  * Renders the guest time zone option.
  * @param XenForo_View $view View object
  * @param string $fieldPrefix Prefix for the HTML form field name
  * @param array $preparedOption Prepared option info
  * @param boolean $canEdit True if an "edit" link should appear
  * @return XenForo_Template_Abstract Template object
 public static function renderOption(XenForo_View $view, $fieldPrefix, array $preparedOption, $canEdit)
     $value = $preparedOption['option_value'];
     $editLink = $view->createTemplateObject('option_list_option_editlink', array('preparedOption' => $preparedOption, 'canEditOptionDefinition' => $canEdit));
     $forumOptions = XenForo_Option_NodeChooser::getNodeOptions($value['node_id'], sprintf('(%s)', new XenForo_Phrase('unspecified')), 'Forum');
     return $view->createTemplateObject('option_template_spamThreadAction', array('fieldPrefix' => $fieldPrefix, 'listedFieldName' => $fieldPrefix . '_listed[]', 'preparedOption' => $preparedOption, 'formatParams' => $forumOptions, 'editLink' => $editLink));
  * Fetches a list of node options.
  * @param array $selectedForums
  * @param mixed Include root forum (specify a phrase to represent the root
  * forum)
  * @param mixed Filter the options to allow only the specified type to be
  * selectable
  * @return array
 public static function getNodeOptions($selectedForums, $includeRoot = false, $filter = false)
     $options = parent::getNodeOptions($selectedForums, $includeRoot, $filter);
     foreach ($selectedForums as $selectedForum) {
         $options[$selectedForum]['selected'] = true;
     return $options;
  * Fetches a list of node options.
  * @param array $selectedForums
  * @param mixed Include root forum (specify a phrase to represent the root
  * forum)
  * @param mixed Filter the options to allow only the specified type to be
  * selectable
  * @return array
 public static function getNodeOptions($selectedForums, $includeRoot = false, $filter = false)
     $options = parent::getNodeOptions($selectedForums, $includeRoot, $filter);
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         if ($option['node_type_id'] != 'Forum') {
     foreach ($selectedForums as $selectedForum) {
         $options[$selectedForum]['selected'] = true;
     return $options;
Example #4
 public function configure(XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Abstract $controller, array &$config)
     if ($config) {
         if ($errors = $this->validateConfiguration($config)) {
             return $controller->responseError($errors);
         return true;
     } else {
         $nodeOptions = XenForo_Option_NodeChooser::getNodeOptions(0, false, 'Forum');
         $viewParams = array('nodeOptions' => $nodeOptions);
         return $controller->responseView('Nobita_Teams_ViewAdmin_Import_Config', 'Team_import_waindigo_config', $viewParams);
Example #5
 public static function renderOption(XenForo_View $view, $fieldPrefix, array $preparedOption, $canEdit)
     $choices = $preparedOption['option_value'];
     $editLink = $view->createTemplateObject('option_list_option_editlink', array('preparedOption' => $preparedOption, 'canEditOptionDefinition' => $canEdit));
     $modernModel = XenForo_Model::create('Brivium_ModernStatistic_Model_ModernStatistic');
     $forumOptions = XenForo_Option_NodeChooser::getNodeOptions(-1, false, 'Forum');
     $listKinds = array(array('value' => 'thread', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('thread')));
     $resourceVersion = $modernModel->checkXenForoResourceAddon();
     $categoryOptions = array();
     if ($resourceVersion) {
         $listKinds[] = array('value' => 'resource', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('resource'));
         $categoryModel = XenForo_Model::create('XenResource_Model_Category');
         $categories = $categoryModel->prepareCategories($categoryModel->getViewableCategories());
         foreach ($categories as $categoryId => $category) {
             $category['depth'] += 1;
             $categoryOptions[$categoryId] = array('value' => $categoryId, 'label' => $category['category_title'], 'depth' => $category['depth']);
     $listTypes = array(array('value' => 'thread_latest', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('BRMS_latest_threads')), array('value' => 'thread_hotest', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('BRMS_most_viewed_threads')), array('value' => 'post_latest', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('BRMS_latest_replies')), array('value' => 'most_reply', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('BRMS_most_replied_threads')), array('value' => 'sticky_threads', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('BRMS_sticky_threads')), array('value' => 'my_threads', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('BRMS_my_threads')));
     $listTypeResources = array(array('value' => 'resource_last_update', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('latest_updates')), array('value' => 'resource_resource_date', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('newest_resources')), array('value' => 'resource_rating_weighted', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('top_resources')), array('value' => 'resource_download_count', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('most_downloaded')));
     $listThreadOrders = array(array('value' => 'title', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('title_alphabetical')), array('value' => 'post_date', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('thread_creation_time')), array('value' => 'view_count', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('number_of_views')), array('value' => 'reply_count', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('number_of_replies')), array('value' => 'first_post_likes', 'label' => new XenForo_Phrase('first_message_likes')));
     return $view->createTemplateObject('BRMS_option_template_tab_selector', array('fieldPrefix' => $fieldPrefix, 'listedFieldName' => $fieldPrefix . '_listed[]', 'preparedOption' => $preparedOption, 'formatParams' => $preparedOption['formatParams'], 'editLink' => $editLink, 'resourceVersion' => $resourceVersion, 'categoryList' => $categoryOptions, 'forumList' => $forumOptions, 'choices' => $choices, 'listTypes' => $listTypes, 'listTypeResources' => $listTypeResources, 'listThreadOrders' => $listThreadOrders, 'listKinds' => $listKinds, 'nextCounter' => count($choices)));
Example #6
  * Gets the data that is needed to display a list of criteria options for
  * user selection.
  * @return array
 public static function getDataForCreateCriteriaSelection()
     $data = array('thread' => array('nodes' => XenForo_Option_NodeChooser::getNodeOptions(0, false, 'Forum')));
     if (XenForo_Application::$versionId >= 1020000) {
         $addOns = XenForo_Application::get('addOns');
     } else {
         /* @var $addOnModel XenForo_Model_AddOn */
         $addOnModel = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_AddOn');
         $addOns = $addOnModel->getAllAddOns();
         foreach ($addOns as $addOnId => $addOn) {
             if (!$addOn['active']) {
     $isRmInstalled = isset($addOns['XenResource']);
     if ($isRmInstalled) {
         $data['resource'] = array('categories' => XenForo_Model::create('XenResource_Model_Category')->getAllCategories());
     $isXmgInstalled = isset($addOns['XenGallery']);
     if ($isXmgInstalled) {
         $data['xengallery_media'] = array('categories' => XenForo_Model::create('XenGallery_Model_Category')->getAllCategories());
     return $data;
Example #7
  * Outputs forum list formatted with depth and categories.
  * @param $selected
  * @return array
 protected function _helperPrepareForumsOption($selected)
     return XenForo_Option_NodeChooser::getNodeOptions($selected, sprintf('(%s)', new XenForo_Phrase('unspecified')), 'Forum');