Example #1
  * Registers a custom client control.
  * <p>Each control includes a JS file that defines the class that
  * will handle the control. Additionally, you can attach a server class and
  * a HTML code.</p>
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	$tagPrefix	The tag prefix for the control, required.
  * @param	mixed	$tagName	The tag name for the control, required.
  * @param	string	$jsFile		The relative path to the JS file that
  * 								defines the class that will handle the
  * 								control, required.
  * @param	string	$phpFile	The relative/absolute path to the PHP file
  * 								that defines the server class that is
  * 								associated with the control, optional.
  * @param	string	$url		The callback URL for the server class,
  * 								optional.
  * @param	string	$htmlFile	The relative/absolute path to the HTML file
  * 								that defines the code that is associated
  * 								with the control, optional.
  * @return	string	HTML code to register the custom control.
  * @static
 public static function register($tagPrefix = 'xoad', $tagName = null, $jsFile = null, $phpFile = null, $url = null, $htmlFile = null)
     if (empty($phpFile) && empty($jsFile)) {
         return null;
     if (XOAD_Utilities::getType($tagName) == 's_array') {
         $returnValue = '';
         foreach ($tagName as $name) {
             $returnValue .= XOAD_Controls::register($tagPrefix, $name, $jsFile, $phpFile, $url, $htmlFile);
         return $returnValue;
     if (XOAD_Utilities::getType($tagName) == 'a_array') {
         $returnValue = '';
         foreach ($tagName as $prefix => $name) {
             $returnValue .= XOAD_Controls::register($prefix, $name, $jsFile, $phpFile, $url, $htmlFile);
         return $returnValue;
     if (empty($tagPrefix) || empty($tagName)) {
         return null;
     $registerAttribute = $tagName == '@';
     $controlName = strtolower($tagPrefix) . ':' . strtolower($tagName);
     if (!$registerAttribute && in_array($controlName, $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_LIST'])) {
         return null;
     $phpControlName = $tagPrefix . '_Controls_' . $tagName;
     $jsControlName = $tagPrefix . '.controls.' . $tagName;
     $includeScript = '';
     $returnValue = '';
     if (!empty($phpFile)) {
         require_once XOAD_Controls::getFileName($phpFile);
         if (empty($url)) {
             $url = XOAD_Utilities::getRequestUrl();
         $phpObject = new $phpControlName();
         XOAD_Client::privateMethods($phpObject, array('getJSCode', 'getHtmlCode'));
         $returnValue .= XOAD_Client::register($phpControlName, $url) . ';';
     if (!empty($jsFile)) {
         if (!in_array($jsFile, $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_SCRIPT'])) {
             $includeScript .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . htmlspecialchars($jsFile) . '"></script>';
             $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_SCRIPT'][] = $jsFile;
     } else {
         if (isset($phpObject) && method_exists($phpObject, 'getJSCode')) {
             $returnValue .= $phpObject->getJSCode($jsControlName, $phpControlName);
     $controlHtml = null;
     if (!empty($htmlFile)) {
         $controlHtml = @join(null, @file(XOAD_Controls::getFileName($htmlFile)));
     } else {
         if (isset($phpObject) && method_exists($phpObject, 'getHtmlCode')) {
             $controlHtml = $phpObject->getHtmlCode($jsControlName, $phpControlName);
     if (!$registerAttribute) {
         $returnValue .= 'xoad.controls.list[' . sizeof($GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_LIST']) . '] = {';
         $returnValue .= 'tagName:' . XOAD_Client::register($controlName);
         if (!empty($jsFile)) {
             $returnValue .= ',clientClass:' . XOAD_Client::register($jsControlName);
         if (!empty($phpFile)) {
             $returnValue .= ',serverClass:' . XOAD_Client::register($phpControlName);
         if (!empty($controlHtml)) {
             $returnValue .= ',html:' . XOAD_Client::register($controlHtml);
         $returnValue .= '};';
     if (!empty($returnValue)) {
         $returnValue = '<script type="text/javascript">' . $returnValue . '</script>';
     $returnValue = $includeScript . $returnValue;
     $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_LIST'][] = $controlName;
     return $returnValue;
Example #2

require_once '../../xoad.php';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xoad="http://www.xoad.org/controls" xml:lang="en-US">
		<title>XOAD Controls</title>
echo XOAD_Utilities::header('../..') . "\n";
echo XOAD_Controls::register('xoad', array('Panel', 'PanelTitle', 'PanelContent', 'PanelFade'), 'xoad.controls.panel.js') . "\n";
	<body style="font: normal 0.7em tahoma, verdana, arial, serif; margin: 0; padding: 10px;">
		<xoad:Panel id="panel1" top="50px" left="10px" style="display: none">
			<xoad:PanelTitle>Hi There!</xoad:PanelTitle>
				Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
				Aliquam ipsum nunc, sodales a, posuere in, ullamcorper a, massa.
				Fusce nonummy lectus non tellus. Fusce nonummy elit at nulla.
				Phasellus tristique est nec felis. Curabitur lacus purus,
				vestibulum vel, imperdiet ut, placerat a, libero. In a tortor
				sit amet lorem mollis placerat. Proin sed lectus. Aliquam
				hendrerit mattis ipsum. Donec iaculis. Vivamus rhoncus.
				Phasellus metus velit, feugiat eget, feugiat eu, tincidunt sit
				amet, diam. Vivamus porta quam nec neque porttitor tempus. Fusce
				lacus. Pellentesque turpis diam, rhoncus ultricies, sagittis id,
				euismod sed, libero. Duis orci dolor, rutrum id, gravida vitae,
				viverra quis, neque. Cras commodo consequat diam. Nulla