Example #1
 public function testWrite()
     $count = $this->rediska->getListLength('log');
     $this->assertEquals(2, $count);
  * Performs order delivery for the provided orderId.
  * @param  int $orderId The unique identifier of the order.
  * @return void
 public function deliverOrder($orderId)
     try {
         $order = $this->_repository->getById($orderId);
         // TODO: Do something useful with the order.
         $this->_notifier->notifyCustomerOfDelivery($order->getCustomer(), $order);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->_logger->err('An error occurred while delivering the order: ' . $e->getMessage(), $e);
Example #3
  * Delivers the file via function "fpassthru()".
  * @param string $file
 private function sendFileViaFpassthru($file)
     $response = $this->getResponse();
     if (!is_null($this->logger)) {
         $content = ob_get_contents();
         if (!empty($content)) {
     $modified = filemtime($file);
     $response->setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate('r', $modified), true);
     $response->setHeader('Content-Length', filesize($file), true);
     $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
     if ($fp === false) {
         throw new Exception('fopen failed.');
     $retval = fpassthru($fp);
     if ($retval === false) {
         throw new Exception('fpassthru failed.');
 public function errorAction()
     $errors = $this->_getParam('error_handler');
     switch ($errors->type) {
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER:
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION:
             // 404 error -- controller or action not found
             // application error
     // log exception to database
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
     $columnMapping = array('priority' => 'priority', 'type' => 'type', 'message' => 'message', 'user' => 'user', 'ip' => 'ip', 'agent' => 'agent', 'url' => 'url');
     $user = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity() ? Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->getEmail() : 'anonymous';
     $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Db($db, 'Logs', $columnMapping);
     $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
     $logger->setEventItem('user', $user);
     $logger->setEventItem('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     $logger->setEventItem('agent', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     $logger->setEventItem('url', $this->view->url());
     $logger->setEventItem('type', $errors->type);
Example #5
  * @param Opus_SolrSearch_Query $query
  * @param bool $validateDocIds check document IDs coming from Solr index against database
  * @return Opus_SolrSearch_ResultList
  * @throws Opus_SolrSearch Exception If Solr server responds with an error or the response is empty.
 public function search($query, $validateDocIds = true)
      * @var Apache_Solr_Response $solr_response
     $solr_response = null;
     try {
         $this->log->debug("query: " . $query->getQ());
         $solr_response = $this->solr_server->search($query->getQ(), $query->getStart(), $query->getRows(), $this->getParams($query));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $msg = 'Solr server responds with an error ' . $e->getMessage();
         if ($e instanceof Apache_Solr_HttpTransportException) {
             if ($e->getResponse()->getHttpStatus() == '400') {
                 // 400 seems to indicate org.apache.lucene.query.ParserParseException
                 throw new Opus_SolrSearch_Exception($msg, Opus_SolrSearch_Exception::INVALID_QUERY, $e);
             if ($e->getResponse()->getHttpStatus() == '404') {
                 // 404 seems to indicate Solr server is unreachable
                 throw new Opus_SolrSearch_Exception($msg, Opus_SolrSearch_Exception::SERVER_UNREACHABLE, $e);
         throw new Opus_SolrSearch_Exception($msg, null, $e);
     if (is_null($solr_response)) {
         $msg = 'could not get an Apache_Solr_Response object';
         throw new Opus_SolrSearch_Exception($msg);
     $responseRenderer = new Opus_SolrSearch_ResponseRenderer($solr_response, $validateDocIds, $query->getSeriesId());
     return $responseRenderer->getResultList();
Example #6
  * Execute a job and remove it from the jobs table on success.
  * @param Opus_Job $job Job description model.
  * @return boolean Returns true if a job is consumend false if not
 protected function consume(Opus_Job $job)
     $label = $job->getLabel();
     if ($job->getState() !== null) {
         return false;
     if (array_key_exists($label, $this->_workers)) {
         $worker = $this->_workers[$label];
         if (null !== $this->_logger) {
             $this->_logger->info('Processing ' . $label);
         try {
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             if (null !== $this->_logger) {
                 $msg = get_class($worker) . ': ' . $ex->getMessage();
             $job->setErrors(json_encode(array('exception' => get_class($ex), 'message' => $ex->getMessage(), 'trace' => $ex->getTraceAsString())));
             return false;
         return true;
     return false;
Example #7
 public function errorAction()
     $http_accept = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'];
     $errors = $this->_getParam('error_handler');
     $msg = $errors->exception->getMessage();
     $backTrace = $errors->exception->getTraceAsString();
     $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setViewScriptPathSpec('error/' . $this->getResponse()->getHttpResponseCode() . '.:suffix');
     $this->view->exception = $errors->exception;
     $this->view->request = $errors->request;
     $this->view->ui = 1;
     $logPath = realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../log') . "/error";
     if (!is_dir($logPath)) {
         mkdir($logPath, 755, TRUE);
     $log = new Zend_Log(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($logPath . "/" . date("Ymd") . "_applicationException.log"));
     $params1 = $this->_request->getParams();
     $params = Zend_Json::encode($params1);
     $messages = array($msg, $backTrace, $params, "HTTP_ACCEPT: " . $http_accept, "");
     $log->err(implode(self::LOG_EOL, $messages));
     try {
         self::$_dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'error.log', array('message' => array($msg, $backTrace), 'priority' => 3)));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
Example #8
 public static function addItem($message, $error = false)
     global $s1b;
     if (self::getConfig()->getTracesEnabled() || self::getConfig()->getLogsEnabled()) {
         if (!strlen(trim($message))) {
             throw new \Exception('Cannot insert empty trace.');
         // Ecriture du message dans le tableau des items en sessions si traces activées
         if (self::getConfig()->getTracesEnabled()) {
             self::$items[] = $message;
         // Ecriture du log si activé
         if (self::getConfig()->getLogsEnabled()) {
             // vérification de l'existence du fichier et création si non existant
             $now = new \DateTime();
             $logFilePath = self::getContext()->getBaseDirectory() . sprintf("/var/log/%s-log.txt", $now->format("Ymd"));
             if (!file_exists($logFilePath)) {
                 $file = fopen($logFilePath, "w");
             // ecriture du log dans le fichier
             $writer = new \Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($logFilePath);
             $logger = new \Zend_Log($writer);
             if ($error) {
             } else {
             $logger = null;
Example #9
  * Logs a message to the error log along with its trace.
  * The backtrace is automatically retrieved, even if the entry is a string, so NO backtrace
  * information should be provided in the message. However, if you need to save other context
  * data, as the URL, HTTP headers, or ENV variables, these should be part of the message.
  * @param mixed $entry Can be of type string, ErrorException or Exception
  * @param int   $priority One of the Cli_Service_Log class constants.
  * @param bool  $addTrace Whether to add a trace to log message.
 public static function log($entry, $priority = self::ERR, $addTrace = true)
     if (!self::$_logger) {
         self::$_logger = Zend_Registry::get('errorLog');
     $logData = array('message' => '', 'priority' => $priority);
     if ($entry instanceof ErrorException) {
         $severity = $entry->getSeverity();
         switch ($severity) {
             case E_NOTICE:
                 $logData['priority'] = self::NOTICE;
             case E_WARNING:
                 $logData['priority'] = self::WARN;
             case E_ERROR:
                 $logData['priority'] = self::ERR;
         if ($addTrace) {
             $logData['message'] = '';
             $traceString = str_replace("#", "\t#", $entry->getTraceAsString());
             $logData['message'] .= $entry->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $traceString . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $logData['message'] = $entry->getMessage();
     } elseif ($entry instanceof Exception) {
         // add a tab beofre each new line of the trace string
         $logData['priority'] = $entry->getCode();
         if ($addTrace) {
             $logData['message'] = '';
             $traceString = str_replace("#", "\t#", $entry->getTraceAsString());
             $logData['message'] .= $entry->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $traceString . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $logData['message'] = $entry->getMessage();
     } elseif (is_string($entry)) {
         if ($addTrace) {
             $rawBacktrace = debug_backtrace();
             $formattedBacktrace = self::_getFormattedBacktrace($rawBacktrace);
             $logData['message'] = $entry . PHP_EOL . $formattedBacktrace;
         } else {
             $logData['message'] = $entry;
     } else {
         throw new BadMethodCallException('Logging service called with unknown entry type: ' . gettype($entry));
     if ($logData['priority'] >= self::EMERG && $logData['priority'] <= self::DEBUG) {
         self::$_logger->log($logData['message'], $logData['priority']);
     } else {
     if (ini_get('display_errors')) {
         echo $logData['message'] . PHP_EOL;
Example #10
  * Optimizes the index
  * @throws Opus_SolrSearch_Index_Exception If index optimization failed.
  * @return void
 public function optimize()
     try {
     } catch (Apache_Solr_Exception $e) {
         $msg = 'Error while performing index optimization';
         $this->log->err("{$msg} : " . $e->getMessage());
         throw new Opus_SolrSearch_Index_Exception($msg, 0, $e);
Example #11
 public function errorAction()
      * Check database connection
     try {
         $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
     } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $e) {
         // perhaps a failed login credential, or perhaps the RDBMS is not running
     } catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
         // perhaps factory() failed to load the specified Adapter class
      * Normal error page
     $pageProxy = new SxCms_Page_Proxy();
     $page = $pageProxy->getPageById(36);
     $this->view->page = $page;
     $this->view->lng = isset($_SESSION['System']['lng']) ? $_SESSION['System']['lng'] : $this->_getParam('lng', 'nl');
     $this->view->errorpage = true;
     $this->view->glob_tmx = new Zend_Translate('tmx', APPLICATION_ROOT . '/application/var/locale/global.tmx', $this->_getParam('lng', 'nl'));
     $errors = $this->_getParam('error_handler');
     switch ($errors->type) {
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER:
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION:
             // 404 error -- controller or action not found
             // application error
     // log exception to database
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
     $columnMapping = array('priority' => 'priority', 'type' => 'type', 'message' => 'message', 'user' => 'user', 'ip' => 'ip', 'agent' => 'agent', 'url' => 'url');
     $user = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity() ? Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->getEmail() : 'anonymous';
     $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Db($db, 'Logs', $columnMapping);
     $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
     $logger->setEventItem('user', $user);
     $logger->setEventItem('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     $logger->setEventItem('agent', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     $logger->setEventItem('url', $this->view->url());
     $logger->setEventItem('type', $errors->type);
Example #12
 public function __construct($results = array(), $numberOfHits = 0, $queryTime = 0, $facets = array(), $validateDocIds = true, $log = null)
     $this->log = $log;
     $this->numberOfHits = $numberOfHits;
     $this->queryTime = $queryTime;
     $this->facets = $facets;
     $this->results = array();
     // make sure that documents returned from index exist in database
     if (!empty($results)) {
         if ($validateDocIds) {
             $docIds = array();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 array_push($docIds, $result->getId());
             $finder = new Opus_DocumentFinder();
             $docIdsDB = $finder->ids();
             $notInDB = 0;
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 if (in_array($result->getId(), $docIdsDB)) {
                     array_push($this->results, $result);
                 } else {
             $resultsSize = count($this->results);
             if ($notInDB > 0 && !is_null($this->log)) {
                 $inDB = $resultsSize - $notInDB;
                 $this->log->err("found inconsistency between database and solr index: index returns {$resultsSize} documents, but only " . $inDB . " found in database");
         } else {
             $this->results = $results;
Example #13
  * Add readFile privilege to all files of this document.
  * @param string $roleName
  * @return Matheon_Model_Document Fluent interface.
 public function addReadFilePrivilege($roleName = 'guest')
     $role = Opus_UserRole::fetchByName($roleName);
     if (is_null($role)) {
         $this->_log->err("Cannot add readFile privilege for non-existent role '{$role->getName()}' to document " . $this->getId() . ".");
         return $this;
     $this->_log->warn("Warning: Setting all files readable for role '{$role->getName()}' (document " . $this->getId() . ")");
     foreach ($this->_document->getFile() as $file) {
     return $this;
Example #14
  * Receive message
  * @param AMQPMessage                               $rabbitMessage    Rabbit message
  * @param Oggetto_Messenger_Model_Message_Interface $messagePrototype Message prototype
  * @param array|Closure                             $callback         Callback
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws Oggetto_Messenger_Exception_Critical
  * @return void
 public function receiveMessage(AMQPMessage $rabbitMessage, Oggetto_Messenger_Model_Message_Interface $messagePrototype, $callback)
     try {
         $this->_logger->info("Received new message: {$rabbitMessage->body}");
         $message = clone $messagePrototype;
         call_user_func_array($callback, array($message));
     } catch (Oggetto_Messenger_Exception_Critical $e) {
         // Only critical exceptions are supposed to stop the receiver
         throw $e;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $channel = $rabbitMessage->{'delivery_info'}['channel'];
Example #15
 private function _zendlog()
     $write = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_PATH . '/log/log.txt');
     $format = new Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple('%message%');
     $log = new Zend_Log($write);
     $log->info('thong bao', Zend_Log::INFO);
     $log->err('thong bao loi', Zend_Log::ERR);
     //        $write= new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_PATH.'/log/log.txt');
     //        $log->info('thong bao', Zend_Log::INFO);
     //        $log->err('thong bao loi', Zend_Log::ERR);
     //         $log = new Zend_Log($write);
Example #16
 public function run()
     foreach ($this->config['plugins'] as $name => $config) {
         include_once $name . '.php';
         $plugin = new $name($config);
     try {
         $__start = getmicrotime();
         za()->recordStat('za::dispatch', getmicrotime() - $__start);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // record the current _GET and _POST variables
         $this->logger->err("Dispatch failed for " . current_url() . ": " . $e->getMessage() . ", get and post to follow");
         $this->logger->err(print_r($_REQUEST, true));
         throw $e;
Example #17
  * initGuiTexts
  * @author Thomas Schedler <*****@*****.**>
  * @version 1.0
 public function initGuiTexts($blnGuiTextsClassSession = true)
      * initialize the guiTexts object && the security object
     try {
         //$this->guiTexts = GuiTexts::getInstance($this->logger, $this->dbh);
         if (GUI_TEXTS_CLASS_SESSION == true && $blnGuiTextsClassSession == true) {
             if (isset($_SESSION['sesGuiTextsObject'])) {
                 $this->logger->debug('load guiTexts object from session');
                 $this->guiTexts = unserialize($_SESSION['sesGuiTextsObject']);
             } else {
                 $this->logger->debug('load guiTexts object from engine db and write to the session');
                 $this->guiTexts = GuiTexts::getInstance($this->logger);
                 $_SESSION['sesGuiTextsObject'] = serialize($this->guiTexts);
         } else {
             $this->logger->debug('load guiTexts object from engine db');
             $this->guiTexts = GuiTexts::getInstance($this->logger);
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
Example #18
$writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream('php://output');
$writer->addFilter((int) $log_level);
$logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
$logger->debug('Running search shell utility');
global $unifiedsearchlib;
require_once 'lib/search/searchlib-unified.php';
if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] === 'stopRebuild') {
    $logger->info('Stopping rebuild...');
    $logger->info("Stopped rebuild\n");
if ($unifiedsearchlib->rebuildInProgress()) {
    $logger->err('Rebuild in progress - exiting.');
if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] === 'process') {
    $queueCount = $unifiedsearchlib->getQueueCount();
    if ($queueCount > 0) {
        $toProcess = isset($_SERVER['argv'][2]) && is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][2] : 10;
        $toProcess = min($queueCount, $toProcess);
        try {
            $logger->debug('Started processing queue...');
            $logger->info('Processed queue');
        } catch (Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception $e) {
            $msg = tr('Search index could not be updated: %0', $e->getMessage());
Example #19
include_once 'lib/core/Zend/Log/Writer/Syslog.php';
$log_level = Zend_Log::INFO;
$writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream('php://output');
$writer->addFilter((int) $log_level);
$logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
$logger->debug('Running search shell utility');
require_once 'lib/profilelib/profilelib.php';
require_once 'lib/profilelib/installlib.php';
if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] === 'install') {
    $args = $_SERVER['argv'];
    $script = array_shift($args);
    $command = array_shift($args);
    $profile = array_shift($args);
    $repository = array_shift($args);
    if (!$repository) {
        $repository = 'profiles.tiki.org';
    if (!$profile) {
        $logger->err('Profile not specified.');
    $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromNames($repository, $profile);
    if (!$profile) {
        $logger->err('Profile not found');
    $transaction = $tikilib->begin();
    $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer();
Example #20
  * Constructor
 protected function __construct($blnWithDbh = true, Zend_Config_Xml &$sysConfig, Zend_Config_Xml &$zooConfig, Zend_Config_Xml &$config)
      * set sys config object
     $this->sysConfig = $sysConfig;
      * set modules config object
     $this->zooConfig = $zooConfig;
      * set website config object
     $this->config = $config;
      * initialize Zend_Log
     $this->logger = new Zend_Log();
      * initialize Zend_Session_Namespace
     $this->objCoreSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Core');
      * create logfile extension for file writer
     $strLogFileExtension = '';
     if ($this->sysConfig->logger->priority > Zend_Log::ERR) {
         if (isset($_SESSION["sesUserName"]) && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
             $strLogFileExtension = '_' . $_SESSION["sesUserName"] . '_' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         } else {
             if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
                 $strLogFileExtension = '_' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
             } else {
                 $strLogFileExtension = '_local';
      * create log file writer
     $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(GLOBAL_ROOT_PATH . $this->sysConfig->logger->path . 'log_' . date('Ymd') . $strLogFileExtension . '.log');
      * set log priority
     $filter = new Zend_Log_Filter_Priority((int) $this->sysConfig->logger->priority);
      * get language and set translate object
     $this->logger->info('get language from ... ');
     if (isset($_GET['language'])) {
         $this->strLanguageCode = trim($_GET['language'], '/');
         foreach ($this->config->languages->language->toArray() as $arrLanguage) {
             if (array_key_exists('code', $arrLanguage) && $arrLanguage['code'] == strtolower($this->strLanguageCode)) {
                 $this->intLanguageId = $arrLanguage['id'];
         if ($this->intLanguageId == null) {
             if (isset($this->objCoreSession->languageId)) {
                 $this->intLanguageId = $this->objCoreSession->languageId;
                 $this->strLanguageCode = $this->objCoreSession->languageCode;
             } else {
                 $this->blnIsDefaultLanguage = true;
                 $this->intLanguageId = $this->sysConfig->languages->default->id;
                 $this->strLanguageCode = $this->sysConfig->languages->default->code;
     } else {
         if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && preg_match('/^\\/[a-zA-Z\\-]{2,5}\\//', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
             preg_match('/^\\/[a-zA-Z\\-]{2,5}\\//', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $arrMatches);
             $this->strLanguageCode = trim($arrMatches[0], '/');
             foreach ($this->config->languages->language->toArray() as $arrLanguage) {
                 if (array_key_exists('code', $arrLanguage) && $arrLanguage['code'] == strtolower($this->strLanguageCode)) {
                     $this->intLanguageId = $arrLanguage['id'];
             if ($this->intLanguageId == null) {
                 if (isset($this->objCoreSession->languageId)) {
                     $this->intLanguageId = $this->objCoreSession->languageId;
                     $this->strLanguageCode = $this->objCoreSession->languageCode;
                 } else {
                     $this->blnIsDefaultLanguage = true;
                     $this->intLanguageId = $this->sysConfig->languages->default->id;
                     $this->strLanguageCode = $this->sysConfig->languages->default->code;
         } else {
             if (isset($this->objCoreSession->languageId)) {
                 $this->intLanguageId = $this->objCoreSession->languageId;
                 $this->strLanguageCode = $this->objCoreSession->languageCode;
             } else {
                 $this->blnIsDefaultLanguage = true;
                 $this->intLanguageId = $this->sysConfig->languages->default->id;
                 $this->strLanguageCode = $this->sysConfig->languages->default->code;
      * set up zoolu translate obj
     $this->intZooluLanguageId = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity() ? Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->languageId : $this->intLanguageId;
     $this->strZooluLanguageCode = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity() ? Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->languageCode : $this->strLanguageCode;
     if (file_exists(GLOBAL_ROOT_PATH . 'application/zoolu/language/zoolu-' . $this->strZooluLanguageCode . '.mo')) {
         $this->translate = new HtmlTranslate('gettext', GLOBAL_ROOT_PATH . 'application/zoolu/language/zoolu-' . $this->strZooluLanguageCode . '.mo');
     } else {
         $this->translate = new HtmlTranslate('gettext', GLOBAL_ROOT_PATH . 'application/zoolu/language/zoolu-' . $this->zooConfig->languages->default->code . '.mo');
     // update session language
     if ($blnWithDbh == true) {
          * initialize the ZEND DB Connection
          * do lazy connection binding, so db connection will be established on first use with dbh->getConnection()
         try {
             $dbhParameters = array('host' => $this->sysConfig->database->params->host, 'username' => $this->sysConfig->database->params->username, 'password' => $this->sysConfig->database->params->password, 'dbname' => $this->sysConfig->database->params->dbname, 'driver_options' => $pdoParams);
             $this->dbh = Zend_Db::factory($this->sysConfig->database->adapter, $dbhParameters);
             if ($this->sysConfig->logger->priority == Zend_Log::DEBUG) {
             $this->dbh->exec('SET CHARACTER SET ' . $this->sysConfig->encoding->db);
              * using a default metadata cache for all table objects
              * set up the cache
             $arrFrontendOptions = array('automatic_serialization' => true);
              * memcache server configuration
             $arrServer = array('host' => Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached::DEFAULT_HOST, 'port' => Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached::DEFAULT_PORT, 'persistent' => Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached::DEFAULT_PERSISTENT);
             $arrBackendOptions = array('cache_dir' => GLOBAL_ROOT_PATH . $this->sysConfig->path->cache->tables);
             $objCache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $arrFrontendOptions, $arrBackendOptions);
              * set the cache to be used with all table objects
         } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $exc) {
             header('Location: http://' . $this->sysConfig->hostname);
         } catch (Zend_Exception $exc) {
             header('Location: http://' . $this->sysConfig->hostname);
 public function createAction()
     // debugMessage($this->_getAllParams()); exit();
     // $this->_setParam('id', NULL); // exit();
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     // the name of the class to be instantiated
     $classname = $this->_getParam("entityname");
     $new_object = new $classname();
     // parameters for the response - default do not prepend the baseurl
     $response_params = array();
     // add the createdby using the id of the user in session
     if (isEmptyString($this->_getParam('id'))) {
         // new entity
         $this->_setParam('createdby', $session->getVar('userid'));
         // merge the post data to enable loading of any relationships in process post
         //  TODO: Verify if this breaks any other functionality
         $new_object->merge(array_remove_empty($this->_getAllParams()), false);
     } else {
         // id is already encoded during update so no need to encode it again
         $response_params['id'] = $this->_getParam('id');
         // decode the id field and add it back to the array otherwise it will cause a type error during processPost
         $this->_setParam('id', decode($this->_getParam('id')));
         // load the details for the current entity from the database
         $this->_setParam('lastupdatedby', $session->getVar('userid'));
     // populate the object with data from the post and validate the object
     // to ensure that its wellformed
     /* debugMessage($new_object->toArray());
     		debugMessage('errors are '.$new_object->getErrorStackAsString());
     		exit(); */
     if ($new_object->hasError()) {
         // there were errors - add them to the session
         $this->_logger->info("Validation Error for " . $classname . " - " . $new_object->getErrorStackAsString());
         $session->setVar(FORM_VALUES, $this->_getAllParams());
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, $new_object->getErrorStackAsString());
         $response_params['id'] = encode($this->_getParam('id'));
         // return to the create page
         if (isEmptyString($this->_getParam(URL_FAILURE))) {
             $this->_helper->redirector->gotoSimple('index', $this->getRequest()->getControllerName(), $this->getRequest()->getModuleName(), $response_params);
             return false;
         } else {
             $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl(decode($this->_getParam(URL_FAILURE)), $response_params);
             return false;
     // end check for whether errors occured during the population of the object instance from the submitted data
     // save the object to the database
     try {
         switch ($this->_getParam('action')) {
             case "":
             case ACTION_CREATE:
                 if (in_array($new_object->getTableName(), array('useraccount'))) {
                 } else {
                     // there are no errors so call the afterSave() hook
                 /* debugMessage($new_object->toArray());
                 			debugMessage('errors are '.$new_object->getErrorStackAsString()); exit(); */
             case ACTION_EDIT:
                 // update the entity
                 // there are no errors so call the afterSave() hook
                 // debugMessage('errors are '.$new_object->getErrorStackAsString()); exit();
             case ACTION_DELETE:
                 // update the entity
                 // there are no errors so call the afterSave() hook
             case ACTION_APPROVE:
                 // update the entity
                 // there are no errors so call the afterSave() hook
         # exit();
         // add a success message, if any, to the session for display
         if (!isEmptyString($this->_getParam(SUCCESS_MESSAGE))) {
             $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $this->_translate->translate($this->_getParam(SUCCESS_MESSAGE)));
         if (isEmptyString($this->_getParam(URL_SUCCESS))) {
             // add the id of the new object created which is encoded
             $response_params['id'] = encode($new_object->getID());
             $this->_helper->redirector->gotoSimple('view', $this->getRequest()->getControllerName(), $this->getRequest()->getModuleName(), $response_params);
             return false;
         } else {
             $url = decode($this->_getParam(URL_SUCCESS));
             if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('nosuccessid', $this->_getAllParams())) {
             } else {
                 // check if the last character is a / then add it
                 if (substr($url, -1) != "/") {
                     // add the slash
                     $url .= "/";
                 // add the ID parameter
                 $url .= "id/" . encode($new_object->getID());
                 $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl($url, $response_params);
             return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $session->setVar(FORM_VALUES, $this->_getAllParams());
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, $e->getMessage());
         $this->_logger->err("Saving Error " . $e->getMessage());
         // debugMessage($e->getMessage()); exit();
         // return to the create page
         if (isEmptyString($this->_getParam(URL_FAILURE))) {
             $this->_helper->redirector->gotoSimple('index', $this->getRequest()->getControllerName(), $this->getRequest()->getModuleName(), $response_params);
             return false;
         } else {
             $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl(decode($this->_getParam(URL_FAILURE)), $response_params);
             return false;
     // exit();
Example #22
 public function ordemDePagamentoAction()
     $this->_pedido = new Application_Model_Pedidos();
     $this->_itens = new Application_Model_Itens();
     $dados = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest() && $request->isPost()) {
         if (!is_null($dados["orderInName"])) {
             $orderInName = $dados["orderInName"];
         } else {
             $orderInName = $this->_identity->usr_id;
         $creditos = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Creditos');
         if (!empty($creditos->usado) && isset($creditos->usado)) {
             $valorCredito = $creditos->usado;
         } else {
             $valorCredito = null;
         $valorDoPedido = $dados["orderValue"];
         $pedido = array("ped_valor" => $valorDoPedido, "ped_status" => "pedidio-realizado", "usr_id_fk" => $orderInName, "ped_creditos_usados" => $valorCredito);
         try {
                                    Inserir Pedido 
             $lastId = $this->_pedido->insert($pedido);
             $authNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Carrinho');
             $carrinho = $authNamespace->carrinho;
             if (!empty($carrinho)) {
                 foreach ($carrinho as $key => $value) {
                     foreach ($value["numeros"] as $indice => $valor) {
                         $item = array("iten_valor" => $value["valor"], "iten_numeracao" => $indice, "iten_qtd" => $valor, "ped_id_fk" => $lastId, "pro_id_fk" => $key);
                                                    Inserir Item 
         } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
             $message = $e->getMessage();
             $stream = @fopen('../log/log.log', 'a', false);
             $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($stream);
             $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
         $pagamento = new Tokem_PagSeguro();
         $xml = $pagamento->processOrder($dados, $lastId);
         $aux = json_encode($xml);
         $xml = json_decode($aux);
         if (isset($xml->paymentLink)) {
             $link = $xml->paymentLink;
         } else {
             $link = null;
         if (isset($xml->code)) {
             $this->_pagSeguro = new Application_Model_PagSeguro();
             $pagseguro = array("lastEventDate" => $xml->lastEventDate, "code" => $xml->code, "reference" => $xml->reference, "type" => $xml->type, "status" => $xml->status, "paymentMethod_type" => $xml->paymentMethod->type, "paymentMethod_code" => $xml->paymentMethod->code, "paymentLink" => $link, "grossAmount" => $xml->grossAmount, "installmentCount" => $xml->installmentCount, "ped_id_fk" => $xml->reference);
             try {
                 $lastId = $this->_pagSeguro->insert($pagseguro);
                 $pagseguro = $this->_pagSeguro->fetchRow("pag_id='{$lastId}'");
                 $fk = $pagseguro->reference;
                 $pedido = $this->_pedido->fetchRow("ped_id='{$fk}'");
                 $pedido->pag_seg_id_fk = $pagseguro->pag_id;
             } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
                 $messenger = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('flashMessenger');
                 $messenger->addMessage('<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible" role="alert">
                             <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
                             <strong>ERRO</strong> - Ocorreu um erro inesperado! ao tentar processar seu pagamento emtre em contato conosco!
         // $retorno = array("resultado"=>"1","url"=>"pedidos");
         // echo $status = json_encode($retorno);
  * Prio 3: Error: error conditions
  * Has an alias called 'error'
  * @param string $msg
  * @param EngineBlock_Log_Message_AdditionalInfo $additionalInfo
  * @return void
 public function err($msg, $additionalInfo = null)
Example #24
 public function getNotificationStatus()
     $notificationCode = "06D1FA77-DBDC-405B-8931-D398C90CAE53";
     $url = 'https://ws.sandbox.pagseguro.uol.com.br/v2/transactions/notifications/' . $notificationCode;
     $client = new Zend_Http_Client($url, array('keepalive' => true));
     $client->setParameterGet(array('token' => "*****@*****.**", 'email' => "24707C512FF041ED96B762FE807CA552"));
     $request = $client->request();
     $resposta = $client->getLastResponse()->getBody();
     $stream = @fopen('../log/pagseguroNotification.log', 'a', false);
     $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($stream);
     $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
     $logger->err(sprintf('Retorno do Pagseguro para notificationCode %s: %s', $notificationCode, $resposta));
     $xml = simplexml_load_string(trim($resposta));
     if (false === $xml) {
         $stream = @fopen('../log/pagseguroNotification.log', 'a', false);
         $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($stream);
         $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
         $logger->err('Retorno de notificacao XML PagSeguro em formato não esperado. Retorno: ' . $resposta);
     //return $xml;
Example #25
	public function sendAction($messages) {
		$logger = new Zend_Log(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_PATH."/../tmp/sms.log"));
		try {
		$hour = date('G');		
		if ($hour < 10 || $hour >=18 ) exit;

		$SmsSoapClient = new Logic_Service_SmsSoapClient();
		if ($SmsSoapClient->getIsError() === false) {
			// Bledy opisane w dokumenacji do uslugi POST_CODE_SOAP, blad 999 - mozliwosc ustawienia przez uzytkownika takiego bledu co bedzie skutkowalo proba ponownego wyslania
			// Blad 1000 - opis bledu znajduje sie w polu send_error_message 
			$val = $messages[0] ;
			$val['text'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['text']);
				$val['text'] = strip_tags ($val['text']);;
				$val['text'] = preg_replace ("#\s{2,}#", " ", $val['text']);
				$val['text'] = preg_replace ("#^\s{1,}#", "", $val['text']);
				$val['text'] = preg_replace ("#\s{1,}$#", "", $val['text']);
				$val['text'] = str_replace("&#39;", "'", $val['text']);
				$val['text'] = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $val['text']);
				$val['text'] = str_replace("&quot;", '"', $val['text']);
				$val['text'] = str_replace("&lt;", '<', $val['text']);
				$val['text'] = str_replace("&gt;", '>', $val['text']);

				$numbers[$val['phone']] = $val['text']; //tablica do rozsylki
				//tablice uzywane przy zapisie informacji do bazy o statusie rozsylki poszczegolnego sms'a
				$numbers_update[$val['phone']] = array (
						'is_sent' => 'TRUE',
						'send_date' => 'now()' 
				//nie pobieram id z bazy
				//$numbers_where[$val['phone']] = $val['id'];
				//wiec ustawie timestampa zamiast tego
				$numbers_where[$val['phone']] = time();
			// w bazie znajduja sie oczekujace smsy
			if (!empty($numbers)) {
				$SmsSoapClient->registerContent('Wiadomosc indywidualna');
				$response = $SmsSoapClient->send();

//$blad[] = array ('number' => 609804902, 'content' => 'tresc', 'reason'=>'info o bledzie');
//$response->report = $blad;
				//jezeli zwrocono odpowiedz
				if (!empty($response)) {
					// jezali znajduja sie nie rozeslane sms'y - numery wylaczone z rozeslania
					if (is_array($response->report) && count($response->report) > 0) {
						foreach ($response->report as  $item) {
							//$item = array(number, content, reason)
							if (array_key_exists($item['number'], $numbers_update )) {
								//numer zwrocony przez usluge znajduje sie w numerach przekazanych do rozsylki
								$numbers_update[$item['number']]['is_sent'] = 'FALSE';
								$numbers_update[$item['number']]['send_error'] = 1000;
								$numbers_update[$item['number']]['send_error_message'] = $item['reason'];
								$this->_listError .= '('.$numbers_where[$item['number']].','.$item['number'].','.$item['reason'].') ';
								$this->_tableError .= '<tr><td>'.$numbers_where[$item['number']].'</td><td>'.$item['number'].'</td><td>'.$item['reason'].'</td></tr>';

					if (!empty($this->_listError) || $this->_countError > 0)
						$logger->err('Wyslano:'.$this->_countSuccess.' nie wyslano:'.$this->_countError.' Lista numerow na ktore nie wyslano sms: (id, phone, reason) '.$this->_listError);
				} elseif ($SmsSoapClient->getCodeError() != 0) {
					$codeError = $SmsSoapClient->getCodeError();
					$messageError = $SmsSoapClient->getMessageError();
					$logger->err($codeError.' :: '.$messageError);
					$this->sendErrorMail($codeError.' :: '.$messageError);
			else {
				$logger->info('Brak numerow oczekujacych na wyslanie');
		else {
			//nie polaczono
			$codeError = $SmsSoapClient->getCodeError();
			$messageError = $SmsSoapClient->getMessageError();
			$logger->err($codeError.' :: '.$messageError);
			$this->sendErrorMail($codeError.' :: '.$messageError);

		 catch (Exception $e) {
		return true;
Example #26
 public function loadAction()
     $filters = $this->_getAllParams();
      * Items count query
     $count_query = $this->_service->newItemQuery();
     $bq = '';
     if (isset($filters['country']) && $filters['country'] != '') {
         $bq .= "[target country: {$filters['country']}]";
     if (isset($filters['site_id']) && $filters['site_id'] != '') {
         $bq .= "[site: {$filters['site_id']}]";
     if (isset($filters['product_type']) && $filters['product_type'] != '') {
         $bq .= "[product_type: {$filters['product_type']}]";
     if ($bq != '') {
     $count_feed = $this->_service->getGbaseItemFeed($count_query);
     $total_count = $count_feed->getTotalResults();
      * Items content query
     $query = $this->_service->newItemQuery();
     if ($bq != '') {
     $query->setMaxResults(isset($filters['limit']) ? $filters['limit'] : 25);
     $query->setStartIndex(isset($filters['start']) ? $filters['start'] + 1 : 1);
     $orderBy = '';
     switch ($filters['sort']) {
         case 'price':
             switch ($filters['country']) {
                 case 'US':
                     $orderBy = 'price(float usd)';
                 case 'DE':
                     $orderBy = 'price(float eur)';
                 case 'GB':
                     $orderBy = 'price(float gbp)';
                     $orderBy = '';
         case 'modification_time':
             $orderBy = "{$filters['sort']}";
             $orderBy = "{$filters['sort']}({$filters['sortType']})";
     if ($orderBy != '') {
         $query->setSortOrder($filters['dir'] == 'ASC' ? 'ascending' : 'descending');
     try {
         $feed = $this->_service->getGbaseItemFeed($query);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             $log = new Zend_Log(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(Axis::config()->system->path . '/var/logs/gbase.log'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     $result = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($feed->entries as $entry) {
         $result[$i]['title'] = $entry->title->getText();
         $result[$i]['id'] = $entry->id->getText();
         $result[$i]['modification_time'] = substr($entry->updated->getText(), 0, 10);
          * Base attributes
         $price = $entry->getGbaseAttribute('price');
         $quantity = $entry->getGbaseAttribute('quantity');
         $expiration_date = $entry->getGbaseAttribute('expiration_date');
         $language = $entry->getGbaseAttribute('item_language');
         $result[$i]['price'] = $price[0]->text;
         $result[$i]['currency'] = substr($price[0]->text, -3);
         $result[$i]['quantity'] = $quantity[0]->text;
         $result[$i]['expiration_date'] = substr($expiration_date[0]->text, 0, 10);
         $result[$i]['language'] = $language[0]->text;
          * Private attributes
         $localId = $entry->getGbaseAttribute('local_id');
         $site = $entry->getGbaseAttribute('site');
         $result[$i]['local_id'] = $localId[0]->text;
         $result[$i]['site_id'] = $site[0]->text;
          * Extension Attributes (getting clicks, imressions, page_views)
         $extensionElements = $entry->getExtensionElements();
         foreach ($extensionElements as $extElement) {
             $innerElements = $extElement->getExtensionElements();
             foreach ($innerElements as $innerElement) {
                 $elName = $innerElement->rootElement;
                 $attributes = $innerElement->getExtensionAttributes();
                 foreach ($attributes as $aName => $aValue) {
                     $result[$i][$elName] = $aValue['value'];
          * Control attributes (draft, dissaproved, published)
         $control = $entry->getControl();
         $result[$i]['status'] = 'published';
         if (isset($control)) {
             $draftElement = $control->draft;
             $elName = $draftElement->rootElement;
             $result[$i]['status'] = $elName;
             $extensionElements = $control->getExtensionElements();
             foreach ($extensionElements as $extElement) {
                 $elName = $extElement->rootElement;
                 $result[$i]['status'] = $elName;
     $this->_helper->json->sendJson(array('total_count' => $total_count->getText(), 'feed' => $result));
Example #27
define("LOOMP_USER_URI_NS", LOOMP_BASE_PATH . "/users/");
if (!strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'install') && !strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'error')) {
    try {
        // set database connection and retrieve the rdf model
        $logger->debug("Initializing RDF store");
        $rdfStore = ModelFactory::getDbStore($configuration->loomp->db->type, $configuration->loomp->db->host, $configuration->loomp->db->name, $configuration->loomp->db->user, $configuration->loomp->db->pass);
        $registry->rdfModel = $rdfStore->getModel(LOOMP_MODEL_URI);
        if ($registry->rdfModel === false) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to initialize RDF store.");
        $logger->debug("Initializing Loomp API");
        $registry->loompApi = new LoompApi();
        // Active Record stuff
        require_once RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/adodb/adodb-active-record.inc.php';
        require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/model/User.php';
        require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/model/Access.php';
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $logger->err("Init error: " . $e->getMessage());
        $loomp_path = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . "/error/nosetup";
        header("Location: " . $loomp_path);
// CLEANUP - remove items from global scope
// This will clear all our local boostrap variables from the global scope of
// this script (and any scripts that called bootstrap).  This will enforce
// object retrieval through the Applications's Registry
unset($frontController, $view, $configuration, $arsConfig, $registry, $logger, $translate);
Example #28
  * Setup Logging
  * @throws Exception If logging file couldn't be opened.
  * @return void
 protected function _initLogging()
     $config = $this->getResource('Configuration');
     // Detect if running in CGI environment.
     $logFilename = 'opus.log';
     if (!array_key_exists('SERVER_PROTOCOL', $_SERVER) and !array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER)) {
         $logFilename = "opus-console.log";
     $logfilePath = $config->workspacePath . '/log/' . $logFilename;
     $logfile = @fopen($logfilePath, 'a', false);
     if ($logfile === false) {
         // TODO use Opus exception
         throw new Exception('Failed to open logging file:' . $logfilePath);
     $GLOBALS['id_string'] = uniqid();
     // Write ID string to global variables, so we can identify/match individual runs.
     $format = '%timestamp% %priorityName% (%priority%, ID ' . $GLOBALS['id_string'] . '): %message%' . PHP_EOL;
     $formatter = new Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple($format);
     $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($logfile);
     $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
     $logLevelName = 'INFO';
     $logLevelNotConfigured = false;
     if (isset($config->log->level)) {
         $logLevelName = strtoupper($config->log->level);
     } else {
         $logLevelNotConfigured = true;
     $zendLogRefl = new ReflectionClass('Zend_Log');
     $invalidLogLevel = false;
     $logLevel = $zendLogRefl->getConstant($logLevelName);
     if (empty($logLevel)) {
         $logLevel = Zend_Log::INFO;
         $invalidLogLevel = true;
     // filter log output
     $priorityFilter = new Zend_Log_Filter_Priority($logLevel);
     Zend_Registry::set('LOG_LEVEL', $logLevel);
     if ($logLevelNotConfigured) {
         $logger->warn('Log level not configured, using default \'' . $logLevelName . '\'.');
     if ($invalidLogLevel) {
         $logger->err('Invalid log level \'' . $logLevelName . '\' configured.');
     Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Log', $logger);
     $logger->debug('Logging initialized');
     return $logger;
 public static function err($message)
    try {
        $doc = new Opus_Document($docId);
    } catch (Opus_Model_NotFoundException $e) {
    $removeMscSubjects = array();
    $removeDdcSubjects = array();
    try {
        if (is_object($mscRole)) {
            $removeMscSubjects = migrateSubjectToCollection($doc, 'msc', $mscRole->getId(), 'MigrateSubjectMSC');
        if (is_object($ddcRole)) {
            $removeDdcSubjects = migrateSubjectToCollection($doc, 'ddc', $ddcRole->getId(), 'MigrateSubjectDDC');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $logger->err("fatal error while parsing document {$docId}: " . $e);
    if (count($removeMscSubjects) > 0 or count($removeDdcSubjects) > 0) {
        $changedDocumentIds[] = $docId;
        try {
            $logger->info("changed document {$docId}");
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $logger->err("fatal error while STORING document {$docId}: " . $e);
$logger->info("changed " . count($changedDocumentIds) . " documents: " . implode(",", $changedDocumentIds));
function checkDocumentHasCollectionId($doc, $collectionId)