last() static public method

I always have to lookup the names of that function so I decided to make this shortcut which is easier to remember.
static public last ( array $array ) : mixed
$array array The source array
return mixed The last element
Example #1
 public function testSort()
     $users = $this->users;
     $users = a::sort($users, 'username', 'asc');
     $first = a::first($users);
     $last = a::last($users);
     $this->assertEquals('mary', $first['username']);
     $this->assertEquals('peter', $last['username']);
Example #2

// detect handler from 1) query parameter ("?handler="), or fallback to 2) http referer
$handler_name = get('handler') ?: a::last(array_filter(explode('/', server::get('http_referer'))));
$handler_path = c::get('root.content') . '/smart-submit/' . $handler_name . '.php';
// check honeypot
if (get('smart-submit-honeypot') && intval(get('smart-submit-honeypot')) < 2) {
    die('{"error":"' . (l::get('smart-submit-alarm') ?: 'Anti-spam alarm. Please try again.') . '"}');
if (file_exists($handler_path)) {
    require $handler_path;
} else {
    die('{"error":"' . (l::get('smart-submit-missing-handler') ?: 'Error - handler not found. Please contact web site administrator for details.') . '"}');
Example #3
  * Parses the hashed value from a cookie
  * and tries to extract the value 
  * @param string $hash
  * @return mixed
 protected static function parse($string)
     // extract hash and value
     $parts = str::split($string, '+');
     $hash = a::first($parts);
     $value = a::last($parts);
     // if the hash or the value is missing at all return null
     if (empty($hash) or empty($value)) {
         return null;
     // compare the extracted hash with the hashed value
     if ($hash !== static::hash($value)) {
         return null;
     return $value;
Example #4
  * Parses a string by a set of available methods
  * Available methods:
  * - json
  * - xml
  * - url
  * - query
  * - php
  * @param  string  $string
  * @param  string  $mode
  * @return string
 static function parse($string, $mode = 'json')
     if (is_array($string)) {
         return $string;
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'json':
             $result = (array) @json_decode($string, true);
         case 'xml':
             $result = x::parse($string);
         case 'url':
             $result = (array) @parse_url($string);
         case 'query':
             if (url::has_query($string)) {
                 $string = self::split($string, '?');
                 $string = a::last($string);
             @parse_str($string, $result);
         case 'php':
             $result = @unserialize($string);
             $result = $string;
     return $result;
Example #5
  * Returns one of the started instance
  * @param string $id
  * @return object
 public static function instance($id = null)
     return is_null($id) ? a::last(static::$connections) : a::get(static::$connections, $id);
Example #6
  * Get the database table name.
  * @return  string
 public function table()
     if (empty($this->table)) {
         $class = a::last(Str::split(get_class($this), '\\'));
         return str_replace('\\', '_', Str::snakecase(Str::plural($class)));
     return $this->table;
Example #7
 function dispatchContent()
     $meta = array();
     $langSupport = c::get('');
     $translated = c::get('lang.translated');
     foreach ($this->contents() as $key => $content) {
         // split filenames (already without extension) by .
         $parts = explode('.', $content->name);
         $countParts = count($parts);
         $lastPart = a::last($parts);
         $firstPart = a::first($parts);
         // home.txt
         if ($countParts == 1) {
             // files without a language code
             // are considered to be the default language file
             $content->languageCode = c::get('lang.default');
             // keep the entire name for the template (i.e. home)
             $content->template = $content->name;
             // home.en.txt
             // myfile.jpg.txt
         } else {
             if ($countParts == 2) {
                 // check for a matching file by the entire name
                 $file = $this->find($content->name);
                 // myfile.jpg.txt
                 if ($file) {
                     // change the filetype
                     $content->type = 'meta';
                     // files without a language code
                     // are considered to be the default language file
                     $content->languageCode = c::get('lang.default');
                     $file->meta[$content->languageCode] = $content->variables;
                     // add this to the meta array
                     $meta[] = $file;
                     // home.en.txt
                 } else {
                     // check for a valid language extension
                     // home.en.txt
                     if ($langSupport && in_array($lastPart, c::get('lang.available', array()))) {
                         // use the first part for the template name (i.e. home)
                         $content->template = $firstPart;
                         // add the language code
                         $content->languageCode = $lastPart;
                         // plain content file with crazy name
                     } else {
                         // files without a language code
                         // are considered to be the default language file
                         $content->languageCode = c::get('lang.default');
                         // use the entire name for the template (i.e. home)
                         $content->template = $content->name;
                 // something more absurd
             } else {
                 if ($countParts > 2) {
                     // check for a valid language extension
                     if ($langSupport && in_array($lastPart, c::get('lang.available', array()))) {
                         // name without the last part / language code
                         $name = implode('.', array_slice($parts, 0, -1));
                         // check for a matching file by the new name
                         $file = $this->find($name);
                         // add the language code
                         $content->languageCode = $lastPart;
                         if ($file) {
                             // change the filetype
                             $content->type = 'meta';
                             $file->meta[$content->languageCode] = $content->variables;
                             // add this to the meta array
                             $meta[] = $file;
                         } else {
                             // use the already prepared name for the template (i.e.
                             $content->template = $name;
                         // something more absurd
                         // myfile.something.jpg.txt
                         // or an invalid language code
                     } else {
                         // check for a matching file by the new name
                         $file = $this->find($content->name);
                         // files without a language code
                         // are considered to be the default language file
                         $content->languageCode = c::get('lang.default');
                         if ($file) {
                             $content->type = 'meta';
                             $file->meta[$content->languageCode] = $content->variables;
                             // add this to the meta array
                             $meta[] = $file;
                         } else {
                             // use the entire name for the template (i.e.
                             $content->template = $content->name;
     foreach ($meta as $m) {
         if ($langSupport) {
             $variables = (array) a::get($m->meta, c::get('lang.default'));
             if ($translated) {
                 $translation = (array) a::get($m->meta, c::get('lang.current'));
                 $variables = !empty($translation) ? array_merge($variables, $translation) : $variables;
         } else {
             $variables = (array) @a::first($m->meta);
         // merge the variables with the file object
         $m->_ = array_merge($m->_, $variables);
Example #8
  * Shortcut to attach a where clause with an AND operator.
  * Check out the where() method docs for additional info.
  * @param list
  * @return object
 public function andWhere()
     $args = func_get_args();
     $mode = a::last($args);
     // if there's a where clause mode attribute attached…
     if (in_array($mode, array('AND', 'OR'))) {
         // remove that from the list of arguments
     // make sure to always attach the AND mode indicator
     $args[] = 'AND';
     call_user_func_array(array($this, 'where'), func_get_args());
     return $this;
Example #9
 function last()
     return a::last($this->_);
Example #10
  * Builder for where and having clauses
  * @param array $args Arguments, see where() description
  * @param string $current Current value (like $this->where)
  * @return string
 protected function filterQuery($args, $current)
     $mode = a::last($args);
     $result = '';
     // if there's a where clause mode attribute attached…
     if (in_array($mode, array('AND', 'OR'))) {
         // remove that from the list of arguments
     } else {
         $mode = 'AND';
     switch (count($args)) {
         case 1:
             if (is_null($args[0])) {
                 return $current;
                 // ->where('username like "myuser"');
             } else {
                 if (is_string($args[0])) {
                     // simply add the entire string to the where clause
                     // escaping or using bindings has to be done before calling this method
                     $result = $args[0];
                     // ->where(array('username' => 'myuser'));
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($args[0])) {
                         $sql = new SQL($this->database, $this);
                         // simple array mode (AND operator)
                         $result = $sql->values($this->table, $args[0], ' AND ', true, true);
                     } else {
                         if (is_callable($args[0])) {
                             $query = clone $this;
                             call_user_func($args[0], $query);
                             $result = '(' . $query->where . ')';
         case 2:
             // ->where('username like :username', array('username' => 'myuser'))
             if (is_string($args[0]) && is_array($args[1])) {
                 // prepared where clause
                 $result = $args[0];
                 // store the bindings
                 // ->where('username like ?', 'myuser')
             } else {
                 if (is_string($args[0]) && is_string($args[1])) {
                     // prepared where clause
                     $result = $args[0];
                     // store the bindings
         case 3:
             // ->where('username', 'like', 'myuser');
             if (is_string($args[0]) && is_string($args[1])) {
                 // validate column
                 $sql = new SQL($this->database, $this);
                 list($table, $column) = $sql->splitIdentifier($this->table, $args[0]);
                 if (!$this->database->validateColumn($table, $column)) {
                     throw new Error('Invalid column ' . $args[0]);
                 $key = $sql->combineIdentifier($table, $column);
                 // ->where('username', 'in', array('myuser', 'myotheruser'));
                 if (is_array($args[2])) {
                     $predicate = trim(strtoupper($args[1]));
                     if (!in_array($predicate, array('IN', 'NOT IN'))) {
                         throw new Error('Invalid predicate ' . $predicate);
                     // build a list of bound values
                     $values = array();
                     $bindings = array();
                     foreach ($args[2] as $value) {
                         $valueBinding = sql::generateBindingName('value');
                         $bindings[$valueBinding] = $value;
                         $values[] = $valueBinding;
                     // add that to the where clause in parenthesis
                     $result = $key . ' ' . $predicate . ' (' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
                     // ->where('username', 'like', 'myuser');
                 } else {
                     $predicate = trim(strtoupper($args[1]));
                     if (!in_array($predicate, array('=', '>=', '>', '<=', '<', '<>', '!=', '<=>', 'IS', 'IS NOT', 'BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN', 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', 'SOUNDS LIKE', 'REGEXP', 'NOT REGEXP'))) {
                         throw new Error('Invalid predicate/operator ' . $predicate);
                     $valueBinding = sql::generateBindingName('value');
                     $bindings[$valueBinding] = $args[2];
                     $result = $key . ' ' . $predicate . ' ' . $valueBinding;
     // attach the where clause
     if (!empty($current)) {
         return $current . ' ' . $mode . ' ' . $result;
     } else {
         return $result;
  * Finds pages by it's unique URI
  * @param mixed $uri Either a single URI string or an array of URIs
  * @param string $use The field, which should be used (uid or slug)
  * @return mixed Either a Page object, a Pages object for multiple pages or null if nothing could be found
 public function findByURI()
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (count($args) == 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if (count($args) > 1) {
             $collection = new Children($this->page);
             foreach ($args as $uri) {
                 $page = $this->findByURI($uri);
                 if ($page) {
                     $collection->data[$page->id()] = $page;
             return $collection;
         } else {
             // get the first argument and remove slashes
             $uri = trim($args[0], '/');
             $array = str::split($uri, '/');
             $obj = $this;
             $page = false;
             foreach ($array as $p) {
                 $next = $obj->findBy('slug', $p);
                 if (!$next) {
                 $page = $next;
                 $obj = $next->children();
             return ($page and $page->slug() != a::last($array)) ? false : $page;
Example #12
 function last()
     $path = self::$path ? self::$path : self::path();
     return a::last($path);
Example #13
 * @var  array
return array('auth' => function () {
    if (!user::current() || !user::current()->isAdmin()) {
}, 'installed' => function () {
    if ($this->isInstalled()) {
}, 'userCanCreate' => function () {
    $route = plugin('comments')->route();
    $hash = a::first($route->arguments());
    $page = site()->index()->findBy('hash', $hash);
    return $page instanceof Page && $page->isVisible();
}, 'userCanRead' => function () {
    $route = plugin('comments')->route();
    $hash = a::first($route->arguments());
    $page = site()->index()->findBy('hash', $hash);
    return $page instanceof Page && $page->isVisible();
}, 'userCanUpdate' => function () {
    $route = plugin('comments')->route();
    $id = a::last($route->arguments());
    $comment = comment::find($id);
    return $comment instanceof Comment && $comment->currentUserCan('update');
}, 'userCanDelete' => function () {
    $route = plugin('comments')->route();
    $id = a::last($route->arguments());
    $comment = comment::find($id);
    return $comment instanceof Comment && $comment->currentUserCan('delete');