Example #1
  * Return the builder settings array that will be used by the builder client script
  * @return array The settings
 public function get_builder_settings()
     $prefix = Youxi_Shortcode::prefix();
     /* Get container shortcodes */
     $container_shortcodes = Youxi_Shortcode::get_container_shortcodes();
     /* Get row shortcodes */
     $row_shortcode = Youxi_Shortcode::get_row_shortcode();
     /* Get separator shortcodes */
     $separator_shortcodes = Youxi_Shortcode::get_separator_shortcodes();
     /* Determine if we're using simple columns */
     $simple_columns = Youxi_Shortcode::use_simple_columns();
     /* Determine if container is enabled */
     $container_enabled = apply_filters('youxi_builder_enable_container', true);
     /* If any of the container shortcode doesn't exists, disable the container mode */
     foreach ($container_shortcodes as $shortcode) {
         if (!Youxi_Shortcode_Manager::get()->shortcode_exists($shortcode)) {
             $container_enabled = false;
     /* Define column shortcodes */
     $column_sizes = Youxi_Shortcode::get_column_sizes();
     // Create size and tags array
     if ($simple_columns) {
         $column_props = Youxi_Shortcode::get_simple_columns();
         $column_shortcodes = array_intersect_key($column_props, array_combine($column_sizes, $column_sizes));
         $column_shortcodes = array_values($column_shortcodes);
     } else {
         $tag = Youxi_Shortcode::get_column_shortcode();
         $column_shortcodes = array();
         foreach ($column_sizes as $size) {
             $column_shortcodes[] = compact('size', 'tag');
     $column_tags = array_unique(wp_list_pluck($column_shortcodes, 'tag'));
     /* Helper variables */
     $non_column_or_widget_shortcodes = array_merge($container_shortcodes, (array) $row_shortcode);
     $non_widget_shortcodes = array_merge($non_column_or_widget_shortcodes, $column_tags);
     $rows_and_separators = array_merge((array) $row_shortcode, $separator_shortcodes);
     /* Define the builder rules */
     $rules = array();
     $rules[$row_shortcode] = array('accept' => $column_tags, 'reject' => $non_column_or_widget_shortcodes);
     foreach ($column_tags as $tag) {
         $rules[$tag] = array('accept' => '*', 'reject' => $non_widget_shortcodes);
     /* Adjust rules based on enable_container state */
     if ($container_enabled) {
         $rules = array_merge(array('root' => array('accept' => $container_shortcodes), 'container' => array('accept' => $rows_and_separators, 'reject' => $container_shortcodes), 'fullwidth' => array('accept' => '*', 'reject' => $non_widget_shortcodes)), $rules);
     } else {
         $rules = array_merge(array('root' => array('accept' => $rows_and_separators, 'reject' => $container_shortcodes)), $rules);
     /* Compact all in one setting array */
     $settings = array('parseMethod' => apply_filters('youxi_builder_parse_method', 'js'), 'simpleColumns' => $simple_columns, 'enableContainer' => $container_enabled, 'containerShortcodes' => $container_shortcodes, 'columnContainerShortcode' => Youxi_Shortcode::get_column_container_shortcode(), 'rowShortcode' => $row_shortcode, 'rowSize' => Youxi_Shortcode::get_column_count(), 'columnShortcodes' => $column_shortcodes, 'rules' => $rules, 'uiIcons' => apply_filters('youxi_builder_ui_icons', array('resizeLeft' => array('icon' => 'dashicons dashicons-arrow-left', 'title' => __('Decrease Size', 'youxi')), 'resizeRight' => array('icon' => 'dashicons dashicons-arrow-right', 'title' => __('Increase Size', 'youxi')), 'remove' => array('icon' => 'dashicons dashicons-trash', 'title' => __('Remove', 'youxi')), 'edit' => array('icon' => 'dashicons dashicons-edit', 'title' => __('Edit', 'youxi')), 'copy' => array('icon' => 'dashicons dashicons-admin-page', 'title' => __('Copy', 'youxi')))));
     /* The builder languages strings */
     $l10n = array('invalidColumnSize' => __('The specified column size is invalid.', 'youxi'), 'invalidRowSlotsSize' => __('The specified row slots size is invalid.', 'youxi'), 'notEnoughColumnSlots' => __('The containing row does not have enough slots.', 'youxi'), 'confirmRemoveContainer' => __('Are you sure you want to remove this container?', 'youxi'), 'confirmRemoveRow' => __('Are you sure you want to remove this row?', 'youxi'), 'confirmRemoveColumn' => __('Are you sure you want to remove this column?', 'youxi'), 'confirmRemoveWidget' => __('Are you sure you want to remove this widget?', 'youxi'), 'columnTitlePrefix' => __('Column ', 'youxi'));
     return array_merge($l10n, compact('settings'));
Example #2
  * Register but do not enqueue the default needed scripts for shortcodes.
  * Other plugins/themes can pass configuration variables through the youxi_shortcode_js_vars filter
 public function admin_enqueue_scripts($hook)
     $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
     /* Register serialize JSON script as it's needed by the shortcode helper */
     wp_register_script('serialize-json', YOUXI_SHORTCODE_URL . "admin/assets/plugins/serializejson/jquery.serializejson{$suffix}.js", array('jquery'), '1.2.3', true);
     wp_register_script('youxi-shortcode-editor', YOUXI_SHORTCODE_URL . "admin/assets/js/youxi.shortcode.editor{$suffix}.js", array('media-views', 'serialize-json'), YOUXI_SHORTCODE_VERSION, true);
     /* Register shortcode admin helper */
     wp_register_script('youxi-shortcode', YOUXI_SHORTCODE_URL . "admin/assets/js/youxi.shortcode{$suffix}.js", array('youxi-shortcode-editor', 'youxi-form-manager', 'underscore'), YOUXI_SHORTCODE_VERSION, true);
     /* Register shortcode admin styles */
     wp_register_style('youxi-shortcode', YOUXI_SHORTCODE_URL . "admin/assets/css/youxi.shortcode{$suffix}.css", array('youxi-form', 'media-views'), YOUXI_SHORTCODE_VERSION, 'screen');
     /* Attach setting variables to the script */
     wp_localize_script('youxi-shortcode', 'youxiShortcodeSettings', apply_filters('youxi_shortcode_js_vars', array('args' => $this->get_shortcode_args(), 'prefix' => Youxi_Shortcode::prefix())));
     /* Enqueue all admin assets and print media templates if allowed */
     if (apply_filters('youxi_shortcode_admin_enqueue_scripts', false)) {
         foreach ($this->shortcodes as $shortcode) {
         add_action('print_media_templates', array($this, 'print_media_templates'));
         do_action('youxi_shortcode_admin_enqueue', $hook);
Example #3
 * Slide Shortcode Handler
function youxi_shortcode_slide_cb($atts, $content, $tag)
    $o = '<div class="item' . (0 == Youxi_Shortcode::read_counter($tag) ? esc_attr(' active') : '') . '">';
    $o .= '<img src="' . esc_url($atts['image']) . '" alt="' . esc_attr($atts['title']) . '">';
    $o .= '<div class="carousel-caption">';
    $o .= '<h3>' . esc_html($atts['title']) . '</h3>';
    $o .= wpautop(wp_kses_post($content));
    $o .= '</div>';
    $o .= '</div>';
    return $o;
Example #4
 * Tab Shortcode Handler
function youxi_shortcode_tab_cb($atts, $content, $tag)
    $tab_id = sanitize_key($atts['title'] . Youxi_Shortcode::read_counter('tabs') . Youxi_Shortcode::read_counter($tag));
    $class = 'tab-pane fade';
    if (0 == Youxi_Shortcode::read_counter($tag)) {
        $class .= ' active in';
    $o = '<div id="' . esc_attr($tab_id) . '" class="' . esc_attr(trim($class)) . '">';
    $o .= wpautop(Youxi_Shortcode_Manager::get()->shortcode_unautop(do_shortcode(wp_kses_post($content))));
    $o .= '</div>';
    return $o;
Example #5
 * Shortcode Definitions Callback
function define_layout_shortcodes($manager)
     * Layout category
    $manager->add_category('layout', array('label' => __('Layout Shortcodes', 'youxi'), 'priority' => 10));
     * Container shortcode
    $manager->add_shortcode('container', array('label' => __('Container', 'youxi'), 'category' => 'layout', 'priority' => 20, 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-justify', 'callback' => 'youxi_shortcode_container_cb'));
     * Fullwidth shortcode
    $manager->add_shortcode('fullwidth', array('label' => __('Fullwidth', 'youxi'), 'category' => 'layout', 'priority' => 30, 'icon' => 'fa fa-arrows-h', 'callback' => 'youxi_shortcode_fullwidth_cb'));
     * Columns shortcode
    if (!Youxi_Shortcode::use_simple_columns()) {
        $manager->add_shortcode('col', array('label' => __('Column', 'youxi'), 'category' => 'layout', 'priority' => 40, 'icon' => 'fa fa-th', 'callback' => 'youxi_shortcode_columns_cb', 'atts' => array('size' => array('type' => 'uislider', 'label' => __('Size', 'youxi'), 'description' => __('Enter the column size.', 'youxi'), 'widgetopts' => array('min' => 1, 'max' => 12), 'std' => 1), 'type' => array('type' => 'select', 'label' => __('Type', 'youxi'), 'description' => __('Choose the column type.', 'youxi'), 'choices' => array('xs' => 'col-xs-*', 'sm' => 'col-sm-*', 'md' => 'col-md-*', 'lg' => 'col-lg-*'), 'std' => 'md'), 'push' => array('type' => 'uislider', 'label' => __('Push', 'youxi'), 'description' => __('Enter the amount of push.', 'youxi'), 'widgetopts' => array('min' => 0, 'max' => 12), 'std' => 0), 'pull' => array('type' => 'uislider', 'label' => __('Pull', 'youxi'), 'description' => __('Enter the amount of pulls.', 'youxi'), 'widgetopts' => array('min' => 0, 'max' => 12), 'std' => 0))));
    } else {
        $column_names = Youxi_Shortcode::get_simple_columns();
        $column_sizes = Youxi_Shortcode::get_column_sizes();
        foreach ($column_sizes as $i => $size) {
            if (isset($column_names[$size])) {
                $args = $column_names[$size];
                $tag = Youxi_Shortcode::unprefix($args['tag']);
                $manager->add_shortcode($tag, array('label' => $args['label'], 'category' => 'layout', 'priority' => 40 + $i * 10, 'icon' => 'fa fa-th', 'callback' => "youxi_shortcode_{$tag}_cb"));
     * Row shortcode
    $manager->add_shortcode('row', array('label' => __('Row', 'youxi'), 'category' => 'layout', 'priority' => 160, 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-justify', 'callback' => 'youxi_shortcode_row_cb'));
     * Separator shortcode
    $manager->add_shortcode('separator', array('label' => __('Separator', 'youxi'), 'category' => 'layout', 'priority' => 170, 'icon' => 'fa fa-arrows-v', 'callback' => 'youxi_shortcode_separator_cb'));