function search()
    // load Zend classes
    require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
    // define category prefix
    $prefix = 'hollywood';
    // initialize REST client
    $wikipedia = new Zend_Rest_Client('');
    // set query parameters
    //All list queries return a limited number of results.
    // perform request and iterate over XML result set
    $result = $wikipedia->get();
    //echo "<ol>";
    foreach ($result->query->allcategories->c as $c) {
        //<a href="
        echo $c . "<br>";
  *  rest-client.docx
  * Gets the first wiki-text before the Table of Content
  * @author TSCM
  * @since 20150102
  * @param string - a Name or Booktitle , exp: "Lord of the Rings"
  * @return string - html code line
  * Explanation
  * //Base Url:
  * //tell it to get revisions:
  * &prop=revisions
  * //define page titles separated by pipes. In the example i used t-shirt company threadless
  * &titles=whatever|the|title|is
  * //specify that we want the page content
  * &rvprop=content
  * //I want my data in JSON, default is XML
  * &format=json
  * //lets you choose which section you want. 0 is the first one.
  * &rvsection=0
  * //tell wikipedia to parse it into html for you
  * &rvparse=1
  * //only geht the "first"-Description of the wikipage, the one before the Table of Contents
  * &exintro=1
  * //if I want to select something, I use action query, update / delete would be different
  * &action=query
 public static function wiki($query)
     // load Zend classes
     require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
     $decodeUtf8 = 0;
     //is decoding needed? Default not
     // define search query
     $wikiQuery = str_replace(" ", "_", $query);
     try {
         //initialize REST client
         $lang = I18n::lang();
         $wikiLang = strtolower($lang);
         $webPagePrefix = "http://";
         $webPageUrl = "";
         //build the wiki api. be sure, that $wikiLang exists, exp: de or en
         $wikipedia = new Zend_Rest_Client($webPagePrefix . $wikiLang . $webPageUrl);
         //standard action, i want to GET...
         //what do i want to extract? page info
         // only extract the intro? (pre-Table of content) 1= yes, 0=now
         //title is the wiki title to be found
         //what format should be returned? exp: json, txt, php,
         //has to be set, otherwise wikimedia sends a warning
         // perform request
         // iterate over XML result set
         $result = $wikipedia->get();
         $rs = $result->query->pages->page->extract;
         if ($decodeUtf8) {
             $rs = utf8_decode($rs);
         //strip html Tags to get a clean string
         $rsFinal = strip_tags($rs);
         return $rsFinal;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         die('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage());
Example #3
// instantiate a Text_Wiki object from the given class
// and set it to use the Mediawiki adapter
$wiki =& Text_Wiki::factory('Mediawiki');
// set some rendering rules
$wiki->setRenderConf('xhtml', 'wikilink', 'view_url', '');
$wiki->setRenderConf('xhtml', 'wikilink', 'pages', false);
// define page title
$query = 'The A Team';
try {
    // initialize REST client
    $wikipedia = new Zend_Rest_Client('');
    // set query parameters
    // perform request
    // get page content as XML
    $result = $wikipedia->get();
    $content = $result->query->pages->page->revisions->rev;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    die('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage());
    <h2>Page result for '<?php