public function import($feed) { // fetch HTML $xml = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // parse $stubs = array(); $doc = @simplexml_load_string($xml); if ($doc === false) { throw new Yadda_Feed_Exception('Error parsing Citymob XML feed.'); } foreach ($doc->deals->deal as $deal) { $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); $stub->setGuid($this->_sanitize($deal->deal_url)); $stub->setLink($this->_sanitize($deal->deal_url)); $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($deal->short_title)); $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($deal->title)); $stub->setPrice((double) str_replace('ZAR', '', $deal->price)); $stub->setValue((double) str_replace('ZAR', '', $deal->value)); $stub->setDiscount((double) str_replace('ZAR', '', $deal->discount_percent)); try { $stub->setGeo(array((double) $deal->vendor_latitude, (double) $deal->vendor_longitude)); } catch (Yadda_Feed_Exception $e) { // ignore } $stub->addImage($this->_sanitize($deal->large_image_url)); $stubs[] = $stub; } return $stubs; }
public function import($feed) { // fetch $xml = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // parse $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); $stubs = array(); foreach ($xml->xpath('/deals/deal') as $deal) { $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); $res = $deal->xpath('ID'); $stub->setGuid('cotd/' . intval($res[0])); $res = $deal->xpath('title'); $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize((string) $res[0])); $res = $deal->xpath('url'); $stub->setLink($this->_sanitize((string) $res[0])); $res = $deal->xpath('description'); $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize((string) $res[0])); $res = $deal->xpath('image'); $stub->addImage($this->_sanitize((string) $res[0])); $res = $deal->xpath('value'); $stub->setValue((double) $res[0]); $res = $deal->xpath('price'); $stub->setPrice($res[0]); $stub->setDiscount(($stub->getValue() - $stub->getPrice()) / $stub->getValue() * 100); $stubs[] = $stub; } return $stubs; }
public function import($feed) { // download $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // parse $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); // guid + link $link = $this->_match('#<h1>\\s*<a href="/([^"]+)".*>\\s*</h1>#sU', $html); if ($link !== null) { $stub->setGuid('' . $this->_sanitize($link)); $stub->setLink('' . $this->_sanitize($link)); } // title $title = $this->_match('#<title>(.*)</title>#sU', $html); if ($title !== null) { $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($title)); } // description $description = $this->_match('#<div id="deal_description">(.*)</div>#sU', $html); if ($description !== null) { $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($description)); } // price $price = $this->_match('#<span>from.*</span>.*<strong>R(\\d+)</strong>#sU', $html); if ($price !== null) { $stub->setPrice((double) $price); } // value $value = $this->_match('#<span>value.*</span>.*<strong class="grey">R(\\d+)</strong>#sU', $html); if ($value !== null) { $stub->setValue((double) $value); } // discount $discount = $this->_match('#<span>save.*</span>.*<strong class="grey">(\\d+)%</strong>#sU', $html); if ($discount !== null) { $stub->setDiscount((double) $discount); } // geo $lat = $this->_match('#>Lat: ([\\-\\d\\.]+)<#sU', $html); $long = $this->_match('#>Long: ([\\-\\d\\.]+)<#sU', $html); if ($lat !== null && $long !== null) { $stub->setGeo(array((double) $lat, (double) $long)); } // image $image = $this->_match('#<div class="frame" id="main_picture_frame">.*<img.*<img.*src="([^"]+)".*</div>#sU', $html); if ($image !== null) { $stub->addImage('' . $this->_sanitize($image)); } return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { $return = array(); // get the HTML $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // parse the HTML $liMatches = array(); @preg_match_all('#<li>(.*)</li>#sU', $html, $liMatches); foreach ($liMatches[1] as $liMatch) { $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); // title + link $pMatches = array(); @preg_match_all('#<p class="clsRecentDealHd">.*<a href="([^"]+)".*>([^<]+)</a></p>#sU', $liMatch, $pMatches); if (sizeof($pMatches[0]) == 0) { continue; } $link = '' . $this->_sanitize($pMatches[1][0]); $stub->setGuid($link); $stub->setLink($link); $title = $this->_sanitize($pMatches[2][0]); $stub->setTitle($title); // description $description = $this->_getDescription($link); if (!empty($description)) { $stub->setDescription($description); } // price $price = $this->_match('#<p class="bought-count">R<span class="c cr" title=".*>(\\d+)</span></p>#sU', $liMatch); if ($price !== null) { $stub->setPrice((double) $price); } // value $value = $this->_match('#<span>Value : R<span class="c cr" title="[^"]+">(\\d+)</span>#sU', $liMatch); if ($value !== null) { $stub->setValue((double) $value); } // discount $discount = $this->_match('#<span>Discount : <span class="c1" title="[^"]+">(\\d+)</span>%</span>#sU', $liMatch); if ($discount !== null) { $stub->setDiscount((double) $discount); } // image $image = $this->_match('#<img.*src="([^"]+)"#sU', $liMatch); if ($image !== null) { $stub->addImage('' . $this->_sanitize($image)); } $return[] = $stub; } return $return; }
public function import($feed) { $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); // fetch the listing page $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // link + guid $link = $this->_match('#<div class="main_price">.*</div>.*<a href="(.*)">.*<div id="buy_now_btn"#sU', $html); if ($link !== null) { $stub->setGuid('' . $this->_sanitize($link)); $stub->setLink('' . $this->_sanitize($link)); } // title $title = $this->_match('#<h1>(.*)</h1>#sU', $html); if ($title !== null) { $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($title)); } // description $description = $this->_match('#<div id="long_desc" class="deal_description".*>(.*)</div>#sU', $html); if ($description !== null) { $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($description)); } // price $price = $this->_match('#<div class="main_price">.*R (.*)\\s*</div>#sU', $html); if ($price !== null) { $stub->setPrice((double) str_replace(',', '', $price)); } // value $value = $this->_match('#value <br />.*<span class="larger">R ([\\d\\,\\.]+)</span>#sU', $html); if ($value !== null) { $stub->setValue((double) str_replace(',', '', $value)); } // discount $discount = $this->_match('#discount <br />.*<span class="larger">(\\d+)%</span>#sU', $html); if ($discount !== null) { $stub->setDiscount((double) $discount); } // image $image = $this->_match('#<img src="([^"]+)" class="main_deal" />#sU', $html); if ($image !== null) { $stub->addImage($this->_sanitize($image)); } // geo $geo = $this->_match('#google.maps.LatLng\\((.*)\\)#sU', $html); if ($geo !== null) { $geo = str_replace("'", '', $geo); $stub->setGeo(array_map('floatval', explode(', ', $geo))); } return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { // download $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url, false, true); // parse $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); // guid $id = $this->_match('#product/(\\d+)/\' id="scriptbuynow"#sU', $html); if ($id !== null) { $stub->setGuid('mobstir/' . $id); $stub->setLink('' . $id); } // title $title = $this->_match('#<meta name="description" content="([^"]+)" />#sU', $html); if ($title !== null) { $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($title)); } // description $description = $this->_match('#<div class="des-panel">.*<h3>description</h3>(.*)</div>#sU', $html); if ($description !== null) { $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($description)); } // value $value = $this->_match('#value.*<h3>.*R (\\d+)\\s+</h3>#sU', $html); if ($value !== null) { $stub->setValue((double) $value); } // discount $discount = $this->_match('#discount.*<h3>(\\d+)%</h3>#sU', $html); if ($discount !== null) { $stub->setDiscount((double) $discount); } // price $price = $this->_match('#R([\\d\\.]+)#', $stub->getTitle()); if ($price !== null) { $stub->setPrice((double) $price); } // image $image = $this->_match('#<div class="banner_middle.*background: url\\(([^\\)]+)\\)#sU', $html); if ($image !== null) { $stub->addImage($this->_sanitize($image)); } return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); // fetch the page $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // link + guid $link = $this->_match('#<fb:like href="([^"]+)"#sU', $html); if ($link !== null) { $stub->setGuid($this->_sanitize($link)); $stub->setLink($this->_sanitize($link)); } // title $title = $this->_match('#<span id="lblName">([^<]+)</span>#sU', $html); if ($title !== null) { $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($title)); } // description $description = $this->_match('#<a name="Deal"></a>Here\'s the Deal!(.*)<div#sU', $html); if ($description !== null) { $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($description)); } // price $price = $this->_match('#<span id="lblSitePrice" class="SitePrice">R ([\\d\\.]+)</span>#sU', $html); if ($price !== null) { $stub->setPrice((double) $price); } // value $value = $this->_match('#<span id="ProductDealControl1_lblValue">R ([\\d\\.]+)</span>#sU', $html); if ($value !== null) { $stub->setValue((double) $value); } // discount $discount = $this->_match('#<span id="ProductDealControl1_lblDiscount">(\\d+)%</span>#sU', $html); if ($discount !== null) { $stub->setDiscount((double) $discount); } // image $image = $this->_match('#<img alt="[^"]+".*src="([^"]+)" /></div>#sU', $html); if ($image !== null) { $stub->addImage($this->_sanitize($image)); } // return return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); // fetch $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // link $stub->setLink($feed->url); // guid $guid = $this->_match('#did=([^\']+)\'#s', $html); if ($guid !== null) { $stub->setGuid('247deals/' . $guid); } // title $title = $this->_match('#<h1 id="deal_title"><a href=.*>(.*)</a></h1>#sU', $html); if ($title !== null) { $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($title)); } // description $description = $this->_match('#<div class="tab_second_content">(.*)</div>#sU', $html); if ($description !== null) { $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($description)); } // price $price = $this->_match('#<div id="buynow_price">R([^<]+)</div>#sU', $html); if ($price !== null) { $stub->setPrice((double) $price); } // value $value = $this->_match('#Value<br />.*<span>.*R(\\d+)</span>#sU', $html); if ($value !== null) { $stub->setValue((double) $value); } // discount $discount = $this->_match('#Discount<br />.*<span>.*(\\d+)%</span>#sU', $html); if ($discount !== null) { $stub->setDiscount((double) $discount); } // image $image = $this->_match('#<div class="panel" title="1".*src="([^"]+)"#sU', $html); if ($image !== null) { $stub->addImage('' . $image); } return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { // download feed $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url, true); // parse $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); // link + guid $link = $this->_match('#<fb:like href="([^"]+)"#sU', $html); if ($link !== null) { $stub->setGuid($this->_sanitize($link)); $stub->setLink($this->_sanitize($link)); } // title $title = $this->_match('#<h1 class="deal-title">([^<]+)</h1>#sU', $html); if ($title !== null) { $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($title)); } // description $description = $this->_match('#<div class="highlights">.*<h3>Highlights</h3>(.*)</div>#sU', $html); if ($description !== null) { $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($description)); } // price $price = $this->_match('#<div class=\'price\'>R([\\d\\.]+)</div>#sU', $html); if ($price !== null) { $stub->setPrice((double) $price); } // value $value = $this->_match('#<tr>.*<td>R([\\d\\.]+)</td>#sU', $html); if ($value !== null) { $stub->setValue((double) $value); } // discount $discount = $this->_match('#<tr>.*<td>(\\d+)%</td>#sU', $html); if ($discount !== null) { $stub->setDiscount((double) $discount); } // image $image = $this->_match('#<div class="worklet-content"><img.*src="([^"]+)"#sU', $html); if ($image !== null) { $stub->addImage($this->_sanitize($image)); } return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); // fetch $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // link $stub->setLink(''); // guid $guid = $this->_match('#<input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="([^"]+)" />#sU', $html); if ($guid !== null) { $stub->setGuid('onedayonly/' . $guid); } // title $title = $this->_match('#<td.*class="product_name".*>([^<]+)</td>#sU', $html); if ($title !== null) { $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($title)); } // description $description = $this->_match('#<div class="product_s_desc">(.*)</td>#sU', $html); if ($description !== null) { $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($description)); } // price $price = $this->_match('#<span class="productPrice">([^<]+)</span>#sU', $html); if ($price !== null) { $stub->setPrice((double) str_replace('R', '', trim($price))); } // value $value = $this->_match('#Retail price: <s>R([\\d\\.]+)</s>#sU', $html); if ($value !== null) { $stub->setValue((double) $value); } // discount if ($stub->getValue() !== null && $stub->getPrice() !== null && $stub->getValue() > 0) { $stub->setDiscount(($stub->getValue() - $stub->getPrice()) / $stub->getValue() * 100); } // image $image = $this->_match('#<a.*rel="lightbox"><img src="([^"]+)" class="browseProductImage"#sU', $html); if ($image !== null) { $stub->addImage($this->_sanitize($image)); } return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); // fetch $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // link + guid $link = $this->_match('#<meta name="og:url" content="([^"]+)" />#sU', $html); if ($link !== null) { $stub->setLink($this->_sanitize($link)); $stub->setGuid($this->_sanitize($link)); } // title $title = $this->_match('#<h1>([^<]+)</h1>#sU', $html); if ($title !== null) { $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($title)); } // description $description = $this->_match('#<div class="product-details".*>(.*)</div>#sU', $html); if ($description !== null) { $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($description)); } // price $price = $this->_match('#<div class="price">([^<]+)</div>#sU', $html); if ($price !== null) { $stub->setPrice((double) $price); } // value $value = $this->_match('#<span class="rrp">R.*([\\d\\.]+)</span>#sU', $html); if ($value !== null) { $stub->setValue((double) $value); } // discount if ($stub->getPrice() !== null && $stub->getValue() !== null && $stub->getValue() > 0) { $stub->setDiscount(($stub->getValue() - $stub->getPrice()) / $stub->getValue() * 100); } // image $image = $this->_match('#<img id="MainPic".*src="([^"]+)"#sU', $html); if ($image !== null) { $stub->addImage('' . $image); } return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { // fetch $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // parse $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); $link = $this->_sanitize($this->_match('#<fb:comments.*href="([^"]+)".*></fb:comments>#sU', $html)); $stub->setLink($link); $stub->setGuid($link); $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($this->_match('#<h1>Today\'s Deal: <span>([^<]+)</span></h1>#sU', $html))); $stub->setPrice((double) $this->_match('#<span class="price_value" id="price_value-1">R(\\d+) </span>#sU', $html)); $stub->setValue((double) $this->_match('#<h3>Value</h3>.*<span>R(\\d+)</span>#sU', $html)); $stub->setDiscount((double) $this->_match('#<h3>Discount</h3>.*<span>(\\d+)%</span>#sU', $html)); $stub->addImage($this->_sanitize($this->_match('#<div class="banner_middle".*>.*<img src="([^"]+)"#sU', $html))); $geo = $this->_match('#&ll=([\\-\\d\\.,]+)&#sU', $html); if ($geo !== null) { $stub->setGeo(array_map('floatval', explode(',', $geo))); } return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { // fetch $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // parse $matches = array(); @preg_match_all('#<div class="main-deal">.*<h2><a.*href="([^"]+)".*>([^<]*)</a>' . '</h2>.*<span class="price-main">R([\\d\\.]+)</span>.*<span class="price-savings">' . 'save (\\d+)%</span>.*Value<br /><b>R(\\d+)</b>.*<div class="main-deal-right">.*' . '<img src="([^"]+)".*<div class="more-content-left">(.*)<div class="more-content-right">#sU', $html, $matches); if (sizeof($matches[0]) == 0) { return array(); } $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); $stub->setGuid('' . $this->_sanitize($matches[1][0])); $stub->setLink('' . $this->_sanitize($matches[1][0])); $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($matches[2][0])); $stub->setDescription($this->_sanitize($matches[7][0])); $stub->setPrice((double) $matches[3][0]); $stub->setDiscount((double) $matches[4][0]); $stub->setValue((double) $matches[5][0]); $stub->addImage('' . $this->_sanitize($matches[6][0])); return array($stub); }
public function import($feed) { // get html $html = $this->_fetch($feed->url); // parse $stubs = array(); $matches = array(); preg_match_all('#<div class="box">.*<div class="apollo_title">.*<a href="([^"]+)".*>([^<]+)</a>.*Saving you.*R([\\d,]+) </div>.*<b>R([\\d,]+) </b>.*<b>(\\d+)<b>%.*<div class="avatar">.*<img src="([^"]+)"#sU', $html, $matches); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches[0]); $i++) { $stub = new Yadda_Feed_Stub(); $stub->setLink('' . $this->_sanitize($matches[1][$i])); $stub->setGuid('' . $this->_sanitize($matches[1][$i])); $stub->setTitle($this->_sanitize($matches[2][$i])); $savings = (double) str_replace(',', '.', $matches[3][$i]); $value = (double) str_replace(',', '.', $matches[4][$i]); $stub->setValue($value); $stub->setPrice($value - $savings); $stub->setDiscount((double) str_replace(',', '.', $matches[5][$i])); $stub->addImage('' . $this->_sanitize($matches[6][$i])); $stubs[] = $stub; } return $stubs; }