$activeRepost = $obj->checkRepost($getPosts[$i]['id'], $_SESSION['authenticated']);
if ($activeRepost == 1) {
    $spanRepost = ' repostedSpan';
    $textRepost = $_SESSION['LANG']['reposted'];
} else {
    $spanRepost = null;
    $textRepost = $_SESSION['LANG']['repost'];
if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated']) && $getPosts[$i]['user'] != $_SESSION['authenticated']) {
    $repostIcon = '<li><a data-rep="' . $_SESSION['LANG']['repost'] . '" data-rep-active="' . $_SESSION['LANG']['reposted'] . '" class="repost_button repostIcon ' . $spanRepost . '" data="' . $getPosts[$i]['id'] . '" data-token="' . $getPosts[$i]['token_id'] . '">
		   			   <span class="fa fa-retweet myicon-right"></span> 
		   					' . $textRepost . '
$widthPhoto = _Function::getWidth('../../upload/' . $getPosts[$i]['photo']);
if ($widthPhoto >= 600) {
    $thumbPic = 'thumb/600-600-';
} else {
    $thumbPic = null;
$url_slideshare = preg_replace('#^https?:#', '', rtrim($getPosts[$i]['doc_url'], '/'));
//==== PHOTO
if ($getPosts[$i]['photo'] != '') {
    $media = "<a data-view='" . $_SESSION['LANG']['details'] . " &rarr;' data-url=" . $urlStatus . " class='galeryAjax cboxElement link-img' href='" . URL_BASE . "upload/" . $getPosts[$i]['photo'] . "'><img class='photoPost img-responsive' src='" . URL_BASE . $thumbPic . "upload/" . $getPosts[$i]['photo'] . "'></a>";
} else {
    if ($getPosts[$i]['video_site'] == 'vimeo') {
        $media = '<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3"> <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/' . $getPosts[$i]['video_code'] . '" width="450" height="360" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div>';
    } else {
        if ($getPosts[$i]['video_site'] == 'youtube') {
            $media = '<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3"> <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $getPosts[$i]['video_code'] . '" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>';
                /* DATA VIDEO */
                if (isset($_POST['video']) && $_POST['video'] != '' && $isValidYoutube == 1 || isset($_POST['video']) && $_POST['video'] != '' && $isValidVimeoURL == 1) {
                    echo ' ' . $dataVideo;
			 <!-- ******* MEDIA ******** -->
            $mediaGet = $obj->getMedia_2($response);
            $widthPhoto = _Function::getWidth('../../upload/' . $mediaGet[0]['photo']);
            if ($widthPhoto >= 600) {
                $thumbPic = 'thumb/600-600-';
            } else {
                $thumbPic = null;
            $url_slideshare = preg_replace('#^https?:#', '', rtrim($mediaGet[0]['doc_url'], '/'));
            //==== PHOTO
            if ($mediaGet[0]['photo'] != '') {
                $media = "<a data-view='" . $_SESSION['LANG']['details'] . " &rarr;' data-url=" . $urlStatus . " class='galeryAjax cboxElement link-img' href='" . URL_BASE . "upload/" . $mediaGet[0]['photo'] . "'><img class='photoPost img-responsive' src='" . URL_BASE . $thumbPic . "upload/" . $mediaGet[0]['photo'] . "'></a>";
            } else {
                if ($mediaGet[0]['video_site'] == 'vimeo') {
                    $media = '<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3"> <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/' . $mediaGet[0]['video_code'] . '" width="450" height="360" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div>';
                } else {
                    if ($mediaGet[0]['video_site'] == 'youtube') {
                        $media = '<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3"> <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $mediaGet[0]['video_code'] . '" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>';
         $activeRepost = $obj->checkRepost($key['id'], $_SESSION['authenticated']);
         //============ REPOST SESSION CURRENT
         if ($activeRepost == 1) {
             $spanRepost = ' repostedSpan';
             $textRepost = $_SESSION['LANG']['reposted'];
         } else {
             $spanRepost = null;
             $textRepost = $_SESSION['LANG']['repost'];
          * -------------------------------------------------
          *      If the picture is larger than 440 pixels, 
          *      show the thumbnail
          * -------------------------------------------------
         $widthPhoto = _Function::getWidth('../../upload/' . $key['photo']);
         if ($widthPhoto >= 600) {
             $thumbPic = 'thumb/600-600-';
         } else {
             $thumbPic = null;
          * -------------------------------------
          * -------------------------------------
         include 'post_details.php';
     //<<<--- Foreach
 //<<<---- $countPosts != 0
$bg_old = $path_bg . $infoUser->bg;
$defaults = array('0.jpg', '1.jpg', '2.jpg', '3.jpg', '4.jpg', '5.jpg', '6.jpg', '7.jpg', '8.jpg', '9.jpg', '10.jpg', '11.jpg', '12.jpg', '13.jpg', '14.jpg', '15.jpg');
if (isset($session_id)) {
    $valid_formats = array("jpg", "JPG", "jpeg", "png", "x-png", "gif", "pjpeg");
    if (isset($_POST) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
        $name = $_FILES['photo']['name'];
        $size = $_FILES['photo']['size'];
        if (strlen($name)) {
            $ext = pathinfo($name);
            if (in_array($ext['extension'], $valid_formats)) {
                if ($size < 1500 * 1500) {
                    $photo_post = 'bg_' . strtolower($infoUser->username) . "_" . $session_id . "" . _Function::randomString(5, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) . "." . strtolower($ext['extension']);
                    $tmp = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'];
                    if (move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path . $photo_post)) {
                        //=============== 440 px =================//
                        $width = _Function::getWidth($path . $photo_post);
                        $height = _Function::getHeight($path . $photo_post);
                        $scale = 1;
                        $uploaded = _Function::resizeImage($path . $photo_post, $width, $height, $scale, $path . $photo_post);
                        //<=//   PHOTO LARGE     =//>
                        $photo_post_id = $photo_post;
                        //=            * COPY FOLDER AVATAR /         *    =//
                        if (file_exists($path . $photo_post) && isset($photo_post_id)) {
                            copy($path . $photo_post, $path_bg . $photo_post);
                            unlink($path . $photo_post);
                        //<--- IF FILE EXISTS	#2
                        //<<<-- Delete old image -->>>/
                        if (file_exists($bg_old) && $infoUser->bg != '' && !in_array($infoUser->bg, $defaults)) {
 } else {
     $verified = null;
 //============ FAVORITES
 if ($key['favoriteUser'] == 1) {
     $classFav = 'favorited';
     $spanFav = ' title="' . $_SESSION['LANG']['trash'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['LANG']['favorite'] . '"';
     $spanAbsolute = '<span class="add_fav"></span>';
     $textFav = $_SESSION['LANG']['favorited'];
 } else {
     $classFav = null;
     $spanFav = null;
     $spanAbsolute = null;
     $textFav = $_SESSION['LANG']['favorite'];
 $widthPhoto = _Function::getWidth(URL_BASE . 'upload/' . $key['photo']);
 if ($widthPhoto >= 600) {
     $thumbPic = 'thumb/600-600-';
 } else {
     $thumbPic = null;
 /* Url */
 $urlStatus = URL_BASE . $key['username'] . '/status/' . $key['id'];
 $activeRepost = $obj->checkRepost($key['id'], $_SESSION['authenticated']);
 if ($activeRepost == 1) {
     $spanRepost = ' repostedSpan';
     $textRepost = $_SESSION['LANG']['reposted'];
 } else {
     $spanRepost = null;
     $textRepost = $_SESSION['LANG']['repost'];
 $size = $_FILES['photo']['size'];
 if (strlen($name)) {
     $ext = pathinfo($name);
     if (in_array($ext['extension'], $valid_formats)) {
         if ($size < 2250 * 2250) {
             $randomHash = _Function::randomString(5, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
             $photo_post = 'cover_' . strtolower($infoUser->username) . "_" . $session_id . "" . $randomHash . "." . strtolower($ext['extension']);
             $photo_large = 'large_cover_' . strtolower($infoUser->username) . "_" . $session_id . "" . $randomHash . "." . strtolower($ext['extension']);
             $tmp = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'];
             $dimensionsImage = getimagesize($tmp);
             $widthImage = $dimensionsImage[0];
             $heightImage = $dimensionsImage[1];
             if ($widthImage >= 400 && $heightImage >= 200) {
                 if (move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path . $photo_large)) {
                     //=============== Image Large =================//
                     $width = _Function::getWidth($path . $photo_large);
                     $height = _Function::getHeight($path . $photo_large);
                     $max_width = '1500';
                     if ($width < $height) {
                         $max_width = '800';
                     if ($width > $max_width) {
                         $scale = $max_width / $width;
                         $uploaded = _Function::resizeImage($path . $photo_large, $width, $height, $scale, $path . $photo_large);
                     } else {
                         $scale = 1;
                         $uploaded = _Function::resizeImage($path . $photo_large, $width, $height, $scale, $path . $photo_large);
                     _Function::resizeImageFixed($path . $photo_large, 860, 260, $path . $photo_post);
                     //<=//   PHOTO LARGE     =//>
                     $photo_post_id = $photo_post;