Example #1
 function register($data_user)
     global $mainframe;
     $captcha = Request::getVar('captcha', null);
     $obj_captcha = Yii::app()->getController()->createAction("captcha");
     if ($obj_captcha->validate($captcha, 0) == false) {
         YiiMessage::raseNotice("Please enter verify code");
         return false;
     if ($_POST['password'] == "") {
         YiiMessage::raseNotice("Please enter password");
         return false;
     if ($_POST['phone'] == "") {
         YiiMessage::raseNotice("Please enter your mobile");
         return false;
     if (Request::getVar('agree', null) == null) {
         YiiMessage::raseNotice("You must agree to Our Terms of Service.");
         return false;
     $tbl_user = YiiUser::getInstance();
     if (!$tbl_user->registration($data_user)) {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #2
 function getListEdit($main_item)
     $cid = Request::getVar("cid", 0);
     $lists = array();
     $items = array();
     $obj_user = YiiUser::getInstance();
     $condition = "";
     if ($main_item->id != 0) {
         $condition = "(`lft` <" . $main_item->lft . " OR `lft` > " . $main_item->rgt . ")";
     $results = $obj_user->getGroups($condition, 'id value, name text, level');
     $items = array_merge($items, $results);
     $lists['parentID'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->parentID, "parentID", "", "size=10", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "-");
     $items = array();
     if ($main_item->id != 0) {
         $condition = "parentID = " . $main_item->parentID;
         $results = $obj_user->getGroups($condition, 'id value, name text, level');
         $items = array_merge($items, $results);
         $lists['ordering'] = buildHtml::select($items, $cid, "ordering", "", "size=5");
     } else {
         $lists['ordering'] = "Ordering this item after save first";
     $items_status = array();
     $items_status[] = array(-1, 'Default', 'danger');
     $items_status[] = array(1, 'Allow', 'success');
     $items_status[] = array(0, 'Deny', 'danger');
     $lists['item_status'] = $items_status;
     $table_ext = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_EXTENSIONS);
     $lists['ext_default_1'] = $table_ext->loadColumn("name", "allowall = 1 ");
     return $lists;
Example #3
 function getListEdit($main_item)
     $obj_user = YiiUser::getInstance();
     $condition = "`level` >= 1 ";
     $items = $obj_user->getGroups($condition, 'id value, name text, level');
     $list['groupID'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->groupID, "groupID", "", "size=10", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "-");
     return $list;
Example #4
 function actionGrant()
     global $mainframe, $user;
     if (!$user->isSuperAdmin()) {
         YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to visit page");
     global $user;
     $cid = Request::getVar('cid', 0);
     $obj_user = YiiUser::getInstance();
     $obj_user = $obj_user->getUser($cid);
     $this->addBarTitle("Grant user <small>[{$obj_user->username}]</small>", "user");
     $this->addIconToolbar("Save", Router::buildLink("permission", array('view' => 'users', 'layout' => 'save')), "save");
     $this->addIconToolbar("Apply", Router::buildLink("permission", array('view' => 'users', 'layout' => 'apply')), "apply");
     $this->addIconToolbar("Close", Router::buildLink("permission", array('view' => 'users', 'layout' => 'cancel')), "cancel");
     $this->pageTitle = "Edit grant";
     $model_resource = Resource::getInstance();
     $model = Users::getInstance();
     $items = $model_resource->getItems();
     $all_granted = $model->getGranted();
     $lists = $model->getListGrant();
     $this->render('grant', array("items" => $items, "all_granted" => $all_granted, "lists" => $lists));
Example #5
 function getList()
     $lists = array();
     $filter_state = Request::getVar('filter_state', -2);
     $filter_search = Request::getVar('filter_search', "");
     $filter_group = Request::getVar('filter_group', 0);
     $items = array();
     $items[] = array("value" => -2, "text" => "- Select state -");
     $items[] = array("value" => 0, "text" => "Unpublish");
     $items[] = array("value" => 1, "text" => "Publish");
     $items[] = array("value" => -1, "text" => "Block");
     $lists['filter_state'] = buildHtml::select($items, $filter_state, "filter_state", "filter_state", "onchange=\"document.adminForm.submit();\"");
     global $user;
     $obj_user = YiiUser::getInstance();
     $group = $obj_user->getGroup($user->groupID);
     $condition = "parentID > 0";
     if ($group->parentID != 1) {
         $condition = "`lft` >= {$group->lft} AND `rgt` <= {$group->rgt} ";
     $groups = $obj_user->getGroups($condition, 'id value, name text, level');
     array_unshift($groups, array("value" => 0, 'text' => '-- Select group --'));
     $lists['filter_group'] = buildHtml::select($groups, $filter_group, "filter_group", "", "onchange=\"document.adminForm.submit();\"", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "");
     return $lists;
Example #6
 function actionRemove()
     global $user;
     $cids = Request::getVar("cid", 0);
     $obj_table = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_VIDEOS);
     if (count($cids) > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($cids); $i++) {
             $cid = $cids[$i];
             if (!($bool = $user->modifyChecking($obj_table->created_by))) {
                 $obj_users = YiiUser::getInstance();
                 $item_user = $obj_users->getUser($obj_table->created_by);
                 YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to delete video: {$obj_table->title}");
                 return false;
             //check item first
     YiiMessage::raseSuccess("Successfully remove Video(s)");
Example #7
 function getListEdit($main_item)
     global $user;
     $modelGroup = new Group();
     $obj_user = YiiUser::getInstance();
     $group = $modelGroup->getItem($user->groupID);
     $condition = "";
     if ($group->parentID != 1) {
         $condition = "`lft` >= {$group->lft} AND `rgt` <= {$group->rgt} ";
     $items = $obj_user->getGroups($condition, 'id value, name text, level');
     $lists['groupID'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->groupID, "groupID", "", "size=10", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "-");
     $items = array();
     $items[] = array("value" => -2, "text" => "- Select status -");
     $items[] = array("value" => 0, "text" => "Unpublish");
     $items[] = array("value" => 1, "text" => "Publish");
     $items[] = array("value" => -1, "text" => "Block");
     $lists['status'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->status, "status", "status");
     $items_status = array();
     $items_status[] = array(-1, 'Default', 'danger');
     $items_status[] = array(1, 'Allow', 'success');
     $items_status[] = array(0, 'Deny', 'danger');
     $lists['item_status'] = $items_status;
     $table_ext = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_EXTENSIONS);
     $lists['ext_default_1'] = $table_ext->loadColumn("name", "allowall = 1 ");
     return $lists;
Example #8
 function actionRemove()
     global $user;
     $model = new Group();
     $mode_user = new Users();
     if (!$user->isSuperAdmin()) {
         YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to add/edit group");
         $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("users", array('view' => 'group')));
     $cids = Request::getVar("cid", 0);
     if (count($cids) > 0) {
         $obj_table = YiiUser::getInstance();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($cids); $i++) {
             $cid = $cids[$i];
             $list_user = $mode_user->getUsers($cid, null, true);
             $list_group = $model->getItems($cid);
             if (empty($list_user) and empty($list_group)) {
             } else {
                 YiiMessage::raseNotice("Group user have something account/sub group");
                 $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("users", array('view' => 'group')));
                 return false;
     YiiMessage::raseSuccess("Successfully delete GroupUser(s)");
     $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("users", array("view" => "group")));
Example #9
 function getListEdit($main_item)
     $cid = Request::getVar("cid", 0);
     $lists = array();
     $items = array();
     $obj_tblTournament = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_GS_TOURNAMEMANTS);
     $obj_user = YiiUser::getInstance();
     $condition = "";
     if ($main_item->id != 0) {
         $condition = "(`lft` <" . $main_item->lft . " OR `lft` > " . $main_item->rgt . ")";
     $results = $obj_tblTournament->loads('id value, name text, level', $condition, 'lft ASC', null);
     $items = array_merge($items, $results);
     $lists['parentID'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->parentID, "parentID", "", "size=10", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "-");
     $items = array();
     if ($main_item->id != 0) {
         $condition = "parentID = " . $main_item->parentID;
         $results = $obj_tblTournament->loads('id value, name text, level', $condition, 'lft ASC', null);
         $items = array_merge($items, $results);
         $lists['ordering'] = buildHtml::select($items, $cid, "ordering", "", "size=5");
     } else {
         $lists['ordering'] = "Ordering this item after save first";
     return $lists;
Example #10
 function changeFeature($cid, $value)
     $obj_table = YiiArticle::getInstance();
     $obj_table = $obj_table->loadItem($cid);
     // check quyen so huu
     global $user;
     if (!($bool = $user->modifyChecking($obj_table->created_by))) {
         $obj_users = YiiUser::getInstance();
         $item_user = $obj_users->getUser($obj_table->created_by);
         YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to modify resource of: {$item_user->username}");
         return false;
     $obj_table->feature = $value;
Example #11
 public function storeItem()
     global $mainframe, $user;
     $cid = Request::getVar("id", 0);
     $obj_table = YiiArticle::getInstance();
     $obj_table = $obj_table->loadItem($cid);
     if ($obj_table->id == 0) {
         $obj_table->created_by = $user->id;
     } else {
         // check quyen so huu
         global $user;
         if (!($bool = $user->modifyChecking($obj_table->created_by))) {
             $obj_users = YiiUser::getInstance();
             $item_user = $obj_users->getUser($obj_table->created_by);
             YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to modify resource of: {$item_user->username}");
             return false;
     $obj_table->modified_by = $user->id;
     YiiMessage::raseSuccess("Successfully save Article");
     return $obj_table->id;
Example #12
 function actionRemove()
     global $user;
     $cids = Request::getVar("cid", 0);
     if (count($cids) > 0) {
         $obj_users = YiiUser::getInstance();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($cids); $i++) {
             $cid = $cids[$i];
             $item_user = $obj_users->getUser($cid);
             if (!$user->isSuperAdmin()) {
                 // neu khong phai super admin
                 if ($item_user->status != -1) {
                     // neu != -1 thi khong duoc xoa
                     YiiMessage::raseNotice("Please contact your administrator,\"{$item_user->username}\" is active");
                     $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("users", array('view' => 'user')));
                     return false;
                 } elseif (!($bool = $user->modifyChecking($cid))) {
                     // neu =-1 thi user leader nhom cha duoc xoa user con
                     YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to remove user: {$item_user->username}");
                     $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("users", array('view' => 'user')));
                     return false;
     YiiMessage::raseSuccess("Successfully delete User(s)");
     $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("users", array("view" => "user")));