$xml = new SimpleXMLElement(''); $button = $xml->addChild('submit', 'Submit'); $button->addAttribute('class', 'btn'); $button->addAttribute('name', 'submit'); $button->addAttribute('value', 'Submit'); $button->addAttribute('id', 'submit'); echo $xml->asXML();
$form = new Zebra_Form('my_form'); $form->add('submit', 'submit', array( 'value' => 'Submit', )); $form->render();In this example, the Zebra_Form class of the Zebra_Form package library is used to create a form object, and the add method is used to add a submit button to the form. The attributes of the submit button are passed as an array to the add method. Overall, XmlSubmitButton class is a handy tool for creating submit buttons in PHP using XML syntax. It allows the developer to easily add attributes to the button and customize its appearance and behavior.