setWidget('file', new aWidgetFormInputFilePersistent(array())); $this->setValidator('file', new aValidatorFilePersistent(array("mime_types" => array("application/pdf", "application/x-pdf"), "required" => !$this->getObject()->getId()), array("mime_types" => "PDF only.", "required" => "Select a PDF file"))); // These have to be brief to work with Rick's styles $this->setValidator('title', new sfValidatorString(array("min_length" => 3, "max_length" => 200, "required" => true), array("min_length" => "Title must be at least 3 characters.", "max_length" => "Title must be <200 characters.", "required" => "You must provide a title."))); $this->setWidget('view_is_secure', new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('expanded' => true, 'choices' => array(0 => "Public", 1 => "Hidden"), 'default' => 0))); $this->setValidator('view_is_secure', new sfValidatorBoolean()); $this->widgetSchema->setLabel("view_is_secure", "Permissions"); $this->widgetSchema->setNameFormat('a_media_item[%s]'); $this->widgetSchema->setFormFormatterName('aAdmin'); $this->widgetSchema->getFormFormatter()->setTranslationCatalogue('apostrophe'); }
/** * DOCUMENT ME */ public function configure() { // This call was missing, preventing easy extension of all media item edit forms at the project level parent::configure(); unset($this['id'], $this['type'], $this['slug'], $this['width'], $this['height'], $this['format'], $this['service_url']); // Slideshare has very long default embed codes. We're not going to alter our database for them, but we do have to // let it be initially pasted so we can get past form validation and regenerate a shorter embed code $this->getValidator('embed')->setOption('max_length', 2000); $object = $this->getObject(); $this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator(new sfValidatorCallback(array('required' => true, 'callback' => array($this, 'validateEmbed')), array('required' => "Not a valid embed code", 'invalid' => "Not a valid embed code"))); $this->setWidget('file', new aWidgetFormInputFilePersistent()); $item = $this->getObject(); if (!$item->isNew()) { $this->getWidget('file')->setOption('default-preview', $item->getOriginalPath()); } $this->setValidator('file', new aValidatorFilePersistent(array('mime_types' => array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'), 'required' => false), array('mime_types' => 'JPEG, PNG and GIF only.', 'required' => 'Select a JPEG, PNG or GIF file as a thumbnail'))); $label = 'Replace Thumbnail'; if (!$this['file']->getWidget()->getOption('default-preview')) { $label = 'Choose Thumbnail'; } $this->widgetSchema->setLabel('file', $label); $this->widgetSchema->setLabel('embed', 'Embed Code or URL'); $this->widgetSchema->setFormFormatterName('aAdmin'); $this->widgetSchema->getFormFormatter()->setTranslationCatalogue('apostrophe'); }
/** * DOCUMENT ME */ public function configure() { // This call was missing, preventing easy extension of all media item edit forms at the project level parent::configure(); unset($this['id']); unset($this['type']); unset($this['service_url']); unset($this['slug']); unset($this['width']); unset($this['height']); unset($this['format']); unset($this['embed']); $this->setWidget('file', new aWidgetFormInputFilePersistent(array())); $item = $this->getObject(); // A safe assumption because we always go through the separate upload form on the first pass. // This label is a hint that changing the file is not mandatory // The 'Replace File' label is safer than superimposing a file button // on something that may or may not be a preview or generally a good thing // to try to read a button on top of $this->getWidget('file')->setLabel('Select a new file'); if (!$item->isNew()) { $this->getWidget('file')->setOption('default-preview', $item->getOriginalPath()); } $mimeTypes = aMediaTools::getOption('mime_types'); // It comes back as a mapping of extensions to types, get the types $extensions = array_keys($mimeTypes); $mimeTypes = array_values($mimeTypes); $type = false; if (!$this->getObject()->isNew()) { // You can't change the major type of an existing media object as // this would break slots (a .doc where a .gif should be...) $type = $this->getObject()->type; } // What we are selecting to add to a page if (!$type) { $type = aMediaTools::getType(); } if (!$type) { // What we are filtering for $type = aMediaTools::getSearchParameter('type'); } if ($type) { // This supports composite types like _downloadable $infos = aMediaTools::getTypeInfos($type); $extensions = array(); foreach ($infos as $info) { if ($info['embeddable']) { // This widget is actually supplying a thumbnail - allow gif, jpg and png $info['extensions'] = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png'); } foreach ($info['extensions'] as $extension) { $extensions[] = $extension; } } $mimeTypes = array(); $mimeTypesByExtension = aMediaTools::getOption('mime_types'); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { // Careful, if we are filtering for a particular type then not everything // will be on the list if (isset($mimeTypesByExtension[$extension])) { $mimeTypes[] = $mimeTypesByExtension[$extension]; } } } // The file is mandatory if it's new. Otherwise // we have a problem when they get the file type wrong // for one of two and we have to reject that one, // then they resubmit - we can add an affirmative way // to remove one item from the annotation form later $this->setValidator("file", new aValidatorFilePersistent(array("mime_types" => $mimeTypes, 'validated_file_class' => 'aValidatedFile', "required" => $this->getObject()->isNew() ? true : false), array("mime_types" => "The following file types are accepted: " . implode(', ', $extensions)))); // Necessary to work around FCK's "id and name cannot differ" problem // ... But we do it in the action which knows when that matters // $this->widgetSchema->setNameFormat('a_media_item_'.$this->getObject()->getId().'_%s'); // $this->widgetSchema->setFormFormatterName('aAdmin'); }