public function testDeleteApi() { // Delete the published definition for each test xml file. foreach ($this->test_data as $file) { $this->updateRequest('DELETE'); $controller = \App::make('Tdt\\Core\\Definitions\\DefinitionController'); $response = $controller->handle("xml/{$file}"); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode()); } // Check if everything is deleted properly. $definitions_count = \Definition::all()->count(); $xml_count = \XmlDefinition::all()->count(); $this->assertTrue($xml_count == 0); $this->assertTrue($definitions_count == 0); }
/** * Delete everything out of our testing database. */ public static function tearDownAfterClass() { parent::tearDownAfterClass(); \Definition::truncate(); \CsvDefinition::truncate(); \InstalledDefinition::truncate(); \JsonDefinition::truncate(); \ShpDefinition::truncate(); \SparqlDefinition::truncate(); \XlsDefinition::truncate(); \XmlDefinition::truncate(); \GeoProperty::truncate(); \TabularColumns::truncate(); \Geoprojection::truncate(); }
/** * Seed the XML definitions */ private function seedXml() { $xml_data = array('persons' => 'Auto-generated xml file about persons.'); $added = false; foreach ($xml_data as $file => $description) { // Don't create doubles $definition = Definition::where('collection_uri', '=', 'xml')->where('resource_name', '=', $file)->first(); if (empty($definition)) { // Create a new XmlDefinition $xml_def = new XmlDefinition(); $xml_def->uri = app_path() . '/storage/data/xml/' . $file . '.xml'; $xml_def->description = $description; $xml_def->save(); // Add the XmlDefinition to the Definition $definition = new Definition(); $definition->collection_uri = 'xml'; $definition->resource_name = $file; $definition->source_id = $xml_def->id; $definition->source_type = 'XmlDefinition'; $definition->draft = false; $definition->save(); $this->command->info("Published an XML file with file name {$file} on uri (relative to the root) xml/{$file} ."); $added = true; } } if (!$added) { $this->command->info("No XML files have been published, all of the uri's that the XML seeder wanted to use are already taken."); } }