Example #1
  * Get an instance of the file; Singleton to ensure correct data
  * @return Xerxes_Framework_Request
 public static function getInstance()
     if (empty(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new Xerxes_Framework_Request();
     return self::$instance;
Example #2
  * Initialize the object by picking up and processing the ISO 639 xml file
  * @exception 	will throw exception if no file can be found
 public function init()
     // first, see if Getttext functions are installed
     if (function_exists('bindtextdomain')) {
         $this->gettext = true;
     // set full path to local copy
     $this->languages_file_xerxes = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->languages_file_xerxes);
     $this->gettext_domain_xerxes = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->gettext_domain_xerxes);
     // if the iso-codes is not installed, use our copy
     $file = "";
     if (file_exists($this->languages_file_system)) {
         $file = $this->languages_file_system;
     } elseif (file_exists($this->languages_file_xerxes)) {
         $file = $this->languages_file_xerxes;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("could not find file with the ISO 639 language list");
     // load the languages file
     $xml = new DOMDocument();
     $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($xml);
     // which language shall we display?
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $objRequest = Xerxes_Framework_Request::getInstance();
     $lang = $objRequest->getProperty("lang");
     if ($lang == null) {
         $lang = $objRegistry->defaultLanguage();
     $this->locale = $objRegistry->getLocale($lang);
     // bindings
     if ($this->gettext == true) {
         $gettext_domain_path = "";
         if (file_exists($this->gettext_domain_xerxes)) {
             $gettext_domain_path = $this->gettext_domain_xerxes;
         } elseif (file_exists($this->gettext_domain_system)) {
             $gettext_domain_path = $this->gettext_domain_system;
         bindtextdomain($this->domain, $gettext_domain_path);
         // this works on windows too?
         bind_textdomain_codeset($this->domain, 'UTF-8');
         // assume UTF-8, all the .po files in iso_639 use it
 public static function execute()
     // calculate current file, this directory
     $this_directory = dirname(__FILE__);
     // calculate root directory of the app ../../ from here
     $path_to_parent = $this_directory;
     $path_to_parent = str_replace("\\", "/", $path_to_parent);
     $arrPath = explode("/", $path_to_parent);
     $path_to_parent = implode("/", $arrPath);
     // here so other framework files can reference it
     self::$parent_directory = $path_to_parent;
     // register framework any main xerxes class files
     self::registerClasses("{$path_to_parent}/lib/framework", "Xerxes_Framework");
     // initialize the configuration setting (Registry),
     // command-view mapping (ControllerMap), and
     // language translation (Languages) objects
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $objControllerMap = Xerxes_Framework_ControllerMap::getInstance();
     // set the version number, for interface or other places
     $objRegistry->setConfig("XERXES_VERSION", $objControllerMap->getVersion(), true);
     // dynamically set the web path, if config says so,
     // doesn't work on all webserver/php set-ups, so an
     // explicit web path from config is preferred
     if ($objRegistry->getConfig("base_web_path", false) == '{dynamic}') {
         if (isset($_SERVER)) {
             $script_name = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
             $script_name = str_replace("/index.php", "", $script_name);
             $objRegistry->setConfig("base_web_path", $script_name);
     // give our session a name to keep sessions distinct between multiple
     // instances of xerxes on one server.  use base_path (preferably) or
     // application_name config directives.
     $path_base = $objRegistry->getConfig("base_web_path", false);
     $path_key = preg_replace('/\\W/', '_', $path_base);
     $session_name = "xerxessession_" . $path_key;
     if ($path_base == "") {
         $path_base = "/";
     $session_path = $objRegistry->getConfig("session_path", false, $path_base);
     $session_domain = $objRegistry->getConfig("session_domain", false, null);
     session_set_cookie_params(0, $session_path, $session_domain);
     // processes the incoming request
     $objRequest = Xerxes_Framework_Request::getInstance();
     // utility classes
     // assists with basic paging/navigation elements for the view
     $objPage = new Xerxes_Framework_Page($objRequest, $objRegistry);
     // functions for special logging or handling of errors
     $objError = new Xerxes_Framework_Error();
     // language names
     $objLanguage = Xerxes_Framework_Languages::getInstance();
     // we'll put the remaining code in a try-catch block in order to show friendly error page
     // for any uncaught exceptions
     try {
         #  DISPLAY ERRORS  #
         if ($objRegistry->getConfig("DISPLAY_ERRORS") == true) {
             ini_set('display_errors', '1');
         #   DEFAULTS       #
         // labels
         $objLabels = Xerxes_Framework_Labels::getInstance();
         $lang = $objRequest->getProperty("lang");
         // make sure application_name is passthrough, and has a value.
         $objRegistry->setConfig("application_name", $objRegistry->getConfig("APPLICATION_NAME", false, "Xerxes", $lang), true);
         #     SET PATHS    #
         ### reverse proxy
         // check to see if xerxes is running behind a reverse proxy and swap
         // host and remote ip here with their http_x_forwarded counterparts;
         // but only if configured for this, since client can spoof the header
         // if xerxes is not, in fact, behind a reverse proxy
         if ($objRegistry->getConfig("REVERSE_PROXY", false, false) == true) {
             $forward_host = $objRequest->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST');
             $forward_address = $objRequest->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
             if ($forward_host != "") {
                 $objRequest->setServer('SERVER_NAME', $forward_host);
             // last ip address is the user's
             if ($forward_address != "") {
                 $arrIP = explode(",", $forward_address);
                 $objRequest->setServer('REMOTE_ADDR', trim(array_pop($arrIP)));
         // the working directory is the instance, so any relative paths will
         // be executed in relation to the root directory of the instance
         $working_dir = getcwd();
         $working_dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $working_dir);
         // full web path
         // NOTE :if you change this code  make sure you make a corresponding
         // change in lib/framework/Error.php, since there is redundant code
         // there in case something goes horribly wrong and we need to set the
         // web path for proper display of a (friendly) error page
         $base_path = $objRegistry->getConfig('BASE_WEB_PATH', false, "");
         $this_server_name = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_NAME');
         // check for a non-standard port
         $port = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_PORT');
         if ($port == 80 || $port == 443) {
             $port = "";
         } else {
             $port = ":" . $port;
         $protocol = "http://";
         if ($objRequest->getServer("HTTPS")) {
             $protocol = "https://";
         $web = $protocol . $this_server_name . $port;
         // register these values
         $objRegistry->setConfig("SERVER_URL", $web);
         $objRegistry->setConfig("PATH_PARENT_DIRECTORY", $path_to_parent);
         $objRegistry->setConfig("APP_DIRECTORY", $working_dir);
         $objRegistry->setConfig("BASE_URL", $web . $base_path, true);
         #   INSTRUCTIONS   #
         // ControllerMap contains instructions for commands and views
         // based on the url parameters 'base' and 'action'
         $strBase = $objRequest->getProperty("base");
         $strAction = $objRequest->getProperty("action");
         $objControllerMap->setAction($strBase, $strAction, $objRequest);
         #  ACCESS CONTROL  #
         // if this part of the application is restricted to a local ip range, or requires a named login, then the
         // Restrict class will check the user's ip address or if they have logged in; failure stops the flow
         // and redirects user to a login page with the current request passed as 'return' paramater in the url
         $objRestrict = new Xerxes_Framework_Restrict($objRequest);
         // command line scripts will ignore access rules
         if ($objRequest->isCommandLine() != true) {
             if ($objControllerMap->isRestricted() == true) {
                 if ($objControllerMap->requiresLogin() == true) {
                     // resource requires a valid named username
                 } else {
                     // resource is resricted, but local ip range is okay
             } else {
                 // go ahead and register local users, but don't prompt for login
         // if this action is set to only be run via the command line, in order to prevent
         // web execution of potentially long-running tasks, then restrict it here
         if (!$objRequest->isCommandLine() && $objControllerMap->restrictToCLI()) {
             throw new Exception("cannot run command from web");
         #     INCLUDES     #
         // files and directories that have been set to be included by the config file
         foreach ($objControllerMap->getIncludes() as $path_to_include) {
             self::registerClasses($path_to_parent . "/{$path_to_include}");
         #       DATA       #
         // set-up the data by defining the root element
         $strDocumentElement = $objControllerMap->getDocumentElement();
         // pass config values that should be made available to the XSLT
         // the data will be built-up by calling one or more command classes
         // which will fetch their data based on other parameters supplied in
         // the request; returning that data as xml to a master xml dom document
         // inside the Xerxes_Framework_Request class, or in some cases specififying
         // a url to redirect the user out
         $commands = $objControllerMap->getCommands();
         foreach ($commands as $arrCommand) {
             $strDirectory = $arrCommand[0];
             // directory where the command class is located
             $strNamespace = $arrCommand[1];
             // prefix namespace of the command class
             $strClassFile = $arrCommand[2];
             // suffix name of the command class
             // directory where commands live
             $command_path = "{$path_to_parent}/commands/{$strDirectory}";
             // allow for a local override, even
             $local_command_path = "commands/{$strDirectory}";
             // echo "<h3>$strClassFile</h3>";
             // first, include any parent class, assuming that the parent class will
             // follow the naming convention of having the same name as the directory
             $strParentClass = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::strtoupper(substr($strDirectory, 0, 1)) . substr($strDirectory, 1);
             if (file_exists("{$local_command_path}/{$strParentClass}.php")) {
                 require_once "{$local_command_path}/{$strParentClass}.php";
             } elseif (file_exists("{$command_path}/{$strParentClass}.php")) {
                 require_once "{$command_path}/{$strParentClass}.php";
             // if the specified command class exists in the distro or local commands folder, then
             // instantiate an object and execute it
             $strClass = $strNamespace . "_Command_" . $strClassFile;
             $local_command = file_exists("{$local_command_path}/{$strClassFile}.php");
             if (file_exists("{$command_path}/{$strClassFile}.php") || $local_command) {
                 // if the instance has a local version, take it!
                 if ($local_command) {
                     require_once "{$local_command_path}/{$strClassFile}.php";
                 } else {
                     require_once "{$command_path}/{$strClassFile}.php";
                 // instantiate the command class and execute it, but only
                 // if it extends xerxes_framework_command
                 $objCommand = new $strClass();
                 if ($objCommand instanceof Xerxes_Framework_Command) {
                     $objCommand->execute($objRequest, $objRegistry);
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("command classes must be instance of Xerxes_Framework_Command");
             } else {
                 // if no command but a view was specified, then go ahead and show the view
                 // minus any data, since the view is doin' its own thang
                 if (!file_exists($objControllerMap->getView())) {
                     throw new Exception("invalid command {$strClass}");
         #     COOKIES      #
         // any cookies specified in the reuqest object? if so, set em now.
         $cookieSetParams = $objRequest->cookieSetParams();
         foreach ($cookieSetParams as $cookieParams) {
             set_cookie($cookieParams[0], $cookieParams[1], $cookieParams[2], $cookieParams[3], $cookieParams[4], $cookieParams[5]);
         #     REDIRECT     #
         // if the result of the command is a redirect, we will stop the
         // flow and redirect the user out, unless overridden by the noRedirect
         // directive
         if ($objRequest->getRedirect() != null) {
             if ($objRequest->getProperty("noRedirect") == null) {
                 header("Location: " . $objRequest->getRedirect());
             } else {
                 // include in the resposne what the redirect would have been
                 $objRequest->setProperty("redirect", $objRequest->getRedirect());
         #       VIEW       #
         // we'll set the content-type, and potentially other header elements, based on the paramater 'format';
         // format must correspond to one of the pre-defined format content-types in setHeader() or can be a user-
         // defined format set in action.xml
         $format = $objRequest->getProperty("format");
         if ($objControllerMap->getFormat($format) != null) {
         } else {
         // get the xml from the request object, but exclude any server information
         // from being included if format=source
         $bolShowServer = true;
         if ($format == "xerxes") {
             $bolShowServer = false;
         $objXml = new DOMDocument();
         $objXml = $objRequest->toXML($bolShowServer);
         // RAW XML DISPLAY
         // you can append 'format=xerxes' to the querystring to have this controller spit back
         // the response in plain xml, which can be useful in some cases, like maybe AJAX?
         if ($format == "xerxes") {
             echo $objXml->saveXML();
         } else {
             // VIEW CODE
             // ControllerMap contains instructions on what file to include for the view; typically
             // this will be an xslt file, but could be a php file if the xslt does not
             // provide enough flexibility; php page will inherit the xml dom document and
             // can go from there
             if ($objControllerMap->getView() == "") {
                 // No view specified, no view will be executed.
             // PHP CODE
             if ($objControllerMap->getViewType() != "xsl" && $objControllerMap->getViewType() != null) {
                 $file = $objControllerMap->getView();
                 $distro_file = $objRegistry->getConfig("PATH_PARENT_DIRECTORY", true) . "/lib/{$file}";
                 if (file_exists($file)) {
                     require_once $file;
                 } elseif (file_exists($distro_file)) {
                     require_once $distro_file;
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("Could not find non-xsl view specified to include: {$file}");
             } else {
                 // XSLT CODE
                 $output = $objPage->transform($objXml, $objControllerMap->getView(), null);
                 // you can append 'format=embed_html_js' to the querystring to output
                 // the content as a javascript source document with everything wrapped in
                 // document.write() statements
                 if ($format == "embed_html_js") {
                     // first escape any single quotes
                     $output = str_replace("'", "\\'", $output);
                     // now break the html into lines and output with document.write('')
                     $lines = explode("\n", $output);
                     $new_lines = array("// Javascript output. ");
                     foreach ($lines as $line) {
                         array_push($new_lines, "document.write('" . $line . "');");
                     $output = implode("\n", $new_lines);
                 echo $output;
             //remove the flash message, intended for one display only.
             $objRequest->setSession("flash_message", null);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $objError->handle($e, $objRequest, $objRegistry);
Example #4
  *  Take a Xerxes data object representing a database, output
  *  a DOMDocument nodeset representing that database, for including
  *  in an XML response. Used by some Databases controllers. 
  *  To actually include the returned value, you will need to import it into
  *  your DOMDocument of choice first. Example:
  *        $objDatabase = self::databaseToNodeset($objDatabaseData, $objRequest);
  *        $objDatabase = $objXml->importNode( $objDatabase, true );
  *        $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objDatabase);
  * @param Xerxes_Data_Database $objDatabaseData
  * @param Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest  need the Xerxes request object to create urls for us. 
  * @param Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry need a registry object too, sorry. 
  * @param &$index = null  sometimes we want to append a count index to the xml. Pass in a counter variable, and it will be included AND incremented (passed by reference).
  * @return DOMNode
 public static function databaseToNodeset(Xerxes_Data_Database $objDatabaseData, Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest, Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry, &$index = null)
     $xml = $objDatabaseData->xml;
     //PHP 5.1.6 simplexml bug, 'for' iteration over ->searchable will create
     //it already if it doesn't exist, which we don't want, so
     //we have to wrap 'for' in 'if'.
     if (count($xml->searchable)) {
         foreach ($xml->searchable as $searchable) {
             // sometimes we're asked to track and record index.
             if ((string) $searchable == "1") {
                 $searchable["count"] = $index;
     // display name for group restrictions
     // bug in PGP 5.1.6 SimpleXML, if we do the foreach WITHOUT wrapping
     // it in this if testing count first,
     // it'll add on an empty <group_restriction/> to the xml
     // graph even if none were there previously. That's bad.
     if (count($xml->group_restriction) > 0) {
         foreach ($xml->group_restriction as $group_restriction) {
             $group_restriction->addAttribute("display_name", $objRegistry->getGroupDisplayName((string) $group_restriction));
     $multilingual = $objRegistry->getConfig("db_description_multilingual", false, "");
     // XML object
     $lang = $objRequest->getProperty("lang");
     if ($lang == "") {
         $lang = "eng";
     // build a list of configured description languages
     if ($multilingual != "") {
         $order = 0;
         foreach ($multilingual->language as $language) {
             $code = NULL;
             foreach ($language->attributes() as $name => $val) {
                 if ($name == "code") {
                     $code = (string) $val;
             $db_languages_order[$code] = $order;
             $db_languages_code[$order] = $code;
     $notes = array("description", "search_hints");
     foreach ($notes as $note_field_name) {
         $node_queue = array();
         // nodes to add when done looping to prevent looping over nodes added inside the loop
         foreach ($xml->{$note_field_name} as $note_field_xml) {
             $note_field = (string) $note_field_xml;
             // strip out "##" chars, not just singular "#" to allow # in markup
             // or other places.
             $pos = strpos($note_field, '######');
             if ($multilingual == false or $pos === false) {
                 $note_field = str_replace('######', '\\n\\n\\n', $note_field);
             } else {
                 $descriptions = explode('######', $note_field);
                 $i = 1;
                 foreach ($descriptions as $description) {
                     $description = self::embedNoteField($description);
                     $node_queue[] = array('note_field_name' => $note_field_name, 'description' => $description, 'code' => $db_languages_code[$i++]);
             $note_field = self::embedNoteField($note_field);
             $xml->{$note_field_name} = $note_field;
             $xml->{$note_field_name}->addAttribute('lang', 'ALL');
         foreach ($node_queue as $node) {
             $descNode = $xml->addChild($node['note_field_name'], $node['description']);
             $descNode->addAttribute('lang', $node['code']);
     $objDom = new DOMDocument();
     $objDatabase = $objDom->documentElement;
     $objDatabase->setAttribute("metalib_id", $objDatabaseData->metalib_id);
     // is the particular user allowed to search this?
     $objElement = $objDom->createElement("searchable_by_user", self::dbSearchableForUser($objDatabaseData, $objRequest, $objRegistry));
     //add an element for url to xerxes detail page for this db
     $objElement = $objDom->createElement("url", $objRequest->url_for(array("base" => "databases", "action" => "database", "id" => htmlentities($objDatabaseData->metalib_id))));
     // The 'add to personal collection' url for logged in user--if no
     // logged in user, generate link anyway, but it's going to have
     // an empty user. User should be required to log in before continuing
     // with action.
     $url = $objRequest->url_for(array("base" => "collections", "action" => "save_choose_collection", "id" => $objDatabaseData->metalib_id, "username" => $objRequest->getSession("username"), "return" => $objRequest->getServer('REQUEST_URI')));
     $objElement = $objDom->createElement("add_to_collection_url", $url);
     //add an element for url to xerxes-mediated direct link to db.
     $objElement = $objDom->createElement("xerxes_native_link_url", $objRequest->url_for(array("base" => "databases", "action" => "proxy", "database" => htmlentities($objDatabaseData->metalib_id))));
     return $objDatabase;
Example #5
 public function execute(Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest, Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry)
     // if the authentication_source is set in the request, then it takes precedence
     $override = $objRequest->getProperty("authentication_source");
     if ($override == null) {
         // otherwise, see if one has been set in session from a previous login
         $session_auth = $objRequest->getSession("auth");
         if ($session_auth != "") {
             $override = $session_auth;
     // make sure it's in our list, or if blank still, we get the default
     $configAuth = $objRegistry->getAuthenticationSource($override);
     // now make it!
     switch ($configAuth) {
         case "ldap":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_LDAP($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "innovative":
             $iii_file = "config/authentication/innovative.php";
             if (file_exists($iii_file)) {
                 require_once $iii_file;
                 $this->authentication = new Xerxes_InnovativePatron_Local($objRequest, $objRegistry);
             } else {
                 $this->authentication = new Xerxes_InnovativePatron($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "cas":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_CAS($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "guest":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_GuestAuthentication($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "demo":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_DemoAuthentication($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "pds":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_PDS($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "shibboleth":
             $shib_file = "config/authentication/shibboleth.php";
             if (file_exists($shib_file)) {
                 require_once $shib_file;
                 $this->authentication = new Xerxes_Shibboleth_Local($objRequest, $objRegistry);
             } else {
                 $this->authentication = new Xerxes_Shibboleth($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "custom":
             require_once "config/authentication/custom.php";
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_CustomAuth($objRequest, $objRegistry);
             // check to see if a file exists with an authentication class that extends the framework,
             // if so, then use it; this supports multiple custom schemes
             $local_file = "config/authentication/{$configAuth}.php";
             $class_name = "Xerxes_CustomAuth_" . Xerxes_Framework_Parser::strtoupper(substr($configAuth, 0, 1)) . substr($configAuth, 1);
             if (file_exists($local_file)) {
                 require_once $local_file;
                 if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
                     throw new Exception("the custom authentication scheme '{$configAuth}' should have a class called '{$class_name}'");
                 $this->authentication = new $class_name($objRequest, $objRegistry);
                 if (!$this->authentication instanceof Xerxes_Framework_Authenticate) {
                     throw new Exception("class '{$class_name}' for the '{$configAuth}' authentication scheme must extend Xerxes_Framework_Authenticate");
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("unsupported authentication type");
     // we set this so we can keep track of the authentication type
     // through various requests
     $this->authentication->id = $configAuth;
     parent::execute($objRequest, $objRegistry);
Example #6
  * Dynamically create our 'base' stylesheet, combining distro and local
  * stylesheets, as available, using includes and imports into our
  * 'base'.  Base uses the distro file xsl/dynamic_skeleton.xsl to
  * begin with. 
  * @param string $strXsltRelPath 	Relative path to a stylesheet, generally beginning with "xsl/". 
  * 									Stylesheet may exist in library location, app location, or both. 
  * @param array $arrInclude			[optional] additional stylesheets that should be included in the request
  * @return DomDocument 		A DomDocument holding the generated XSLT stylesheet.
  * @static
 public static function generateBaseXsl($strXsltRelPath, $arrInclude = array())
     $arrImports = array();
     // files to be imported
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     ### first, set up the paths to the distro and local directories
     // the 'local' xsl lives here
     $local_xsl_dir = $objRegistry->getConfig("APP_DIRECTORY", true) . "/";
     $local_path = $local_xsl_dir . $strXsltRelPath;
     // the 'distro' xsl lives here
     $distro_xsl_dir = $objRegistry->getConfig("PATH_PARENT_DIRECTORY", true) . '/lib/';
     $distro_path = $distro_xsl_dir . $strXsltRelPath;
     ### check to make sure at least one of the files exists
     $distro_exists = file_exists($distro_path);
     $local_exists = file_exists($local_path);
     // if we don't have either a local or a distro copy, that's a problem.
     if (!($local_exists || $distro_exists)) {
         // throw new Exception("No xsl stylesheet found: $local_path || $distro_path");
         throw new Exception("No xsl stylesheet found: {$strXsltRelPath}");
     ### now create the skeleton XSLT file that will hold references to both
     ### the distro and the local files
     $generated_xsl = new DOMDocument();
     $generated_xsl->load($distro_xsl_dir . "xsl/dynamic_skeleton.xsl");
     // prepend imports to this, to put them at the top of the file.
     $importInsertionPoint = $generated_xsl->documentElement->firstChild;
     ### add a reference to the distro file
     if ($distro_exists == true) {
         array_push($arrImports, $distro_path);
     } else {
         // if no distro, need to directly import (distro) includes.xsl, since we're not
         // importing a file that will reference it
         array_push($arrImports, $distro_xsl_dir . "xsl/includes.xsl");
     ### language file
     $request = Xerxes_Framework_Request::getInstance();
     $language = $request->getProperty("lang");
     if ($language == "") {
         $language = $objRegistry->defaultLanguage();
     // english file is included by default (as a fallback)
     array_push($arrInclude, "xsl/labels/eng.xsl");
     // if language is set to something other than english
     // then include that file to override the english labels
     if ($language != "eng") {
         array_push($arrInclude, "xsl/labels/{$language}.xsl");
     ### add a refence for files programatically added (including the language file above)
     if ($arrInclude != null) {
         foreach ($arrInclude as $strInclude) {
             // but only if a distro copy exists
             if (file_exists($distro_xsl_dir . $strInclude)) {
                 array_push($arrImports, $distro_xsl_dir . $strInclude);
             // see if there is a local version, and include it too
             if (file_exists($local_xsl_dir . $strInclude)) {
                 array_push($arrImports, $local_xsl_dir . $strInclude);
     ### add a refence to the local file
     if ($local_exists) {
         self::addIncludeReference($generated_xsl, $local_path);
     ### if the distro file  xsl:includes or xsl:imports other files
     ### check if there is a corresponding local file, and import it too
     // We import instead of include in case the local stylesheet does erroneously
     // 'include', to avoid a conflict. We import LAST to make sure it takes
     // precedence over distro.
     if ($distro_exists) {
         $distroXml = simplexml_load_file($distro_path);
         $distroXml->registerXPathNamespace('xsl', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform');
         // find anything include'd or import'ed in original base file
         $array_merged = array_merge($distroXml->xpath("//xsl:include"), $distroXml->xpath("//xsl:import"));
         foreach ($array_merged as $extra) {
             // path to local copy
             $local_candidate = $local_xsl_dir . dirname($strXsltRelPath) . '/' . $extra['href'];
             // path to distro copy as a check
             $distro_check = $distro_xsl_dir . dirname($strXsltRelPath) . '/' . $extra['href'];
             // make sure local copy exists, and they are both not pointing at the same file
             if (file_exists($local_candidate) && realpath($distro_check) != realpath($local_candidate)) {
                 array_push($arrImports, $local_candidate);
     ### make sure we've got a reference to the local includes too
     array_push($arrImports, $local_xsl_dir . "xsl/includes.xsl");
     // now make sure no dupes
     $arrImports = array_unique($arrImports);
     ### now the actual mechanics of the import
     foreach ($arrImports as $import) {
         self::addImportReference($generated_xsl, $import, $importInsertionPoint);
     // header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo $generated_xsl->saveXML(); exit;
     return $generated_xsl;
Example #7
  * Do something with uncaught errors
 public static function handle($e, Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest, Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry)
     if ($objRegistry->getConfig("DISPLAY_ERRORS", false, false)) {
         throw $e;
     // flag certain exception types for special handling in the xslt
     $strErrorType = get_class($e);
     // might be a sub-class, reset so view will catch.
     if ($e instanceof PDOException) {
         $strErrorType = "PDOException";
     // if this is the command line, just rethrow the error so we can see it; might
     // make this a little better formatted in the future
     if ($objRequest->isCommandLine()) {
         throw $e;
     } else {
         // translate heading and message
         $labels = Xerxes_Framework_Labels::getInstance();
         if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception) {
             $heading = $e->heading();
         } else {
             $heading = "text_error";
         $heading = $labels->getLabel($heading);
         $message = $labels->getLabel($e->getMessage());
         // first output to apache error log
         error_log("Xerxes error: " . $message . ": " . $e->getTraceAsString());
         //set proper http response code
         $resultStatus = 500;
         if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_AccessDenied) {
             $resultStatus = 403;
         } else {
             if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_NotFound) {
                 $resultStatus = 404;
         header(' ', true, $resultStatus);
         // send back http status as internal server error or other specified status
         // for the web, we'll convert the error message to xml along with the type
         // of exception and hand display off to the error.xsl file
         $objError = new DOMDocument();
         $objError->loadXML("<error />");
         $objMessage = $objError->createElement("message", $message);
         $objMessage->setAttribute("type", $strErrorType);
         $objHeading = $objError->createElement("heading", $heading);
         // make sure we're showing the main error file
         $objRegistry->setConfig("XSL_PARENT_DIRECTORY", null);
         // set the base url for the error.xsl file's benefit; don't want to assume that
         // the earlier code to this effect was executed before an exception, so this is redundant
         $base_path = $objRegistry->getConfig('BASE_WEB_PATH', false, "");
         $this_server_name = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_NAME');
         // check for a non-standard port
         $port = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_PORT');
         if ($port == 80 || $port == 443) {
             $port = "";
         } else {
             $port = ":" . $port;
         $protocol = "http://";
         if ($objRequest->getServer("HTTPS")) {
             $protocol = "https://";
         $web = $protocol . $this_server_name . $port . $base_path;
         $objBaseURL = $objError->createElement("base_url", $web);
         // if it's a db denied exception, include info on dbs.
         if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_DatabasesDenied) {
             $excluded_xml = $objError->createElement("excluded_dbs");
             foreach ($e->deniedDatabases() as $db) {
                 $element = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToNodeset($db, $objRequest, $objRegistry);
                 $element = $objError->importNode($element, true);
         // add in the request object's stuff
         $request_xml = $objRequest->toXML();
         $imported = $objError->importNode($request_xml->documentElement, true);
         foreach ($imported->childNodes as $childNode) {
         if ($objRequest->getProperty("format") == "xerxes") {
             header('Content-type: text/xml');
             echo $objError->saveXML();
         } else {
             // display it to the user. Transform will pick up local
             // xsl for error page too, great.
             echo Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($objError, "xsl/error.xsl");
     // need to incorporate methods for doing additional actions based on the type
     // of error -- probably a config option
Example #8
 public static function isAuthenticatedUser(Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest)
     return $objRequest->getSession("username") != null && $objRequest->getSession("role") != "local" && $objRequest->getSession("role") != "guest";