public function doExecute()
     $arrDefaultReturn = array("base" => "collections", "action" => "edit_form", "subject" => $this->request->getProperty("subject"), "subcategory" => $this->request->getProperty("subcategory"), "username" => $this->request->getProperty("username"));
     if ($this->request->getProperty("cancel")) {
         $this->returnWithMessage($this->getLabel("text_collections_cancelled"), $arrDefaultReturn);
         return 1;
     $strSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject");
     $strSubcatID = $this->request->getProperty("subcategory");
     $strUsername = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     $strNewName = $this->request->getProperty("new_name");
     if (empty($strNewName)) {
         $this->returnWithMessage($this->getLabel("text_collections_blank_name"), $arrDefaultReturn);
         return 1;
     // make sure they are logged in as the user they are trying to save as.
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $category = $objData->getSubject($strSubject, null, Xerxes_DataMap::userCreatedMode, $strUsername);
     if (!empty($strSubcatID)) {
         // rename a subcategory
         $subcat = $this->getSubcategory($category, $strSubcatID);
         $subcat->name = $strNewName;
     } else {
         // rename category
         $category->name = $strNewName;
     // new name if it's been changed!
     $arrDefaultReturn["subject"] = $category->normalized;
     $this->returnWithMessage($this->getLabel("text_collections_renamed"), $arrDefaultReturn);
     return 1;
  * Return top level Metalib KB categories as XML
  * @param Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest
  * @param Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry
  * @return int status
 public function doExecute()
     $objXml = new DOMDOcument();
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $lang = $this->request->getProperty("lang");
     $arrResults = $objData->getCategories($lang);
     $x = 1;
     if (count($arrResults) > 0) {
         $objXml->loadXML("<categories />");
         foreach ($arrResults as $objCategoryData) {
             $objCategory = $objXml->createElement("category");
             $objCategory->setAttribute("position", $x);
             foreach ($objCategoryData->properties() as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value != null) {
                     $objElement = $objXml->createElement("{$key}", Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($value));
             // add the url for the category
             $arrParams = array("base" => "databases", "action" => "subject", "subject" => $objCategoryData->normalized);
             $url = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($this->request->url_for($arrParams));
             $objElement = $objXml->createElement("url", $url);
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     $strUsername = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     if (empty($strUsername)) {
         //default to logged in user
         $strUsername = $this->request->getSession("username");
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $existingCategoryNames = $this->request->getData('/*/userCategories/category/normalized', null, 'ARRAY');
     if (count($existingCategoryNames) <= 1) {
         if (count($existingCategoryNames) == 1) {
             $normalized_name = $existingCategoryNames[0];
         } else {
             // create a new one
             $strNewSubject = $this->registry->getConfig("default_collection_name", false, "My Saved Databases");
             $strNormalizedSubject = Xerxes_Data_Category::normalize($strNewSubject);
             $newCategory = new Xerxes_Data_Category();
             $newCategory->name = $strNewSubject;
             $newCategory->username = $strUsername;
             $newCategory->normalized = $strNormalizedSubject;
             $newCategory->published = 0;
             $newCategory = $objData->addUserCreatedCategory($newCategory);
             $normalized_name = $newCategory->normalized;
         // redirect past the category selection page
         $fixedUrl = $this->request->url_for(array("base" => "collections", "action" => "save_choose_subheading", "subject" => $normalized_name, "id" => $this->request->getProperty("id"), "username" => $strUsername, "return" => $this->request->getProperty("return")), true);
         // force full url for redirect
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     $strSubjectSelection = $this->request->getProperty("subject");
     $strUsername = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     if (empty($strUsername)) {
         $strUsername = $this->request->getSession("username");
     // make sure they are logged in as the user they are trying to save as
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $existingSubject = $objData->getSubject($strSubjectSelection, null, Xerxes_DataMap::userCreatedMode, $strUsername);
     $subcats = $existingSubject->subcategories;
     if (count($subcats) <= 1) {
         if (count($subcats) == 1) {
             $subcat_id = $subcats[0]->id;
         } else {
             //create one
             $new_subcat = new Xerxes_Data_Subcategory();
             $new_subcat->sequence = 1;
             $new_subcat->category_id = $existingSubject->id;
             $new_subcat->name = $this->registry->getConfig("default_collection_section_name", false, "Databases");
             $new_subcat = $objData->addUserCreatedSubcategory($new_subcat);
             $subcat_id = $new_subcat->id;
         $fixedUrl = $this->request->url_for(array("base" => "collections", "action" => "save_complete", "subject" => $existingSubject->normalized, "subcategory" => $subcat_id, "id" => $this->request->getProperty("id"), "username" => $strUsername, "return" => $this->request->getProperty("return")), true);
         // force full url for redirect
     return 1;
Example #5
 public function doExecute()
     $strUsername = $this->request->getSession("username");
     $arrSessionArray = array();
     if ($strUsername != "") {
         ### FORMATS / TYPES
         $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
         $arrResults = $objData->getRecordFormats($strUsername);
         // transform them to XML
         $objXml = new DOMDocument();
         $objXml->loadXML("<format_facets />");
         foreach ($arrResults as $objFacet) {
             $objFacetNode = $objXml->createElement("facet", $objFacet->total);
             $objFacetNode->setAttribute("name", $objFacet->format);
             $arrParams = array("base" => "folder", "action" => "home", "username" => $this->request->getProperty("username"), "type" => $objFacet->format);
             $objFacetNode->setAttribute("url", $this->request->url_for($arrParams));
         ### TAGS
         // we'll store the tags summary in session so that edits can be
         // done without round-tripping to the database; xslt can display
         // the summary by getting it from the request xml
         $arrResults = $objData->getRecordTags($strUsername);
         foreach ($arrResults as $objTag) {
             $arrSessionArray[$objTag->label] = $objTag->total;
     return 1;
Example #6
 public function getTotal($strUsername, $strLabel, $strType)
     if ($this->iTotal == null) {
         $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
         $this->iTotal = $objData->totalRecords($strUsername, $strLabel, $strType);
     return $this->iTotal;
 public function doExecute()
     $arrSaved = array();
     $arrMatch = array();
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     // find all of the xerxes records
     $objRecords = $this->request->getData("//xerxes_record", null, "DOMNodeList");
     if ($objRecords->length > 0) {
         foreach ($objRecords as $objXerxesRecord) {
             $strResultSet = "";
             $strRecordNumber = "";
             $objResultSet = $objXerxesRecord->getElementsByTagName("result_set")->item(0);
             $objRecordNumber = $objXerxesRecord->getElementsByTagName("record_number")->item(0);
             if ($objResultSet != null) {
                 $strResultSet = $objResultSet->nodeValue;
             if ($objRecordNumber != null) {
                 $strRecordNumber = $objRecordNumber->nodeValue;
             if ($strRecordNumber != "" && $strResultSet != "") {
                 // see if it's listed in session as being saved
                 if (Xerxes_Helper::isMarkedSaved($strResultSet, $strRecordNumber)) {
                     $key = Xerxes_Helper::savedRecordKey($strResultSet, $strRecordNumber);
                     $id = $_SESSION['resultsSaved'][$key]['xerxes_record_id'];
                     array_push($arrSaved, $id);
                     $arrMatch[$id] = $strResultSet . ":" . $strRecordNumber;
         if (count($arrSaved) == 0) {
             return 0;
         // fetch all the saved records on this page in one query to the database
         $arrResults = $objData->getRecordsByID($arrSaved);
         if (count($arrResults) == 0) {
             return 0;
         } else {
             $objXml = new DOMDocument();
             $objXml->loadXML("<saved_records />");
             foreach ($arrResults as $objSavedRecord) {
                 // id
                 $objSavedRecordXml = $objXml->createElement("saved");
                 $objSavedRecordXml->setAttribute("id", $arrMatch[$objSavedRecord->id]);
                 $objIDXml = $objXml->createElement("id", $objSavedRecord->id);
                 // labels
                 foreach ($objSavedRecord->tags as $tag) {
                     $objTagXml = $objXml->createElement("tag", Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($tag));
             return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     $lang = $this->request->getProperty("lang");
     // main list of subcategories and databases
     $objXml = new DOMDocument();
     $objXml->loadXML("<category />");
     // list of subcategories that should go in the sidebar
     $objSidebar = new DOMDocument();
     $objSidebar->loadXML("<sidebar />");
     $strOld = $this->request->getProperty("category");
     $strSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject");
     $configSidebar = $this->registry->getConfig("SUBCATEGORIES_SIDEBAR", false, null, $lang);
     $arrSidebar = explode(",", $configSidebar);
     // look up home page default subject from config if no subject was specified, and we were
     // instructed to look it up with use_categories_quicksearch=true
     if ($strSubject == "" && $this->request->getProperty("use_categories_quicksearch") == "true") {
         $strSubject = $this->registry->getConfig("categories_quicksearch", false, "quick-search", $lang);
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $objCategoryData = $objData->getSubject($strSubject, $strOld, "metalib", null, $lang);
     $y = 1;
     if ($objCategoryData != null) {
         $objXml->documentElement->setAttribute("name", $objCategoryData->name);
         $objXml->documentElement->setAttribute("normalized", $objCategoryData->normalized);
         // standard url for the category
         $arrParams = array("base" => "databases", "action" => "subject", "subject" => $objCategoryData->normalized);
         $url = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($this->request->url_for($arrParams));
         $objElement = $objXml->createElement("url", $url);
         // the attributes of the subcategories
         $db_list_index = 1;
         foreach ($objCategoryData->subcategories as $objSubData) {
             $objSubCategory = $objXml->createElement("subcategory");
             $objSubCategory->setAttribute("name", $objSubData->name);
             $objSubCategory->setAttribute("position", $y);
             $objSubCategory->setAttribute("id", $objSubData->id);
             // the database information
             foreach ($objSubData->databases as $objDatabaseData) {
                 $objDatabase = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToNodeset($objDatabaseData, $this->request, $this->registry, $db_list_index);
                 $objDatabase = $objXml->importNode($objDatabase, true);
             // if marked for the sidebar, put it there
             if (in_array($objSubData->name, $arrSidebar)) {
                 $objImport = $objSidebar->importNode($objSubCategory, true);
             } else {
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     // get properties from request
     $strUsername = $this->request->getSession("username");
     $strGroup = $this->request->getProperty("group");
     $strResultSet = $this->request->getProperty("resultSet");
     $iStartRecord = $this->request->getProperty("startRecord");
     // get the search start date
     $objSearchXml = $this->getCache($strGroup, "search", "SimpleXML");
     $strDate = (string) $objSearchXml->date;
     // construct a fully unique id for metalib record based on
     // date, resultset, and startrecord numbers
     $strID = "";
     $strID = $strDate . ":";
     $strID .= $strResultSet . ":";
     $strID .= str_pad($iStartRecord, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     // the save and delete action come in on the same onClick event from the search results page,
     // so we have to check here to see if it is a delete or save based on the session. This is a
     // bit dangerous, since maybe the session got out of sync? Oh well, it'll do for now, since
     // that's what was done with the previous cookie implementation.
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $bolAdd = !$this->isMarkedSaved($strResultSet, $iStartRecord);
     $strInsertedId = null;
     if ($bolAdd == true) {
         // add command
         // get record from metalib result set
         $objXerxesRecord = new Xerxes_MetalibRecord();
         // add to database
         $objData->addRecord($strUsername, "metalib", $strID, $objXerxesRecord);
         $strInsertedId = $objXerxesRecord->id;
         // mark saved for feedback on search results
     } else {
         // delete command
         $objData->deleteRecordBySource($strUsername, "metalib", $strID);
         $this->unmarkSaved($strResultSet, $iStartRecord);
     // build a response
     $objXml = new DOMDocument();
     $objXml->loadXML("<results />");
     if ($bolAdd == false) {
         // flag this as being a delete comand in the view, in the event
         // user has javascript turned off and we need to show them an actual page
         $objDelete = $objXml->createElement("delete", "1");
     } else {
         // add inserted id for ajax response
         $objInsertedId = $objXml->createElement("savedRecordID", $strInsertedId);
     return 1;
Example #10
 public function doExecute()
     // ensure this is the same user
     $strRedirect = $this->enforceUsername();
     if ($strRedirect != null) {
         return 1;
     // get request parameters and configuration settings
     $strUsername = $this->request->getSession("username");
     $strSource = $this->request->getProperty("source");
     $strID = $this->request->getProperty("id");
     // params for deciding where to send the user back
     $strType = $this->request->getProperty("type");
     $strLabel = $this->request->getProperty("label");
     $iStart = $this->request->getProperty("startRecord");
     $iTotal = $this->request->getProperty("total");
     $iCount = $this->request->getProperty("recordsPerPage");
     $strSort = $this->request->getProperty("sortKeys");
     // ensure we send user back to a page with actual results!
     if ($iTotal == 1 && ($strLabel != "" || $strType != "")) {
         // if this is the last result in a tag or format grouping, then
         // simply redirect back to the folder home page
         $arrParams = array("base" => "folder", "action" => "home", "sortKeys" => $strSort, "username" => $this->request->getSession("username"));
     } else {
         // if the last record in the results is also the last one on
         // the page (of 10 or whatever), send the user back to an
         // earlier page with results on it
         if ($iStart > $iCount && $iStart == $iTotal) {
             $iStart = $iStart - $iCount;
         $arrParams = array("base" => "folder", "action" => "home", "username" => $this->request->getSession("username"), "type" => $strType, "label" => $strLabel, "sortKeys" => $strSort, "startRecord" => $iStart);
     $strReturn = $this->request->url_for($arrParams);
     // delete the record from the database
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $objData->deleteRecordBySource($strUsername, $strSource, $strID);
     // update the session
     // Sorry this gets a bit confusing, the api hasn't stayed entirely consistent.
     $resultSet = "";
     $recordNumber = $strID;
     $id = explode(':', $strID);
     // metalib
     if (count($id) > 1) {
         $resultSet = $id[1];
         $recordNumber = $id[2];
     Xerxes_Helper::unmarkSaved($resultSet, $recordNumber);
     // send the user back out, so they don't step on this again
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     // if supplied in url, use that (for future API use)
     $username = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     if (!$username) {
         // default to logged in user
         $username = $this->request->getSession("username");
     // default names for if we have to create a new category.
     // can be sent with HTTP request, otherwise we have hard coded defaults.
     $strNewSubject = $this->registry->getConfig("default_collection_name", false, "My Saved Databases");
     $strNormalizedSubject = Xerxes_Data_Category::normalize($strNewSubject);
     // we can only do this if we have a real user (not temp user)
     if ($username == null || !Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isAuthenticatedUser($this->request)) {
         throw new Xerxes_Exception_AccessDenied("text_collections_error_not_logged_in");
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     //$arrResults = $objData->getUserCreatedCategories($username, "id");
     $arrResults = $objData->getUserCreatedCategories($username);
     // find the default one, if present.
     $redirectCategory = null;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrResults); $i++) {
         $iCat = $arrResults[$i];
         if ($iCat->normalized == $strNormalizedSubject) {
             $redirectCategory = $iCat;
     // Couldn't find it? Have to make one.
     if (empty($redirectCategory)) {
         //Create one
         $redirectCategory = $this->addDefaultCollection($objData, $username);
     /*  This doesn't work right yet, although it's a nice idea. 
         else {
           // Okay, let's make sure our default category has at least one
           // section, which it always ought to, but data corruption sometimes,
           // and we can fix it up. Got to refetch it to get it's subcategories.
           $redirectCategory = $objData->getSubject( $redirectCategory->normalized, null, Xerxes_DataMap::userCreatedMode, $redirectCategory->username);
           if ( count($redirectCategory->subcategories) == 0) {
             // add the default one 
             $this->addDefaultSubcategory($objData, $redirectCategory);
     // and redirect
     $url = $this->request->url_for(array('base' => 'collections', 'action' => 'subject', 'username' => $username, 'subject' => $redirectCategory->normalized));
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     $bolFullText = false;
     $issn = $this->request->getProperty("issn");
     $year = $this->request->getProperty("year");
     $configBaseUrl = $this->request->getConfig("BASE_URL");
     if ($issn != null && $issn != "") {
         // convert year to int
         if ($year != null && $year != "") {
             $year = (int) $year;
         // run the query
         $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
         $arrResults = $objData->getFullText($issn);
         foreach ($arrResults as $objFulltext) {
             // in case the database values are null, we'll assign the
             // initial years as unreachable
             $iStart = 9999;
             $iEnd = 0;
             if ($objFulltext->startdate != null) {
                 $iStart = (int) $objFulltext->startdate;
             if ($objFulltext->enddate != null) {
                 $iEnd = (int) $objFulltext->enddate;
             if ($objFulltext->embargo != null && (int) $objFulltext->embargo != 0) {
                 // convert embargo to years, we'll overcompensate here by rounding
                 // up, still showing 'check for availability' but no guarantee of full-text
                 $iEmbargoDays = (int) $objFulltext->embargo;
                 $iEmbargoYears = (int) ceil($iEmbargoDays / 365);
                 // embargo of a year or more needs to go back to start of year, so increment
                 // date plus an extra year
                 if ($iEmbargoYears >= 1) {
                 $iEnd = (int) date("Y");
                 $iEnd = $iEnd - $iEmbargoYears;
             if ($year >= $iStart && $year <= $iEnd) {
                 $bolFullText = true;
     // redirect the browser to the correct image
     if ($bolFullText == true) {
         $this->request->setRedirect($configBaseUrl . "/images/dynamic-full.png");
     } else {
         $this->request->setRedirect($configBaseUrl . "/images/dynamic-sfx.png");
     return 1;
Example #13
 public function doExecute()
     // get request parameters and configuration settings
     $strID = $this->request->getProperty("id");
     $strType = $this->request->getProperty("type");
     $doNotRedirect = $this->request->getProperty("printRedirect");
     $configLinkResolver = $this->registry->getConfig("LINK_RESOLVER_ADDRESS", true);
     $configSID = $this->registry->getConfig("APPLICATION_SID", false, "");
     $configBaseUrl = $this->registry->getConfig("BASE_URL", true);
     // get the record from database
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $objDataRecord = $objData->getRecordByID($strID);
     if ($objDataRecord == null) {
         throw new Exception("cannot find record");
     $objRecord = $objDataRecord->xerxes_record;
     // redirect to the resource based on type
     if ($strType == "openurl") {
         $this->request->setRedirect($objRecord->getOpenURL($configLinkResolver, $configSID));
     } else {
         $strUrl = $configBaseUrl . "/?base=databases&action=proxy";
         if ($strType == "html" || $strType == "pdf" || $strType == "online" || $strType == "construct") {
             $link = $objRecord->getFullText(true);
             foreach ($link as $arrLink) {
                 if ($arrLink[2] == $strType) {
                     // see if this is a construct link, in which case pass it back thru
                     // proxy for construction
                     if (is_array($arrLink[1])) {
                         foreach ($arrLink[1] as $strField => $strValue) {
                             $strUrl .= "&param={$strField}={$strValue}";
                     } else {
                         $strUrl .= "&url=" . urlencode($arrLink[1]);
                     if (method_exists($objRecord, "getMetalibID")) {
                         $strUrl .= "&database=" . $objRecord->getMetalibID();
         } else {
             throw new Exception("unsupported redirect type");
     if ($doNotRedirect == true) {
         echo $this->request->getRedirect();
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     $strNormalizedSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject");
     $strUsername = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     // Make sure they are logged in as the user they are trying to save as.
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     // Find the category
     $category = $objData->getSubject($strNormalizedSubject, null, Xerxes_DataMap::userCreatedMode, $strUsername);
     // Send them back where they came from, with a message.
     $this->returnWithMessage($this->getLabel("text_collections_deleted_category", $category->name), array("base" => "collections", "action" => "list", "username" => $strUsername));
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     // cancel?
     $arrDefaultReturn = array("base" => "collections", "action" => "edit_form", "subject" => $this->request->getProperty("subject"), "subcategory" => $this->request->getProperty("subcategory"), "username" => $this->request->getProperty("username"));
     if ($this->request->getProperty("cancel")) {
         $this->returnWithMessage($this->getLabel("text_collections_cancelled"), $arrDefaultReturn);
         return 1;
     $strSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject");
     $strSubcatID = $this->request->getProperty("subcategory");
     $strPublished = $this->request->getProperty("published");
     $strUsername = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     $strNewName = $this->request->getProperty("new_name");
     // Make sure they are logged in as the user they are trying to save as.
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $category = $objData->getSubject($strSubject, null, Xerxes_DataMap::userCreatedMode, $strUsername);
     $message = "";
     if (!empty($strSubcatID)) {
         // edit a subcategory, rename
         $subcat = $this->getSubcategory($category, $strSubcatID);
         if (!empty($strNewName)) {
             $message .= "Section name changed. ";
             $subcat->name = $strNewName;
     } else {
         // edit a category: rename/publish
         if (!empty($strNewName)) {
             $category->name = $strNewName;
             $message .= $this->getLabel("text_collections_name_changed");
         if (!empty($strPublished)) {
             $boolPublished = (int) ($strPublished == "true");
             $category->published = $boolPublished;
             if ($boolPublished) {
                 $message .= $this->getLabel("text_collections_made_published");
             } else {
                 $message .= $this->getLabel("text_collections_made_private");
     // new name if it's been changed!
     $arrDefaultReturn["subject"] = $category->normalized;
     $this->returnWithMessage($message, $arrDefaultReturn);
     return 1;
Example #16
 public function doExecute()
     $username = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     $password = $this->request->getProperty("password");
     if ($username == null) {
         throw new Exception("you must supply username paramater");
     if ($password == null) {
         throw new Exception("you must supply a password paramater");
     echo "\n\nUPGRADE DATABASE \n\n";
     echo "  Executing KB upgrade . . . ";
     $data = new Xerxes_DataMap(null, $username, $password);
     echo "done!\n";
Example #17
 public function doExecute()
     $arrDefaultReturn = array("base" => "collections", "action" => "edit_form", "subject" => $this->request->getProperty("subject"), "subcategory" => $this->request->getProperty("subcategory"), "username" => $this->request->getProperty("username"));
     $strSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject");
     $strUsername = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     // make sure they are logged in as the user they are trying to save as.
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $category = $objData->getSubject($strSubject, null, Xerxes_DataMap::userCreatedMode, $strUsername);
     // find any new assigned numbers, and reorder.
     $orderedSubcats = $category->subcategories;
     // we need to through the assignments in sorted order by sequence choice,
     // for this to work right.
     $sortedProperties = $this->request->getAllProperties();
     foreach ($sortedProperties as $name => $new_sequence) {
         $matches = array();
         if (!empty($new_sequence) && preg_match('/^subcat_seq_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) {
             $subcatID = $matches[1];
             $old_index = null;
             $subcategory = null;
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($orderedSubcats); $i++) {
                 $candidate = $orderedSubcats[$i];
                 if ($candidate->id == $subcatID) {
                     $old_index = $i;
                     $subcategory = $candidate;
             // if we found it.
             if ($subcategory) {
                 // remove it from the array, then add it back in
                 array_splice($orderedSubcats, $old_index, 1);
                 array_splice($orderedSubcats, $new_sequence - 1, 0, array($subcategory));
     // okay, we've re-ordered $orderedSubcats, now update the sequence #s
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($orderedSubcats); $i++) {
         $subcategory = $orderedSubcats[$i];
         $subcategory->sequence = $i + 1;
     $this->returnWithMessage($this->getLabel("text_collections_section_order_changed"), $arrDefaultReturn);
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     $strNormalizedSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject");
     $strUsername = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     $strDatabaseID = $this->request->getProperty("id");
     $strSubcatID = $this->request->getProperty("subcategory");
     // Make sure they are logged in as the user they are trying to save as.
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $subcategory = null;
     // Find the category
     $category = $objData->getSubject($strNormalizedSubject, null, Xerxes_DataMap::userCreatedMode, $strUsername);
     $subcategory = $this->getSubcategory($category, $strSubcatID);
     $objData->removeDatabaseFromUserCreatedSubcategory($strDatabaseID, $subcategory);
     // Send them back where they came from, with a message.
     return 1;
Example #19
 public function doExecute()
     $strNewSubject = $this->request->getProperty("new_subject_name");
     if (empty($strNewSubject)) {
         $strNewSubject = $this->registry->getConfig("default_collection_name", false, "My Saved Databases");
     $strUsername = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     $strNewSubcategory = $this->request->getProperty("new_subcategory_name");
     if ($this->request->getProperty("action") == "save_complete") {
         // Nevermind, don't do it.
         $strNewSubcategory = null;
     // Make sure they are logged in as the user they are trying to save as.
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $existingSubject = null;
     // Make sure it's truly new and has a unique normalized form, else
     // reuse existing. This takes care of browser-refresh, or typing in the identical
     // name of an already existing one.
     $strNormalizedSubject = Xerxes_Data_Category::normalize($strNewSubject);
     $existingSubject = $objData->getSubject($strNormalizedSubject, null, Xerxes_DataMap::userCreatedMode, $strUsername);
     // if we found a dupe, we'll use that, otherwise create one.
     if (!$existingSubject) {
         $objDataCategory = new Xerxes_Data_Category();
         $objDataCategory->name = $strNewSubject;
         $objDataCategory->username = $strUsername;
         $objDataCategory->normalized = $strNormalizedSubject;
         $objDataCategory->published = 0;
         $existingSubject = $objData->addUserCreatedCategory($objDataCategory);
     // and create an initial section, please.
     if ($strNewSubcategory && !$this->request->getProperty("format") == "json") {
         $subcategory = new Xerxes_Data_Subcategory();
         $subcategory->name = $strNewSubcategory;
         $subcategory->category_id = $existingSubject->id;
         $subcategory->sequence = 1;
         $subcategory = $objData->addUserCreatedSubcategory($subcategory);
     // send them off to the edit_mode of their new category.
     $newUrl = $this->request->url_for(array("base" => "collections", "action" => "subject", "username" => $this->request->getProperty("username"), "subject" => $existingSubject->normalized), true);
     // force full url for redirect
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     // get all of the issns
     $arrIssn = $this->request->getData("//issn", null, "array");
     if (count($arrIssn) > 0) {
         // execute this in a single query
         $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
         $arrResults = $objData->getRefereed($arrIssn);
         // add the data back to the request
         $objXml = new DOMDocument();
         $objXml->loadXML("<refereed />");
         foreach ($arrResults as $objPeer) {
             $objIssn = $objXml->createElement("issn", $objPeer->issn);
     return 1;
 protected function addAlphaList()
     // check for letters in session
     $alpha_list = $this->request->getSession("alpha_list");
     if ($alpha_list == "") {
         $objDataMap = new Xerxes_DataMap();
         // check database cache
         $arrCache = $objDataMap->getCache("dblist", "az");
         if (count($arrCache) > 0) {
             $objCache = $arrCache[0];
             $alpha_list = $objCache->data;
         } else {
             // so create it
             $alpha_list_array = $objDataMap->getDatabaseAlpha();
             $alpha_list = implode(',', $alpha_list_array);
             // and cache it in the database
             $objCache = new Xerxes_Data_Cache();
             $objCache->source = "dblist";
             $objCache->id = "az";
             $objCache->data = $alpha_list;
             $objCache->expiry = time() + 60 * 60;
             // for one hour
         // cache it in session too!
         $this->request->setSession("alpha_list", $alpha_list);
     // add it to the interface
     $objAlpha = new DOMDocument();
     $objAlpha->loadXML("<alpha />");
     foreach (explode(',', $alpha_list) as $letter) {
         $objEntry = $objAlpha->createElement("entry");
         $objLetter = $objAlpha->createElement("letter", $letter);
         $params = array("base" => "databases", "action" => "alphabetical", "alpha" => $letter);
         $link = $this->request->url_for($params);
         $objLink = $objAlpha->createElement("link", Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXML($link));
 public function doExecute()
     // If supplied in URL, use that (for future API use).
     // Nevermind, this is a privacy problem until we right access
     // controls for that future API use.
     //$username = $this->request->getProperty("username");
     //if ( ! $username ) {
     // default to logged in user
     $username = $this->request->getSession("username");
     // we can only do this if we have a real user (not temp user), otherwise
     // just add no XML.
     if ($username == null || !Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isAuthenticatedUser($this->request)) {
         return 0;
     $objXml = new DOMDOcument();
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $arrResults = $objData->getUserCreatedCategories($username);
     $x = 1;
     if (count($arrResults) > 0) {
         $objXml->loadXML("<userCategories />");
         foreach ($arrResults as $objCategoryData) {
             $objCategory = $objXml->createElement("category");
             $objCategory->setAttribute("position", $x);
             foreach ($objCategoryData->properties() as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value != null) {
                     $objElement = $objXml->createElement("{$key}", Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($value));
             // add the url for the category
             $arrParams = array("base" => "collections", "action" => "subject", "username" => $username, "subject" => $objCategoryData->normalized);
             $url = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($this->request->url_for($arrParams));
             $objElement = $objXml->createElement("url", $url);
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     $bolRefereed = false;
     $issn = $this->request->getProperty("issn");
     $configBaseUrl = $this->request->getConfig("BASE_URL");
     if ($issn != null && $issn != "") {
         // run the query
         $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
         $arrResults = $objData->getRefereed($issn);
         // if we got a hit, then we're good
         if (count($arrResults) > 0) {
             $bolRefereed = true;
     // redirect the browser to the correct image
     if ($bolRefereed == true) {
         $this->request->setRedirect($configBaseUrl . "/images/refereed.png");
     } else {
         $this->request->setRedirect($configBaseUrl . "/images/empty.png");
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     $configMemory = $this->registry->getConfig("HARVEST_MEMORY_LIMIT", false, "500M");
     ini_set("memory_limit", $configMemory);
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $file = $this->registry->getConfig("PATH_PARENT_DIRECTORY") . "/lib/data/refereed.txt";
     ### dump
     // this is a dump, really only used by david to
     // generate the file to begin with
     if ($this->request->getProperty("dump") != null) {
         echo "Dumping peer reviewed data . . . ";
         $data = $objData->getAllRefereed();
         $output = "";
         foreach ($data as $title) {
             $output .= "\n" . $title->issn . "\t" . $title->title . "\t" . $title->timestamp;
         file_put_contents($file, $output);
         echo "done.\n";
         return 1;
     ### load
     echo "Getting data from refereed file . . . ";
     $file_data = file_get_contents($file);
     if ($file_data === false) {
         throw new Exception("Could not find a refereed data file at {$file}");
     echo "done.\n";
     if ($this->request->getProperty("no-flush") == null) {
         echo "Flushing old refereed data . . . ";
         echo "done.\n";
     echo "Adding new refereed data . . . ";
     $titles = explode("\n", $file_data);
     $x = 0;
     foreach ($titles as $title) {
         $arrTitle = explode("\t", $title);
         if (count($arrTitle) == 3) {
             $object = new Xerxes_Data_Refereed();
             $object->issn = trim($arrTitle[0]);
             // $object->title = trim($arrTitle[1]);
             $object->timestamp = trim($arrTitle[2]);
     echo "done.\n";
     echo "Added {$x} titles.\n";
     echo "Committing changes . . . ";
     echo "done.\n";
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     // in case this is being called from the web, plaintext
     if ($this->request->isCommandLine() == false) {
         header("Content-type: text/plain");
     // set a higher than normal memory limit to account for
     // pulling down large knowledgebases
     $configMemory = $this->registry->getConfig("HARVEST_MEMORY_LIMIT", false, "500M");
     ini_set("memory_limit", $configMemory);
     echo "\n\nMETALIB KNOWLEDGEBASE PULL \n\n";
     // get configuration settings
     $this->configInstitute = $this->registry->getConfig("METALIB_INSTITUTE", true);
     $this->configPortal = $this->registry->getConfig("METALIB_PORTAL", false, $this->configInstitute);
     $this->configLanguages = $this->registry->getConfig("LANGUAGES", false);
     $this->configChunk = $this->registry->getConfig("CHUNK_KB_PULL", false, false);
     $configMetalibAddress = $this->registry->getConfig("METALIB_ADDRESS", true);
     $configMetalibUsername = $this->registry->getConfig("METALIB_USERNAME", true);
     $configMetalibPassword = $this->registry->getConfig("METALIB_PASSWORD", true);
     // metalib search object
     $this->objSearch = new Xerxes_MetaSearch($configMetalibAddress, $configMetalibUsername, $configMetalibPassword);
     // data map
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     // clear the cache, while we're at it
     echo "   Pruning cache table . . . ";
     $status = $objData->pruneCache();
     if ($status != 1) {
         throw new Exception("could not prune cache");
     } else {
         echo "done\n";
     // now the real kb stuff
     $arrSubjects = array();
     // array of category and subcategory value objects
     $arrTypes = array();
     // array of type value objects
     $arrDatabases = array();
     // array of datatbase value objects
     echo "   Flushing KB tables . . . ";
     echo "done\n";
     echo "   Fetching types . . . ";
     $arrTypes = $this->types();
     foreach ($arrTypes as $objType) {
     echo "done\n";
     echo "   Fetching databases . . . ";
     $arrDatabases = $this->databases();
     foreach ($arrDatabases as $objDatabase) {
     echo "done\n";
     echo "   Fetching categories and assigning databases . . . ";
     $languages = array(array("code" => "eng", "locale" => "C"));
     if ($this->configLanguages != null) {
         $languages = $this->configLanguages->language;
     foreach ($languages as $language) {
         $locale = (string) $language["locale"];
         $code = (string) $language["code"];
         $oldlocale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0);
         setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale);
         // this influences the iconv() call with 'ASCII//TRANSLIT' target
         $arrSubjects = $this->subjects($arrDatabases, $code);
         foreach ($arrSubjects as $objCategory) {
         setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $oldlocale);
     echo "done\n";
     echo "   Synching user saved databases . . . ";
     echo "done\n";
     echo "   Committing changes . . . ";
     echo "done\n";
     return 1;
 public function doExecute()
     $arrFullText = array();
     // list of records with full text
     $arrPairs = array();
     // issn-year combo array
     $arrIssn = array();
     // just the issns
     // get all of the records that have an issn and a year
     // as well as no native full-text link already
     $strXpath = "//xerxes_record[not(links/link[@type = 'pdf' or @type = 'html' or @type = 'online']) and standard_numbers/issn and year]";
     $objSimple = simplexml_import_dom($this->request->getData());
     $arrRecords = $objSimple->xpath($strXpath);
     // pair-up the issn-year into a simple array here
     foreach ($arrRecords as $xerxes_record) {
         $issn = (string) $xerxes_record->standard_numbers->issn;
         $year = (string) $xerxes_record->year;
         // add the pairs to a master list, and then also just the issn for
         // efficiency of the query
         array_push($arrPairs, array($issn, $year));
         array_push($arrIssn, $issn);
     if (count($arrPairs) > 0) {
         // execute this in a single query
         // reduce to just the unique ISSNs
         $arrIssn = array_unique($arrIssn);
         $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
         $arrResults = $objData->getFullText($arrIssn);
         // we'll now go back over the record issn => year pairs, looking to see
         // if one the results of our query matches it
         foreach ($arrPairs as $arrValues) {
             $strRecordIssn = $arrValues[0];
             $strRecordYear = $arrValues[1];
             foreach ($arrResults as $objFulltext) {
                 // convert query issn back to dash
                 if ($strRecordIssn == $objFulltext->issn) {
                     // in case the database values are null, we'll assign the
                     // initial years as unreachable
                     $iStart = 9999;
                     $iEnd = 0;
                     if ($objFulltext->startdate != null) {
                         $iStart = (int) $objFulltext->startdate;
                     if ($objFulltext->enddate != null) {
                         $iEnd = (int) $objFulltext->enddate;
                     if ($objFulltext->embargo != null && (int) $objFulltext->embargo != 0) {
                         // convert embargo to years, we'll overcompensate here by rounding
                         // up, still showing 'check for availability' but no guarantee of full-text
                         $iEmbargoDays = (int) $objFulltext->embargo;
                         $iEmbargoYears = (int) ceil($iEmbargoDays / 365);
                         // embargo of a year or more needs to go back to start of year, so increment
                         // date plus an extra year
                         if ($iEmbargoYears >= 1) {
                         $iEnd = (int) date("Y");
                         $iEnd = $iEnd - $iEmbargoYears;
                     // if it falls within our range, add it to final array
                     if ($strRecordYear >= $iStart && $strRecordYear <= $iEnd) {
                         array_push($arrFullText, array($strRecordIssn, $strRecordYear));
         // add the data back to the request
         $objXml = new DOMDocument();
         $objXml->loadXML("<fulltext />");
         foreach ($arrFullText as $arrValues) {
             $objIssn = $objXml->createElement("issn", $arrValues[0]);
             $objIssn->setAttribute("year", $arrValues[1]);
     return 1;
Example #27
 public function doExecute()
     // get request paramaters
     $strUsername = $this->request->getSession("username");
     $strOrder = $this->request->getProperty("sortKeys");
     $iStart = $this->request->getProperty("startRecord");
     $strReturn = $this->request->getProperty("return");
     $strLabel = $this->request->getProperty("label");
     $strType = $this->request->getProperty("type");
     $strView = $this->request->getProperty("view");
     // id numbers can come in the form of multiple 'record' params or a single
     // 'records' param, with the ids comma separated
     $arrID = $this->request->getProperty("record", true);
     $strIDs = $this->request->getProperty("records");
     if ($strIDs != null) {
         $arrID = explode(",", $strIDs);
     // these are typically set in actions.xml
     $strLimit = $this->request->getProperty("limit");
     $strLoginOverride = $this->request->getProperty("doNotEnforceLogin");
     // configuration settings
     // default records per page is either set explicitly in saved_record_per_page in config
     // or is the main (metasearch) defaul_records_per_page or 20 which is the const
     $defaultMax = $this->registry->getConfig("DEFAULT_RECORDS_PER_PAGE", false, self::DEFAULT_RECORDS_PER_PAGE);
     $iCount = $this->registry->getConfig("SAVED_RECORDS_PER_PAGE", false, $defaultMax);
     $iCountExport = $this->registry->getConfig("MAXIMUM_RECORD_EXPORT_LIMIT", false, 1000);
     $configMarcBrief = $this->registry->getConfig("XERXES_BRIEF_INCLUDE_MARC", false, false);
     $configMarcFull = $this->registry->getConfig("XERXES_FULL_INCLUDE_MARC", false, false);
     // brief records and export actions should be set to export limit
     if ($strLimit == null) {
         $iCount = $iCountExport;
     // save the return url back to metasearch page if specified
     if ($strReturn != "") {
         $this->request->setSession("SAVED_RETURN", $strReturn);
     ### access control
     // can only override login if username is *NOT* supplied in the paramaters,
     // this prevents people from manually attempting this; 'doNotEnforceLogin'
     // must then only be used in conjunction with specific id numbers
     if ($this->request->getProperty("username") != null && $strLoginOverride != null) {
         throw new Exception("access denied");
     // ensure this is the same user, unless 'doNotEnforceLogin' overrides this,
     // such as with RefWorks or other third-party export
     if ($strLoginOverride == null) {
         $strRedirect = $this->enforceUsername();
         if ($strRedirect != null) {
             return 1;
     ### records
     // get the total number of records
     $iTotal = $this->getTotal($strUsername, $strLabel, $strType);
     // fetch result(s) from the database
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     $arrResults = array();
     if ($arrID != "") {
         $arrResults = $objData->getRecordsByID($arrID);
     } elseif ($strLabel != "") {
         $arrResults = $objData->getRecordsByLabel($strUsername, $strLabel, $strOrder, $iStart, $iCount);
     } elseif ($strType != "") {
         $arrResults = $objData->getRecordsByFormat($strUsername, $strType, $strOrder, $iStart, $iCount);
     } else {
         $arrResults = $objData->getRecords($strUsername, $strView, $strOrder, $iStart, $iCount);
     // create master results xml doc
     $objXml = new DOMDocument();
     $objXml->recover = true;
     $objXml->loadXML("<results />");
     if (count($arrResults) > 0) {
         $objRecords = $objXml->createElement("records");
         // @todo move this to point of save for search arch
         enhance records with links generated from metalib templates,
         and get a list of databases too. We need to get the Xerxes_Records 
         out of our list of Xerxes_Data_Records first.
         $xerxes_records = array();
         $database_links_dom = "";
         foreach ($arrResults as $objDataRecord) {
             if ($objDataRecord->xerxes_record instanceof Xerxes_MetalibRecord) {
                 array_push($xerxes_records, $objDataRecord->xerxes_record);
         if (count($xerxes_records) > 0) {
             Xerxes_MetalibRecord::completeUrlTemplates($xerxes_records, $this->request, $this->registry, $database_links_dom);
             $database_links = $objXml->importNode($database_links_dom->documentElement, true);
         /*  Add the records */
         foreach ($arrResults as $objDataRecord) {
             // create a new record
             $objRecord = $objXml->createElement("record");
             // full record url
             $arrParams = array("base" => "folder", "action" => "full", "username" => $strUsername, "record" => $objDataRecord->id);
             $url = $this->request->url_for($arrParams);
             $objUrlFull = $objXml->createElement("url_full", $url);
             // delete url
             $arrParams = array("base" => "folder", "action" => "delete", "username" => $strUsername, "source" => $objDataRecord->source, "id" => $objDataRecord->original_id, "type" => $strType, "label" => $strLabel, "startRecord" => $iStart, "total" => $iTotal, "sortKeys" => $strOrder, "recordsPerPage" => $iCount);
             $url = $this->request->url_for($arrParams);
             $objUrlDelete = $objXml->createElement("url_delete", $url);
             // openurl link
             $arrParams = array("base" => "folder", "action" => "redirect", "type" => "openurl", "id" => $objDataRecord->id);
             $configLinkResolver = $this->registry->getConfig("LINK_RESOLVER_ADDRESS", true);
             $configSID = $this->registry->getConfig("APPLICATION_SID", false, "");
             foreach ($objDataRecord->properties() as $key => $value) {
                 if ($key == "username" && $strLoginOverride != null) {
                     // exclude the username if login overridden, for privacy
                 } elseif ($key == "xerxes_record" && $value != null) {
                     // import the xerxes record
                     $objXerxesRecord = $value;
                     $objBibRecord = new DOMDocument();
                     $objBibRecord = $objXerxesRecord->toXML();
                     // import it
                     $objImportNode = $objXml->importNode($objBibRecord->documentElement, true);
                     // and openurl kev context object from record
                     $kev = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($objXerxesRecord->getOpenURL(null, $configSID));
                     $objOpenUrl = $objXml->createElement("openurl_kev_co", $kev);
                     // full open url
                     $url = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($objXerxesRecord->getOpenURL($configLinkResolver, $configSID));
                     $objUrlOpen = $objXml->createElement("url_open", $url);
                     // import the marc record, but only if configured to do so; since both brief
                     // and full record display come in on the same command, we'll use the record count
                     // here as an approximate for the brief versus full view -- hacky, hacky
                     $iNumRecords = count($arrID);
                     if ($strView != "brief" && $configMarcFull == true && $iNumRecords == 1 || $strView != "brief" && $configMarcBrief == true && $iNumRecords != 1) {
                         $objOriginalXml = $objXerxesRecord->getOriginalXML();
                         $objImportNode = $objXml->importNode($objOriginalXml->documentElement, true);
                 } else {
                     $objElement = $objXml->createElement($key, Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($value));
             $arrMulti = array("tags");
             foreach ($arrMulti as $multi) {
                 foreach ($objDataRecord->{$multi} as $value) {
                     // remove the trailing 's'
                     $single = substr($multi, 0, strlen($multi) - 1);
                     if ($value != null) {
                         $objElement = $objXml->createElement($single, Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($value));
     return 1;
 public static function completeUrlTemplates($records, $objRequest, $objRegistry, &$database_links_dom = null)
     // If we weren't passed in a cached DOMDocument with a database_links
     // section, create one. Note that the var was passed by reference,
     // so this is available to the caller.
     if ($database_links_dom == null) {
         $metalib_ids = array();
         foreach ($records as $r) {
             array_push($metalib_ids, $r->getMetalibID());
         $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
         $databases = $objData->getDatabases($metalib_ids);
         $database_links_dom = new DOMDocument();
         foreach ($databases as $db) {
             $objNodeDatabase = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToLinksNodeset($db, $objRequest, $objRegistry);
             $objNodeDatabase = $database_links_dom->importNode($objNodeDatabase, true);
     // Pick out the templates into a convenient structure
     $linkTemplates = self::getLinkTemplates($database_links_dom);
     ### Add link to native record and to external holdings URL too, if
     # available from metalib template.
     foreach ($records as $r) {
         if ($r->getMetalibID() && array_key_exists($r->getMetalibID(), $linkTemplates)) {
             $arrTemplates = $linkTemplates[$r->getMetalibID()];
             foreach ($arrTemplates as $type => $template) {
                 $filled_in_link = $r->resolveUrlTemplate($template);
                 if (!empty($filled_in_link)) {
                     array_push($r->links, array(null, $filled_in_link, $type));
 public function doExecute()
     $configMemory = $this->registry->getConfig("HARVEST_MEMORY_LIMIT", false, "500M");
     ini_set("memory_limit", $configMemory);
     // You can define the export file on sfx as having an instance extension, so
     // give the client the opportunity to define that here
     $strInstance = $this->request->getProperty("instance");
     if ($strInstance != "") {
         $strInstance = "-" . $strInstance;
     // construct the address to Google Scholar institutional
     // holdings file on SFX. Either SFX specific config, or
     // general link resolver config.
     $configSfx = $this->registry->getConfig("ALTERNATE_FULLTEXT_HARVEST_ADDRESS", false, $this->registry->getConfig("LINK_RESOLVER_ADDRESS", false));
     if (!$configSfx) {
         throw new Exception("Can not run populate action, no link resolver address configured. " . "Need config ALTERNATE_FULLTEXT_HARVEST_ADDRESS or LINK_RESOLVER_ADDRESS.");
     // fire-up a transaction with the database
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     // clear old data
     echo "  Flushing SFX fulltext table . . . ";
     echo "done.\n";
     // try to get the data from sfx
     $done = false;
     $x = 0;
     while ($done == false) {
         $strUrl = $configSfx . "/cgi/public/get_file.cgi?file=institutional_holding" . $strInstance . '-.prt' . str_pad($x, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ".xml";
         echo "  Pulling down SFX inst holding file ({$x}) . . . ";
         try {
             $strResponse = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::request($strUrl);
             $objXml = new SimpleXMLElement($strResponse);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($x == 1) {
                 throw new Exception("cannot get institutional holding file from sfx: '{$strUrl}'. " . "If this is the correct SFX server address, make sure your SFX allows access to " . "institutional holding file from this IP address in config/get_file_restriction.config " . "on SFX server.");
             $done = true;
         echo "done.\n";
         if (!$done) {
             echo "  Processing file . . . ";
             $objItems = $objXml->xpath("//item[@type != 'other']");
             if ($objItems == false) {
                 throw new Exception("could not find items in inst holding file.");
             echo "done.\n";
             echo "  Adding to database . . . ";
             foreach ($objItems as $objItem) {
                 foreach ($objItem->coverage as $objCoverage) {
                     $objFullText = new Xerxes_Data_Fulltext();
                     $objFullText->issn = (string) $objItem->issn;
                     $objFullText->issn = str_replace("-", "", $objFullText->issn);
                     $objFullText->title = (string) $objItem->title;
                     $objFullText->title = urlencode($objFullText->title);
                     $objFullText->title = substr(Xerxes_Framework_Parser::strtolower($objFullText->title), 0, 100);
                     $objFullText->startdate = (int) $objCoverage->from->year;
                     $objFullText->enddate = (int) $objCoverage->to->year;
                     if ($objFullText->enddate == 0) {
                         $objFullText->enddate = 9999;
                     $objFullText->embargo = (int) $objCoverage->embargo->days_not_available;
                     $objFullText->updated = date("YmdHis");
                     // add it to the database
             echo "done.\n";
     echo "  Commiting changes . . . ";
     echo "done.\n";
     return 1;
Example #30
 public function doExecute()
     $bolProxy = false;
     // whether to proxy or not
     $strFinal = "";
     // final link to send back
     $strConstructPattern = "";
     // construct link pattern
     // values from the url request
     $strMetalibID = $this->request->getProperty("database");
     // metalib id
     $strUrl = $this->request->getProperty("url");
     // a direct url to a site, typically to full text
     $arrParams = $this->request->getProperty("param", true);
     // a series of paramaters that we'll use to constuct a full-text linke
     // configuration settings
     $strProxyServer = $this->registry->getConfig("PROXY_SERVER", false);
     // if the database id is included, this could have come in off the
     // metasearch page, so we need to see if it should be proxied or not
     // based on database subscription info
     if ($strMetalibID != null) {
         $objDatabase = new Xerxes_DataMap();
         $objDatabaseData = $objDatabase->getDatabase($strMetalibID);
         if ($objDatabaseData == null) {
             throw new Exception("Couldn't find database '{$strMetalibID}'");
         // databases marked as subscription should be proxied
         if ($objDatabaseData->subscription == "1") {
             $bolProxy = true;
         // override the behavior if proxy flag specifically set
         if ($objDatabaseData->proxy != null) {
             if ($objDatabaseData->proxy == 1) {
                 $bolProxy = true;
             } elseif ($objDatabaseData->proxy == 0) {
                 $bolProxy = false;
         $strConstructPattern = $objDatabaseData->link_native_record;
         // if no url or construct paramaters were supplied, then this came
         // from the databases page as a 'short' url (the preferred now)
         // and so we'll just take the database's native link
         if ($arrParams == null && $strUrl == null) {
             $strUrl = $objDatabaseData->link_native_home;
     } else {
         // the request is to proxy this no matter what; this is largely deprecated
         // in the system as of 1.3, but could be resurrected for some purpose?
         $bolProxy = true;
     // if this is a construct request, we will use the metalib link_native_holding
     // pattern to create the link
     if ($arrParams != null) {
         if ($strMetalibID == null) {
             throw new Exception("Construct links require a Metalib ID");
         } elseif ($strConstructPattern == null) {
             throw new Exception("Could not construct link to full-text");
         } else {
             // paramaters come in a series of key=value pairs, so need to split them
             // out and run the field key against the pattern and replace it with value
             $strUrl = $strConstructPattern;
             foreach ($arrParams as $strParam) {
                 $arrParamElements = explode("=", $strParam);
                 if (count($arrParamElements) == 2) {
                     $strUrl = str_replace("\$" . $arrParamElements[0], $arrParamElements[1], $strUrl);
     // make sure the link doesn't include the proxy
     // server prefix already
     if (preg_match('/http:\\/\\/[0-9]{1,3}-.*/', $strUrl) != 0) {
         // WAM proxy: this is kind of a rough estimate of a WAM-style
         // proxy link, but I think sufficient for our purposes?
         $bolProxy = false;
     } elseif (stristr($strUrl, $strProxyServer)) {
         // EZProxy
         $bolProxy = false;
     // finally, if the proxy server entry is blank, then no proxy available
     if ($strProxyServer == "") {
         $bolProxy = false;
     // if we need to proxy, prefix the proxy server url to the full-text
     // or database link and be done with it!
     if ($bolProxy == true) {
         // if WAM proxy, take the base url and port out and 'prefix';
         // otherwise we only support EZPRoxy, so cool to take as else ?
         if (strstr($strProxyServer, '{WAM}')) {
             $arrMatch = array();
             if (preg_match('/http[s]{0,1}:\\/\\/([^\\/]*)\\/{0,1}(.*)/', $strUrl, $arrMatch) != 0) {
                 $strPort = "0";
                 $arrPort = array();
                 // port specifically included
                 if (preg_match("/:([0-9]{2,5})/", $arrMatch[1], $arrPort) != 0) {
                     if ($arrPort[1] != "80") {
                         $strPort = $arrPort[1];
                     $arrMatch[1] = str_replace($arrPort[0], "", $arrMatch[1]);
                 $strBase = str_replace("{WAM}", $strPort . "-" . $arrMatch[1], $strProxyServer);
                 $strFinal = $strBase . "/" . $arrMatch[2];
                 $strFinal = str_replace("..", ".", $strFinal);
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("could not construct WAM link");
         } else {
             // check if this is using EZProxy qurl param, in which case urlencode that mo-fo
             if (strstr($strProxyServer, "qurl=")) {
                 $strUrl = urlencode($strUrl);
             $strFinal = $strProxyServer . $strUrl;
     } else {
         // just send it along straight-up
         $strFinal = $strUrl;
     return 1;